Ep 2943b – [DS] Is Building The Domestic Terrorist Narrative, They Are Walking Right Into The Trap
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The [DS] is going after Trump and the people that surround him. The [DS] is panicking, they need to stop him at all costs because if they don’t all of these people will be going to prison, they know this. Trump has been setting these people up for a long time and exposing their crimes, the people aren’t stupid they are seeing the truth, more is on its way. The [DS] is now building the Qanon, MAGA terrorist narrative, they are walking right into the trap the patriots have set for them.
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- ← Ep 2943a – [WEF] Plan Has Been Accelerated,They Are Not Ready,People Are Already Rejecting The [CBDC]
- What’s Missing in the Twitter Files: Gov’t Influence Over Social Media and Surveillance State →
It’s Rod Stewart 11year old son not daughter.
Not Rod Stewarts daughter it was his son. Endede up not a heart attach. It was.an anxiety attack he passed out.He is fine. Don’t repeat fake news. Your only 80% great. You make false reporting several times in the past. Be better please.
a new social network?
a couple months ago i took a train from north Idaho to Vancouver, I had heard that vax people would show up on bluetooth serial numbers, but you hear a lot of things so sitting on the train i turned on blue tooth and i got about 20 groups of alpha numerical numbers all the same except different numbers letters and there was a apple watch a hearing aid apple ear phones. i was supprised> On the return trip, i sat just above the entry, so setup the bluetooth again but this time i watched the number sets increased as people boarded but not everyone, about half, we picked up a number Mexican migrants none of them had numbers but whites especially had a high rate with the codes. but when they would come in and left a number of them the numbers left my wifi or were added to my wifi, for kicks go test it your self go into a small restaurant sit close to the door wand watch. now in my small church i pretty much know who is vaxed and who isnt, so tested there and it was close there were a couple i didnt know but the church is about 50/50. Have fun,
Oh, using an experimental drug on the U.S. military! Oh, like it’s never been done before.
NOT SAYING IT’S RIGHT – IT’S CRIMINAL! Awful. Reprehensible. Unconscionable. SHOULD NOT HAPPEN. But no good purpose is served (in my view) by implying this is a ‘one-off’. It’s FAR from that. In fact, at some calmer, future point, this HISTORY of needless grief, pain, suffering & death should be documented, collated, made publicly available to historians and taught in all Military academies to new officers, so they can OPPOSE & FORBID it.
UK PM ISN’T out there trying to stop ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS – OH NO – only “illegal” protests against the DESTRUCTION of the UK.
BTW – I don’t know what the JCPA is. Wouldn’t hurt to clue in a lot of us ordinary duffers. Thanks!
Hey Dave, where is Mar-A-Largo? I don’t think there is such a place, just a typical low IQ that adds letters to words, kind of a strange phenomenom, like Worshington, or Leavensworth, adding letters makes no sense at all, unless you cannot read??? How can I trust a guy who cannot pronounce Mar-A-Lago???
There is a law on the books, in all 50 states, that permits the Attournies General to stop the sh0ts, to seize the shots, to seize every govt official, p0litician, and health expert who coerced and pushed the sh0t, arrest them, and send them off to military tribunals.
This is what every single AG should be doing, ASAP, and why did they not do this long before millions have died, including a 400% increase in stillborn babies….many of which had heart attacks before born!? There has also been a 4O% rise in the de@th rate, since the C0v1d vä$$ine rolled out.
The name of the country is BURMA
not that other name that you just used.
Stop the P.C. stuff please,
You say the same things over and over. You’re a broken record.
Rinse, Lather, Repeat…
Poor Jack…I believe this is the part that ~ Q spoke about “drip…drip…pain”
Jack knows EVERYTHING contained in the Twitter database and being the demons they are…they KNOW that releasing it all at once…will DECIMATE societies mind and most people, ALREADY in a fragile and vulnerable state of mind desecrated by the cvd propaganda, will be unable.to recover from the NUCLEAR BOMB LIKE revelations.
In other words… “words have double meanings” has me rethinking:
“drip…drip…PAIN” works both ways.
Final chapters (of THIS TELENOVELA) forthcoming…
One point you are missing in this podcast… Dec 9 is the official launch date according to Biden’s Exec. Order to launch CBDC – CENTRA BANK DIGITAL CURRENCY. They will need to control all the people before they can do this.. They will need their lock downs, their control etc. so they can begin controlling your checking, savings, and movement around the country — what you do, what you buy, where you can go, and at what times you can…. WAKE UP … REFUSE CBDC UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES.