Ep 3207b – Biden’s Subpoenaed, Tick Tock, 2024 October Surprise Prepped & Warmed, Known & Ready
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The [DS] is now backed into a corner, the investigation is continuing against Biden, they will need to make a move against Biden. Everything we are witnessing is based on the 2024 election. The people need to be awake and they must vote using the truth. The [DS] knows they won’t be able to cheat this time around, they are planning an October surprise, the patriots already know about this, countermeasures are in place. The vote will be protected.
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- ← Ep 3207a – The [CB] Agenda Is Completely Falling Apart, [WEF] Event Planned
- Ep 3208a – Dutch PM Sounds Alarm, [CB] Following Their Playbook, Playbook Known →
The left has made it illegal for store owners to stop people from stealing merchandise from the store. $1,800 fine if they attempt to stop somebody but they can have outside security or the police I guess.
Remember back in the wild wild West you’d hang for stealing cattle or a horse which was basically transportation for them and food livestock.
The left has made it illegal for store owners to stop people from stealing merchandise from the store. $1,800 fine if they attempt to stop somebody but they can have outside security or the police I guess. ( California )
Remember back in the wild wild West you’d hang for stealing cattle or a horse which was basically transportation for them and food livestock. I see only one way
My man Trump, My man Trump cann loosen
2024,. MAGA. WWG1-WGA
W e want D J Trump on all ballots
Strange things in favor Patriots
Wasp- sting. Scorpion-STING
Let’s be careful, and very aware of small gathering groups of young men.
The judge and wife comment is a set up to use against Justice Thomas and his wife’s J6 comments
its a gad dam shame that you are supporting the despicable behaviors of Israel. this issue is about stolen land and occupation, taking away the rights and freedom of a people, and denying them the right to have a state of their own–Israel has no right there–they are not God’s chosen people, and the world already know it
there is only one chosen people here on this planet and its the black race and the world already knows it–The Rothschilds and the British were the ones who got the so-called Jews this land, and so far, the more Palestinians they kill, is the more land they steal–the Earth Allaicen will deal with them because they are goignt o be sent back tot he 1967 borders–in case you don’t know, the real military controlled by Trump does not support these Zionist who controls America and its politicians–you need to educate yourself about this issue–
-its all thanks to Israel’s occupation, this is what has brought about the rise of Hamas–you expect them to sit by while they are being terrorized and suffocated by the Zionist criminals and do nothing about it? i guess you have no idea what is meant when the military says Israel will be last–it means they will be the last to be taken down by the Rothschilds who control them–the military is now on the ground working with the Earth alliance in Palestine
Dave, overall I agree with you and am supportive of what you say and do. I am also in partial agreement with what you said about Issue 1 really being about continuing to use the cells from aborted babies’ bodies.
However, I have to disagree about one aspect. It really is necessary in some cases to stop a pregnancy to safeguard the heakth of the mother. In fact, I still remember about a good fruend of my mother dying from internal bleeding from child birth……..
I think you eill agree that at keast a lot of the issue is tge killing of viable feuses no matter how late in pregnancy. Well, how about this?: Any law requiring the right to do this must ALSO include a clause requiring EVERY POSSIBLE EFFORT TO BE MADE TO KEEP THE FETUS ALIVE OUTSIDE OF THE MOTHER’S BODY AND FROM THEN ON TREAT IT AS A BORN CHILD!!
This way, legitimate health needs of motgers will not go unaddressed, but this will NO LONGER BE AN EASY TARGET FOR MAKING EXCUSES TO KILL VIABLE FETUSES!
Hi Dave, love all your reports and look forward to every one!!! This report 3207B is a great one! How anyone hearing/watching your reports could NOT possibly be proud to be be an American or live OUR COUNTRY, should not be here!!! Thank you for all you do!!!!
Martin Armstrong was on with Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog, this weekend and pointed out that activity in Mil-ind complex stocks was up noticeably just before the Oct. 7 false flag. With the info you covered re: hard-core, deep-state media imbeds among Hamas, this would point to this whole thing being a very coordinated operation that was known in advance by various players aside from intel resources. Seems like the goal is to create intense worldwide polarization and get the US involved to take it to nuke level for world depop and globo-consolidation.
I want to believe in the “Q” concept that everything is planned out for world awakening but there can be “many a slip twixt the cup and the lip”, so I don’t count the chickens that have not yet come home to roost.
Zerobama coming out somewhat more favorable to Is. is not surprising if support for Is. is not going well enough. He literally groveled at the tomb of Theo Hertzl when he first went to Is. in a video long-since deleted, and pretended to be Is.’ enemy. But as he left office he set up $40 bil to go to Is. Wish I had an “enemy” like that.
Major war would derail all serious investigation of deep state actors, so surely Zero would want it to happen. Thus, let’s get behind Is. and make this war happen.
I live in PA would someone investigate our election machines. The vote is always being manipulated.