Flynn/Clark – Arrogance & Selfishness Will Be The Downfall Of The [DS], Patriots Are Winning
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Today’s Guest: General Flynn & Clay Clark
Website: General Flynn
Time To Free America
With more than 33 years of service in the United States military and current Chairman of America’s Future, General Flynn’s military career culminated as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and as the nation’s highest serving military intelligence officer. After retiring from the Army in 2014 and as a private citizen, General Flynn went on to serve in a variety of business, educational, and non-profit roles, to include supporting veterans’ organizations around the country, something he continues to do today. General Flynn is a National Bestselling Author, holds three master’s degrees, and is recipient of numerous military, intelligence and law enforcement awards. The conversation begins with General Flynn explaining what Yuval and Schwab want to do to this country and the world. They are pushing to depopulate and destroy free will. General Flynn explains that arrogance and their selfishness will be their downfall.
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What is happening on earth now by evil forces is countering God’s plan wherein He has established freedom and free will, but that is being systematically removed, and for various reasons. Complacent people have been so blessed that they now are willingly lowering themselves to the level of an animal who is herded and fleeced on a routine basis. Fear, cowardice, apathy and the corruption of core values contribute to this. This removes human’s “image of God” status down to the animal kingdom instead of the God kingdom. This is a major threat, and unless we take back that God given freedom and free will expression, the Gospel will end till the end time, Christianity will be suppressed, and any semblance of a free life will end. The choice is before us, right now, right here and there is no middle ground. We either accept God’s plan, or evil’s plan, plain and simple.
I have hated lies in any form since I was a child. I’ve been a med pro for 35 years. The fed govt taught me how to li;. ‘if you want to get paid for your pro expertise…’ just saying.
I cringe whenever i hear the “people are the plan” jazz. When the people voted for Trump in 2020, did they do it on the basis that part of the plan purportedly required taking a dive in the election?
General Flynn is one of my heroes and Clay Clark is a POWERHOUSE.
God, Bless ALL of you.
Dave, I noticed that neither Gen. Flynn nor Clay Clark mentioned fighting to correct the 2020 election. It wasn’t until the end of the show that Clay Clark mentioned our real and rightful President calling in to his Save America rally in Ohio that Trump was mentioned as the real winner of 11/3/2020. Flynn was completely wrong about what is really going on in Ukraine and failed to say that Putin’s whole goal was to denazify and clean up Ukraine from the corrupt oligarchs, who in collusion with Soros, Biden, Obama, etc., were running bioweapons labs, trafficking children and drugs, and laundering money. He basically said it was a failure of international diplomacy! That sounds like a one-world order guy to me. I don’t doubt that Flynn is a patriot who loves his country, but he was once a part of Obama’s administration. I have lost trust in him.
As for Clay Clark, he has aligned himself with a lot of spiritual leaders in this country who are part of the New Apostolic Reformation movement. These people errantly believe there is going to be a great awakening and they are going to save America and usher in a new kingdom for Christ. This is totally unBiblical as the Book of Revelation and even Jesus, Himself, warned that the world would become worse and worse before His return, not better. Flynn offered up an occultic prayer in Hank Kuhnaman’s church, so I seriously question the spiritual discernment of these two gentlemen and those they align with. America has become a cesspool of sin and depravity and, unless we return to true Biblical teaching and worship of the One True God and repent of our personal as well as our national sin, He will continue to give us up to our enemies. We must continue to fight for our country, but we first must call out and turn away from the sin and turn hearts back to Jesus Christ. He alone is our only Hope and Salvation.
While I’m on the fence concerning the Mike Flynn controversy: He isn’t really an important player in the grand scheme of things other than to rally people to the right side. If he did do wrong things, then I’m sure he will be dealt with. That said, this is one of the most important interviews I have heard from your platform. It needs to be spread far and wide. Thanks for this!!
Program today I hate clay Clark he’s such a f****** spaz. if he wasn’t as bad , it be all right but I can’t stand listening to this son of a b**** .I don’t care if it’s truth or not. Mel is another one, she doesn’t even take a breath through a whole interview can’t stand that b**** talking all the time just like this clay Clark goodbye
Dear Friend
We like to hear how wonderful is going to be. But you have to hurry up and quickly. It’s almost too late. Best regards, Yves
Call📳 your representative; forget it they are already 💰paid for. We the people hold the purse string and control the existence of every Corporation on the 🌎planet. The question is to buy or not to buy? I have been 👎cancelling services, buying extra 🌽necessities and 💸checking before I buy, I know that my little 🐘campaign is insignificant but I know that I am not contributing to what is currently happening and I enjoy the game while saving money for when the Sh*t hit the fan, its already starting to 🚿spray some around.
None of these people, NONE OF THEM, can be trusted. I mean ALL of them. The MIC, ALL military, ALL politicians. Bankers, CEO’s. NONE of them. None. They ALL screwed us over the years. Anyone in “charge”, the “patriots”, it’s on them to win back our trust. Citizens need to move away from ALL institutions. Even this site is likely a data dump, capture op. So sad. Humanity is in great jeopardy let alone the West.
Flynn: “Their plan is on track.”
Dave: “The patriots are in control.”
With respect to General Flynn, I think he knows more than he lets on. I think he knows too much, and it would probably would be better for him not to say anything in interviews than to say nothing of substance, probably because he is forbidden to say anything. Civic involvement is necessary in the best of times, but we are not living in the best of times, and normal typical civic involvement is not going to save this country. That is naive bullshit. This country is too far gone for ordinary civic involvement to have any immediate impact upon the events that caused our country to be taken over by hostile foreign and domestic enemies of state. Flynn should be out of sight, and not talking publicly because he never says anything that builds morale. People are itching for the military to take down these bastards and blow their asses into the next dimension, and speaking at a school board meeting doesn’t cut it. I get the impression he is told to present the image of a hostile Russia, hostile Putin, in order to stoke fear in the minds of American’s so that Trump can blame Biden for what is happening in Ukraine — because if people realize that Putin is the good guy in this picture, they won’t be afraid, and Ukraine won’t be a tool to get rid of Biden.
But the truth will always come out, and sooner or later people will realize that the so-called “good guys” are not being forthright and honest regarding Putin. They are causing people to be needlessly afraid of someone who need not be feared.
They were damn urgent!! If you ever had a chance to ask about the Schiller Institute I would say that would only be for their great manners for not wanting to be rude. This was a good interview, Dave. The point was made and we best get our buts moving. In Arizona, Banner Health is still pushing masks. In fact all of the health organizations are. I look at it like this: We have proof that they are harmful to our health. So why aren’t they putting warning labels on their doors? The same way that RJ Reynolds puts a warning on their packs of cigarettes. These people think we are stupid, well uh, some of us are stupid and entranced.
Eric lander resigned in feb.
It seems the puppet masters are losing their narrative. The great awakening is way GREATER than any reset. I think we are heading in the RIGHT ( CONSERVATIVE ) direction. The CONSTITUTION and BILL of RIGHTS not only are the documents of our REPUBLIC and our way of life but should be the INSPIRATION for all Freedom Loving People worldwide to FIGHT the deep state and prevent their takeover of our world. BTW your show is a big part of this and all PATRIOTS Lives. Keep up the GREAT work,Take care and GOD BLESS……WWG1WGA/COFEVE
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