Ep 2970b – It’s Time To Unleash Trump’s Plan To Destroy The [DS], The Narrative Shift Trap
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The [DS] is now trapped in their narrative. Everything they tried to do to Trump is now coming back around at them. They projected their crimes onto Trump but it was all propaganda and now the truth and facts are going to show they were all in on these crimes. Every step of the way the [DS] is feeling pain and Trump is exposing their crimes. Biden is now trapped in the classified document narrative. Trump put out a video explaining how we need to destroy the [DS].
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- Ep 2971a – The Bankers Are Panicking, The Economy Is Headed For A Crisis, Trump Knew →
Great show Dave, you seem real excited today…😁
One thing that must be done though, is, to articulately define the term “lawful speech”. That term needs to be clearly and succinctly defined is simple terms.
No favoring special interests.
Watching ” The Donald” toying with the deep state minions is highly satisfying. I think it must be pure hell knowing that they are coming for you but not knowing when !!!! Watching your criminal cohorts snatched up, your peers resigning huge positions on short notice. Seeing once trusted comrades turn whistle blower!!! I can’t help but marvel at Trump’s Genius!!!
RE: 2970a. Dave, I hope you are reading this. YOU need to be the one to EXPOSE the SOURCE of WHY WE DON’T WANT TERM LIMITS! Just like the Federal Reserve, the House was FIXED AT 435 during the same time period, 1911/1929, as the FR, not a coincidence! PLEASE get just as EXCITED about the BIGGEST PROBLEM IN GOVERNMENT…..CONTROL OF THE PEOPLE WITHOUT AN AMENDMENT. See Art. 1, Sec. 2 about what the number of Representatives is supposed to be. See Art. 4, Sec. 4 about “shall guarantee a REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT”. How do you change the government to a Democracy? You FIX the House! We don’t need Term Limits, they’re NOT Constitutional. We need to return to the Constitution, correct the elections, replace the DS with ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES who are NOT in government as a career, the way the Founders envisioned. Representation will grow, NOT the DS, the People will be in charge just as the Founders wanted for OUR REPUBLIC. Please Educate the Public who are being led again by the Cabal and the SEIU down the wrong path.
Biden’s aides had plenty of time to destroy the evidence, just like the rest.. wonder if they are using bleach bit
I’m not understanding why these aids and arry working for Bidet even revealed he had these Confidential documents. This is fishy.
Is the fake Biden actor in the WH really a White Hat who had the stuff turned in to destroy the persona of the real Joe Biden who is already dead and gone to hell by the Military in GITMO for treason? And the White Hat actor is going to escape being punished as the real Joe was by feigning alzheimers?
Remember Q. How do you slip one in? And, Why does Nancy feign mental issues?
Remember, Mueller supposedly having Alzheimers? A good way to avoid prosecution?
Sorry,why would aides and the attorney working for Biden ever have revealed to anyone other than Biden anything about these documents?
Did White hats put the squeeze on them or are they white Hat moles?
The Judges blocking Kerri Lake don’t want to have grandkids dissappear. They will never rule in Lakes favor.
That’s why Q said the Military is the only way forward.
Remember that Delta sent 5 man team into Capitol and retrieved 15 laptops from Democrats including Nancy Pelosi’s. The military has all of them as evidence. Go back and look at the TV footage of Jan 6, Reporter stopped the team leader on the steps as he and the team were leaving. His statement on camera was ” We’re not who you think we are”. Targets were Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Waters, etc.
Don’t forget the horrendous blood clots that are being found by morticians
& standard autopsies. Like large strings of spaghetti.
BUT: The “death jabs” are safe, eh????