[DS] Fantasy Land, Who Holds The Power, We The People, Operators Active – Ep. 2331
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Klaus Schwab and Prince Charles on why we need a Great Reset – listen to the podcast
- The Great Reset
- Welcomed by UN, IMF, and companies Microsoft, Mastercard and BP.
- “The COVID-19 crisis has shown us that our old systems are not fit any more for the 21st century,” said World Economic Forum Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab. “In short, we need a great reset.”
- Could it be we are being softened up for climate lockdowns… That we are being conditioned for what is now being called the Great Reset?
- Have you heard of the Great Reset?
“Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed,” wrote Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, in an article published on WEF’s website. “In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”
Schwab also said that “all aspects of our societies and economies” must be “revamped,” “from education to social contracts and working conditions.”
- . When these fascists use phrases like “now is the time” and “window of opportunity,” they are talking about the pandemic:
- Here is the source for numbers 1-27. As you will see, the individual sources are not crackpots, but scientific studies and media reports on “expert” predictions. The sources for numbers 28-41 are linked individually.
- 1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
- 1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)
- 1970: Ice Age By 2000
- 1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
- 1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
- 1972: New Ice Age By 2070
- 1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
- 1974: Another Ice Age?
- 1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life
- 1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
- 1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes
- 1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
- 1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
- 1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
- 1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
- 1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
- 1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
- 2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
- 2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
- 2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
- 2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
- 2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
- 2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
- 2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
- 2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
- 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015
- 2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’
- 1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
- 1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
- 1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
- 1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
- 1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 90s
- 1980: Peak Oil In 2000
- 1996: Peak Oil in 2020
- 2002: Peak Oil in 2010
- 2006: Super Hurricanes!
- 2005 : Manhattan Underwater by 2015
- 1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
- 1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
- 1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
- 1970s: Killer Bees!
Source: breitbart.com
US Household Incomes Increased More in 2018 Than in the Previous 20 Years—Combined
- Why did US incomes suddenly explode in 2018 after decades of tepid growth? The answer is not difficult to find.
- The stagnant wage narrative was always mostly wrong. Federal Reserve data (which uses a chain-weighted price index) shows US hourly earnings have seen impressive growth in recent years.
- “In 2016, real median household income was $62,898, just $257 above its level in 1999,” writes Smith. “Over the next three years it grew almost $6,000, to $68,703.”
- Indeed, median household incomes increased from $64,300 to $68,700 in 2018 alone—an increase of $4,400. To put it another way, US incomes increased more in 2018 than the previous 20 years combined.
- The question, of course, is why did US incomes suddenly explode after decades of tepid growth? The answer is not difficult to find.
- The year 2017 saw massive deregulation and passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Estimates placed the deregulation savings at $2 trillion. But what was likely even a bigger factor was the cut businesses saw in corporate taxes.
- Prior to 2017, the US had the highest corporate tax in the developed world (if not the whole world). With a top bracket of 35 percent, its corporate tax rate was higher than Communist China and socialist Venezuela.
- high corporate taxes actually hurt workers more than “Big Business.” Tax experts point out that roughly 70 percent of what businesses earn in profits gets paid to workers in the form of wages and other benefits. So it’s no surprise to see that studies show that workers bear between 50 and 100 percent of the brunt of corporate income taxes.
- But the reverse is also true: cutting corporate taxes leaves companies more capital to grow and invest.
- So in 2017, when the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law, companies saw their tax rate fall from 35 percent to 21 percent. Just that fast, businesses suddenly had more capital to spend to grow their business, improve productivity, and hire more workers—and few things attract workers more than higher wages.
- Media scoffed at the possibility that corporate tax cuts would actually result in wage increases for US workers. But the data speaks for itself: Families saw incomes increase faster than at any time in generations.
- The surge in family incomes no doubt helped soften the impact of the economic destruction the world suffered in 2020 during the recession precipitated by economic lockdowns during the coronavirus pandemic.
Sen. Schumer: “No court is going to overturn this election — Joe Biden will be installed as president.” pic.twitter.com/FDobbqczJK
— The Hill (@thehill) November 16, 2020
President-elect Biden and VP-elect Harris are set to receive a national security briefing Tuesday, though it won’t be done by government officials because the Trump administration still hasn’t formally approved the transition. https://t.co/JuEdOk04Py
— NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt (@NBCNightlyNews) November 17, 2020
- Two California men were indicted on 41 counts of voter fraud after allegedly submitting thousands of fraudulent voter registration applications on behalf of homeless people,
- Montenegro submitted more than 8,000 fraudulent voter registration applications between July and October 2020. He’s also accused of “falsifying names, addresses and signatures on nomination papers under penalty of perjury to run for mayor in the city of Hawthorne.”
