Ep 3389b – Biden Using Same Playbook, Medical Emergency? Everything Will Be On Full Display

2 thoughts on “Ep 3389b – Biden Using Same Playbook, Medical Emergency? Everything Will Be On Full Display

  • June 28, 2024 at 12:42 am

    Dave, what happened to # 3387A and B? The titles make me wonder if you got a little
    bit ahead of the game. Still, things are getting hot for summer! WooHoo.
    God bless you!

  • June 29, 2024 at 6:37 am

    This debate and any and all anamoisity against the BIDENS has been a loooong time in the making.
    Obama, a freshman senator needed a veteran politician to boost his cred all they way to the w.h., just happens powers that be chose Joe.
    Now here we are, with dementia Joe. Not being flip, my mother had dementia in the yr. Before she died. But I did not prop her up and pretend or exploited any of her rankings.
    These BIDENS will refuse to give up power and leave WH when Trump wins.
    As sad as it was to watch Joe struggle, it’s his WIFE , son and rest of family who put him out there because they will be the ones Nancy will have to “DRAG OUT OF THE WH BY THEIR HAIR”.
    We patriots FORGET NO THING.


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