Comms Sent, Durham Deep In The Rabbit Hole, Patriots Blocking All The Exits, Panic In DC – Episode 2298

Trump is using the art of the deal to get his way, the [DS] tried everything to get the funds to bailout certain states, payoff people, but Trump wanted the people to receive the funds, he has now backed the [DS] players into the corner. The patriots are in total control of the economy, look at the market, watch gold. The [DS] scrambling they do not know what to do, Trump and the patriots are throwing hard facts at them and the propaganda is not working, next phase censor everything. Durham is moving forward with his investigation, Trump mentioned that they will be releasing HRC emails. It’s all falling apart. Comms were sent via the [DS], they are now desperate they do not have the upper-hand.
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Current News – 10.09.2020
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McConnell Says “We Do Need” Another Covid Aid Package, But “Unlikely In Next Three Weeks” .
- With a little hindsight, it’s clear that this was one of his “Art of the Deal” tactics, albeit in compressed form.
- You walk away from stalled talks, get in your car and drive off, leaving the other side stunned and, hopefully, softened up for compromise. Then you restart negotiations with each side a little more flexible, and — in this case the crucial second part of the strategy — the deal broken up into bite-sized, and thus more easily doable, parts.
- . The big conflict here is the Democrats’ burning desire to bail out their party’s governors and mayors colliding with Trump’s aversion to rewarding those officials’ horrendous mismanagement (and refusal to vote Republican). Remember, California, Illinois, New Jersey, and their peers were looking at pension crises (i.e., functional bankruptcy) before the pandemic hit.
- The strategy of breaking the stimulus bill up into pieces puts the Dems in a tough spot, having to oppose saving big, crucial industries and giving money directly to voters in order to protect bail-outs for Dem-run states. This is not a good place to be going into the election, but it’s where Trump has put them.
JUST IN: Steve Scully — moderator of the next presidential debate, accidentally tweets out DM he meant to send to Scaramucci about President Trump
— SV News 🚨 (@SVNewsAlerts) October 9, 2020
So he saying that his Twitter account was hacked
We know that Durham is now investigating the Alfa Bank story, Aaron Mate breaks this down.
I always thought the Alfa Bank-Trump story was just another dumb Trump-Russia conspiracy theory fed to credulous media stenographers, but now it looks much worse: read between the lines, & it looks like a criminal set-up. Durham is investigating it.
— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) October 9, 2020
The story never made sense. A group of “self-appointed guardians of the Internet” (-The New Yorker, sincerely 😂) discover some suspicious activity between a Trump server and Russia’s Alfa Bank.
An Alfa suit now alleges this was actually a criminal set-up:
— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) October 9, 2020
Idea that this was a set-up makes total sense. Which sounds more plausible:
A) “self-appointed guardians of the Internet” discover secret communications between Trump & Russian bank server
B) It was deliberate fraud to fake a Trump-Russia tie. And it would be far from alone.
— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) October 9, 2020
I’m going w/ B).
Durham is too. People interviewed by Durham team say that “agents told scientists that they were exploring a potential criminal charge… for giving false information to the government.” That would be when the FBI got, and investigated, this insane “tip.”
— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) October 9, 2020
BTW, another fraudster, Christopher Steele, pushed the Alfa Bank story. Steele says he got the “tip” about it from Michael Sussmann, a Perkins Coie attorney who worked for DNC & Clinton campaign. That has some very interesting implications.
— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) October 9, 2020
This says everything: Dexter Filkins tries to dismiss the setup theory as “extraordinarily abstruse.” Has he considered applying that skepticism to his theory about Trump camp & a Russian bank server?
Meanwhile, he tries to pretend that Steele has not been exposed as a fraud.
— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) October 9, 2020
- National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien made good on President Trump’s transparency pledge in the Russia collusion case, releasing in its entirety a previously heavily redacted document from the Robert Mueller probe showing why Russian diplomats met with Trump in May 2017.
- The memo, which was originally released with only three words visible, shows National Security Council official Eric Ciaramella wrote on May 10, 2017 that Trump chose to meet with Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov that during a visit to Washington based on a request eight days earlier during a phone call with Russian president Vladimir Putin.
- “May 2, 2017: Putin asks POTUS to receive Lavrov when he stops through DC en route to Arctic Ministerial in Fairbanks, Alaska (a longplanned international meeting); POTUS agrees, and preparations begin,” Ciaramella wrote fellow NSC official William Murphy, explaining the origins of the Lavrov meeting.