- There are an estimated 151,000 homeless people in California – which means Montenegro and Arevalo would have covered over 5% of the state’s homeless population.
- In February, nine people were charged with felonies for paying homeless people on Skid Row for their signatures on voter registration forms and official petitions.
Source: zerohedge.com
Umm why are all the Dominion people deleting their profiles on LinkedIn AND looks like all their software engineers are in Serbia. Nothing could go wrong 🥴 pic.twitter.com/TUfkSvzo0Z
— Rosie memos (@almostjingo) November 17, 2020
My God, I’m just noticing this..
1) “Dominion,” a word that is the opposite of freedom and democracy.
2) “Changing the way people vote” – Literally changing votes.
3) The actual logo is a “red” vote going in, and coming out a “blue vote.”
They put it right in our faces! pic.twitter.com/n7zejMKIYi
— Rosie’s Kraken Grooming (@DarnelSugarfoo) November 17, 2020
1) Dominion is a Member of Council That Disputed Election Integrity Concerns in DHS Statement
Dominion Voting Systems used statement, which obscured company’s council membership, to dispute concerns over voting systemshttps://t.co/4uIASo8I2s
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) November 17, 2020
2) On Nov 12 CISA issued a statement disputing voting irregularities saying “the November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.”
The statement noted “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) November 17, 2020
3) What the agency failed to disclose, however, is that Dominion Voting Systems, along with Smartmatic, is a member of CISA’s Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council – one of the two entities that authored the statement put out by CISA.
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) November 17, 2020
4) The joint statement was issued through CISA by the Executive Committee of the Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) and the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council (SCC)https://t.co/6g1vFm7sg2
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) November 17, 2020
5) However, both Dominion & Smartmatics are listed as members of CISA’s Sector Coordinating Council and appear to be actively involved as they are named as “Organizing Members” of the SCC.
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) November 17, 2020
6) On Nov. 12, this publication published an article detailing a number of concerns raised about the integrity of Dominion Voting Systems in a sworn Aug. 24 declaration from a poll watcher and acknowledged expert on electronic voting security.https://t.co/H06sFADmko
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) November 17, 2020
7) On Nov 11, we asked Dominion Voting Systems for comment about the allegations and received no response.
Our article was published on the morning of Nov. 12.
That afternoon CISA published the statement denying any problems with the voting systems.
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) November 17, 2020
8) On Nov. 13, Dominion sent us an email titled “SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT” which cited the joint statement published by GCC and SCC.
Dominion cited the CISA statement as exoneration but failed to disclose that the statement was written by a Council of which it was part. pic.twitter.com/BbIFZ3eQMt
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) November 17, 2020
9) Additionally, while it remains unclear whether CISA and the GCC/SCC have evaluated concerns raised in the Georgia lawsuit, their public statements categorically deny any problems with the systems.
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) November 17, 2020
10) On Oct 11, Judge Totenberg wrote that the case presented “serious system security vulnerability and operational issues that may place Plaintiffs and other voters at risk of deprivation of their fundamental right to cast an effective vote that is accurately counted.”
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) November 17, 2020
11) We’ve reached out to CISA for comment on these matters but have not received any replies as of this writing.
/END— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) November 17, 2020
Holy Crap!!!
No…seriously. Holy crap! pic.twitter.com/UTKQk3dHqZ
— 𝗥𝗲𝗱𝗣𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 (Parler) (@RedPillReport) November 17, 2020
It’s not just about America but also democratic countries worldwide where voter fraud, machine and software manipulation exist. Time to review the whole thing!
— 🌎Standuphk (@standuphk) November 17, 2020
EXACTLY!! Now imagine how much corrupt power and evil actions and money will be disrupted because of the #Truth coming out that MANY #elections were rigged!
Now do you understand why all the social media companies, Google, Twitter and others with partners in every corrupt country https://t.co/T9sSYt7qk5— Sidney Powell 🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ (@SidneyPowell1) November 17, 2020
are fighting to HIDE the #Truth-not to mention the #CIA #FBI and other officials in our government. #TV & many multi-national interests, countless politicians in this country & around the world are BOUGHT or bought their seats in one way or another–or blackmailed@POTUS #Kraken pic.twitter.com/Stfl9LFKKu
— Sidney Powell 🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ (@SidneyPowell1) November 17, 2020
Louie Gohmert Military operation and they took the Sytle Server from Germany
Supposedly the Germany server data shows Trump landslide: 410-128 👍pic.twitter.com/asNmHYdp2X
— derf_anon (@derf_anon) November 17, 2020
Evidence for Russia Collusion: 🚫
Media coverage: 24/7, 3 yearsEvidence for Impeachment Hoax: 🚫
Media coverage: 24/7, 6 monthsEvidence for Rigged Election:
PA🧾MI🧾WI🧾GA🧾AZ🧾NV🧾Media coverage: 🤐
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) November 17, 2020
NEW: The PA Supreme Court has ruled Philadelphia did not violate state election law when it restricted how close poll observers could stand to the processing of mail-in ballots because of COVID — a loss for Trump’s campaign, which had won in a lower court
The 2020 Presidential Election is 100% going to the United States Supreme Court, where the Justices will rule that this election is invalid due to Voter Fraud on a countrywide scale. This will go one of two ways.
