[DS]/MSM Begins Projecting, Huber, Durham & Barr Prepare Facts & Evidence – Episode 2067
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Current News – 01.10.2020
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- Job numbers released today through the end of December show an increase of another 145,000 jobs! And the unemployment rate remains at historic lows of 3.5%!
- According to data released this morning by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, President Trump has added more than 13 million jobs in his first term.
- The same cannot be said for President Obama as during the same time he increased jobs by only 4 million jobs. Obama was so bad at creating jobs that by the end of his second term he said that jobs were not coming back.
- Overall President Trump has gained nearly 9 million more jobs than Obama in their respective first two and three quarter years in office!
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
The Trump economy continues to boom!
✳️ 2.1 MILLION new jobs added in 2019.
✳️ Unemployment rate at FIFTY-YEAR LOW.
✳️ Workers getting a raise! Strong wage growth near or better than 3%.
✳️ Unemployment for women, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians all at historic lows.
— Trump War Room — Text FIGHT to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) January 10, 2020
- The global economy and financial system are both running on the last toxic fumes of financialization and globalization.
- globalization is the result of those at the top of the wealth-power pyramid shifting capital around the world to exploit lower costs of labor, commodities, environmental regulations and taxes.
- This manifests as offshoring of jobs, the stripmining of forests, minerals, etc., the degradation of local ecosystems, the decline of tax revenues derived from capital and the explosive rise in stock market valuations as wages stagnate or decline.
- A key element in globalization is the transfer of risk from the owners of capital to the workers and public resources. Examples of this transfer of risk abound: rather than pay workers benefits, corporations game part-time/full-time labor laws so workers’ health insurance is paid by taxpayers (Medicaid). Corporations pay wages too low to survive so workers depend on public-sector assistance (food stamps, etc.)
- Financialization is the exploitation of assets/income that were previously safe from predation by those with access to low-cost central bank credit. While definitions vary, mine is:
- Financialization is the mass commoditization of debt collaterized by previously unsecuritized assets, a pyramiding of risk and speculation that is only possible in a massive expansion of low-cost credit and leverage for those at the top of the wealth-power pyramid: financiers, banks and corporations.
- One example is the student loan “industry,” which prior to financialization did not exist. A previously safe from predation asset/source of income–college degrees–has been securitized so that loans issued to students for largely worthless diplomas can be sold globally as “secure assets with guaranteed yields.”
- That the exploited class of students have little to no income and no guarantee of income doesn’t matter. What matters is a previously unexploited asset can be turned into debt that can be sold at an immense profit.
- And so student loan debt has skyrocketed from near-zero to $1.6 trillion in less than a generation. This rapacious, ruthless exploitation would not have been possible without the central bank (Federal Reserve) and federal government enabling and enforcing the supremacy of private capital and the predation of the higher-education cartel.
- all good predations end when the herd of prey has been dragged to the ground and consumed. All the fruit of financialization and globalization have been plucked by the powerful, and now both the engines of “growth” are sputtering.
- The Federal Reserve and other central banks enabled this exploitation, but they’re powerless to extend it: central banks can create nearly free credit for the powerful, but they can’t conjure up new herds to be preyed upon.
- As a result, the global economy and financial system are both running on the last toxic fumes of financialization and globalization, since the Fed is powerless to restore the upward trajectory of financialization and globalization, its omnipotence is about to expire.
- The prey always seem limitless to the predators, but this illusion expires when suddenly there is no longer enough for the ravenous pack of financial predators.
Source: oftwominds.com
New Lawsuit Claims Rod Rosenstein Led Task Force that Spied on Sharyl Attkisson’s Computers
- In a federal lawsuit filed this week, Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosentein has been implicated in yet another improper government spy operation.
- In the new complaint, Attkisson v. Rosenstein et.al., investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson names former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosentein and four other Justice Department officials as the government agents who of illegally survielled her electronic devices
- According to the complaint—filed in United States District Court in Baltimore, Maryland—Rosenstein led “a multi-agency task force in Baltimore that conducted surveillance of the Attkissons’ computer systems” and “used USPS IP addresses on other occasions to conduct operations.”
- The complaint states that all of the defendants “were agents and/or employees of the United States Government working with Rosenstein” to conduct “the unlawful surveillance and hacking of the computer systems of the Plaintiffs.
- In June of 2017, Rosenstein signed off on the fourth and final application for the improper FISA warrant to spy on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. A month earlier, he offered to wear a wire to spy on President Trump when he visited the Oval Office, although he later claimed that he was just joking.
- Attkisson took to Twitter Thursday to explain in a video update about her case that she had just filed a new lawsuit in her years long fight “to hold the government agents accountable for the intrusions into my computer.”
