Ep 3278b – Red Flags Going Off , [FF] Alert, Panic In DC, U1 Comes Into Focus, Fifth Column

2 thoughts on “Ep 3278b – Red Flags Going Off , [FF] Alert, Panic In DC, U1 Comes Into Focus, Fifth Column

  • February 8, 2024 at 9:13 pm

    Been a long time listener but I’m not happy. Too many times when your show is going on important
    Words are beeped out. It happened on recent spotlight and most recent report. I use duck etc to access. I am a truth seeker
    If you are doing it for a reason that is one thing but some one appears to have a finger on the bleep button. I get in on x22report.com. I’m not the sharpest tech person is there a better way? You talk a alot of stuff and I wonder if the walls have ears. Just concerned.

  • February 9, 2024 at 9:56 am

    Interest how I lose your program right in the middle of play …

    Google has locked me out of my General email box, which is attached to all my SS media.

    The blocking of information begin with me over the summer. I have had to open new accounts with a new email address.bi believe they are using the first letter and the 9th letter to accomplish this task.


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