Ep 3024b – [D]s Trying To Regain Power, The Path Forward Is Being Set,Think Precedent, Do Not Fear
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The [DS] is panicking, all assets deployed to get Trump, they are now trying to create chaos and a civil war. They want the Trump supporters on the street so they can infiltrate the protest. Trump has been baiting them this entire time, he controlled the narrative and now he is pushing them to arrest him to set a precedent to be used later on, to arrest the former Presidents of the US. Do not fear the patriots are in control, Flags out.
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- ← Ep 3024a – Biden Just Destroyed The Economic System, Right On Schedule, Restructure Coming
- Ep 3025a – States & Countries Moving Away From CBDC, [CB] Will Be Trapped In Their Narrative →
Do you have X22 merchandise? Pin or Patches?
Why in the hell did Trump tell everyone to protest again after the Jan. 6th drama? I don’t understand his thinking.
Trump might in fact offer himself for arrest to make SURE it happens. Only then will the precedent be set…
Didn`t Franklin Pierce President (1853-1857) get hauled before the D C magistrate on a charge of reckless riding because he ran over a elderly woman while in office
Everybody, please check out my song about our President! Hero of the Common Man. Right on time as Dave talked tonight about Trump being the Hero coming to save America.
My USA flag & USMC flag fly every day.
I would also say for whenever the deep state does a live broadcast or even if not, to comment with a USA flag emoji at the end too, kind of like a signature so they know who we are!
Information is an essential PART of EVERY WAR. However, this isn’t just an information war, as American citizens have been (and continue to be) targeted in various ways, from inside multiple systems, in medical establishments, even in their own homes. By evil-doers with the use of tech/science/aircraft/etc., sabotaged medicine & medical procedures (this was ramped up during the ..demic because it provided easy targets and many more opportunities) with the use of injections, sabotaged medicine/protocols, coupled with directed energies/radiation, injected nano-particles of certain elements, CBR, sabotaged injections/medicine, etc.
Please read my last message (sent several weeks ago). As mentioned, I wasn’t v@xef but had magnets stick in most of my body after simple ER hospital procedure during the ..demic, as well as other problems with health after other medical procedures years prior to the …demic. Again, there is something much more sinister going on in this country (and elsewhere), I’m sure it’s not just South Jersey, and we’re not the only ones that have been targeted/harmed in medical establishments, and other places. This isn’t just low-level idiots commiting evil/criminal acts, but rather programs/networks (likely with the use of certain programs/etc.), including with the use of aircraft, which I have proof, even as recently as last evening (20MAR2023), with numerous reading of EMFs/radiation directed towards me, on my property, where such readings are normally zero. I’ve been feeling the bad affects on my body similar to previous attacks, starting last night, throughout the day, even at this moment my nerves in jaws are in pain, and teeth feel like they want to come out of my mouth, amongst other things. This has happened many times, and I know thr causations (which includes radiation). I’ve tracked, found & verified sources numerous times for a number of years now. Feel free to contact me, or pass along to anyone else that I may be able to discuss with and/or provide more details.
Information is an essential PART of EVERY WAR. However, this isn’t just an information war, as American citizens have been (and continue to be) targeted in various ways, from inside multiple systems, in medical establishments, even in their own homes. By evil-doers with the use of tech/science/aircraft/etc., sabotaged medicine & medical procedures (this was ramped up during the ..demic because it provided easy targets and many more opportunities) with the use of injections, sabotaged medicine/protocols, coupled with directed energies/radiation, injected nano-particles of certain elements, CBR, sabotaged injections/medicine, etc.
Please read my last message (sent several weeks ago). As mentioned, I wasn’t v@xef but had magnets stick in most of my body after simple ER hospital procedure during the ..demic, as well as other problems with health after other medical procedures years prior to the …demic. Again, there is something much more sinister going on in this country (and elsewhere), I’m sure it’s not just South Jersey, and we’re not the only ones that have been targeted/harmed in medical establishments, and other places. This isn’t just low-level idiots commiting evil/criminal acts, but rather programs/networks (likely with the use of certain programs/etc.), including with the use of aircraft, which I have proof, even as recently as last evening (19MAR2023), with numerous reading of EMFs/radiation directed towards me, on my property, where such readings are normally zero. I’ve been feeling the bad affects on my body similar to previous attacks, starting last night, throughout the day, even at this moment my nerves in jaws are in pain, and teeth feel like they want to come out of my mouth, amongst other things. This has happened many times, and I know thr causations (which includes radiation). I’ve tracked, found & verified sources numerous times for a number of years now. Feel free to contact me, or pass along to anyone else that I may be able to discuss with and/or provide more details.
Your ending was beautiful and spot on.
Thank You Dave
Nobody is above
…or beneath the Law
Not even j6 or trump.
(FLAG meme)
no one is above the law ..well what about the illegals coming across the border .. seems like they are above the law .. how about the shoplifters in California ,, are they above the law .. oh that`s right they made that legal to steal in California ,, that way stats show crime is down since stealing is now not against the law , I`m thinking about chartering hundreds of busses to California to go on shoplifting sprees .. they can steal up to 1300 dollars and no one will care .. that`s for each time they go out . they can ship stolen goods home and go right back out and steal another 1300 , over and over all day every day and multiply it by thousands of vacation goers . ready for a California shopping spree for free?
Hey Dave! Your boy LT with AWK is making videos and telling his followers that THE STORM kicks off today! after trump is arrested, they’re going to arrest Biden and many many others!
Why are you not reporting the same thing. LT claims he works with ALL other truthers. Strange that you guys aren’t all on the same page.
I guess LT decided to destroy his audience early.
Dave :
Mark my words ; this arrest of Trump is a front for an assassination. Are you considering this ? Remember Jamal Kashoggi ? Desperate times call for desperate measures. The Jews will slaughter Trump, they don’t care. There’s way too much money and power at stake to let Trump strip them all of all their hard work to get where they now are.
Get ready for the worst, Davey !!
Thank you for the truth!