- In a comprehensive summary of the case at sharylattkisson.com, the reporter alleges that the intrusions began in 2011 while she was reporting at CBS on the massive government gunwalking scandal “Fast and Furious.” The government continued to spy on her computers while she was reporting on the Benghazi scandal.
Multiple forensic exams show that numerous electronic devices used by Attkisson and her family during this time frame were hacked or remotely compromised. Unauthorized parties used government Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to access Attkisson’s computers; placed government surveillance spyware on her devices; and illegally accessed her professional and personal information over an extended period of time.
- Two of the three judges ruled Attkisson’s claims should be dismissed because she took too long, three years— and without success—to determine the names of the “John Doe” federal agents involved in the intrusions of her computers.
A third judge rightly dissented, understanding that Attkisson consistently attempted to identify the John Does but the Department of Justice continuously blocked discovery, filed protective orders and filed motions to dismiss in an attempt to obstruct. The government did not turn over a single piece of paper in response to more than a dozen subpoenas.
- “We have just filed a new complaint which I hope satisfies one of the issues a judge had that we’ve not been able to name the actual names of the government agents involved in the intrusion,” . “Of course we argued we could not name the names because the government and courts would not permit us discovery to learn the names!”
- She added: “We did some additional detective work. We have five names to present to the court—names based on our information that were directly involved in the surveillance of my computers. One of them is Rod Rosenstein, then U.S. Attorney in Baltimore, a former Department of Justice official.”
- Besides Rosenstein, the other defendants named in the complaint are Shawn Henry, Sean Wesley Bridges, Robert Clarke, and Ryan White.
- In 2010, then FBI Director Robert Mueller named Shawn Henry as the executive assistant director (EAD) of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch (CCRSB).
- Attkisson alleges that “numerous other Americans” were also targeted by Rosenstein’s unit while he was the U.S. Attorney in Baltimore, Maryland.
Source: amgreatness.com
The WaPo is now projecting now to get ahead of the what is coming, This is the headline
They did this before, the MSM will follow, repeating this over and over. Remember when the IG FISA report was about to be released, the MSM continued to say that this is a nothing burger, and they brought Clinesmith and said he might have done some thing, he changed and email to get a warrant, but the IG FISA report was much more damaging, the MSM was trying to get ahead of the story so the people would not understand how bad it really was, they are now doing this with Huber and his investigation, lets break this down,
So the WaPo is saying that it has ended but it hasn’t ended, and this is coming from people, who, who are these people, if you notice they cannot back any of this up, Barr has even received anything as of yet, did you notice what they do not have, leaks from the investigation, they are in the dark, just like IG FISA report, they are in the dark with Huber and Durham, the MSM [DS] have no idea what was found. We also need to remember that alot of Huber found was turned over to Durham,
“What if there’s another prosecutor (outside of DC) assigned by SESSIONS w/ the same mandate/authority?” – Q
Do you believe in coincidences?
Be ready, Patriots.
So HUBER is a HEADFAKE? If so, BRILLIANT Q!>>4278980
SESSIONS‘ forced release of name [HUBER] to House created another variable.
Use Logic.
Why would we tell you the plan if in doing so also alerts those who we are actively engaged in HUNTING?
You are witnessing, first-hand, the demise of those in power [OLD GUARD].
Those who push simply have no grasp of reality.
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics.
Emotions cloud judgement.
Emotions cloud logic.Q
McConnell Signs Hawley Resolution – Senate Impeachment Trial to Begin Next Week
- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told senators during a closed-door caucus lunch on Thursday to expect the impeachment trial to begin next week.
- McConnell signed Senator Hawley’s resolution that gave Speaker Pelosi 25 days to turn over the Articles of Impeachment or face dismissal of the charges.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told Democrats Friday that she was prepared to send the articles of impeachment passed by the House to the Senate for trial, despite a month-long delay to the process.
- “I have asked Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler to be prepared to bring to the Floor next week a resolution to appoint managers and transmit articles of impeachment to the Senate,” Pelosi wrote in the letter. “I will be consulting with you at our Tuesday House Democratic Caucus meeting.”
- Corrupt DOJ Attorney Brandon Van Grack is neck deep in the General Michael Flynn case initiated by the US government and the Mueller gang. Van Grack was involved in numerous corrupt and fraudulent activities in the Flynn case. Former US Attorney Joe diGenova tells us why AG Barr has kept Van Grack on his team.
His Role on Mueller team:
Van Grack was one of the lawyers on Mueller’s team that handled the Flynn investigation, set-up and guilty plea.
