Ep 2995b – Beware Of Shiny Objects, Controlled Op, Distraction, Durham Is Not The Only Game In Town

10 thoughts on “Ep 2995b – Beware Of Shiny Objects, Controlled Op, Distraction, Durham Is Not The Only Game In Town

  • February 12, 2023 at 8:59 pm

    Who is that person on the road behind DJT in tonites report?

  • February 12, 2023 at 9:25 pm

    Was researching citizenship in the U.S. It takes between 30 days and 31 months.

    An Illegal Entrant can enter the U.S. live here for a period to get acclimated and establish an address… Walk into a Port of Entry without an I.D., apply for asylum and get “registered”.

    Then the illegal can hire an “Immigration Expediter” (an attorney), go to a Federal Immigration Center, apply for citizenship, not speak a word of English because the Citizenship application is in 72 languages, and the Attorney can get your case (application) expedited in as little as 30 days depending on the attorney and the fee you can pay. Right Now… the typical wait time from entry to Citizenship is 13 Months!

    Yes… that is one reason Red States are turning Purple!

    The other is the False Narrative that Liberals are leaving Michigan, New Jersey, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, California to get away from the crazy policies… No they are given incentives to move to a Red State and set up shop. Teacher’s Boards. PTA’s. Local Politics in Local Communities. Car Pooling. Kids befriending Kids. Local Police dept. Local Sheriff dept. Local Fire Dept. Infiltrate, Infiltrate, Infiltrate to establish the Hell… I Mean Foothold and turn the Communities and States Purple and eventually Blue.

    These Relocators and far more successful than immigrants who can’t speak to each other.

  • February 12, 2023 at 9:33 pm

    For years we have been told that Clinton paid for the steel dosier. But over the last year or so, it has changed to it was the alpha bank hoax that she paid for instead. The steel dossier was part of the DNC plan under Clinton paid for by our tax dollars? So does that mean that the DNC is off the hook on the alpha bank hoax? When is all this going to change to something else?

  • February 12, 2023 at 11:18 pm

    Questions: What do you mean by, “the new SC”? When did it begin work? Who is on it? How is it different from the “old” SC? What happened to members no longer included? Where are these changes previously presented or discussed? I’ll go read up. I follow pretty much daily, but still lack this information. Thanks.

  • February 13, 2023 at 1:52 am

    Why are Trump (& the “Patriots”) ok with millions dying from or being dehabilitated from vaccines? Trump has pushed the vaccines while in office and again while out of office.

  • February 13, 2023 at 6:36 am

    There still shipping them

  • February 13, 2023 at 8:14 am

    Hi Dave, didn’t watch puppy bowl last night, yes It’s a real puppy bowl held during super bowl on different station. During puppy bowl, they were supposed to show a commercial where Fauci was abusing dogs in experiments. 00Sharon

  • February 13, 2023 at 10:37 am

    you’re connecting the superbowl playing teams….. to a trump conspiracy?

    dave, that is completely false. what you’re doing is evil. making these videos and saying the things you say is downright evil.

    i know these comments never get approved. don’t believe in the 1st amendment dave?


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