Ep 3379b – [DS] Pushed Into A Corner, Constitution Is Winning, Election Attack, Watch The Water
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The [DS] is now pushed into a corner. Everything they have done to Trump is going to come back to haunt them. These are their crimes and they are setting precedents which Trump will use to get them. The [DS] is building the narrative that the election system will be attacked. The [DS] is putting everything in place for war, they included the drafting of women in the new NDAA and it just passed the house. The GOP wants to rename the water surrounding the US to DJT, watch the water.
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Maybe the DS , democrats, democrats supporter are going to assinate DJT? The patriots better watch carefully!
They have to change who signs up for the draft when they let men declare they are women which would impact them being drafted, they created their own dilemma. They keep saying Biden and Trump should be treated the same on the documents, no they shouldn’t be the same, Biden was NEVER authorized to have classified documents outside of a secured area. Disgusting how they twist the facts. So are they going to draft illegal aliens because they will have drivers licenses? Is this going to be the next attempt to legalize illegals?Will be interesting to see how many payments were paid on behalf of Biden and other top officials.? Russia is off the coast of Florida where President Trump resides, the Trump Coastal Waters.
We only win our rights at the Supreme Court because the Leftist have not secured that Court…when they do …we will lose our rights.
Dave you are advertising for Chuck Norris about him being stronger and having more energy. Are you aware of the fact that Chuck Norris died in 2024 at the age of 81?
Hello Dave, I really appreciate your program. I live in San Francisco and I tell My family, friends, coworkers, Lift Driver’s, police officers & even strangers on the street about you all the time to wake people up as you say.
I really want you to please look at the vaccination schedule, that infants on their first day of life, and children of all ages are being poisoned with, including the new addition of giving the Covid shots to six month old babies!