Dr. Zelenko – We Are Living Through A Global Bio Weapon Attack, People Have The Cure To Fight It
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Today’s Guest: Dr. Zelenko
Dr. Zelenko’s Work – https://vladimirzelenkomd.com
Zelenko Protocol – http://zstacklife.com/x22
Dr. Zelenko Board Certified Family Physician with over 20 years experience. Dr. Zelenko was nominated for the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Nobel Prize , Dr. Zelenko’s team was one of the first in the country to successfully treat thousands of Covid-19 patients in the prehospital setting. Dr. Zelenko developed his now famous “Zelenko Protocol,” which has saved countless lives worldwide. Dr. Zelenko recommended that President Trump take hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Zelenko begins the conversation explaining we are living through a global bio weapon attack, the people have the cure to fight it. But this attack was well coordinated and the world elite were in on it. There main goal is depopulation and control.
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“There main goal is depopulation and control.” OR, “Their main goals are depopulation and control.”
THANK YOU for Dr. Zelenko’s protocols and his commentary.
Is Dr Zelenok Jack Dorseys father?
This was the best interview explaining the evil, what is going on in the world. Thank you
Thanks Dave….Dr Zelenko makes all the relevant points required to understand what is behind this event..He also provides the means to confront it both mentally and physically.
An excellent report which should be viewed extensively.
I have done my due diligence and have for years and that is why I know what Dr. Zelenko is stating is 100% truth and factual.
Just want to mention that Dr. Zelenko worked at South Nassau Communities Hospital in Oceanside, NY. – I grew up in Oceanside, NY, born 1948 until1979, left state for job. Totally respect Dr. Zelenko.
The Georgia Guidestones and the Globalist Plan to Reduce Humanity to Half a Billion
V Zel is right on about the culling, but as an indocrinated allopathic dr he & all the rest of them are still playing god trying to alter mankinds fallen state into flesh eating; anyone who cannot see this disease in man is blind; or like the vampire unable to see its reflection like a man cannot see he is created as a frutarian, herbivore & comes up with all kinds of concoctions to deal with flesh eating ailments; what would U think if rabbitts started killing the gophers,squirrels &chipmunks; and ate them & then killing each other; its an excellant comparison…
It occurs to me that we can all pray for Dr. Zelenko. God bless.
Dave, i’ve been listening to you for about six or seven years now every single day, and then I always listen to the shows a second time in the morning the next day… I have a profession that allows me free time to do it… I barely really miss… Thank you so much. I am one of the silent majority that starting to get active now! I have eight kids and I’ve been married for 38 years.
hello again Dave I thought I would add this: I grew up in Venice Beach California and Rose Avenue, and I’ve been a patriot since the mid-1980s… I’ve seen it all and you’re so correct that this is just a repeat of repeats that’s been going on for a long long time… God bless President Trump.
n this criminal case all parties have been served and have until 4 November to respond and or else I will be filing a default judgment on 5 November for the specified relief:
DEMAND FOR RELIEF as time is of the essence with irreparable harm
A. Order removal of the Experimental Inoculation advertisement from the Sheriffs’ and Department of Health website;
B. Investigate Government Perpetrator facilitation of unjust enrichment with WEF’s Agents and Partners subject to arrest;
C. Investigate County Department of Health and Coroner death certificates and test reports regarding public records;
D. Investigate severity of VAERS data spoliation and arrest Perpetrators;
E. Investigate Perpetrators suppression of readily available disease treatments preventing FDA VACCINE approval; and
F. Issue public statement to protect county residents from violation of their God given rights from infringement interference.
