H Schlanger-[DS] Lost In Ukraine,Parallel System Is Now Emerging,Patriots Set Everything In Motion
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Today’s Guest: Harley Schlanger
Website: La Rouche Organization
Harley Schlanger is historian and national spokesman, he has been covering the financial industry since the 80s, you can now follow Harley at The LaRouche Organization. Harley begins the conversation talking about the disinformation governance board. It failed because people were finding out the truth about Nina J. Now they are pushing the harassment task force which will be lead by Kamala Harris. Harley says there is a parallel economy emerging and there is a way to transition from the system that is crashing into a people system.
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Alot of what he says makes sense. Thanks for having him on.
Who has USA tax dollars that Democrats are shipping to Ukraine, who’s bank accounts has it gone in?
I love your Spotlight guests dialogue between you and your guests. thanks always great information
I also love when you and your guests slip in information about Canada
I love the way that Harley acknowledged you, Dave. I have been listening to you for at least 4 years now and you have proven to be consistently well-studied and credible backing up your presentations with documentation and stating your opinions as such. Your perspective and commitment to truth as it is seen is inspiring. You also listen well to your guests. It creates a proper context for those of us taking it all in. I say Thank You and God Bless, Ingrid Plattmann (Canada.) ( Where the US goes, so goes Canada and the planet.) I got over my jealousy and have much love and great respect for the American ways. Many friends in Washington state and Yelm.
Thank you for having Harley Schlanger in the spotlight. It was so great to finally hear that there is a way to rebuild the financial system without utter devastation to the average person. We all recognize that the financial system is collapsing so having a means to move forward makes me hopeful. I appreciate all that you do.
Mr. Schlanger is indeed a powerhouse of critical information. Great interview. Been with you daily for over 5 years now. I’m very proud your “never ending” effort to keep “We the People” informed. Would love for you to do a “special” report on the IMPORTANCE of our County Sheriff’s upcoming role in America”s future. As you know, our County Sheriffs are the highest “Legal” Authority in every county in MOST States, if not EVERY State. Knowing what has happened & what is happening is of utmost importance; Because, it gives us information we NEED to counter criminal events in “real time” as-well-as necessary intelligence for planning FUTURE strategy. (ie) County Sheriffs in most cases, have the legal right & obligation (Sworn Oath to Protect & Serve the citizens of their County complying w/both: The Constitution of the United States & the State Constitution where their County is geographlcally located) to deputize/train as many qualified civilians as appropriate, to LEGALLY shut down/control/video ANY questionable event whereby criminal activity is – and/or may – (based on recent history) become criminal in nature. God Bless our County Sheriffs ! from vetparksign.org (.com LLC) God Bless & Be Safe !!!
Is it possible that future food shortages are DS error over expected vax death rates.
If their death plan worked, then we would have plenty of food for those still alive. ..the same would be true regarding factory cutbacks.
Now they need to destroy our food supply to get back on schedule.
The people in our governments do not have the brains, let alone the integrity, to sort out the problem.
My wishes are if only I was more intelligent to shout from the mountain tops to let the people know exactly what is really going on and who these folks are in government and around the globe. I would be the town cryer in a heart beat to promote the true and deep down believer and patriot that they have hidden within themselves and give them courage and a new love for freedom and liberty and a fierce bold force to shout it out, and to let their voices be heard and unite with the masses and become an army of one to protect our beloved country and all that it means to us and restore our land.
You should have Harley on once a month to give us a Euro update because we do not get the TRUE world news in the US. He is a wealth of information.