Biden Dropping Out, Queen Protects The King, Shot Heard Around The World – Ep. 3265
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The farmers are now coming together, they are fighting the [WEF]. The people are now pushing back. The majority of people want more drilling. The [CB] is losing, the Fed in the end will be scene as the criminal syndicate. The [DS] has tried everything to remove Trump, all has failed. They are now watching to see if Trump wins the nominee, once he does, Biden will drop out. There are rumors that [MO] will step in. The queen protects the king. The [DS] will become so desperate that they might try to assassinate Trump. This will be the shot heard around the world. This act will the worst the [DS] has tried and will bring the people together.
Now the Scottish farmers have begun protesting – It's happening all over Europe.
Did you hear about this on the news?
— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) January 22, 2024
More drilling or less emissions?
All – 52% / 39%
18-39 – 46% / 42%
40-64 – 55% / 38%
65+ – 56% / 37%
White – 54% / 37%
Black – 39% / 49%
Hisp – 56% / 37%
Dem – 33% / 60%
Rep – 73% / 17%
Ind – 54% / 38%— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) January 23, 2024
- Buy now, pay later helped fuel record holiday spending online, surging 14% year over year, but now that those bills are coming due, consumers aren’t sure how they’ll pay them.
- The surge in use of buy now, pay later comes as credit card debt is at a record high and delinquency rates have nearly doubled over the past two years.
- It’s unclear how often buy now, pay later bills go unpaid, but the people who use the services are more than twice as likely to be delinquent on another credit product, such as a car loan or mortgage.
Oh, look… the Federal Reserve Cabal’s *internal* review found that fellow Cabal members did nothing wrong when they were caught INSIDER TRADING.
This should make you angry…
These freaking kleptocrats *literally* control our money, and they are ABOVE THE LAW.
— Walker⚡️ (@WalkerAmerica) January 23, 2024
- .
- Hunter Biden’s art gallerist Georges Bergès earlier this month sat down for an interview with Republican lawmakers and his transcribed interview was released on Monday.
- Now this…
- The Republican-led House Oversight Committee on Monday released the transcribed interview with Georges Bergès, Hunter Biden’s art gallerist.
- The Biden White House lied about a so-called ethics agreement in place to make sure Hunter’s art wasn’t being used in yet another influence peddling scheme.
The White House’s “ethics” agreement regarding Hunter Biden’s art was a sham.
— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) January 22, 2024
Georges Bergès revealed Kevin Morris purchased most of Hunter Biden’s art for $875,000 in January 2023. However, Kevin Morris only paid Mr. Bergès 40 percent commission of the $875,000 purchase and Hunter Biden and Kevin Morris figured out the financial implications. Mr. Bergès…
— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) January 22, 2024
Georges Bergès confirmed Hunter Biden’s name had influence on setting the price for his art.
— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) January 22, 2024
In conclusion, Hunter Biden’s amateur art career has been an ethics nightmare, and the White House needs to explain why they misled the American people.
— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) January 22, 2024
Yuval Noah Harari is a lead advisor to Klaus Schwab at the WEF.
Here he is explaining that human rights and country borders are just fiction and don’t actually exist.
With this horrific and evil mindset, his ilk can justify doing anything they want.
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) January 23, 2024
Biden Admin Spent Whopping $20 Billion On Refugee Resettlement In Just Two Years
- The Biden administration spent $8.925 billion in fiscal year 2022 and $10.928 billion in fiscal year 2023 on the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at ORR to accommodate, transport, and provide migrants with various other services like medical care and loans, according to the report, which was released Tuesday. In recent months, HHS has faced scrutiny for ORR’s alleged mishandling of cases of unaccompanied migrant children, some of whom have been released to poorly vetted sponsors where they are used for child labor, according to The New York Times.
As of December 2020, the total funding given for new fencing was about $15 billion (~$16.8 billion in 2022),
Legal Illegal
— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) January 23, 2024
Texas wants the razor wire to repel illegals.
Border Patrol wants Texas to have the razor wire.
Americans overwhelmingly want Texas to repel illegals.
But Biden wants an open border so he can replace American voters and extort $60 billion more for Ukraine.
Pure insanity.
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 22, 2024
So it’s unanimous: everyone in power, from the White House, to the hedge fund managers, to the Supreme Court of the United States has decided to destroy the country by allowing it to be invaded. That leaves the population to defend itself. Where are the men of Texas? Why aren’t…
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) January 23, 2024
This is correct.
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) January 23, 2024
The Supreme Court’s temporary order allows Biden to continue his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America. The destruction of Texas’s border barriers will not help enforce the law or keep American citizens safe. This fight is not over, and I look forward to defending…
— Attorney General Ken Paxton (@KenPaxtonTX) January 22, 2024
Trump reiterates that he will “use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries immediately”.
