Ep 3129b – The [DS] Is Being Tried By The Most Powerful Court In The Country,There Must Be A Reckoning
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The [DS] is being tried by the power court in the country, we the people. The people are seeing the evidence being brought against the criminals and in the end the people will rule on the infiltration. In the end there must be a reckoning and these people must be brought to justice. The only way is the military, the military needs to protect the voice of the people and allow them to vote in a secure, transparent way, this will counter the [DS] and foreign interference.
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- ← Ep 3129a – Fake News Attacks Biden Economy, Shield The Fed, The People Know The Truth
- Ep 3130a – US Downgraded For The Second Time Under Obama/Biden,Tells You Everything You Need To Know →
I have no sound on your video! Not on the x22 site or Rumble site.
My vote is head of FBI, head of DOJ plus Biden are all guilty of treason so lets cut their heads off as leaders NOW because the longer we wait the closer we are to a nuclear war. We cannot wait for a 2024 election if there even is an election and then what happens America is done. But we sit and wait for a blackout, cutting the internet off, they can do anything and then it is in too late. Cites will burn, people will die long before November 20242 ever gets here, lets clean house now.
Dave, magnnificient job! When are you going to address the Chineese men of military age coming over the border? If Trump is still President how in Gods name could he allow this? Also, CC police rounding up any American who reports confronts and the CC kidnaps or kills the American!! Also, Hodpitsl patients being dumped ! Thank you!
Dave, I don’t know if you realize but part of Ep 3129b is missing. The recording goes silent after you mention Dan Bongino. It would be nice if you could re-post it with the recording complete. Please let us know if you do.
FedCommLien! DeepState must prove President Trump crime!
CAvictimDamagesSuffer CAL19280 https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/revenue-and-taxation-code/rtc-sect-19280.html
04 19280=CRIMINAlWORKvPrison VictimCFTbPAID
CPC1202.040 0RIGHT’tilPaidInFull! Parole Departure
There won’t be a reckoning before January 2025. If President Trump is not on ballot, I will have to vote for RFK,Jr.
I’m tired of the hysteria saying that Canadians have been disarmed. Anybody who had guns before
the current stipulation by Trudeau still has them. His attempt to take away hunting rifles has been
stayed by the Opposition party for now, if I’m correct. We’re not sitting ducks…..yet.
When all this is completed, and the deep state has been destroyed, will our National Debt be erased ? Since it’s the deep state’s fault we have a national debt.
I’ve been listening since the Q drops. Please stop yelling. It’s getting more difficult to listen. I understand the frustration but please calm down.
Dave…bringing back Derek Johnson last week in the X22 Special Report, and now following his information more closely, has made your reports fantastic! Keep up the good work. Someday (as DJ stated with you), fake resident Biden will have to take his mask off and reveal himself to the world!!!
I listened to the podcast. I still get no sound on the videos on x22 site or any videos on rumble. BUT..I can watch and listen to videos on YouTube. I don’t know what’s going on ,thought it was my tablet but it’s not. Just thought you should know.
It’s X , not Twitter anymore.
What about those that died from covid and their wives, husbands, children? We KNOW our own governent feds killed ,murdered , genocided their own citizen’s for political gain, control, money and power. When do they get justice and get the financial dispersements of money for the crimes used as collateral damage agains’t our families. We KNOW what they did to our beloved ones. They are in their graves completely innocent by a tyrannical government. Hillary Clinton and Bill should not be untouchable .They caused great harm to our citizen’s and our nation and the world through they’re lies, hoaxes. They should be held responsible. The military should step in and arrest them Obama’s, Bush’s ,Congress asap.
Moderation by whom? They’re should NEVER be moderation to free speech in America. We have the God given eight to free speech. What your doing moderating is illegal.
@30:00 Smoking gun … Joe Bragging that he EXTORTED pres of UKRAINE … Get rid of the prosecutor looking into Barisma or you won’t get the million/billions of $$$ from USA — why was he so concerned about that investigation into that particular company ???? There are lots of other companies in that country – –
@59:16 – – Criminal Cabal has been using the WWII play book for the past couple of years … It did not work back then and is still failing but they are running out of ideas … In the mean time it is causing a shit load of problems and maybe that is their intention? Distraction? Is there anything in the book that we can turn on them??? Perhaps to start an offensive move???
Can we get that Ukrainian Prosecutor to be a witness here in the USA????? Would love to know what they knew!!!
Bud Light:
Tell me you are voting without voting