Are You Ready To Take Back Control Of The Country? The Silent Majority Will Reign – Ep. 2466

As soon as the Biden administration took office, companies already had plans to move their manufacturing plants out of the country. GM will build electric vehicles in Mexico, leaving American workers jobless. The [CB] is pushing global taxes, this about control and removing competition. [CB]/[DS] are doing everything they can to stop the transition, but this will fail. The [DS] is now becoming more desperate than ever before, but the patriots are continually dripping out information and the [DS]/MSM are scrambling to sweep it under the rug. By raiding RG they are bringing Hunter’s Laptop back into the news. [JK] is in the spotlight for treasons acts. The audit is continuing and the [DS] is doing everything to stop it. The people are ready to take back their country, the silent majority will reign.
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- Less than one day after President Biden proclaimed American workers would build the electric vehicles necessary to bring us into the zero admissions future, General Motors said it plans to invest more than $1 billion in Mexico to produce electric vehicles.
- The company did not disclose which vehicles would be produced at the plant or where they would be sold. But the plant currently produces parts and vehicles, including the Chevrolet Equinox and Chevrolet Blazer, that are sold in the U.S. and globally.
- The United Auto Workers union decried the decision to invest so much in the Mexican plant.
In a statement responding to the Mexico investment, United Auto Workers Vice President Terry Dittes, head of the union’s GM Department, said: “At a time when General Motors is asking for a significant investment by the U.S. government in subsidizing electric vehicles, this is a slap in the face for not only UAW members and their families but also for U.S. taxpayers and the American workforce.
Global Taxes – Global Stagnation
- Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has proposed that governments around the world require payment of at least a uniform “global minimum corporate tax. Biden administration’s proposed increase in the US corporate tax will cause some American corporations to flee the US for countries with lower corporate taxes.
- Yellen’s global corporate tax proposal will no doubt be supported by governments of many European Union (EU) countries, as well as the globalist bureaucrats at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). For years, these governments and their power-hungry OECD allies have sought to create a global tax cartel.The goal of those supporting global minimum taxes enforced by a global tax agency is to prevent countries from lowering their taxes. Lowering corporate and other taxes is one way countries are able to attract new businesses and grow their economies. For example, after Ireland lowered its corporate taxes, it moved from being one of the poorest countries in the EU to having one of the EU’s strongest economies. Also, American workers and investors benefited from the 2017 tax reform’s reduction of corporate taxes from 35 percent to 21 percent.Yellen and her pro-global tax counterparts deride tax competition between countries as a “race to the bottom.” In fact, tax competition is a race to the top for the countries whose economies benefit from new investments, and for the workers and consumers who benefit from new job opportunities and new products. In contrast, a global minimum corporate tax will raise prices and lower wages, while incentivizing politicians to further increase the minimum.A global minimum corporate tax will also set a precedent for imposition of other global minimum taxes on individuals. This scheme may even advance the old Keynesian dream of a global currency. The Biden administration is already taking steps toward a global currency
- Biden’s recently unveiled American Jobs Plan. Biden’s plan has a stated goal of 100% U.S. connectivity.
- One problem: The plan wouldn’t actually help connect more people to the internet.
- That’s because it relies on government-run broadband to improve America’s internet experience. Government-run networks have a history of failure. They tend to drive out private investment and leave taxpayers holding the bag when the plans fail — without the better broadband they were promised. A perfect example of how government often stymies innovation and entrepreneurship is found in Kentucky. Kentucky Wired, a $1.5 billion plan to improve connectivity across the state was announced under Gov. Steve Beshear. Andy Beshear, Steve Beshear’s son and the state’s current governor, vowed to complete the project by October 2020. But Kentucky Wired has failed. Lesson: Investing public money in laying cable when increasingly affordable satellite networks are at our doorstep is not only counterproductive but irresponsible.
- Biden’s plan ignores the dynamics of the marketplace in a similar manner. It also signals rate regulation and arbitrary speed mandates that would discourage satellite providers from investing in infrastructure and creating new jobs. Instead of bridging the digital divide, Biden would widen it by hampering the free market.
- Put simply, Biden’s infrastructure bill is a bad deal for America. .
