•   an FBI agent who while on duty demonstrated solidarity with Black Lives Matter marchers in Washington by “taking a knee” as the protesters passed was later rewarded with a promotion to a supervisor rank.
  • In Washington, among six on-duty agents in full FBI gear who “took a knee” for BLM protesters was a female agent who later was promoted to the No. 2 supervisory post at the Washington Field Office.
  • Immediately after the BLM march, Washington Field Office Counter Terrorism Special Agent in Charge Larissa Knapp lauded the six agents, The Times has learned, saying the kneeling agents de-escalated a confrontation that could have turned violent.
  • FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin, who has been suspended from his job at the bureau, said he witnessed Ms. Knapp shower praise upon the agents when all the employees gathered in the Assistant Director in Charge’s conference room to discuss “presence patrols” following the BLM protest.

Source: washingtontimes.com