Ep 3025b – Trump Will Become More Powerful Than The [DS] Could Ever Imagine,[DS] Trapped,Justice
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The [DS] only has a couple of moves left and the moves they are making are stupid. If they arrest Trump he will be come more powerful than the [DS] could ever imagine. They [DS] will push chaos at least they will try, but this will fail in the end. They will then move to a real war and this will not work because the people do not war they want peace. Each move the [DS] make will not work. Flags out.
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Still a day behind on Rumble, why?
dave, you really need to hire a writer. or get a better one. you’re ALL OVER THE PLACE with your story. nothing matches up over months. you’re on board with Q, yet you praise the 2024 election, etc.
has your grift gotten so big even you can’t remember what you’re gaslighting your audience with?
or are you in a panic because none of this is going how you’ve predicted? or made-up i should say.
also, your fellow truther pals are telling their audience, this is the storm, the storm is here. why aren’t you on the same page with the other grifters?
Thank you for having a website to go to! I always walk in the morning listening to X22, today rumble was not working and remembered to go to X22.com to get my update. I appreciate your analysis and will actually miss you when this is all over!