Ep 3335b – [DS] Tricked, The Bill Laid The Groundwork For Peace, Biden Trials, Not What You Think
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The [DS] believe they are have won, but Trump and the patriots have set them up. The responsibility is now with the Ds and Rinos when we go to war and the country collapses. Trump will use the loan clause as leverage. Trump continually says Biden trials, which means Biden is on trial, the [DS] is on trial, the people are jurors and they will make their ruling on election day.
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- ← Ep 3335a – Polls Show Bidenomics Helping Trump, Now For The Grand Finale, Market Correction
- Ep 3336a – Trump Warns Biden, Continue Down This Path & You Will Destroy The Country →
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We must replace the entire Congress. All new members for a specific period of time (term limits). We must hold them all accountable and we must make sure that we never get career politicians again. They get corrupt and then they learn to hate us. We must do this by the Constitution. First elect DJT and then replace all those people in Congress, no more lifetime positions. No more 30 year public deep state people. Make them contract people and have the ability to hire and fire qualified people. NO DEI crap at all. Qualified.
The hush money trial wants to put Donald Trump in jail! The democrats are working on removing secret servicexprotection from people who go to jail! I wont trust the guards or other inmates!
Dave, you have become completely unhinged in this podcast today. You offered a raving screaming rant with little information that we already knew. I had to end it before halfway due to the raging fit you were having. Dude, if I wanted to listen to someone berating me for already knowing the things you were bitching about, I would have stayed married to the controlling X.
Make nice next time. We want INFORMATION. Not ranting and repeated opinion forced on us.” I do believe.” if you can’t speak to us with respect from now on, I will just get the info elsewhere. Peace Brother. Calm down.
A great civilizations is not conquered from without , until it is destroyed itself from within.
W. Durant
Dave, you son-of-a-bitch! When the hell are you going to tell the people the truth that I sent you a couple of years ago? Jack Smith has NO LAWFUL AUTHORITY! SCOTUS ruled in U.S. v Mersky, 361 U.S. 431, 437-438 (1960) that for a LAW to be valid, it must have both a STATUTE (USC) and a REGULATION (CFR). The “statute” authorizing a “Special,” or, “Independent” Counsel was scrapped in 1999 and, thus, the “regulation” cited as Jack Smith’s authority is of NO lawful effect. FOX News contributor, attorney Gregg Jarrett, opined 2X about this when the Mueller investigation began – then went mum! WHY?! Most likely, the B.A.R. silenced him. The four statutes cited under Title 28 in the AG’s letter appointing Jack Smith as S.C. have NOTHING to do with an “independent” or “special” counsel. The AG even changed the title of Special “Counsel” to Special “Attorney” which is not the same thing and, thus, a FRAUD. Jack Smith is null and void. PLEASE don’t abet the traitors by remaining silent on this.
1. The bumper music at the start of your show has an extra segment that is very loud and annoying. I fast forward past it, but it would be nice if you didn’t crank the volume on that part and make it so loud that it’s annoying.
2. At times you get a little too carried away with emotion. Emphasis is fine, but you’re going way over the top and shouting angrily, giving the distinct impression you have serious anger management issues. I believe your audience might be far larger if you didn’t frighten people off by getting angry and shouting at folks…