Ep 2942b – Optics Are Important, Foreign Emoluments Clause In Focus, Operators Active
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The [DS] is now going down the path the patriots want them to go down. The optics are very important, all the information about election interference has not come from Trump it has come from other sources. The information of the [DS] working with big tech has come from other sources. This is being done so the [DS] cannot say Trump is making this all up. The next event is on its way, Trump already setup the [DS], they are now letting everyone know how important the Constitution is. What happens if the [DS] suspends the Constitution without congress during their [FF] event? Military is standing by, operators are now active.
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They BETTER start seeking PLEA deals. The first to SQUEEL gets the DEAL ! Trump DID “NOT” place biden in the White House. Pence did. Since then it’s been moves & counter moves. President Trump has a group of advisors who are brilliant & President Trump shines as bright as any of them.
Thank you.
Your broadcasts are a good reminder that things are happening. They are not, however, being disclosed to the public via the media which the population has come to rely on for information.
This is a slow and painful process trying to get to the heart of the matter.
Your voice helps.
For the last 2 years the coms have said,”don’t go out in the streets “, So now??? Can we go out and PROTEST??? Maybe someone like you should say so!!!
We’re still trusting the plan.
Once again tonight, you suggested I get off my ass and do something. You are wearing thin with me. I am combat veteran, Vietnam fighting communists, I am not vaxxed, I voted, and lost 3 votes in Maricopa county, and I am tired of your “I do believe” crap. No you don’t. You think. You have been saying patriots are in control for years. You predicted a red wave, and on and on. If the military is sitting on evidence, it is the same dishonorable illusory game that most humans have played for thousands of years. Each of us has responsibility for our own behavior, and I am tired of others attempting to make me responsible for the whole mess.
I have been listening to your commentaries since 2020. I have learned so much, and I really thank you. Very good reports.
I can’t listen to this any longer.
Dave… l would hope, that sometime real soon, you will remind america & the world… that you did not just one day “decide” willy-nilly, to invest minimally 7 long years of your own personal life, in pushing this (perfect) x22 anthology… WITHOUT an equally perfect, PLANNED CONCLUSION …fashioned by brilliant PATRIOTIC GENIUSES, whose sole objective has OBVIOUSLY been to reclaim our STOLEN COUNTRY & THE FREEDOM UPON WHICH THE FUTURE OF MANKIND NOW DEPENDS. (You…are not just some random lone podcaster, broadcasting in his basement – YOU OBVIOUSLY GET SUCH INTEL, FROM SOMEWHERE..!!!) ~~~ You, deserve RESPECT. YOU WILL HAVE SAVED HUMANITY, WHEN ALL IS SAID AND DONE. …THE PEOPLE HAVE OVERSLEPT! ITS TIME TO “AWAKEN” THEM ALL. >>>GOD’S SPEED.
We the people are not gonna get off their asses, because we are all afraid of what happened on Jan, 6th. There is no guarantee of our safety. I can’t believe they are pushing people into the streets now, when they have always pushed for us to remain peaceful. It will not happen. The only way people will wake up is when you shock them. When you finally stop playing games, and tell them all the truth. Come on Trump, you are smarter than this………
If the military is waiting for the masses, they will be waiting forever. Or they will wait so long that the masses decide to do it themselves. And once the Deep State has been slaughtered like dogs, the military who shirked their duty to the Constitution and the Patriots will be the next to die for hatching a plan that caused needless suffering.
Mar a Lago, stop making yourself look dumb, the name is Mar-a-Lago there is no R in Lago!!!
While I am a Patriot that is in the fight to bring our great Republic back..I am not seeing how we win this. It is long past time for our movement…”who has it all and is in control”…to present the full evidence so the people can see and take decisive action to overcome the deep infiltration of the globalists cabal. Our vote doesn’t count..fraud continues to abound…true Patriots remain in jail while the real criminals are free to rack up more gains. Time to take action and your answer is we must let it get alot worse so people are ready. What exactly are we supposed to do? We went peacefully to Jan 6 and got arrested…voted in 2022 as encouraged and lost to another obvious cheat in Arizona with no consequences. Do we protest again being subject to.more arrest? As it appears justice dept isn’t in the justice business, FBI is corrupt, courts are complicit. Praying for a miraculous return to Him whonis able.
Hey Dave, does this have a chance of moving forward? This case is on the SCOTUS docket for a 1/6/23 Conference vote on whether or not to take the case up. The court did ask for expedited information and asked for a few things to be added. Watch the video. https://richardsonpost.com/howellwoltz/29572/real-hope-on-the-horizon-lets-talk-about-it/#
OK. If young folks are old enough to drink legally in a bar, or join the army, or marry or own a firearm on their own recognizance, then they are old enough to vote. In that case, we expect them to function as full citizens. (And “we”, as a SOCIETY, would have to take responsibility for raising them accordingly.) If teens ARE NOT so enfranchised (and I use the word advisedly), then CLEARLY, society currently believes they are NOT ready to make such adult choices. In my view, you CANNOT be HALF a functioning Citizen, though that is CERTAINLY the intention in the current youth voting push. “Rights” (or “Lefts”) without “Responsibility” IS NEVER A GOOD ARRANGEMENT.
Hi. I have been getting your podcasts since 2020. Now I can’t get in through your X22 app. I assume it’s because my subscription has expired. I may have just renewed twice by mistake. Still can’t get your podcast. How do I get in touch with you?
Sorry Dave, you pissed my off, my husband and I lost our jobs in 2009, then our house. It took 10 yrs. to build back. Your saying everyone has to lose everything again then the military will step in. F you. If they’re waiting for that F the military to.