Either SCOTUS will rule that all the unconstitutional Mail-In ballots will be removed from the Total Votes, and the states are ordered to hand-recount WITHOUT them, OR…
SCOTUS will simply rule the election is invalid due to countrywide Voter Fraud, and at that point it will be sent to the US House and US Senate for a vote. This is where it gets good.
The US House and US Senate would vote on who the President and VP will be. This has nothing to do with what Political Party that has power. Every State gets ONE VOTE, according to the 12th Amendment. 31 State Houses are held by Republicans, and 19 by Democrats.
The Senate, then, votes for the Vice President. This is the Law.
The only way President Trump will NOT be re-elected is if he concedes — and this will NEVER happen. So, stop watching the Fake News, don’t let your heart be troubled, and know this will all work out.
President Donald J. Trump will remain President of the United States. Pelosi is in quite the predicament here. If the Supreme Court says the election must be decided by Congress, Pelosi will not want to do it, knowing Trump would win. Say, then, she refuses!
Trump would, then, of course, refuse to concede. Queue the impasse! Do you see Trump’s advantage here? Pelosi has no option, unless the wants a hand-recount of ALLLEGAL VOTES.
Geopolitical/Police State
Under oath, Zuckerberg admits @Facebook DOES have “tools” to track its users across the internet, across platforms, across accounts – all without user knowledge. I ask how many times this tool has been used domestically against Americans. Zuck won’t say
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) November 17, 2020
A @Facebook whistleblower tells me it’s called Centra. Example below. Zuck said he couldn’t recall the name … he’s only the company CEO, after all pic.twitter.com/DLkQ46MiR4
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) November 17, 2020
.@Facebook whistleblower tells me FB uses its internal project management system, “Tasks,” to coordinate censorship with @Twitter and @Google. Pic of example Task page below pic.twitter.com/TR2qbFawpl
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) November 17, 2020
Whistleblower says @Twitter and @Google routinely suggest censorship topics – hashtags, individuals, websites, many of them conservative – and @Facebook logs them for follow-up on Tasks. But Zuck REFUSES under oath to turn over list of @Twitter or @Google mentions on Tasks
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) November 17, 2020
Ted Cruz Slams Jack Dorsey For Twitter Warnings Slapped On Tweets About Voter Fraud
- When questioned by Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admitted that although he is not an expert in voter fraud, the social media giant’s warning labels on accurate statements about voter fraud are simply “linking to a broader conversation.”
- Cruz, however, shot back at Dorsey saying that Twitter’s decision to “add context” to posts with accurate and verified information is a policy decision.
“You put up a page that says ‘voter fraud of any kind is exceedingly rare in the United States.’ That’s not linking to a broader conversation, that’s taking a disputed policy position. And you’re a publisher when you do that.” - “You can take a policy position, but you don’t get to pretend you’re a publisher and get a special benefit under Section 230 as a result,” Cruz added.
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Source: thefederalist.com
Disinformation is everywhere. Here’s how to sort real news from fake news. https://t.co/IMtHmMYvl0
— ABC News (@ABC) November 17, 2020
- Senator Dick Blumenthal questioned Mark Zuckerberg on why Breitbart, The Gateway Pundit and Steve Bannon still have accounts on his platform.
- Here is the transcript:
- In this clip Blumenthal calls for removing Breitbart, Eric Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Gateway Pundit from Facebook.
Senator Blumenthal then requested Mark Zuckerberg to TAKE DOWN and silence Steve Bannon!
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- The hashtag #DeactivateTrump was trending S
Source: rawstory.com
In George Orwell’s 1984 it was called “The Ministry of Truth.”
In the USSR it was called the “Department of Agitation & Propaganda.”
In the Nazi era it was called the “Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment & Propaganda.”
Today, we call them “fact checkers.”