Feds arrest founder of bitcoin ‘mixer’ they say laundered $335 million over ten years
- Bitcoin Fog Service Allegedly Laundered $335 Million in Cryptocurrency Since 2011 A dual Russian-Swedish national was arrested at Los Angeles International Airport on criminal charges related to his alleged operation of the longest-running bitcoin money laundering service on the darknet.
- According to court documents, Roman Sterlingov, 32, operated Bitcoin Fog since 2011. Bitcoin Fog was the longest-running cryptocurrency “mixer,” gaining notoriety as a go-to money laundering service for criminals seeking to hide their illicit proceeds from law enforcement.
2020’s largest AML fines show a troubling common thread
- Goldman Sachs (USA, Malaysia) – $2.9 billion + $2.5 billion – 1MDB scandal
- Before 2020, Goldman Sachs had never pleaded guilty in any financial crime investigation in its 151-year history. When that moment finally came, it was one for the record books. The $2.3 billion fine
- Involving powerful authority figures in Malaysia, including an ex-Prime Minister, the 1MDB scandal Goldman also entered a settlement with Malaysian authorities, paying $2.5 and guaranteeing payment of a further $1.4 billion from other 1MDB assets seized around the globe in a bid to avoid prosecution.
- Westpac Bank (Australia) – $900 million – Miscellaneous AML violations
- Westpac Banking Corporation is an Australian banking and financial services giant based in Sydney. In September 2020, the bank agreed to settle with Australian financial crime watchdog AUSTRAC over AML violations involving 19 million global transactions.
- Westpac violated multiple provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (AML/CTF Act). The total value of these unreported transactions between 2011 and 2019 is estimated to be around $11 billion.
- SEB (Sweden) – $150 million – Nordic banks scandal
- The Nordic banks’ money laundering scandal is easily the biggest of its kind in Europe,
- Deutsche Bank (USA) – $150 million – Jeffrey Epstein and Nordic bank scandals
- Commerzbank (UK) – $50 million – Miscellaneous AML breaches
- One of the biggest AML fines in the UK in 2020 was slapped on the London branch of Commerzbank in June. The German bank’s subsidiary failed to conduct adequate KYC on thousands of customers. The bank also failed to heed multiple warnings on the issue given by the UK watchdog FCA over the years, starting as early as 2012.
- “Hunter Biden’s hard drives fall within the scope of the subpoena. The subpoena required them to take all electronics, but they decided to leave that behind,” Giuliani said.
- Giuliani described the warrant as “completely illegal,” saying that the only way authorities can obtain a search warrant is if they can demonstrate that the individual will destroy or abscond with the evidence.
- “Well I’ve had it for two years and I haven’t destroyed it. And they also got it from the iCloud,” he said, adding that the warrant was unjustified, unlawful and unconstitutional.
- Giuliani said that he has “never, ever represented a foreign national.”
- “The search warrant is purportedly based on one single failure to file for representing a Ukrainian national or official that I never represented,” he said. Giuliani stated that he “never represented a Ukrainian national or official before the United States government. I’ve declined it several times. I’ve had contracts in countries like Ukraine. In the contract is a clause that says I will not engage in lobbying or foreign representation. I don’t do it because I felt it would be too compromising,” he said.
This FBI raid on Giuliani sure is bringing a lot of attention to the Hunter Biden laptop
A photo of Ghislaine Maxwell emerges.
With a black eye. 🤔
Her lawyers: “Ms. Maxwell is unaware of the cause of
the bruise”— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) April 29, 2021
- A new report revealed that Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif seemingly had no idea that Israel was behind hundreds of attacks on Iranian assets inside Syria when former Secretary of State John Kerry allegedly disclosed that information to him.
- “Kerry told me that Israel had launched 200 airstrikes against you [Iran],” said Zarif.
- “You didn’t know?” asked his interviewer.
- “No, no,” he replied.
- The apparent revelation could cause serious problems for Kerry, who is Democrat President Joe Biden’s climate czar, because he denied earlier this week that he ever disclosed the information to Zarif.
If this transcript is confirmed, John Kerry must resign immediately and if he doesn’t, President Biden must fire him immediately.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) April 30, 2021
[Hassan Rouhani]
HUSSEIN should be VERY nervous.
BRENNAN should be VERY nervous.
KERRY should be VERY nervous.Did Rouhani keep ‘unknown’ comms as insurance?
What agency collects ALL FORMS OF DATA?Q
Revolutionary Guards Raid President and Foreign Minister’s Offices
- IranWire sources report that this morning officers from the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Intelligence Unit raided the offices of President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.
