August Is Traditionally Very Hot , October Surprise(s) Being Prepped & Warmed – Ep. 2828
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The people rising up around the world, the [CB]/[WEF] are racing against the clock. They know the only way to go is to move forward as quickly as possible, but they need the US, this is has failed before it got started. The [CB] will be brought to a screeching halt because the US has the constitution. The [DS] has lost the people, the fake news does not work on the people anymore, we are beyond the point of censorship, it is not working. The patriots have prepared multiple October surprise(s), they are now prepped and warmed. The [DS] is going to get hit hard as we get closer to the midterms. August is traditionally a hot month.
PANAMA: Mass demonstrations underway as citizens rise up against the government over high inflation which increased the cost of food, fuel, and basic services.
Panama is on the verge of
— Katie Daviscourt🇺🇸 (@KatieDaviscourt) July 17, 2022
“We’re All Dutch Farmers Now!”
- Remember the Yellow Vest movement? Remember how a populist movement rose up in France in 2018, with citizens donning the gilets jaunes that drivers are required by French law to have in their car and to wear during emergency situations? Remember how they hit the streets, week after week after week in an escalating series of protests that threatened to topple the Macron government? Of course you do.
- Now, do you remember why that movement started? Probably not, because the answer doesn’t fit into the MSM propaganda narrative very easily. Carbon taxes. The original protests were about carbon taxes.
- Specifically, France’s Ministry for the Ecological Transition (which is apparently a thing that exists) decided in its infinite wisdom that the “ecology tax” on gas and diesel (which, it must also be noted, is a thing that exists) was too low, so they raised it. This sparked anger among the general public, who were already suffering from rising gas prices. And, just like that, a new nationwide (and, eventually, worldwide) protest movement was born.
- The battle isn’t just being waged in the Netherlands, of course. In 2020, Canada committed to a similar scheme of nitrogen reduction, vowing to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer by 30% by 2030. And we already know how the Canadian government will react to the inevitable farmer protests in Canada. Just look at what they did to the truckers.
- A CNN poll released Monday revealed that 75 percent of registered voters believe expenses and the cost of living are the “biggest economic problem facing” families today.
- Seventy-five percent of the poll’s respondents said expenses/cost of living are what they believe is the biggest economic problem facing families. The other options were personal financial concerns, income/employment, policies/government, societal issues/concerns, and anything related to coronavirus.
- Of the total number of respondents who said expenses/cost of living, inflation/rising costs were in the highest bracket:
- Inflation/rising cost: 38 percent
- Gas, energy prices/Oil production issues: 29 percent
- Cost of food: 18 percent
- Cost of housing/Affordable housing/Housing market: Eight percent
- Cost of living (general): Seven percent
- Cost of health care/insurance: One percent
- Cost of education/Student loans: One percent
Happy one-year anniversary
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) July 19, 2022
Doocy to Karine Jean-Pierre: "But, so, ultimately, we get back from this trip. There's no new peace talks in the Middle East. There's no new commitment to increase oil production in the Gulf. So, what was the point of this trip?"
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 18, 2022
Your own Energy Secretary @SecGranholm said “The president doesn't control the price…" so is she lying or are you lying?
— Rosie Memos (@almostjingo) July 18, 2022
NBC Reporter’s Video of Saudi Gas Station Shows Just How Little You Pay When Your Country Drills
Checking on gas prices in Saudi Arabia. 2.33 Riyal per litre. About 62 cents US. Watch.
— Kelly O'Donnell (@KellyO) July 16, 2022
- Doing the math, 62 cents per liter, at 3.78541 liters in a gallon, comes to about $2.35 per gallon.
- There was a time not that long ago when such prices were not the stuff of fairy tales. The average gas price in 2020, the last full year when former President Donald Trump was in office, was $2.17 per gallon, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. On Monday, it was more than $4.50 a gallon, according to AAA.
The redline is when Biden took office.
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) July 19, 2022
Cost-of-living increase for Social Security may push seniors into higher tax bracket, say experts – (This is another reason why the Left loves inflation–more tax revenue!) – @washtimes
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) July 19, 2022
- United Nations announces Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres have signed an agreement to ‘accelerate’ Agenda 2030.
