Ep 3346a – Biden Admin Are Gas Lighting The People, It’s Not Working, Everything Is About To Change

One thought on “Ep 3346a – Biden Admin Are Gas Lighting The People, It’s Not Working, Everything Is About To Change

  • May 6, 2024 at 12:52 am

    3 errors:

    The Biden admin is continually trying to gaslight the people, they are trying to convince the people that the economy is much better than when Trump was in office. The people ARN’T buying it, the people know. They see it and are experiencing it. It’s all going to come down around the [CB]. The [DS] realizes that the indictments are now working. People see the truth that it is a two-tiered justice system and Biden is going after HIS political opponent. It is no longer a conspiracy because it is documented. The [DS] will now move into their next phase, which is trading out Biden and ramping up their plan to bring us to war and to delay the elections. Trump sends a message via (REMOVE a) Truth and says first there were protests now we are approach WWIII and much more.

    I am a proof reader and just wanted to let you know…LOVE YOUR CONTENT, thanks.


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