Mike Smith – The [DS] Dark World Is Being Brought Out Of The Shadows & Into The Light
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Today’s Guest: Mike Smith
Documentary: Into The Light
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Mike Smith is one of Hollywood’s hottest stunt doubles making Mel Gibson, Ethan Hawke, Christian Bale, David Duchovney and many other leading men, look damn good. Soon after transitioning into the world of stunt coordinating and 2nd unit directing Mike was asked to be a member of one of Hollywood’s most prestigious groups, Mike has always had an overwhelming passion for story telling. He is the creator of Out of Shadows and Into the Light. Mike begins the conversation explaining why he created both documentaries. Hollywood is a propaganda machine created by the intelligent agencies, that is why they are all three letters. The dark work that the [DS] created is being brought into the light.
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Dearest Brother (X) Dave,
My response to back when we were all asleep, it was because the average citizen voted the people into office they thought could be trusted. Now, hindsight, those politicians deceived us. But we voted for them because they promised things to America. And in that past reality, American citizens trusted them to do their job so we could do ours (the job we were called to do). It wasn’t that we closed our eyes to their shenanigans; no, we were not politicians, we could not go to DC to do what we voted them to do. Now, however, America is waking up. Now, we are seeing their lies. Now, we are paying attention. Now, we are doing what we are suppose to be doing: paying attention. Because they can no longer fool us; and, in turn, we can no longer let them. WWG1WGA!
What is really going on? Preparation for the end of this system of things which is coming quickly. Middle East Headed for War, Economy Headed for Total Collapse https://usawatchdog.com/middle-east-headed-for-war-economy-headed-for-total-collapse/#comment-1938667 The world is inching slowly closer and closer to nuclear war, and Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18) WILL NOT permit that to happen. He created this earth to exist forever AND to be inhabited by us, His children; the Bible specifically details these facts for us. We are told, in the Bible, that the end of this ‘system of things’ (which is demonic), will come because if He did not act then life would no longer be possible on our earth. Think on this; there are now nuclear shells that will burn right thru a tank. The contamination from the shell will make the area contaminated by its use uninhabitable for 4,000 years. What do you think a nuclear war would do WORLD WIDE? The faithful slave appointed by Jesus (our NOW ruling king) has told us that the end is very close. If you have read this far, now you know why that is so. If you have questions, please ask, or email me at [email protected] OR [email protected]. I can also give you directions to a FREE online Bible study course that you can use when it is convenient to you. If you have questions about the Bible, I can answer them. Any help I can provide is always freely given as is commanded in the Bible.
Who is God Almighty? In the King James AV Bible; Psalms 83:18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. — Yes, God’s Holy Name, which He chose, is known to us and it is Jehovah. The angel that appeared to Joseph when Mary was pregnant, told Joseph to name the Baby Jesus. Why? Because Jesus translates as ‘Jehovah is salvation,’ so Jesus from the beginning of his life on the earth, was walking in Jehovah’s Holy Name. Exodus 3:13 But Moses said to the true God: “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your forefathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is his name?’ What should I say to them?” 14 So God said to Moses: “I Will Become What I Choose to Become.” And he added: “This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘I Will Become has sent me to you.’” 15 Then God said once more to Moses: “This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘Jehovah the God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generation.
What is included in knowing the name of God?
When Jesus Christ was on earth, he ‘made his Father’s name manifest’ to his disciples. (Joh 17:6, 26) Although having earlier known that name and being familiar with God’s activities as recorded in the Hebrew Scriptures, these disciples came to know Jehovah in a far better and grander way through the One who is “in the bosom position with the Father.” (Joh 1:18) Christ Jesus perfectly represented his Father, doing the works of his Father and speaking, not of his own originality, but the words of his Father. (Joh 10:37, 38; 12:50; 14:10, 11, 24) That is why Jesus could say, “He that has seen me has seen the Father also.”—Joh 14:9.
