Liz Harris – The Election Fraud Is Worse Than Originally Thought, Coordinated From The Top
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Today’s Guest: Liz Harris
Website: It Smells Funny
Liz Harris,is a private citizen who organized a canvass of the 2020 election in Maricopa County in Arizona. Liz begins the conversation talking about how it was important to canvas the voters to show a correlation between the forensic audit report. The results matched up that there many anomalies in the election and it was not a clean election. The election was ripe with fraud. The election fraud was coordinated and it goes all the way to the top. The people are now seeing that there are problems with the elections.
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I live in Michigan and my sister has not lived in this house in over 25 years. I got a mail in ballot in the mail with her maiden name.. She got married over 20 years ago also. Seems to be the same story everywhere. Someone needs to canvas in Michigan. I am willing but not sure how to go about it. And would need some help.
I aslo live in Wayne County…Where all the major problems are…
George Soros knowingly has paid off and selected almost all state AGs, among other selected officials. They have been told not to do anything against his narrative. People have been murdered trying to bring out the truth. How are we the People going to get any honest results of the 2020 election. The Arizona forensic audit went to their Senate to decide the found results. They benefitted by the fraud to be put into office knowingly. Agreeing there was fraud in the 2020 election would put them on the chopping block, hence they will not do anything to decertify the election. This has been going on for decades. The definitive time that our country was hijacked was on 11/22/1963. They proved, through all the events and fraudulent investigations that they took control of our lives. Justice for all became what the deep state players say it is.
Great report Dave. I wish we had someone like Liz here in Washington state.
I can’t wait to see them fall straight to HELL. GODs speed. Delta all the way.
why not use finger prints to varify vote. put thumb print on ballet ?????
N0T That can’t be decertified and prosecuted !
I could have told people that this is going nowhere. Both liberals and conservatives who are there supposedly investigating the situation are controlled by the cabal. They are NOT going to find out anything. They would be killed.
Liz Harris needs to be talking with an attorney. A good attorney who deals in the subject should be able to get the ball rolling on some of her ideas.
That AG Abramovic is pretending to be doing something, he’s doing nothing about the election 2020 election. He’s a demonrat.
Why does anyone believe Biden who said that he and Obama planned election fraud extensively to beat Trump on video?
Regarding the mail in voting, I live in Plumas County, California (a solid red county up north), and the courthouse has a drop box for ballots out front. The post office 4 blocks away will also take ballots, but they need to send them down to Sacramento (170 miles away) to be run through the postal machines then carted back 170 miles back to the courthouse. Local mail used to be handled and delivered locally until about 4 years ago. After that everything goes to the Sacramento mega facility. It would be easy to lose a few (hundred) ballots along that 340 mile journey…
Watch Tucker Carlson’s “Patriot Purge” and read Ann Coulter’s “Demonic.” Coulter’s “Demonic” is, though written 10 years ago, is the most prescient, concise and descriptive of the purposes, instructions on how to create one, how to direct one and reap the consequences of the mob action. An absolute MUST read.
Liz Harris all the digital warriors have been attacked, abused, discriminated against….Rudy Giuliani got disbarred so you haven’t gotten any of this…yes they need to join together digitally overseen by all the digital warriors but with where this is going to each ao of each state for law enforcement engagement so they can’t get together yet so all law enforcement can perform their jobs and this information can’t be exposed yet…send your info (not documents) to law enforcement for Jovan….Thank you for your time, efforts, perseverance, ethics, morals and integrity!…