- After a short altercation with the security guards of the president’s office and the Foreign Ministry, the Guards took a number of documents from the premises.
- The raids took place after government spokesman Ali Rabiei had stated that Iran’s intelligence ministry was investigating the source of a recently-leaked interview with Zarif.
Something incredible is about to happen.
[Hassan Rouhani]
The Good People of IRAN have the POWER.
False Flags
JUST IN – Biden to ban flights from India to the United States.
Biden said that Trump had a “record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering,” at the time the former president announced travel restrictions from China. @disclosetv
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Ties Freedom to Coronavirus Vaccines
- Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) said she will ease coronavirus restrictions on the state when enough residents submit to receiving a vaccine.
- Whitmer tied personal freedom to vaccine benchmarks as she was given her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
Forcing people and using coercion to get them to take a medical procedure against their will to “regain their freedoms” (Vaccine Passports) is not a new form of barbarism. It was expressly discussed during the Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals WWll
— Rob Schneider (@RobSchneider) April 29, 2021
Fed-Up Missouri Residents Plan Town Hall Hearing in State Capitol Over Draconian COVID-19 Lockdowns
- Missouri residents are taking over the rotunda of the State Capitol next Tuesday to hold their own forum on the effects of COVID-19 restrictions on vulnerable citizens. The hearings are open to the public and will include testimony from a leading Kansas City area physician and a half-dozen Missourians whose loved ones were isolated and afraid in the final days.
- One of those citizens is Rachel Deckerd of Perry County, Missouri. She will recount nightmarish phone calls from her dying father who was isolated away from any family or friends for 5 weeks.
Antifa Terrorists Issue Direct Physical Threat To Portland Mayor: Resign Or Else…
- “Ted, we are asking for the last time that you resign. If you ignore this message outright the destruction to your precious way of life is going to escalate. Blood is already on your hands, Ted. But next time, it may just be your own,”
and yeah boost this shit . let the people know a video is being investigated while nothing is happening to the cop that murdered Robert Douglas Delgado in broad daylight
— nefelibata33_ (@knotathreat) April 30, 2021
- “The Police Bureau has opened an investigation into the threat.”
Additionally, FBI Portland’s spokesperson Beth Anne Steele released the following statement: - “The FBI is aware of the video and is assisting Portland Police Bureau in the investigation. Due to the on-going nature of the case, we have no further information to release at this time. Anyone with information as to the person or people responsible for this video are encouraged to contact the FBI or PPB. The FBI can be reached at (503) 224-4181 or via” did,” Huber wrote in an email.
- A Trump supporter in Northern California infiltrated the local violent Antifa movement, a highly organized terrorist organization.
- The infiltrator was able to record phone messages and capture text messages where the members spoke openly about killing police and targeting local Republicans.
- ABC7 reported:
Shocking comments were made during an online meeting of far-left activists in Sonoma County, discussing a possible protest for this Saturday.
Group leader: “It’s May Day, baby, like come out and take, take somethin’ over with us, I don’t, I don’t (bleep)-ing know.”
Member: “Let’s kill people. (laughs)”
Group Leader: “Let’s kill some cops.”
Member: “Yeah.”
The Trump supporter tells the I-Team he infiltrated a group of activists in Sonoma County who call themselves anti-fascist, and he gave us what he says is their “target list” and recordings of their planning sessions…
…Infiltrator: “So, I saw that they were here, I read their manifesto, and I could tell that they were a threat to the community, and somebody needed to do something about this.”
The manifesto posted online for SoCo (Sonoma County) Radical Action or SRA says, “Do not hesitate, do not wait … the brick in the street is meant to be thrown! The paint in the can is meant to be sprayed! The cop in your head is meant to be killed!”
The Trump supporter was able to join the group that communicates through the encrypted messaging app Wickr.
Billionaire investor George Soros has helped elect a number of district attorneys who’ve overseen a dramatic increase in crime.
The self-styled progressive political activists he has backed have made “social justice” initiatives more important than public safety.
— The Daily Signal (@DailySignal) April 30, 2021
- Public gatherings and crowded places are increasingly vulnerable to terrorist attacks and other extremist actors because of their relative accessibility and large number of potential targets. Organizations of all types of sizes, including businesses, critical infrastructure owners and operators, the general public, schools, and houses of worship face a variety of security risks.