This clearly shows that the only ones truly knowing God’s name are those who are his obedient servants. (Compare 1Jo 4:8; 5:2, 3.) Jehovah’s assurance at Psalm 91:14, therefore, applies to such persons: “I shall protect him because he has come to know my name.” The name itself is no magical charm, but the One designated by that name can provide protection for his devoted people. Thus the name represents God himself. That is why the proverb says: “The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection.” (Pr 18:10) This is what persons do who cast their burden on Jehovah. (Ps 55:22) Likewise, to love (Ps 5:11), sing praises to (Ps 7:17), call upon (Ge 12:8), give thanks to (1Ch 16:35), swear by (De 6:13), remember (Ps 119:55), fear (Ps 61:5), search for (Ps 83:16), trust (Ps 33:21), exalt (Ps 34:3), and hope in (Ps 52:9) the name is to do these things with reference to Jehovah himself. To speak abusively of God’s name is to blaspheme God.—Le 24:11, 15, 16.
PLEASE! Think deeply on this! This clearly shows that the only ones truly knowing God’s name are those who are his obedient servants. NOW, answer this; Why did Adam die? Almighty Jehovah God does not change and the same rules will always apply; obey, or die. Why is this so? Easy to answer; because only He knows what is necessary for eternal peace in all of His creation. This is why His spiritual sons who followed Satan in rebellion will also be destroyed along with Satan at the appropriate time.
If you would like to receive the full 4 page explanation of the information presented, please email me at [email protected] or [email protected] and request it.
All of this ‘agenda’ is very easy to understand. If…IF you know that Satan rules this system of things (Luke 4:1-8). Satan also knows that his time is very short now and he is anxious to control as much as possible, perhaps to save himself through such control.
Wrong! Not all of us have been deceived. I have NEVER been deceived. I know what the Truth is and I follow it at all times; John 17:17 Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth, You are sanctified by His Truth when you put into practice in your life what you learn from His Word! I walk in the footsteps of Jesus, and I am obedient to Jesus (as our NOW ruling king – Matt 28:18-20) and walk in his footsteps to the best of my abilities. I know who rules this system of things which is VERY shortly to end and I stay as far away from that evil influence as is possible. I don’t drink alcohol; and I have NEVER done any drugs (legal or illegal). If you have questions, please ask.) By-the-way, the name Jesus translates to “Jehovah is salvation.)
Very interesting that the miIitary is invoIved, because I have another perspective from having worked in Iaw enforcement (paramiIitary).
There is a dirty secret in the miIitary and paramiIitary K9 units. Behind the scenes they torture the dogs, and the handIers brag, joke, and Iaugh about it. In pubIic they Iie about it, and the departments (and mainstream media) cover it up. They kiII far more of the dogs than any suspects or enemies.
In furthering the propaganda, Iaw enforcement hoIds big funerals for the K9s kiIIed by “suspects” (who were just trying to protect themseIves whiIe being mauled), but the many dogs that they torture to death themseIves are swept under the rug. It’s aII an act.
But getting back to the HoIIywood connection, when he mentioned the military’s involvement, one of the most prominent HoIIywood dog “trainers” was WIIIiam Koehler, a miIitary K9 ‘trainer.’ His prominent book “The Koehler Method..” drips with sarcasm about peopie who are shocked and disapproving of his “methods,” which include hanging (sIow strangulation), kicking, beating with rubber hose fiIIed with sand, near drowning (equivalent of waterboarding) for even the most minor of dog naturaI behaviors, Iike digging holes in the back yard.
In addition, the violence seems to go in tandem with sexual perversion. There have been a few handIers who have been arrested for possession of chiId porn, and it was discovered that they aIso were having sex with their dogs (since the vast majority of K9s are maIe, that would be anaI sex). They wouId not have been arrested for that aIone, however.
God bless you Mike Smith! May the peace that only God can bring through Jesus bless you abundantly!