Ep 3371b – WWIII Has Begun, Next Phase Of The Awakening, Swamp The Vote, Moves & Countermoves
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The Hunter show trial is now off and running, people will see the two tiered justice system and this will put pressure on Biden to step down. WWIII has now begun, Ukraine is now firing into Russia with US weapons. We have now entered the next phase of the awakening. Trump pushes the narrative to swamp the vote, voter early, use absentee ballots, he is now pushing the [DS] down the path where they will realize that the Rs are now countering their cheating ballot system. This will push them into delaying the election.
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- ← Ep 3371a – Manipulated Stats Are Failing, [CB] Testing The Rate Cut, Prepare Yourself
- Ep 3372a – First It Was Canada & Now The ECB Just Cut Rates, Fed Cut Coming Around September, Crash →
Was the student loan payoff to bail out the Pell Grant Program?
If only students that had Federal loans were affected then it’s just laundering money or putting cash back in to a slush fund, right?
I’ve followed you dave since Q’s first drop. I have to say I wish your message wasn’t so dismal these days!
HI dave, have leistened to your show from AUstralia for the past four years my son got me into it I am a women 75 years old coming up 80, My Husband was in the Special Branch Of the Police for 26 Year in the Poilice force 46 Years My Hunsband passed two days before Christmas 2016, and misssed out on seeing Trump be President, now for years he told my sobn and myself and the 16 year plan we had no idea what he was talking about he always said Obamo was a crooked, He said that is I do not live watch this man Trump he will go down in histroy as the greatest president they have ever had, so very sorry what they are doi9ng to a decent great man the world is laughing at America where once we look up to america as our savour so very sad, we do hope he stays safe and can finish the job he was put there to do to save your country and the world I do hope I also stay alive to see it happen and they get rid of that dreadful crooked idiot you have there now its unbelievable that people cannot see through the idiot I am sorry but you must have so many dopes in your country to not see through it its as clear as a bright day.G
I will guess they are holding back the Biden spec. Counsel tapes because , IMO, JOE WENT OFF ON HUR.
HE SAID SOMETHING LIKE, “who the hell do u think u r? I’m the God Damned president, I have immunity!”
Or something very similar. Don’t think for a moment Joe didn’t go off on them. Why? Because it’s in his nature. He has always been an A-HOLE!
It was more than alittl hard for me to connect with X22 report.wasit only me or were we being attacked? What’s going on?
Bro, Castle Rock Entertainment systems? Building fake Oval Office movie sets?
So, are the Patriots in Control the ones behind the millions of chickens being destroyed for having bird flu and in chicken farm Building fires in order to drive up food prices to blame the Dimocraps for?
Are the Haarp events like the record Deep Freeze a few years back in west Texas that froze tens of thousands of cattle and the huge wildfires in North Texas that burned tens of thousands of cattle a year ago and the strange stockyard heatwave die off of thousands of cattle to drive up food prices to blame inflation on Dimocraps?
If the Patriots are in Control are they the ones behind the weird storms with 2 feet of hail in Marathon and 6 inch hailstones in Midland?
Are the thousands of fires destroying food processing plants DEW Attacks done by Patriots to drive food prices up?
Why don’t the Patriots cause the blackouts to block rigged election machines and force the use of paper ballots? They could produce EMP events and blame the Dimocraps for not spending money to block those blackouts?