Ep 3124a – The Economic Truth Continues To Be Released, Bank Account Shutdowns Are Accelerating
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The [CB]/[WEF] are trying to convince the people that the heat they are experiencing has something do with climate change, the people are not going along with it. The Fed raises rates again and now we are at the point where the economy will start to tip over. The banking system is now shutting accounts that go against their narrative. The people see the truth.
- ← Ep 3123b – No War,No Civil War,Scare Event,[DS] Lost This Important Power,Not Corrupt & Serves POTUS
- Ep 3124b – How Do You Legally Inject Evidence, Trial Of The Century, Trump Card Coming, The Lion →
Just curious dave… why do you always include comments only from twitter?
Dave, something I want to mention re BHO and MO, sometime back it was mentioned (at the time when Harvey Weinstein was in the news, or shortly before the notorious reports about him) that BHO/MO had placed their older daughter in the apprenticeship of Harvey Weinstein. I found this very startling and have never heard any more about it. Have you? JW