- The memo was first flagged in a footnote of Mueller’s final investigative report on the Russia collusion probe in spring 2019, in part because the Lavrov meeting became the subject of a news media leak that claimed Trump called James Comey a “nut job” during the gathering and told the Russian foreign minister the FBI director had just been fired.
- The leaked conversation was used by the news media to further the narrative that Trump was somehow too close with the Russians and colluding with them at the jeopardy of American national security.
- Mueller, however, concluded no American, including Trump nor anyone around him, had improperly conspired with Moscow. Justice also did not recommend any obstruction of justice charges.
- Ciaramella’s exchange with Murphy – captured in the now unredacted email – shows the May 2017 meeting between Russian diplomats and Trump was simply a routine diplomatic courtesy afforded Lavrov after Putin had agreed to meet Trump’s then-new Secretary of State Rex Tillerson earlier that spring.
- “
#Durham Two sources, 1 admin + 1 senior republican, both familiar with probe said they do not BELIEVE findings or indictments will come before election, in part, COVID-19 + Durham’s work expanded in recent weeks + goes well beyond origins of FBI Russia probe (original mandate)
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) October 9, 2020
This includes Sept 2016 CIA investigative referral to FBI over alleged 3rd party discussion of HRC approved plan “concerning candidate Trump + Russian hackers” + Brennan notes. Separately, official told @CBSNews that if there is a probability of future prosecutions stemming from
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) October 9, 2020
Durham then there cannot be a report released prior to that. The official would not comment as to whether potential prosecutions are in the works. @ClareHymes22
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) October 9, 2020
Pompeo just announced he has Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 deleted emails, and is ‘in process’ of releasing them publicly…
- Twitter locked the account of former acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell after he shared an image of ballots sent to him by a friend living in California, who says they were addressed to his parents — who he claims have been dead for ten years.
- “
- “Twitter has now responded back to me to say that you can delete the photo and the tweet and repost it after you black out their address. Well, I’m not doing that because I have permission, and they have no right to ask me to do that.”
- Grenell’s friend, Tom Thompson, confirmed this in a tweet.
- “I am the son of John and Gertrude Thompson. Both passed away over ten years ago and got ballots for the upcoming election. I gave Richard Grenell permission to post these pictures and ask for an investigation as to why they were mailed ballots for the 2020 election.”
BREAKING: Seventh Circuit Court Blocks Wisconsin Delayed Absentee Ballot Deadline
- The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the Democrat’s attempt to delay counting ballots received up until the 9th of November — a week after the election.
- This is a HUGE blow to the Democrat Party’s attempts to sow doubt and confusion in the November presidential election.
The AP reported:
A federal appeals court on Thursday blocked a decision to extend the deadline for counting absentee ballots in battleground Wisconsin, in a win for Republicans who have fought attempts to expand voting across the country.
absentee ballots will have to be delivered to Wisconsin election clerks by 8 p.m. on Election Day if they are to be counted. Results of the presidential race in the pivotal swing state would be known within hours of polls closing.
Every single member of the Epstein flight logs has endorsed Joe Biden for president
— Anton Naronis (@AntonNaronis) October 9, 2020
President Trump Reiterates Christmas Afghan Withdrawal Deadline
- In Wednesday’s tweet, the president said all US troops in Afghanistan should be home by Christmas.
False Flags
- The World Health Organization has finally confirmed what we (and many experts and studies) have been saying for months – the coronavirus is no more deadly or dangerous than seasonal flu.
- The WHO’s top brass made this announcement during a special session of the WHO’s 34-member executive board on Monday October 5th, it’s just nobody seemed to really understand it.
- At the session, Dr Michael Ryan, the WHO’s Head of Emergencies revealed that they believe roughly 10% of the world has been infected with Sars-Cov-2.
- The global population is roughly 7.8 billion people, if 10% have been infected that is 780 million cases. The global death toll currently attributed to Sars-Cov-2 infections is 1,061,539.
- That’s an infection fatality rate of roughly or 0.14%.
- Right in line with seasonal flu and the predictions of many experts from all around the world.
- 0.14% is over 24 times LOWER than the WHO’s “provisional figure” of 3.4% back in March. This figure was used in the models which were used to justify lockdowns and other draconian policies.