He is overseeing Flynn’s case in court.Notable cases:
Van Grack was involved in several high-profile cyber and counter-terrorism cases, including the prosecution of a Kosovo hacker who gave personal information of US service members to ISIS. The hacker, Ardit Ferizi, was sentenced to 20 years in prison, according to a DOJ press release.
Van Grack also helped prosecute a US government employee who took home classified documents that contained national defense information. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency employee Mohan L. Nirala was found guilty after federal agents made a forced entry into his home and discovered over 500 pages of classified documents in his basement, according to a DOJ press release.
- CNN Left Out in their report on Van Grack:
He led a grand jury inquiry in Northern Virginia scrutinizing former Trump associate Michael Flynn’s foreign lobbying. And Van Grack donated to the Obama campaign.
- Since this time Van Grack was involved in many questionable, corrupt and even criminal activities while serving on the Mueller gang.
- The following Twitter thread outlines many of corrupt DOJ attorney Van Grack’s crimes when working for the Mueller gang via Techno Fog:
The corrupt history of Flynn prosecutor Brandon Van Grack – from the Special Counsel’s Office to the prosecution of Flynn.
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) November 30, 2019
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Video of Jeffrey Epstein’s Suicide Attempt “Accidentally” Destroyed by US Government
- A new Rasmussen poll shows that just 21 per cent of Americans believe Jeffrey Epstein killed himself while 52 per cent believe he was murdered.
- the video footage from outside Jeffrey Epstein’s cell actually “no longer exists,” the government said in a new letter, less than a month after prosecutors initially said the footage wasn’t available, before quickly saying in an update that the footage had been found.
Bryan Llenas
for Tartaglione (Cell -2) instead of (Cell-1) so the government recorded and saved the wrong video.
As a result, the right video showing the Epstein’s cell during his alleged first suicide attempt – no longer exists.
Here is today’s letter in full explaining how surveillance video from the night of Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged first suicide attempt in July no longer exists because MCC jail inadvertently preserved video from wrong cell.
- “After reviewing the video, it appeared to the government that the footage contained on the preserved video was for the correct date and time, but captured a different tier” than the one where Epstein and Tartaglione’s cell was, prosecutors wrote in the letter.
- the center has a backup system in place to house all video footage for its Special Housing Unit, where Epstein and Tartaglione were being held, the FBI reviewed the system as part of a separate investigation “and determined that the requested video no longer exists on the backup system and has not since at least August 2019 as a result of technical errors.”
- The update is the third change in the government’s position on the video footage.
Source: activistpost.com
- New York State Senate Democrats have advanced a plan that will automatically register to vote all residents who apply for a driver’s licenses — which now includes non-citizens and illegal aliens — unless they “opt-out.”
- Senate Senate Democrats passed legislation that will automatically register all residents who obtain driver’s licenses through the New York Department of Motor Vehicles (DMVs). As of this year, illegal aliens are able to obtain driver’s licenses in New York, indicating that illegal aliens and non-citizens will only be excluded from the state voter rolls if they check the “opt-out” box before applying for a license.
Source: breitbart.com
- At Least 2.5 Million Extra Names on Voting Rolls, Drop of One Million After Successful Judicial Watch Lawsuits
- Judicial Watch announced today it is continuing its efforts to force states and counties across the nation to comply with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), by sending notice-of-violation letters to 19 large counties in five states that it intends to sue unless the jurisdictions take steps to comply with the law and remove ineligible voter registrations within 90 days. Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act requires jurisdictions to take reasonable efforts to remove ineligible registrations from its rolls.
- According to Judicial Watch’s analysis of data released by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) this year, there are 378 counties nationwide that have more voter registrations than citizens living there and old enough to vote, i.e., counties where registration rates exceed 100%. These 378 counties combined had about 2.5 million registrations over the 100%-registered mark, which is a drop of about one million from Judicial Watch’s previous analysis of voter registration data. Although San Diego County removed 500,000 inactive names from voter rolls following Judicial Watch’s settlement with Los Angeles County, San Diego still has a registration rate of 117% and has one of the highest registration rates in the country.
- In the latest round of warning letters, Judicial Watch explains that implausibly high registration rates raise legal concerns:
- An unusually high registration rate suggests that a jurisdiction is not removing voters who have died or who have moved elsewhere, as required by [federal law].
- Judicial Watch also considers how many registrations were ultimately removed from the voter rolls because a registrant [had moved]. If few or no voters were removed…the jurisdiction is obviously failing to comply . . . States must report the number of such removals to the EAC.
- Judicial Watch found major voting list issues in California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, and Colorado.
Source: judicialwatch.com
Geopolitical/Police State
- A Virginia state lawmaker proposed a gun control bill that critics say will create a firearms registry at gun ranges in the commonwealth.