- Just in time for new UK PM to be installed.
- Here we go ladies and gentleman.
Schwab said that the world is facing multiple crises and the WEF is willing to deepen cooperation with China to play an active role in addressing climate change, promoting industrial transformation & social equity.
— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) July 19, 2022
- “President Biden is considering declaring a national climate emergency as soon as this week as he seeks to salvage his environmental agenda in the wake of stalled talks on Capitol Hill, according to three people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private deliberations,” the Post reported.
- “If an emergency is invoked, it could empower the Biden administration in its efforts to reduce carbon emissions and foster cleaner energy.”
- “The president made clear that if the Senate doesn’t act to tackle the climate crisis and strengthen our domestic clean energy industry, he will,”
- The White House is thus seeking unlawful authority over carbon emissions in the wake of the Supreme Court’s blow to the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulatory powers in late June.
- Democratic senators are now pushing for President Biden to take unilateral action to purportedly fight climate change.
- The Democrats’ calls for unlawful executive action in lieu of the Constitutional process of legislative action comes in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision in West Virginia vs. the EPA.
- “A decision of such magnitude and consequence rests with Congress itself, or an agency acting pursuant to a clear delegation from that representative body,” Chief Justice John Roberts said in the majority opinion.
- Hunter Biden still has a stake in the Chinese oil company that recently was in the news according to Chinese records.
- Hunter’s attorney has claimed that Hunter has no more interest in two China companies but this doesn’t appear to be the case per a report at Breitbart.
But Chinese business records contradict Clark’s claim. “Chinese site Qixin says the latest filing comes from BHR itself and that it was filed last month,” the Washington Examiner reported. “The 2021 annual report by BHR has an ‘announcement date’ of June 20. Skaneateles is still listed as a ‘shareholder’ with a 10% stake.”
China’s business registry may not have been changed to reflect Hunter’s vacated interest. But with Hunter’s global profile as the United States president’s son, the omission seems unlikely.
It should be noted that Hunter’s representative has also refused to say who bought the stake in the company and for what price.
- American voters know that Hunter Biden was involved in some shady business deals and they believe Joe Biden benefited from these deals. A survey coming out this morning at 11 am from Rasmussen Reports confirms America’s perceptions of the Bidens.
- This morning Rasmussen Reports will release the results of their survey of the Bidens at 11am. American voters were asked numerous questions about the Bidens and the results show that America knows the Bidens are corrupt.
- Sixty-nine percent (69%) of Likely U.S. voters believe it’s likely the president was aware of at least some of Hunter Biden’s major foreign business dealings, including 49% who think it is Very Likely. Just 22% don’t think it is likely President Biden was aware of his son’s foreign deals, and 10% are not sure.
- More importantly, sixty-two percent (62%) of voters believe Joe Biden personally profited from deals with Chinese-government connected companies, including 44% who think it’s Very Likely. Thirty-percent (30%) don’t believe it is likely that the president profited from his son’s Chinese deals.
- Also, not surprisingly with today’s corrupt justice department, most voters don’t think the president’s son will actually be prosecuted. Only 32% believe it’s likely that federal investigations will lead to criminal charges against Hunter Biden, including 16% who think it is Very Likely. Fifty-six percent (56%) don’t believe Hunter Biden is likely to face criminal charges, including 21% who say it’s Not At All Likely. Another 12% are not sure.
AOC PRETENDS to be *handcuffed* in fake arrest protesting Supreme Court — then raises her fist, breaking her fake handcuffs
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 19, 2022
Geopolitical/Police State
October comes before November.
Report: Elon Musk to Countersue Twitter
- A federal judge has permitted Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt’s office to conduct an investigation into Big Tech collusion with the Biden Administration.
- We previously wrote about the lawsuit filed in May by the states of Missouri and Louisiana against ALL of the MAJOR GOVERNMENT PLAYERS in Big Tech Censorship, including Joe Biden, Jen Psaki, Anthony Fauci, the CDC, the NIH, the Department of Homeland Security, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and many others.