Scientific American, the New England Journal of Medicine have all come out, for the first time in their histories, against Donald Trump for president
New England Journal Of Medicine Takes Stance On Presidential Election For First Time Ever
Anonymous ID: 91a1c7 No.342919
Q, how long will we have to wait for the cures of cancer and other sicknesses?
Chatter amongst those in control has begun.
They know we know which means the public will know.
Release prior to cover up.
Public informed and collapse.
Which option?
Yelp will start labeling businesses that are accused of “racist behavior”
— The Hill (@thehill) October 9, 2020
.@Yelp to weaponize its platform against American businesses to advance leftist #ColorRevolution.
The attempted kidnapping of Whitmer
Governor Whitmer of Michigan has done a terrible job. She locked down her state for everyone, except her husband’s boating activities. The Federal Government provided tremendous help to the Great People of Michigan. My Justice Department and Federal Law Enforcement announced…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 9, 2020
…today that they foiled a dangerous plot against the Governor of Michigan. Rather than say thank you, she calls me a White Supremacist—while Biden and Democrats refuse to condemn Antifa, Anarchists, Looters and Mobs that burn down Democrat run cities…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 9, 2020
…I do not tolerate ANY extreme violence. Defending ALL Americans, even those who oppose and attack me, is what I will always do as your President! Governor Whitmer—open up your state, open up your schools, and open up your churches!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 9, 2020
Wow! This is big. Brandon Caserta, one of the ringleaders of the group of men arrested for a plot where the group planned to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer hated President Trump too!
“Trump is not your friend dude”
He says that Trump is “a tyrant” and describes him as an “enemy”.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) October 8, 2020

Everything has meaning.
Anonymous ID: 027f90 No.10988470
Anonymous ID: 78a0f3 No.10988446
We need Justice!!!! We are ready!!!! Let’s go!!!! WWG1WGA

How long ago?
Was it expected POTUS would be in a critical [health] state re: C19?
Recovery unexpected?
Impossible to unwind?
Next: ‘mentally incapacitated’ re: C19 language [“people are dying”] _safety and security to the well being ……….
Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan.
- Top congressional Democrats condemned President Donald Trump on Thursday after the commander in chief suggested that he might have contracted Covid-19 from Gold Star family members who were too close to him when telling stories of their loved ones who died in the line of duty.
Anonymous ID: 010213 No.10989031
Did you notice the missile within the drop re: 25th amendment?
BREAKING: Pelosi Announces Bill to Create Panel to Judge President’s ‘Capacity’ to Remain in Office
Crazy Nancy Pelosi is looking at the 25th Amendment in order to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris. The Dems want that to happen fast because Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 9, 2020
How does one agency attach itself to another?
Myth 1: The CIA spies on US citizens
“the CIA is restricted in the collection of intelligence information directed against US citizens. Collection is allowed only for an authorized intelligence purpose; for example, if there is a reason to believe that an individual is involved in espionage or international terrorist activities. The CIA’s procedures require senior approval for any such collection that is allowed, and, depending on the collection technique employed, the sanction of the Director of National Intelligence and Attorney General may be required.”
Look here: FBI
Look here: DOJ
So why would Trump put Haspel into this position, well the DS trusts her, Brennan believes she will block it all.
“…Haspel is seen as a Russia expert and a close ally of Britain’s MI6, having being London station chief from 2014 to 2017.”
Is she helping with Durham’s investigation?
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 3cc9d3 No.10992036
NEWWhat happens if CIA was actively involved in domestic targeting and surv of US person(s) [direct _indirect]?
How does one agency attach itself to another?
“the CIA is restricted in the collection of intelligence information directed against US citizens. Collection is allowed only for an authorized intelligence purpose; for example, if there is a reason to believe that an individual is involved in espionage or international terrorist activities. The CIA’s procedures require senior approval for any such collection that is allowed, and, depending on the collection technique employed, the sanction of the Director of National Intelligence and Attorney General may be required.”
Look here: FBI
Look here: DOJ
Who was DNI? Clapper
Who was AG? Lynch
CIA leads to the top? – Brennan
Anonymous ID: b66d7d No.10992104
Why did Brennan endorse?
Why did POTUS select as Dir?
Buckle up.
Imagine prospects for world peace, prosperity, & security if Joe Biden were President of the United States & Alexei Navalny the President of Russia. We’ll soon be halfway there.
“Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You, you may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one”— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) October 9, 2020
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