Ep 2979b – [DS]/FVEY Panicking, Protection Removed, This Is Just The Beginning, Fear The Storm
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The [DS] and FVEY are now panicking, they removed the PM of NZ and now more and more evidence is coming out about Biden’s business dealings, they need to separate themselves form him and that is exactly what they are doing. Protection has been removed. The pieces are now being put into place for the storm that his approaching, the [DS] fears the storm and it is approaching. This is just the beginning. The sleeping giant has woken up and there is nothing the [DS] can do to stop it.
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- Ep 2980a – The People Are Awake And Have Spoken, Great Reset Has Failed →
Are you not aware of the NZ prime minister replacement is worse than the deep stater that stepped down?
Excellent reports Dave! Thanks
Can Harris be arrested for her participation in the jussie smollet hate crime hoax?
If the docs in biden’s garage were in his possession back when he was a senator wouldn’t that make him ineligible for the 2020 presidential candidacy?
If he was ineligible for 2020, doesn’t that make harris ineligible?
TRUMP’S EO 13818
Hey Dave,
Please explore and comment on open borders as it relates to Biden’s recent signing of the ‘DNA’….the declaration of union between Canada, Mexico, and the US. The document is found on White House. gov and explicitly states the affirmation of free movement for ‘workers’. This also directly affirms UN plan for one world government with Can, Mex, US being dissolved into one region.
The word is Not inalienable, The Word is Unalienable: un/a/lien/able Rights Go to Blacks Law Dictionary
The Word Unalienable, Now Has Power!!
You need to STOP using the word PERSON because the government has a different definition for the word Person than we the people have. The government definition for person is “A person is a corporation CREATED by the government” NOT by YHVH (God) as the constitution says. Every law (legality) that was passed says the person shall do or not do some thing. It does NOT say a man or a woman shall do or not do some thing. The government ONLY has jurisdiction over what the government creates therefore the government has NO jurisdiction over the man or woman which is also in the real LAW not legality. The government turned ALL of us into a corporation at birth with the BIRTH CERTIFICATE that we do NOT need.There is NOTHING in the CONSTITUTION about having to register a child at BIRTH .
Look up any law (legality) that the government has passed and you WILL see what I am talking about.
You’ve been talking about a storm and other startling events for many many years and none of them ever happen. Your bullshit is astounding.
Deep State is cranking up it’s best weapon… Propaganda ….
Deep State is cranking up it’s best weapon… Propaganda ….
Everything and incident that you mentioned, the Deep State/DemonCrats, they are so busy spinning the truth … It’s a wonder that they can walk straight with that much spinning …
Do we still have the Office of Disinformation? The one that they claim they disbanded????
All the people who I told years ago about this, thought it was all conspiracy. They still do.
Are we in red 3 DAVE?
Does anyone else think that it is time to STOP telling us what is being done to destroy our country and tell our military to STOP this destruction?