- To help organizations mitigate potential risks in today’s dynamic and rapidly evolving threat environment, CISA provides a compendium of resources for securing public gatherings. These resources cover the numerous threat vectors in CISA’s portfolio, including unauthorized access to facilities, cybersecurity, election security, active shooters, bombings, and small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS).
Tennessee legislation requiring watermarks on absentee ballots heads to Lee’s desk
- The Tennessee Legislature nearly unanimously approved a bill that requires the addition of a watermark on all absentee ballots.
- Who puts a carnival next to an audit of the 2020 Presidential Election?
While the 2021 Arizona State Fair will be held at Wild Horse Pass, part of the Gila River Indian Community in the fall — a temporary move in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, officials said — the fairgrounds will host a carnival with some of the rides, games, and foods that fair-goers would typically see.
On Monday, the Arizona State Fair announced the “Crazy Times Carnival,” a 10-day event that will be held nightly from 5 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. at the fairgrounds, near 19th Avenue and McDowell Road in Phoenix.
- c
- Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has set a litmus test for Republicans: a pledge to take no corporate PAC donations.
- “Starting today, I no longer accept money from any corporate PAC. I urge my GOP colleagues at all levels to do the same,” Cruz penned in an op-ed Wednesday in the Wall Street Journal.
- “For too long, Republicans have allowed the left and their big business allies to attack our values with no response. We’ve allowed them to ship jobs overseas, attack gun rights, and destroy our energy companies. We’ve let them smear Republicans without paying any price,” Cruz continued.
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The patriots in the suburbs are just waiting for BM and the other terror group to come out to the suburbs. I wonder what they plan to do??
India you keep saying its not as bad as stated in the news or anywhere on the net… Need more info so truth can be shown…
Where on is Joe M’s post? I can’t find it and I want to repost it. Thank you.
Edit: Where can I find the Joe M post? I want to repost it but I don’t see a link – just the images.
Edit: Never mind. I tracked it down to an Instagram post. Joe M’s Instagram has just been deleted too. ),:
Last one, I promise: Just in case you want it, someone reposted it on Twitter. Probably the closest we’ll get to an “original” post now.
All very interesting, Dave. (YAWN)
So I hear the military is waiting until a certain percentage of the public is “awake” before moving in. Maybe this summer? You know, April Showers, then May Flowers, then a Long Hot Summer.
What are the common folk suppose to do when you see these things happening like these atrocities.
Who are our elected officials after they get elected to a position to cause positive change when they are constricted by the so called adopted processes , intrinsic to the operations of government .
We have been so weighed down with processes how is positive change possible .
Corrupt or otherwise this is a serpentine of road blocks and personal political agendas.
Hello again, Dave:
I wanted to continue a little on my “nutty idea,” and, unfortunately I can’t find exactly which episode’s page I posted it. Maybe it’s policy that you have to take the comments off the page, as that’s the only way you can read them. Fair enough. It would be nice however, to at least get a reply back, saying that you have my comment and read it, regardless whether you liked the comment or not, but, seeing as you’re quite busy, that, I won’t get my hopes up too high for that. Anyway….
My position to you, is….WITH THE FIAT SYSTEM (not necessarily against it) I can retire the National Debt, and have the bondholders feel they came away with something that could make them MORE MONEY TAX FREE, than the yields the US BONDS provide.
The first thing that has to be done, (maybe the SECOND thing, technically) is to YOKE THE OX. I think I remember telling you, last comment, about the farmer and his Ox, and the farmer’s desire to plow his field, using the Ox.
The problem is: when it comes to Farmer Uncle Sam: The Ox is on the Plow’s Buckboard, cracking the whip on Uncle Sam, facing shouldering the Ox’s Yoke, trying to get all of US to pull the impossibly heavy plow (because that Fat Ox is sitting on the buckboard, naturally!)
That’s basically been the configuration of How Uncle Sam wants his Central Banks (Both the 1st and 2nd Bank of the United States, and the Federal Reserve.)
Hate to say it, but Uncle Sam’s a pretty stupid farmer, isn’t he?
