Ep 3095b – [DS] Building Cyber Attack Narrative,Can You Serve From Jail?,Playbook Known,We Must Fight
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The [DS] is now building the narrative of a cyber attack shutting down communications. The [DS] is now moving to place Trump under arrest during the election, playbook known. Trump sends a message that the people need to fight. The [DS] is panicking they are not in control the patriots are leading them down the path of destruction.
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- ← Ep 3095a – The Economy Is Crashing, How Do You Cover It Up, Cyber Attack
- Devin Nunes – Plumbers Have Infiltrated The Country, Investigators Need To Be Investigating →
Last night ad tonight, after I logged in, when I went to view Part B’s I got a screen that says “PAGE NOT FOUND.” What is going on? I’m paying for a subscription so I can go commercial-less but I’ve had to watch this on Rumble w/commercials to even view!
Under the Espionage Act, shouldn’t the Military have jurisdiction?
Under COG, can the Military actually take command of Civilian Forces? If so, would the penalty for violating the secrecy of that be punishable as Treadon?
Treason, of course was meant.
What are the odds that the FBI planted those documents when they searched Mar Lago. I always thought it odd that they would not allow President Trump’s lawyer to be present
& demanded that they turn off the security cameras ( which was not done). I firmly believe that Donald Trump is laughing at them. He doesn’t seem at all worried!
I see this is now being pushed out to 2024. How much further will it need to be pushed out once the 2024 election point is reached? Another year, two years, because the white hats found out stuff that prevented them moving forward?
This thing will be endless as we’re coddled into sleepwalking further down the NWO road.
Can’t see alternatives folks….
Hi Dave,
You mentioned TRUMP, spoke of Hillary’s destroyed emails. Would you care to comment, on his mention of Weiner’s laptop? You know, the laptop with many of her emails (not destroyed), and supposedly, now in the hands of FBI, (after they finally, decided, to pick it up, from the NY district office), after telling them it was there.🤔 I believe the emails were still very much present on that laptop🥳 does TRUMP have information from it?😳🤷🏻♀️🥳
sounds like your grift is till falling apart Dave.
you have too many goofballs in the game now. AWK is telling people the STORM IS HERE and derek johnson is spreading misinformation about military tribunals and maritime law.
strange that all you truthers aren’t on the same page. you should really hire a writer. i’ve been reading lots of comments on AWK’s rumble channel, people think YOU, dave at x22, “cook the books” and “isn’t very trustworthy”
i think it’s hilarious. time is ticking on your grift. can’t wait until all the conservatives all get on the same page and leave this Q larp behind.
lots of your grift sounds like derek johnson crap. 99% of it is easily debunked by the Constitution. Article 3 Section 2 debunks all the military tribunal lies. as does all the other articles. you give me your “evidence” or “receipts” and it can be proven false by the Constitution.
what a joke, you’re a joke and it’s going to be hot in hell buddy. i don’t think the man upstairs is gonna think it’s cool to gaslight his people IN HIS NAME mind you.
Just heard you talk about “the next year is going to be wild and/or rough”
i thought you said Trump was going to come in on a white horse with the military and take out the deep state and he would be president?
the ol’ steel trap gettin rusty Dave? i’m blown away that people don’t see right through this Q grift bologna.
See, 1 hour in. the military cannot, well they can probably charge citizens with “something” but they’re not going to be in a tribunal.
if you are telling people AMERICAN CITIZENS are going to be in MILITARY TRIBUNALS then YOU. ARE. A. LIAR.
Article 3 Section 2 of the Constitution says otherwise.
IF that actually does happen, then this is a coup and Trump is the bad guy and NOT a law abiding president. we would be the party of criminals.
there are no patriots in control. the military is not in control. there are no white hats. there are no good guys coming to save you from bad guys in government
So the “good guys” are willing to flood the country with 10’s of millions of illegals and criminals to “show the people”? Right. Maybe all those future voters and cheap labor was the goal to begin with? Think