— Errol Webber (@ErrolWebber) November 17, 2020
I won the Election!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020
They changed the warning label, from official to multiple sources. So if its the official source why do we need the label, who cares if there are multiple non official sources. They changed it because they were called out on it, welcome to 1984
Trump Admin Orders Troop Draw-Down Order In Afghanistan & Iraq
- As was expected, DonaldTrump has ordered the Pentagon to accelerate a drawdown of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq to 2,500 in each nation, as the president works to deliver on his longtime pledge to exit from “endless wars”
Source: zerohedge.com
I have reversed the ridiculous decision to cancel Wreaths Across America at Arlington National Cemetery. It will now go on!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 17, 2020
False Flags
State GOP lawmakers say they’ll seek to impeach Whitmer https://t.co/J4jlmWfPjV pic.twitter.com/oFufIZ6w2k
— The Hill (@thehill) November 17, 2020
We’ve HEARD about the big one. Now we want to SEE it. And we’ll KNOW it’s been dropped because there will be confusion, chaos, panic on the Left. Suddenly they will go from “You got nothing!” to “Our ass is on fire!” @SidneyPowell1 @RudyGiuliani #Election2020results
— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) November 17, 2020
“The Democrat machine in cities across the U.S. has been cheating in elections for generations.@realDonaldTrump is putting a STOP to it NOW!
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) November 16, 2020
Anonymous 11/05/2017 23:34:15 ID: FAkr+Yka
4chan Thread/Post: 148181225 / 148183670
Direct Link: 148183670
They know what’s coming. Their only hope is to push the Biden narrative that he won. Why would they do this, they want people to believe that Trump cheated and is stealing the election, they will call it a coup, remember it is always the opposite.
We The People have all the power, our founding fathers made sure of this, this is what the [DS] has been trying to strip away for years, Our power is in our numbers.
I have always new this was so corrupt we ha e to pray that GOD WATCHES OVER US
The real Dominion voting logo only has the red ballot going in. Here is the link to their website. https://www.dominionvoting.com/ So unless they changed it there is no ‘blue’ ballot coming out. I love your show but please check that things you share are accurate and not a meme someone created no matter how clever they are. Thank you for all you do to share the truth.
This is the greatest news I’ve read in 60 years! I’ve always have known there is corruption. However, I didn’t want to believe people are so ridiculously stupid and greedy. Thank God for Donald J Trump!
The Apostle Paul said that “money is the root of all evil” and we have seen this proven true over the centuries. Here is a very simplified explanation of how this DS/CB mess all began.
Major wars are used to topple regimes and governments that won’t play ball. It takes money to feed, cloth and arm an army and mobilize for war, so over the centuries the Rothschilds and their minions would create a war, finance both sides of the war by lending money with high interest to various crowns and heads of state in order to put them in to debt and then after the war was over there were repairs that had to be made to war torn infrastructure which required yet more high interest loans. When you control the country’s money you control the country by insisting that you have a seat at the table in terms of how the country is run and BY WHOM, so then you get to install your people in to high positions in said government in order to insure your investment.
With many wars, the building up and tearing down of regimes and other disasters over the centuries the economic control over nations was shifted to fewer and fewer hands, this is how you can buy and manipulate world leaders, media and elections. This is how the DS was born and when the bankers took control of all of the real wealth of America and gave the people the Federal Reserve’s system of debt in return they effectively took the country from the people and enslaved them.
The present day DS is the result of CENTURIES of hard work to create a world wide economic/totalitarian system of control by which the rights of the people to freedom and the pursuit of happiness are transformed into “privileges” that can be taken away without notice.
We are now watching President Trump and a hand full of patriots methodically dismantle the DS’s evil system that was built upon the theft of the blood and treasure of the people who are now waking up to realize that they were born into slavery but will soon have a real chance at freedom. This moment in our history both for our nation and for the world is second only to the revolutionary war in importance. We MUST and we WILL WIN,… there is NO alternative!
“We Have Given You A Constitutional Republic,… IF YOU CAN KEEP IT”… Benjamin Franklin
Lock the lot of them up then treason trials then gallows no clemency no mercy only justice REAL JUSTICE
Dave, I get up every morning eager to see what new information the x22 report has today. I am a vet from the late 70’s & 80’s, and will always be a patriot! I want to thank you for being a patriot too. GOD bless you and our country !!! Sincerely M.V.
I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees!!!!!
I have two questions: 1. Can we impeach the NY Gov.? if so How?
2. IF you had a small amount of money, and that’s all you had for retirement (I just retired and being a single mom, I worked 2 jobs much of my life in order to pay the mortgage and bills, and to get 2 children through private high school and college, and I have only soc. sec. ) would you put a small savings into gold for what is going to happen with the economic change over to gold? In other words will I lose my small savings that I have in my safe?