Ep 2978b – Nobody Playing The Game Gets A Free Pass, Shot Heard Around The World, Flood Is Coming
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The [DS] is now turning on Biden, it’s time to remove him, the fake news is on board and they are pushing the agenda. The [DS] is now moving towards a change of batter. Trump and the patriots know the playbook, the sting operation is in place and this is the drip of information, the flood is coming. Nobody playing the game gets a free pass, the shot heard around the world is coming. The Trump card is prepped and ready, the people will handle the rest.
- ← Ep 2978a – Trump Sends Warning, Playbook Known, Countermeasures Being Applied
- Ep 2979a – The [CB] Is Now Being Challenged, Yellen Intercepts, This Is Just The Beginning →
Trying to get clarity on the timeline you talked about for the declass release. You said the docs are not accessible until after 5 years after the end of the administration. Which administration? His last 4 years? Or 5 years after his next 4 to 10 years, depending on how it plays out? So it could be another 15 years before we get those docs and military steps in? Is that what you are saying? Thanks
It wouldn’t look good if Obama covered for Biden if his wife is made VP by Harris
Obama can’t come out he was hung at Gitmo along with his transgender wife Nancy Pelosi many more.
Why are you concentrating on paul pelosi’s queer agenda. He & nancy have been illegally profiting off insider trading for decades. Wake up !
So, let’s see. You must pay taxes on “Furnished Vehicles and Equipment”.
Secret Service, CIA, ATF, DOJ, DHS, Agents, are all issued “MATERIALS” that are kept and utilized during Off-Shift!
Does the Atty General, Agency Directors or Politicians pay taxes on the Limousine Service to go to Dinner? How about the Politicians that Live in their Office to keep the “Allowance Cash” instead of renting/buying a 2nd home in DC? Do they pay taxes on that?
So every FBI agent that drives their Cruiser after Work Hours must pay taxes on that Usage. Forget that they are on-call… if they don’t the call and go, they must be taxed. They are issued a Firearm. Once shift is over, that gun must be taxed. And So On.
Every Policeman that drives their Cruiser Home, to Lunch, not on Duty must be taxed. They are issued Firearm(s), they are issued Body Armor, they are issued Body Cameras. They are issued Uniforms. How many of these Cops have a cruiser in their driveway at night? Firearm on their nightstand? Vest and Camera hanging in the Closet? Spate Uniforms in the closet? They must be audited for taxes!
Aren’t Mailmen issued dress Uniforms?
County workers? Prisoners? Roofers? Ditch Diggers? Foundry Workers?
How many companies issue Clothing with Logos on the Shirt? Do employees undress at the “office” or “business”?
When are the lawsuits going to begin? It’s not just a Company Furnished Vehicle. The DOJ just messed up if the Patriots want to take it to the Limit!
You’re saying that Obama could have cleared up the problem with Biden possessing classified documents before he was President. BUT now that you have revealed that Biden had some of those as a Senator, this is no longer true! Obama wasn’t President at that time!
Dave – Why are you not back on Twitter with X22?
dave you’re a lying dirtbag. NO DEALS?
YOU said the deep state players are making deals not 2 months ago.
keep on grifting, this is entertainment for people, you’re not INFORMING anyone.
What do you mean no more lies.The replacement for Biden will be as big of a lier as Biden but probably more of a lier .
Having a license or a fee for a weapon for ANY reason is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and unlawful.The constitution has NO stipulation for having a weapon,The constitution says congress shall make NO law and the people have a RIGHT to keep and BEAR arms.There is NO clause that stipulates that there is a case for refusing you permission to have an arm.YOU DO NOT NEED THEIR PERMISSION TO OWN A WEAPON OF ANY KIND.
Has Upper Level [DS] been caught RC,BG….fighting back GS Rockefeller, FAA shutdown of CIVILIAN aircraft not Military? Some civ->Mil-Cargo?
And you can add CHOICE anywhere. In fact you must make a CHOICE at every stage. Making progress is a choice that most people just always overlook.