- The lawsuit alleges, and we all know this is true, that the Biden administration conspired with – and at times outright coerced – Facebook, Twitter, Google, and every other major tech monopoly, to enforce speech and thought conformity on the internet.
- The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) decided that it no longer needs its Disinformation Governance Board after facing intense backlash.
- “We have now had briefings on the relevant disinformation-related activities of the Department. We are not ready, as of yet, to provide recommendations on the Department’s most effective approach to disinformation threats, including commitments to increase transparency and protect civil rights, civil liberties, and privacy,” a DHS report released Monday stated.
- “
DHS decides today there was no need for its unconstitutional Disinformation Board after all
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) July 18, 2022
- INDIANA – […] Elisjsha Dicken, an armed bystander, fired on Sapirman. Dicken fired 10 rounds hitting Sapirman as Sapirman tried to retreat into the bathroom but collapsed and died.
- Dicken had no police training or military background, according to police. . Police said Dicken learned to shoot from his grandfather and that he had no military or police training.
- The day after a Ukrainian cargo aircraft full of explosives crashed in Greece, possibly exposing the dark nature of the Ukrainian conflict — the black market sale of Western supplied armaments to enrich oligarchs and Deep State operatives, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy fired his spy chief, and chief prosecutor.
- Ukraine’s chief of domestic intelligence and security (SBU) Ivan Bakanov was dismissed, along with Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova.
- The timing is very curious.
- It is a long-followed practice of tyrants to force out of office in a government those who are in a position to disclose and combat corruption. Or possibly, these two may have been involved in the corruption, and Zelenskiy is cleaning house.
China issues another warning to US
- A trip by Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan would have a “grave impact” on Beijing’s ties with Washington, the Foreign Ministry has said
- Beijing warned Washington that it would take “resolute and strong” measures should US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan, China’s Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday.
- “China firmly opposes this as it will have a grave impact on the political foundation of bilateral relations,” Zhao pointed out. “If the US were to insist on going down the wrong path, China will take resolute and strong measures to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity. All the ensuing consequences shall be borne by the US side.”
Cyber Attacks
False Flags
Germany To Re-Impose Mask Mandate In September Despite COVID Wave Already “Losing Momentum”
- Germany is set to re-impose its mask mandate in September despite the summer COVID wave already “losing momentum,” indicating such rules are being made permanent.
- Justice Minister Marco Buschmann announced that Germans would have to mask up this autumn when indoors and that the rules would be in place throughout the winter.
- On the contrary, mask rules are being re-imposed across the western world despite no evidence that they are effective in stopping COVID.
- A study in Denmark involving 6,000 participants also found that “there was no statistically significant difference between those who wore masks and those who did not when it came to being infected by Covid-19,” the Spectator reported.
- A study conducted in Germany also found that the reading ability of children has plummeted compared to pre-COVID times thanks to lockdown policies that led to the closure of schools.
- Adults wearing masks has led to serious cognitive development disorders in children.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced this week that it would be ending its monitoring program for COVID-19 cases on cruise ships.
- In a brief statement published on its COVID-19 guidance for cruise ship travel, the CDC said its “COVID-19 Program for Cruise Ships is no longer in effect.”
- The CDC acknowledged that cruise ship travel still “poses some risk of COVID-19 transmission,” but stated that ships now have “access to guidance and tools to manage their own COVID-19 mitigation programs.”
- The Pennsbury School District was called out after speakers were shouted down and had their words edited out of recordings of school board meetings.
- A solicitor for the Pennsbury School Board yelled, “You’re done!” while critics were speaking.
- Simon Campbell and Doug Marshall were two of the community members that had their comments cut short and one had comments removed from the video of the meeting.
- The editing of information out of recordings of school board meetings brought the Pennsbury School District under fire recently.Public comments relating to the board’s diversity and inclusion efforts, including the Educational Equity policy passed in May, were initially removed from the March and May meeting recordings.Two community members whose comments were cut short in May — one of which also had his unabridged comments later taken out of the March meeting’s video — threatened lawsuits as they were asked to leave the microphone.
