Ep 3074a – Did Trump Just Send A Message? It’s Time To End The [CB], Gold Destroys The Fed
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The [WEF] plan is failing, they are now resorting to threats, they have lost control of the green new deal. [JB] has lost the narrative on the debt ceiling, no matter what he will be blamed. Trump sent a message about gold. Gold will destroy the Fed.
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I wish you would interview Bo Polny. He lays out what is happening through a biblical timeline.
I wish you would interview Bo Polny. He explains what is going on through a biblical timeline.
I wish you would interview Bo Polny. He lays out what is happening through a biblical timeline. He is amazingly accurate.
INCOME TAX is ILLEGAL according to the CONSTITUTION. Originally the ONLY tax that was applied was a IMPORT tax but the government was MUCH smaller. IMPORT tax could still be sufficient if we make the government MUCH smaller and get RID of ALL these ILLEGAL licenses , taxes and departments like CIA, FBI, FDA, CDC, FEDERAL RESERVE, HSC, and ALL other departments which are ALL unconstitutional.