Now, one of the stumbling blocks that you might think is a deal-breaker for you, is, how is a Bondholder (let’s say John Q. Public, individual investor) going to interact with Uncle Sam, in this possible deal….when, the terms on the Bond he buys are BINDING on both the BUYER AND SELLER. (Or in this case, Creditor John Q. Public, and Debtor Uncle Sam)
Seems IMPOSSIBLE to wiggle out of, right? But, on the one hand, John Q. Public’s getting his tax-free yields off the Bonds…but on the Other Hand, Uncle Sam’s Taxing him on every nickel he can earn, to give it to him. Kind of a symbiotic choke-hold, isn’t it?
And Dave, you’d be right….as long there is that IRON CLAD 14th Amendment, Section 4 that reads “The Validity of the Public Debt of the United States […] shall not be Questioned!”
Well….no one questions 14.4. But what I am doing is questioning HOW to HONOR the Validity so that Bondholder and Debtor Government can come out a 360° WIN!
Well, a while back I had to send out some payments through the Mail. And I sent 10 payments out….
I got 9 letters back saying I haven’t paid, and 1 letter back Thanking me for my payment!
It turns out, that the sticky part of the stamps I was using wasn’t sticking so well, and 9 of the 10 pieces of mail, that I dropped into the mailbox on the corner…LOST THEIR STAMPS….causing them to be stuck in POST OFFICE LIMBO, (at least, until they came back to me two months later with an “INSUFFICIENT POSTAGE” rubber stamping on the face of the envelopes!)
So that got me to thinking: A lowly postage stamp, can make a government Agency DO 1 of TWO THINGS! With it’s presence, that piece of mail goes right to its recipient, and its ABSENCE causes that piece of mail to be stuck in POST OFFICE LIMBO, (or, returned to Sender with a red stamp “Insufficent Postage”)
So that got me to thinking, some MORE: What happens if the whole deal with Bondholders holding US BONDS, while getting Taxed to HELL so Uncle Sam could pay them those TAX-FREE YIELDS ….. is basically POST OFFICE LIMBO… without, necessarily, the POST OFFICE?
What if there was a “stamp” that Congress could allow fashioning, that, the Bondholder could obtain, and, either affix upon any Physical Specimen of Bond before presenting, or present with addresses of his holdings of electronic specimens thereof, to, a Treasury Authority….so he could then TENDER IT, as IF IT WAS CASH (Mind you…not “Legal Tender for *all debts public and private*” In other words, he’s not walking into Target or Wal-Mart with them as Cash for TV’s or Video Games, or Kitchen Gadgets for the Wife….he’s dealing with Uncle Sam, exclusively, because these are HIS BONDS he bought!)
So…what would this Stamp actually DO?
Well: it would allow Uncle Sam, to Honor the Bonds (remaining Yields left to pay, and any Maturity Promised from them) all at ONCE, rather than over the time length that the Bonds were originally set for. This wouldn’t affect OTHER BOND Holdings NOT STAMPED SO, that Bondholder John Q. Public may be holding….just the Bonds that John Q. Public Physically Affixed to Physical Specimen, or, presented the addresses of electronic specimen, when Presenting the Stamp to the Treasury. In Both Cases, both Stamped and Unstamped….the 14th Amendment, Section 4 stays UNVIOLATED.
So….what would Uncle Sam allow John Q. Public to “buy” with his stamped Bonds?
Well…how about use those bonds as DOWNPAYMENT on a Treasury Certificate 5, no scratch that…TEN (yes, 10) times Bigger than what Uncle Sam had left to pay upon them! As long as that Treasury Certificate gets deposited in the Federal Reserve, by the Bondholder, under the Bondholder’s name, and The Fed does what it does best (lending out to member banks at a higher interest rate, from the Treasury Certificates, that they pay certain SLIGHTLY SMALLER interest rate [think making the Fed earn RAZOR THIN PROFIT MARGINS, just like Supermarkets])….Even though it’s a LENDING ARRANGEMENT, John Q. Public doesn’t pay anything! Not ONE RED CENT. And…all the interest gotten from the FED to pay upon the Cert….he keeps TAX FREE!
Not only that: BUT….with that setup in place. John Q. Public can also have further benefits:
He can sell SHARES of the Treasury Certificate on the AMEX….and make more than what the Maturity would have given him. AGAIN: TAX-FREE!
And Even More: John Q. Public can walk into ANY BANK HE WANTS, and get instantly approved for a LOAN up to 75% of the entire amount of the Cert Holdings at the Federal Reserve, without having to put up any other collateral besides the CERTS.