- Here is a video of Simon Campbell calling out the school board.
- The school board was recently forced to pay out a large settlement for censoring the speech of attendees.
- The settlement states that they must pay $300,000 for the plaintiffs’ attorney fees and $17.91 to each plaintiff. The $17.91 is symbolic because 1791 was the year the First Amendment was ratified.
- “School boards across the country should take note. Rules for public comments must respect the First Amendment rights of speakers. If you are limiting which opinions may be shared, you’ll be held liable for violating First Amendment rights,” said Alan Gura, Vice President for Litigation at the Institute for Free Speech.Source:
- Last month several CBS employees who work for Colbert’s late-night show were arrested in the US Capitol, trespassing after hours, and HARASSING GOP lawmakers.
- The US Capitol was closed at the time.
- Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) let the insurrectionists in the building.
- Colbert’s goons were not only harassing Republican lawmakers after hours but they also went and harassed and mocked the families of the Janu
- ary 6 prisoners held in prison for over a year without a trial.
- Now this…
- Stephen Colbert’s crew has been cleared of “unlawful entry” charges after they were caught inside a House Office Building after hours without permission.
- Apparently only Trump supporters have to rot in prison for ‘unlawfully’ entering the US Capitol.
From the US Attorney’s office: “We do not believe it is probable that the Office would be able to obtain and sustain convictions on these charges.”
Colbert’s team unlawfully entered J6 committee hearing after they were denied press credentials. They were kicked out of one building then entered another where they remained until 8:30pm when they were arrested. Reports crew banged on doors, windows of GOP lawmakers’ offices:
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) July 18, 2022
- Wow! Prosecutors have just dropped all charges against ratings challenged Colbert Show staffers, who entered the Capitol illegally, disregarded police warnings, wouldn’t leave the premises, and were very loud and disruptive late into the evening, with no security present as is mandated by law. These Radical Left lunatics, from a failing show, were treated so differently than the Unselects are treating so many of our great American Patriots. NOT FAIR!
Stefanik Criticizes Jan. 6 Committee For Keeping Pelosi ‘Off-Limits’ From Probe
House GOP Conference Chairwoman Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) has called out Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), chair of the Jan. 6 Committee, questioning why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has remained “off-limits” from the committee’s scrutiny over the events that led up to violence on Jan. 6, 2021.
“You have only one office that’s off-limits to investigation and that office is Nancy Pelosi’s office,” Stefanik told Fox News’ “Life, Liberty and Levin” on July 16.
“[W]e know that the speaker’s office was made aware of potential threats, potential violence that day. They failed to do their job to ensure the Capitol Police had the support they needed to secure the Capitol,” Stefanik said.
“And they have not turned over the communication with the sergeant at arms office.”
Battle Lines Being Drawn – Mike Pence Endorses Karrin Robson in Arizona, President Trump Endorses Kari Lake, Dueling Campaign Events Friday
— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) July 18, 2022
- ·AZ has a mess on their hands.
- Pinal County (reg voters: 275,000) injecting 63,000 new ballots into the system guarantees losing candidates have a cause of action.
- The County screwed up by not being prepared. Then he followed up his screw up with the injection of the new ballots.
- The Secretary of State is also culpable.
- All are likely lawyering up because they are busted.
- We know in advance this time. This is happening before our eyes.
- Watch closely.
- It will be one of the great political re-matches of all time.
- Hillary Clinton will run again for president in 2024 to stop Donald Trump.
- In fact, events are unfolding just as I predicted in my new book “The Return: Trump’s Big 2024 Comeback.” [Editor’s Note: check out the FREE Offer for “The Return” – Click Here]
Can that be correct: 70% support gay-marriage? If so, I know why the date for the destruction of Babylon is so difficult to find… the USA is Babylon. Read Revelations; we are therein mentioned, and it isn’t good.
Dave, I love your videos and find them to be very informative. I feel like we could talk for hours but I’m reaching out on one particular topic right now. It has to do with the 2000 mules. If you know the best way to contact Dinesh that would be the best. Otherwise I’d be more than happy to chat with you about it.