G. ORDER Respondents to provide an isolate for use in calibrating lab test equipment;
H. ORDER THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY to conduct a parallel isolation of the supposed virus sample;
I. If there is no isolate per se different than the TYPE A or Type B Influenza stay the mask mandate;
J. If there is no isolate per se different than the TYPE A or Type B Influenza stay inoculations;
K. ORDER Respondents to Cease and Desist distribution and injection of inoculations statewide;
L. ORDER suspension of the Corporate registration status of any entity participating;
M. ORDER FACEBOOK and Respondents to cease and desist inoculation advertisement on websites;
N. ORDER an Investigation of Government Perpetrator facilitation of unjust enrichment with WEF’s Agents and Partners subject to arrest;
O. ORDER Investigation of County Department of Health and Coroner death certificates and test reports regarding public records;
P. ORDER Investigation of severity of VAERS data spoliation and arrest Perpetrators;
Q. ORDER Investigation of Perpetrators suppression of readily available disease treatments preventing FDA VACCINE approval other than for emergency use authorization; and
R. Declaratory public statement to protect county residents from violation of their God given rights from infringement interference; and
S. DECLARE The 21st Century Cures Act by Public Law 114–255 of the 114th Congress unconstitutional as it violates the 14th amendment right to fundamental due process of law with equal protection
T. Different and other relief the Court deems necessary including a declaratory judgment.
totally agree with Dr Zelenko. more people need to wake up . they are not waking up fast enough. this is a scary world we’re living in. I’m afraid our country will be destroyed in more than one way. something needs to happen sooner than later. this is very stressful and I can’t take much more. I try and spread the word not enough people are listening.
Larry Fink indeed !
Blackrock and Vanguard along with 45 key members of the Biden Administration ( as well as Trump before him ) are ALL ZIONIST CABALLISTIC Jews pushing a Talmudic Worldview through the power of Money ( privately controlled Western Central Banks).
Zelenko did not mention the J word but along with others like Israel Shamir, Israel Shahak and many other God Fearing REAL Jews – he rejects the Luciferian Agenda pushed by these Pharisaic Edomite Khazars who have no link back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
Thank you, Dave, for this interview of Dr. Zekenko. I have family members who are still believing the official narrative. I will share. I don’t know whether they are reachable, but this is such a calm and reasoned delivery of facts and obvious conclusions reached from those, I will try, again. As the Dr. said, when you challenge their narrative, it puts them in a fear state, and they get “belligerent”. Yes. They do. They call a truth teller, or anyone who speaks a different opinion, anything from “crazy” to “stupid”. So, despite Dr. Zelenko’s credentials, those people may not even access the interview, or if they do, they may switch to “off” as soon as his ideas frighten them. I will also share with some people who will get it immediately.
Dr zelenko is absolutely right! Covid 19 was created in labs in collusion between China and US , both controlled by the ruling elite Illuminati. The rockerfeller foundation which indirectly financed national institute of health which finances dr fauci to create a Covid 19 histeria, has been central to financing the creation of viruses for over a hundred years. Read books death in the air, and also war against the weak. Bill gates has connections with rockerfellers and their insidious foundation
Dave – I don’t know if you have the time to reply but did Dr. Zelenko send you the patent #s associated to the vaccines he discussed in the interview? I did not see then listed on your site nor could I find them on the Dr.’s. My best friend and I are both retired from the fire service. He is one of the most analytical persons I know. He was a HazMat guru and was involved in King County’s Ebola protocols……….but he is in the fear mode. He has bought into the gab. I need science and fact to try to show him the truth. He thinks I wear a foil hat and he may still deny but I have to try.
Thank you for all that you do and God bless,
This totally supports Zelenko!
Just an FYI… Robert Malone was the inventor of the MRNA technology, not the MRNA vaccine.
Hey Gayle
When are you coming back to Florida?
Dr. Zelenko is the most honest person I have heard for a long time.
I would trust him with my life…my Zstack just arrived today. I plan to start on it tomorrow. Thanks!
Propaganda is the controller. Wetiko= mass psychosis We are in the challenge of our life.
The nazis did not kill 200 million people that is a massive over exaggeration about 75-80 million died during the Second World War. It’s a lot but it’s not 200 million
You guys are my heroes!! I wish there were more folks like you on the side of freedom!
The farther into this talk I listened the more I appreciate Dr Zelenoko. I agree with pretty much everything he is saying 200%. I have been shouting about this mess for years. The “pandemic” just solidified it all for me. I always tell people that I wear my “tin hat” with great pride. So much of what I have been saying is now completely true! I am praying for your recovery Dr. Zelenko! Stay strong.. God Bless you!
Getting CHEMO???
He is not too smart if he is allowing that poison to be injected in his body.
Use Pharm Grade Baking SODA directly on the cancer.