EVEN BETTER….John Q Public CAN (if he wants to) become a Member Bank himself…and LEND OUT from His Holdings!
How is this possible?
Well….if Government can Borrow against an accounts receivable (namely, the Certs) then: Government borrows without Cost to Taxpayers….and the More the Government Borrows against the Accounts receivable, the closer and closer John Q Public gets to having his “loan” PAID OFF, with GOVERNMENT doing all the Work for him. John Q. Public NEVER PAYS A CENT.
That’s how Bonds with Individual Investors ought to work, Dave….
So, you couple THAT, with my earlier letters on here, to you….
You’ve got the makings of a plan that will blow the doors off any National Debt that could ever be Amassed….Unfunded Liabilites or not!
So…let’s talk about it, Dave.
Once again: My names Augie. How the hell are ya?
Oh! And…just one more thing, Dave:
I wrote to James Wood’s Twitter Account this Following message, and, whether or not it’s still there, and his reply, I’m not so sure: I can’t find it….maybe Dorsey yanked it! Who Knows?!
I wrote: “Dear _resident Biden: Forget the friggin’ Coof Mask! Put a bag over your head and go join the Gong Show, as the (NEW) Unknown Comic! You might get better audience approval!”
I got a reply back from that one, from James Woods, I think (Well….it could have been his evil twin brother, I don’t know!) it read: “You mean PRESIDENT Biden, sir!”
So I replied back to THAT, and said, “No, I just came out the bathroom, sir….I put the ‘P’ in the toilet where it was supposed to go….with the POO, too! And I flushed! Don’t worry! I washed my hands before I came out! Wanna Check? Here’s a picture of ONE of them…….”
I think that’s why it got yanked! I don’t know….
By the way, Dave, you got a large enough backyard I can “mooch-dock” my RV in? Just wondering what a monthly rate could be….I gotta get outta where I’m at!
Well….I guess I should have made a copy of the comment.
Hi Dave… Thank you so much for your Reports.
Don’t know if you saw the interview on Gateway Pundit with Brad Heward, an Arizona election fraud investigator who said Google eliminated the list of volunteers and the guards were blocking them from entering on the first day of the audit, including Brad. He also saw a USPS truck enter the Coliseum and speculated that it was full of folded ballots. I checked the article days later for Brad’s name but GP had removed his name his video interview and his printed statement, so not a word about Google or the USPS truck, just his photo with no caption. I’d thankfully copied the old version of the article so I contacted him. He said Ken Bennett is corrupt and chose the Cyber Ninjas so it’s a rigged audit to stop any more talk of the stolen election. And Bennett told GP today that they’re not going to release the daily tallies, only the final tally; so why would they withhold the daily tallies? If the daily tallies show few to no fake ballots we’ll know it’s rigged and it’ll invite major scrutiny, right? There is presently NO scrutiny by the few news sources covering the audit, just breathless anticipation.
And once they announce that “Biden Won’ anyone and everyone who calls foul will be accused of sour grapes. And I believe the democrats are strongly objecting to the audit and going to court to create the illusion that it’s legit. The recount failed to squash suspicion so this time they’re putting on a full show and if they get away with it even some who KNOW the election was stolen will start to have doubts.
We need scrutiny NOW before it’s too late. Brad Heward is not concerned because he said it’s part of the sting, but what if that belief is a triple cross or something? There’s NO harm in scrutiny and does anyone really think the most diabolical forces on Earth will let Ken Bennett & the Cyber Ninjas derail their plan? 🌏🇺🇸🌞
ps: The guards said they turned away 12 to 14 volunteers on the first morning of the audit, so how many total? Are most of the volunteers part of the con? And the 9 cameras don’t show the ballots, how is that helpful? And where’s Jovan Pulitzer? He’s honest, at least. And not announcing daily tallies conveniently keeps the media away. And GP, [not Andrew’s] Breitbart etc’s excited headlines ‘Finally the truth!’ are setting us up for a major disaster. They should be SCRUTINIZING the audit, they’re using emotion, not analysis – there is NO reason to think the deep state doesn’t have its hand in this IF you know Ken Bennett & Cyber Ninjas are crooked, but no investigative journalists allowed? Will controlled opposition do us in?
Do you have videos from empty hospital beds in india? Or related information?