Ep 3193b – Fire & Fury, Non Nuclear, Sum Of All Fears, At Dawn We Win
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It has begun. The [DS] is now bringing us to war. They are headed right down the path that Trump has predicted. People are going to be brought to the precipice, war will wake the mass population up. It had to be this way so the people had to the will to make a change. Non nuke, Trump has the [DS] exactly where he wants them, in the end when the people vote for peace, vote for Trump we the people win at dawn.
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- ← Ep 3193a – Biden Lied About Refilling The SPR, China Moves Away From The Fed Note
- Ep 3194a – Trump Proved It, The Pattern Is Clear, World Economy Is About To Change →
Hope-ium is lovely ..,,
Just send all your money to Israel
Dave go to (realrawnews.com) and scroll down till you come to the post about Janet yellen military tribunal and military execution. Stop lying to your listeners and patriote.
Why can’t I get this episode on my private server today?
Dave, thanks for what you do..As we have very little in “truth” telling (news)….CNN has went into the dumpster,Fox has abandoned the public ..by “padding” their wallets with deep state financing..Tucker got out..But Jesse hanging on by a purse string, Brian Kilmeade a TOTAL “sellout”..good news is..I left Fox News the day after the 2020 election .I utilize your info, “And We Know” ,War room with Owen Schroyer ( who is about to go to prison for his speech), Alex Jones, and BardsFM as my “go to” sources for information on current events ..No to MSM garbage…propaganda, b.s.Again thank you! Keep us informed and “stay safe”..!
I just got my stuff from your store. Problem is I got two of the same shirts and they are both 2x and they were ordered 3x. Hopefully we can make it right
The Chinese balloon was really an American balloon? Really. And who told you that? Do share.
And ever since Flynn shot your legs out, by telling you Trump isn’t controlling the military, we’ve noticed you don’t mention Trump is controlling the military anymore. Hmmm, THAT’S interesting.
Why theyre doing it Is for complete dictatorship control over the entire world. It will NOT STOP until they’re rounded up around the world and lined up and removed forever from the Earth for treason foreign or domestic. I believe Obama bought 60,000 guillotines with taxpayers money to eventually behead all who won’t comply to their mark of the beast that they will implement and force upon us all and starve the rest by NOT letting them buy food without that mark. Demons rulers in human form.
How would trump ever get a fair trial with so many people against him. Corruption runs deep. God will fix it all. Waiting patiently for justice.