You ever heard the Left talk about the child trafficking crisis?
This is the reason they fear him most.
— Clandestine (@WarClandestine) January 23, 2024
Geopolitical/Police State
BREAKING: Judge rules Trudeau broke the highest law in the land with the Emergencies Act.
He caused the crisis by dividing people. Then he violated Charter rights to illegally suppress citizens. As PM, I will unite our country for freedom.
Sign here to fire Trudeau and unite…
— Pierre Poilievre (@PierrePoilievre) January 23, 2024
In China, a TWEET will land you in prison.
Jimmy Lai, a business mogul, made the mistake of being critical of China's extradition law and now he is being arrested for doing so.
Free speech is already under threat in America. If we fail to speak up, our country will look no…
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) January 22, 2024
remember the meme
The government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) may be cyberstalking, physically intimidating, and harassing Chinese citizens, naturalized U.S. citizens, and families of dissidents who speak out against the Chinese Communist Party in Texas. #HouNews
— FBI Houston (@FBIHouston) January 23, 2024
Watch this to understand who Victoria Nuland is, how she became the ruler of Ukraine and what's driving her hate for Russia:
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) January 22, 2024
President Trump just took a sledgehammer to the military industrial complex.
“Now we’re getting involved in the Middle East. Look what’s happening… Here we go again with the Middle East! We spent $9 trillion dollars, killed millions of people… You know what we got? Nothing.…
— TheStormHasArrived (@TheStormRedux) January 23, 2024
- that condition. Otto’s Father said that he was in a coma starting in March of 2016, long before I assumed Office. I worked tirelessly to get him out, and I did get him out, along with other Hostages! By the time I became President, he was in seriously bad condition, in a coma for almost a year, and when I got him out, he was close to death—but I brought him home!
Cyber Attacks
False Flags
The people who wanted vaccine passports two years ago are the same people who now allow illegal aliens to board airplanes without ID all across America.
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) January 23, 2024
A Virgin Atlantic flight was canceled after a passenger noticed missing bolts.
Maybe @VirginAtlantic should focus less on drag queens and LGBTQ pride and more on safety.
DEI will get people k*lled
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) January 22, 2024
- A federal appeals court on Tuesday denied Trump’s request to reconsider its decision to uphold Judge Tanya Chutkan’s order enforcing Jack Smith’s gag order against the former president.
- The gag order prevented Trump from criticizing Jack Smith or any of his prosecutors or staffers, any of the Court’s staff or supporting personnel or any ‘witnesses.’
- The Messenger reported:
President Trump will likely seek a review by the US Supreme Court.
"Halderman, a University of Michigan computer scientist, changed results of a hypothetical referendum on Sunday alcohol sales. He flipped the winner in a theoretical election between President George Washington and Benedict Arnold, the Revolutionary War general who …
1/3— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) January 22, 2024
rewriting the touchscreen’s code."
3/3— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) January 22, 2024
/1🚨LITIGATION BOMBSHELL — we sued the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the censorship arm of DHS.
Our lawsuit unearthed new docs showing that the deep state knew the risks of mass mail voting in 2020 but censored these criticisms as “disinformation.”
— America First Legal (@America1stLegal) January 22, 2024
- As Chicago residents battle various crises including surging crime and an influx of migrants, Black voters are mobilizing to turn the city red and do “away” with far-left Democratic policies in the Windy City.
- Residents Cata Truss and Mark Carter spoke about their vow to turn the city red in 2024 and why they must steer away from Mayor Brandon Johnson’s progressive policies during “Fox & Friends First.”
- “The Democratic Party has always neglected to pay attention to the Black community,” Truss told host Todd Piro on Friday. “That is traditional, and because we have been so committed to supporting that party, they feel that they can continue to disrespect us, to marginalize us, to not hear our voices.”
- Chicago has historically battled a crime crisis and more recently a migrant crisis as border towns bus and fly illegal immigrants to sanctuary sites around the nation, the Windy City included.
— Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) January 23, 2024
— Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) January 23, 2024
In 2016, Ted Cruz won the midnight vote in Dixville Notch. In 2020, Michael Bloomberg, who was actually running as a Democrat, won it with write-in.
Hart's Location and Mills did not participate this year.
— Rich Baris The People's Pundit (@Peoples_Pundit) January 23, 2024
Why did Alex Soros share this article including a “Silver Certificate” bill?
5 mos before his assassination, Pres JFK issued EO 1110, making it so the US gov’t could issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve.
People could trade in silver, coins etc and be issued…— CatTheGreat (@CatTheGreat_) January 22, 2024
Check the date:
— JuliansRum (@ItsJuliansRum) January 22, 2024
NEW – Democrat presidential candidate Marianne Williamson says President Joe Biden should be "ashamed" for having "suppressed" other Democrats from running for president.
