Sean Stone – The People See Through The [DS] Agenda, Game Over
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Today’s Guest: Sean Stone
Website: Sean Stone
Sean Stone is a filmmaker, media host, author, actor, poet, speaker, and above all, truth-seeker and spiritual activist. He has a new documentary out called best kept secret, this documentary lays out the hidden agenda of the dark elite in a six-part documentary series. The documentary visits the dark world of Human trafficking, pedophilia. Sean begins the conversation explaining how the new world order is fighting for their lives. The people are not going along with the new world orders plan and the deep dark underworld is about to be exposed.
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- [3.31] Election Fraud Headway, Russia’s Economic Moves, The Gender Agenda →
Sean Stone interview was absolutely one of the best interviews I have seen so far Dave. I will follow him. Thank you both. God protect you both.
I appreciate Sean Stone, but it irritates me when someone begins a sentence with “I mean”. It simply makes no sense.
Very interesting interview. There is one subject where I feel compelled to offer more information and that is Mr. Stone’s reference to soy being a detriment to men’s biology meaning that soy offers an influx of estrogen. That is simply not true. Soy products contain PHYTOestrogens, which are naturally occurring compounds in plants.
“…there are two different types of estrogen receptors in the body and the way in which a target cell responds depends on which type of estrogen receptor they have. The existence of this newly discovered estrogen receptor, named “estrogen receptor beta…to distinguish it from the ‘classical’ estrogen receptor alpha,” may be the “key to understanding the health-protective potential of soy” phytoestrogens. And, unlike our body’s own estrogen, soy phytoestrogens preferentially bind to the beta receptors.” ~
Knowledge is power.
Lord, I beseech thee to free U.S. from our pedophile President [JB].
Sean is very well informed, extremely so but he’s wrong about all politicians being compromised. President Trump is certainly not compromised in any way, they can’t blackmail or bribe him because he’s a 100% Patriot who loves the country, loves the Constitution & wants to MAGA. There are many like Trump who are on the side of the people but they are all Republcians, all the Democrats are brought, sold, blackmailed & bribed. As Dave always says, ‘The Dems are a criminal enterprise’. There are more good people than bad & that’s why we, the people, the Patriots are winning. Trump, Putin, SA, Brazil, India, US/Russian military & parents & people running for office who put America Frist are destroying the NWO. I think Grasseley, Gaetz, DeSantis, & many gov’t officials are working to defend America.
Great discussion though I believe Sean and perhaps you Dave, are missing a crucial point. England is a sovereign state too, though sovereignty here in England has been being eroded for many years and not been legally challenged. Now government is proposing a British Bill of Rights when the English Bill of Rights 1688 is to many minds, perfectly adequate as is.
Thank you, Dave
I really enjoyed listening to your conversation with Sean Stone. May “ God” Save Us. I’m 71 and I never thought our country would be in this situation again. The seventies were bad enough to live through.
What a great interview with Sean Stone. Several weeks ago i asked why you are not discussing the child trafficking problem that is rampant throughout the world and is funding the Cabal. You did it with this interview. My only regret is that Stone didn’t give out numbers of trafficked children. Numbers are what wake people up.
I’ve read in several posts that Putin rescued more than 35,000 children in tunnels in Ukraine. Why wasn’t this talked about? Trump said in early 2017 that ending child trafficking was his #1 goal and he’s doing it from what I’m reading. This needs to be talked about more and more in order to wake up those still asleep.
Despite that shortcoming in this interview, I’m grateful you had Sean Stone and the subject of trafficking was finally discussed. Thank you.
30 minuets in !!! I can’t watch any more of this filth!!! How can this Government still be In charge?!?!