Ep 3132b – Clowns Lost Control, Trial Of The Century, Wartime Powers Implemented, EO 13848
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The [DS] has lost control and they are no longer in charge. Trump is now showing the people what election interference looks like. He is a war time president and he is in control. Biden/[DS] continually renews EO 13848, the question is why would they do this if they are in control, they wouldn’t. The [DS] is panicking and they are now testing a cyber attack on the hospital infrastructure. Trump has the [DS] exactly where he wants them.
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- ← Ep 3132a – Biden Economic Stats Manipulated, Silver Prices Moving Up, Economic Truths
- Ep 3133a – The Economic Trap Has Been Set, The People Are About To See The Economic Truth →
Lately, your reports get about 3/4 of the way through and they stop and do not play. I have restarted
the computer in the past, but the video still stopped playing in the same spot. Maybe your site is
under a cyber “attack.” At this point, if they stop playing, I don’t try to get them to play again. I just
listen until the video stops playing.
Over 15 months till next election, I pray for America’s patience. Nothing until January 2025
TRUMP: Exonerate, re-instate, re-elect. It’s simple.
President Trump filed Federal Commercial Lien places guilt-burden on Deep State Transfer all cases to CA; Upon wins, request CAL19280
Problem GONE!
Riches beyond your WILDEST dreams?Famous? / INFAMOUS!
Joe Biden, et al iceberg tip:
CA victim, damages / suffering, … CAL 19280!
2004 19280 = CRIMINALS WORK vs prison, Victim PAID! Criminal CFTB BILLED!
1995 CA Law Extreme juvenile criminals adult tried
CPC 1203(e) 10% annual compounded interest, per payment,
CPC 1202.040 0 RIGHTs until Paid-In-Full! 0 Parole Departure, …
CRIMINAL CONVICT, juvenile parents $ENSLAVED to victims, CFTB: Crime, gangs cool? K12?
CA gov A SchwartzeNeGGER 19280 law sign; CA AG Kamala Harris?; CA Sen D Feinstein 19280 work?
Rep JIrwin, VP KHarris (Form AG, DA, Senator,) AVOIDS Ventura, NO HELP Hmmm …
Ventura DA Insptr Chris Morkavic 3x THREAT, 4x Insptr 0 HELP,
Police THUGS: Port Hueneme Piggers (3 Jan, 16 Aug 2016 Attempted MURDER, Ag Mayhem, Helmet Cam FELONY TAMPERING, Accident report PERJURY;
Ventura Sheriff Attempted MURDER;
Ventura Court DA Investigation FAILURE;
CA State Auditor WhistleBlower Act 8547 FELONY HARRASSEMENT et al, CAL 19280 MYSTERY
CA Judicial Corruption – 19280 (FB)
Dave, again I say many thanks for another fantastic report. What would we do without you? You fill in all the blanks, answer all the questions and plot the course for us. And you do it so lively and elegantly.
Thank you, “our” friend. God bless! and We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!
Also langsam wird langweilig, drei Kanäle Barron Trump dreimal Withheads und überall der selbe Inhalt. Was soll das? Braucht kein Mensch. Wann verschwindet endlich die Hackfresse Biden und Hunter von der Bildfläche. Das ist doch nicht mehr zu ertragen das man solchen Dreckspack soviel Aufmerksamkeit schenkt. Wann ist das Amtenthebungsverfahren endlich durch? Warum schreibt man in Restaurierte Republik Trump ist ab dem 1. August im Amt. In den Kanälen schreibt man Trump kommt im November 2024. Andere sagen es gibt überhaupt keine Wahlen 2024. Was läuft jetzt gerade und was ist jetzt die Wahrheit. Wann kommt endlich das Militär offiziell EBS und verhaftet endlich mal die Regierungen. Was ist das für ein Durcheinander an Informationen.
Do you watch/listen to Real RawNews or the Military news on telegram. They said Axelrod supplied Obama constantly with 13 year old white boys. Obama would pick the ones he wanted. You never saw the others or the ones he abused again. The said Axelrod was dumped out of a high flying plane and that it would feel like cement when he hit the water. Also giving news of military trials/hangings. Obama’s are in Gitmo. Those you see are doubles ot clones. Heard about hangings on Real Raw news. Next day repeated on military news report. Also told of four marines who went to CA to arrest big movie producer who was leader of traffickers. CIA caught them tortured them and killed them.
“I do believe Dave” is so full of shiit, he’s been playing us for 8 yrs now, none of his claims have come true, I do believe he’s a psyop for the d.s. establishment
Another great X22 episode Dave…thank for your efforts. One comment: When I hear that Adam Schiff wants transparency for President Trump’s upcoming trial-like having TV coverage…I read into Schiff’s comment as a direct attack on Trump in the form of an assassination of Trump so there is no trial of the century. Schiff doesn’t want transparency…like he wants people to find out how corrupt our 2020 election was when Trump and his team presents the evidence. These people are very evil and they hate Trump for what he is doing and I would be very concern for Trump’s safety leading into any trial of the century…just saying.
That’s a hell of a jump, bro.
Q drop 13 and then you say “the answers to that are that potus will be in china” when antifa strikes on Nov 4. Where are we supposed to find that ” answer” in print?
If the trail is televised, i can’t believe that the corporate networks will show it as is. They will play many tricks, like, talking over the evidence or breaking to commercials or editing parts or sound problems and on and on.
he does not have to fantisize….he HAS HAS sex with other gay men!!!!!
If the trial of President DJT is not shown live, no one will believe reports from those few allowed to witness (especially MSM rep’s), and no one will trust possibly “creatively” edited video.
A live showing is owed to the nation.
You thank us for listening, Dave. Really now, THANK YOU!
Do you not think, that if Michael or Michelle were to run, it would not bring too much discovery about him, her?
“Election machines can be hacked”
Launch the Cyber Attack!!!!
Fed Reserve “We want you to put ALL you money on line with Central Digital Currency”
Talk about clueless group of people … LOL LOL
Everything is about to change…
I don’t think we have voted since the establishment of (silly con) Silicon Valley.