Ep 3050b – Fauci On Deck, Fear Sets In For [JB], The Patriots Are Dropping The Hammer
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The [DS] is scrambling now, the evidence that is pouring out is getting worse and worse. The patriots will push an impeachment, will the [DS] react and take him out using the 25th Amendment. The Fauci files were released and most likely this is just the start. The patriots are now dropping the hammer on the [DS], all movies playing at the same time, the people are waking up in droves, nothing can stop this, nothing.
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- ← Ep 3050a – [JB]/[CB] Makes A Move To Bring Down The Market To Shift Blame, Big Fail
- Bix Weir – Good Guys Have Been Preparing For The Destruction Of The [CB],Secrets Will Be Revealed →
Aloha Dave,
You do realize that lightfoot is mayor until May!?!
Aloha oi,
CA Senator Dianne Feinstein recalls her 19280 work; retiring like Judge McGee who GRANTED my 19280; Rep JIrwin, VP KHarris (Form AG, DA, Senator,) AVOIDS Ventura,NO HELP Hmmm …
CAL 19280+CPC K12, US, World MYSTERY
2004 enacted, thus CA LAW: CA Revenue & Taxation Code 19280 = CRIMINALS WORK vs prison, Victim PAID! LESS CRIME gangs PRISONS?
KNOWING CONVICTED CRIMINALS, and / or their parents, $$$ LIABLE to their victims, CFTB: WHY become a criminal in the first place? Why join a gang?
CLASS-ACTION LAWSUIT CA LAW, LEGAL LICENSE(s) REVOCATION: Gov ASchwartzeNIGGER SIGNED CAL19280, AG (Senator Kamala Harris (Former CA Attorney General,) CA Senator Dianne Feinstein recalls her 19280 work; retiring like Judge McGee who GRANTED my 19280; Rep JIrwin, VP KHarris (Form AG, DA, Senator,) AVOIDS Ventura,NO HELP Hmmm …
When do the tribunals begin Dave?
Why did McCarthy allow the committee evidence to be locked away for 30-50 years, he should have demanded to take over the committee and to keep all that documentation available for review. Wonder if ACT BLUE was using information from ERIC voter registration information to pull names to create donation information.
I don’t care for your new format.
None of the vaccines are good I got an autoimmune disease called celiacs from the flu vaccine and a brain lesion from a covid vaccinated person shedding on me at a salon
Ppl are waking up, in time for the reset, tribunals
And hopefully recovery, after January 2025.
Funny you mention the lack of Jan.6 videos. Tucker Carlson was given over 41,000 hours of videos and only aired about 20 minutes of them. Dan Borgino is leaving Fox because of the shenanigans. Why isn’t Carlson airing more videos? Either Fox stifled him or he’s part of the problem.
Why do I continually feel that Trump’s entry will be far too late to save anything or anybody? Here in Washington, our commie governor is hitting our 2A with all he has, whatever that may be. By then,
it will be too late for the good people as we follow England, Australia, etc. if he doesn’t get in the
movie very soon. The next three months will reveal the speed with which the ‘card’ gets pulled out!
God help us now! Mike Adams just hit the topic, now it is your turn! Thanks Dave!
One thing you seemed to miss with the whole transgender agenda. If women are being replaced by men pretending to be women, and women are slowly being removed from public positions, one might wonder what the ultimate objective is. What if the idea is to eliminate women for the purpose of eliminating childbirth? Seems like a great way to reduce the world population, don’t you think? This would explain why drag show story hour is so strongly enforced, and why male gay relationships are so strongly “worshipped”.
My take on this aspect of the depop agenda:
“We’re going to get rid of women altogether so you better get used to being with men. If you need love and relationship, you’re going to have to get it from men. We are going to stop childbirth altogether so that we can manufacture humans in our high-tech labs.”
It’s really chilling when you ghink about it…
@16:45 Buzz Feed shutting down …. Hmmm are they doing that so that they can not be sued???
@18:11 … On Fox News …. Do you remember Trump saying “Murdock do the right thing,,,”?
Did Murdock and Trump agree to the payment so that there was a precedent set giving Trump a clear road to sue the various fake news outlets?????
@27:00 The EU voting to give up sovereignty … Debate in Britain against the treaty
how do we STOP Brandon from signing that treaty????
Please lower that beginning it breaks a person’s ears what’s left of my hearing.Thank very much.
Where’s DR. ELAINE FARKAS who brought RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA to the world on CNN revealing the dossier to the world???
She needs to in prison .
When are you going to speak up for the dead they killed with Corona virus
Weaponized to kill the Republicans,Christians, unvaccinated who the gov deep state used the social media to spread scare fake information so people wouldn’t take the vaccine and died because of it and how they and Biden held back the drugs that were already made to save 85 to 90 percent of the unvaxxed. These people are murderers it was a genocide. Crimes agsinst humanity who are OUR FAMILY MEMBERS! W e need to sue them to survive now.
I have followed your posts for multiple years, and I don’t remember ever “thanking” you, for your time and effort in gathering all the information you have provided all of us. THANK YOU. That being said, I want to know if you ever get totally overwhelmed by the amount of evil that’s prevalent in the USA/World?