Ep 3288b – [DS] Building War Narrative Against Russia,Satellites Destroyed,Trump’s Revenge, Success
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The [DS] plan to make sure that Trump does not become the GOP nominee is failing. Soon the [DS] will move to their next phase, conviction, when this fails, they will have a change of batter and try to use Trump’s age against him. When this fails, they will push war. The war narrative has begun, they already pushing the narrative that Russia will destroy satellites that will shutdown communications. Counter measures in place. Trump’s revenge will be his success.
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Dave, 47% strongly agreeing that we need to fix our country is, at this point, a failure of Devolution.
We the People have seen COVID (bioweapon), mRNA Vaccines (bioweapon), inflation, massive debt, funding the Russia/Ukraine war, threat of WWII, threat of nuclear war, border invasion, other plandemics, etc. and we only have LESS THAN half that are “strongly” awake. Give me a break. This isn’t news, it’s desperate propaganda. I am an avid Trump supporter and contributor to DJT, Info Wars, etc. I have followed Devolution for years (via Dr Merrit, veteran Derek Johnson, etc.) I know that Trump signed executive orders in Oct 2017 (directing the DoTreasury to seize assets of those involved in trafficking or corruption); and his EO on Dec 7, 2020 declaring, basically that we are at war from enemies both foreign and domestic and for the military to do their Constitutional/etc duty and to establish a “framework” to protect the nation. Devolution appears to have greatly underestimated ONE THING which I wrote about to whitehouse.gov years ago. The majority of people in America are on legal prescriptions drugs for “mental health.” Drugs like Prozac (SSRI class) and the SNRI class are documented to cause people “to have an UNUSUAL reliance on figures of authority.” Words of clinical psychologist Dr. Ann Blake Tracy who observed this in her clinical psychology practice. THAT is how noticeable it was. That was in the early 1990’s – 3 decades ago. In 2000, 11 years after Prozac was released, a study of Medco’s pharmaceutical insurance claim data concluded that 30% of adult women and 15% of adult men were on “a drug for mental health.” The NEXT year was 911 and Mideast Wars. Imagine what those %’s are today after 911, COVID19 illness/deaths, mRNA vaccine damage and deaths, Biden mess of the USA, inflation, border crisis, Russia/Ukraine, WWIII and nuclear threat, etc.
The scare necessary event will have to be SO MASSIVELY scary so that people on these drugs literally have either a nervous breakdown or other psychological episode OR kill themselves. They won’t have an AHA moment otherwise, because “their figures of authority” will assuage their concerns and tell them what to think. Anyone offering a “life preserver” in a storm of psychological turmoil, will be seen as a blessing – a savior to them. Someone that tells them the “truth” THAT assuages their feelings of fear will be a superhero.
In my purview for 7 years, NO ONE talks about the geopolitical. NO ONE. I know retired military people that are angry at Trump for his errors. I told them about Devolution, and to my face I was told “I don’t believe you.” They have been stuck in cognitive dissonance and general denial for years now. “They can’t handle the truth.”
Please do some research about who you may think they are good VP choices…. Dig just a bit on Gen Flynn…it’s in clear sight. It looks good, but it’s not! Trump knows. LOYALTY is EVERYTHING to him. Vivek ??? Black rock
Scott, ran against him. Correct me if I am wrong, please.
You should correct your blatant disinformation in episode 3288 b.. it takes away your credibility and makes you look bad.. president Trump in his Ingram Town Hall did make it quite clear that the pick of his VP was very important as that person would have to have the ability to serve as an effective president if something were to happen to him he made that quite clear and was unequivocative.. be professional rather than a doodling hawkster
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Patricia Johnson
Dave since you have inserted advertising pre report I have had difficulty playing X 22 reports. Ep 3280 will not load and EPS 3288 a&b will only play for five minutes and a few seconds before freezing. Can’t enjoy your reports anymore.