"You should be ashamed of yourself, sir, because this is the way that you and your administration and the…
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) January 22, 2024
Trump says he thinks Biden will drop out of the race
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 22, 2024
During a moment of dead silence, someone screamed out, “where we go one we go all!”
Trump responded with a smile and a nod 😎
— TheStormHasArrived (@TheStormRedux) January 23, 2024
Report: Michelle Obama’s Secret Plan to Replace Joe Biden for President Emerges
- Barack has reportedly polled donors and put together a plan for Michelle, which is still being tweaked, according to Adams.
- Per Adams, here is how the plot will work:
Around May, Biden announces he’s not running (even mentally). The so-called plot is that come the August convention, Michelle gets nominated.
JB — drops out just before that convention.
For now, he still play-acts like he’s a real candidate.
- One may wonder why Biden does not drop out now and let Michelle get a head start. Adams argues that he must pretend he’s running because “our dodo-in-chief would have to stop quacking and become a lame duck.”
Anonymous ID: eaeb32 No.9170717
Worth remembering.
Think Chess.
Do you attack the KING in the beginning or middle-to-end?
QUEEN protects KING?
The “Great Tribulation.” When answering the question of his disciples concerning the sign of his presence and the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus mentioned a “great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” (Mt 24:3, 21) As a comparison of Matthew 24:15-22 with Luke 21:20-24 reveals, this had initial reference to a tribulation to come upon Jerusalem. The fulfillment came in 70 C.E., when the city was besieged by the Roman armies under General Titus. This resulted in severe famine conditions and much loss of life. The Jewish historian Josephus relates that 1,100,000 Jews died or were killed, whereas 97,000 survived and were taken into captivity. The temple was completely destroyed. Contrary to the wish of the Roman commander Titus, Roman soldiers set the temple itself on fire. According to Josephus, this took place in the same month and on the same day that the Babylonians had burned the former temple on this site. (The Jewish War, VI, 249-270 [iv, 5-8], 420 [ix, 3]; 2Ki 25:8, 9) The temple destroyed by the Romans has never been rebuilt. Such a “great tribulation” has not occurred again or been repeated upon Jerusalem. Nevertheless, Biblical evidence indicates that the tribulation upon Jerusalem in 70 C.E. pointed forward to a far greater tribulation, one affecting all nations.
Jesus continued his prophecy by describing events that would occur during the centuries after Jerusalem’s destruction. (Mt 24:23-28; Mark 13:21-23) Then, at Matthew 24:29, he added that “immediately after the tribulation of those days,” there would be fear-inspiring celestial phenomena. Mark 13:24, 25 says that these phenomena would take place “in those days, after that tribulation.” (See also Lu 21:25, 26.) To what “tribulation” did Jesus there refer? – If you would like to read all of the information about the Great Tribulation, please email me and request it.
There are 1804 prophecies in the Bible and most have been fulfilled perfectly; noting that no prophecy has ever failed to be fulfilled. The prophecy that will be fulfilled soon is the beginning of the Great Tribulation which starts with Almighty Jehovah God’s FIRST TIME direct control of events on the earth. If you have questions, please ask, or, email me; [email protected]. I can also direct you to a FREE online Bible study course that you can use when it is convenient for you to do so.
Police Called To Stop Filming
During Piano Livestream — Re: CCP mentality antics In Britain
Ahhh, so NOW you’re shifting to the, “…no one is going to help/save you except yourself…”
What happened to the military? Yeah, you know. That military that Trump is so in control of.
Lordy. “The shot heard around the world.” Well, I guess if one says that over a dozen times over 2 years, perhaps it might come to pass. Eventually.
On the Soros post, any ideas why the 20 and 10 were upside down?
30 days? 30th of some month? 30th state (WI)?
Inquiring minds want to know…
Right; a person escaping chinese tyrany should, if a residing in the Harris County area of Texas, contact the FBI in the event the Chi-Com govt engages in harrassment… why? So that the Fed’s can turn informant against the person on behalf of the Chi-Coms. Is there anyone out there who believes that the us govt and all its agencies are NOT puppets of the globalist-com-fascist-wef cabal? DC is rotten to the core. Trust not in the us govt.
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Jack Smith was illegally appointed.
Interesting numbers on drilling. Everyone knows Blacks are not ignorant. Their numbers here would place them against the grain of all categories except for Democrats. The numbers actually mirror. As a group they are completely owned by the Party. This group knows what’s going on, we have all been lied too yet despite that they follow the Party to their own detriment. Sad.
As for Trump being “taken out” (stupid drivel from Hollywood) by DS sparking some citizen revolt? Please by now we should recognize that BS talk from hardcore who to date have remained silent on All issues. JFK proved this scenario can be handled by DS. I think taking their stoves away and freezing to death in winter, starving year round, loss of personal transportation and these strange long last respiratory viruses lately is far more likely to get them off their collective arses.