- Virginia Democratic Del. Dan Helmer filed a bill Thursday that would prohibit indoor shooting ranges in the state not owned by the commonwealth or the federal government, and it would require those privately owned to maintain the personal information of customers who wish to use the ranges.
- The foundation’s Director Of Public Affairs Mark Oliva called the bill a “backdoor registry of every firearms owner and every firearms user” in the state.
- “The aim of gun control has always been to control not just the guns, but those who own them. The bills presented in this General Assembly have sought that at least twice. This legislation to ban privately owned indoor ranges seeks to collect and store personal information on law-abiding gun owners and the firearms they own and use,” Oliva said.
- “That is potentially hundred of thousands, possibly millions, of Virginians who would be put in registration lists and monitored by their government for the simple act of exercising their God-given rights,” he said.
Source: washingtonexaminer.com
Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy Discusses the Ridiculous Non-binding House “War Powers Resolution”…
- Speaker Pelosi is once again attempting to create the image of something that doesn’t actually exist; and her DNC media scribes are more than willing to sell it. We are living in Orwellian times.
- The House war power’s resolution is ridiculous. It is a non-binding resolution, equivalent to a strongly worded letter, that holds no legal or congressional authority. However, to fool her sheeple base Pelosi pretends the “resolution” has some substantive value
Source: theconservativetreehouse.com
- The House passed a non-binding War Powers resolution to rebuke the president for his decision to take out Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani.
- “We deserve the respect from the administration and that Congress deserves under the Constitution,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said from the House floor. “The Constitution of the United States calls that there be cooperation when initiating hostilities.”
- But back when President Obama decided to bomb Libya in 2011, in response to zero Americans being killed, Pelosi defended Obama’s decision at the time by saying the president did not need congressional authorization to launch such attacks nor to keep U.S. forces in Libya.
Take a Listen
FLASHBACK: In 2011, Nancy Pelosi confirms she thinks Barack Obama “did not need authorization” to use force in Libya.
This opinion has not aged well for Pelosi.
Source: townhall.com
- Evidence is Mounting that Qassem Soleimani was Turned Over to the US by his Rivals in Tehran
- on the night of January 6th, 56 high-ranking IRGC officers, including the late Qods Force commander General Soleimani’s right-hand man in Iraq, were arrested. A further 34 IRGC officers were detained on the 8th.
- All 90 of these men were said to be personally loyal to Soleimani.
- Additionally, information has surfaced that Soleimani, who had been personally leading the repression against the popular uprising in Iraq since October, had been planning a coup d’état in Baghdad that would have resulted in the assassination of the Iraqi president, and the seizing of the American embassy there.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Reports: Iran Bulldozed Crash Site and Removed Virtually All Pieces of Downed Ukrainian Plane
- And photos of the Ukrainian flight show shrapnel damage on the wings and fuselage.
More photos by Heshmat Alavi.
- And now it appears the Iranian regime picked the site of the airline crash clean.
Virtually all of the pieces of the plane were removed.
And the crash site is not cordoned off. - Via Heshmat Alavi.
- And new photos make it appear like the crash site was bulldozed to hide the evidence.
- Iran denies the site was bulldozed.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- Iran denies the site was bulldozed.
- Iranian Amassador to the UK raised his voice today when a Sky News reporter accused Iran of bulldozing the evidence.
- But now there are photos of Iran bulldozing the plane crash site, via Heshmat Alavi.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Flashback. 3 years ago this week. Final days of Obama admin.
Team Obama rushed to let Iran import 130 tons of uranium, enough to make 10 nukes. When asked what Iran was going to do with all that material, State Dept spokesman said “I’m not going to speculate one way or another.” pic.twitter.com/2GlzJCVBMS
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) January 10, 2020
President Trump’s superpower is getting his opposition to show their true colors.
Watching the media & the Democrats hysterically try to defend the Iranian regime and their actions over decades is not only telling but disgusting.
The Dems have become Iran’s cheerleaders!
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 10, 2020
Hi Dave…
Been catching your news-digs for a few years now. Enjoy and recommend ’em to less-clueful friends (most of whom, still being near-entirely media-driven, sorta’ fluff it off on introduction, but later it’s always a Little Different as to any given topic). Your “take”, not entirely unlike Yours Truly’s own, tends to win out in the outcomes. (Grimly joyous teehee re that phenomenon.)
Your (presumed) research staff prolly already caught this article but fwiw here it is fer sure – the best-written, most cogently comprehensive and practical presentation of Sound Money YT has yet seen. Here’s the link:
https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/how-return-sound-money and here’s TO that way of commerce! It’ll have come Full Circle within YT’s own lifetime, once it’s slipped back into its rightful position. (I for one do miss the silver in-hand… Looking forward to the Improvement.)
Keep up the GREAT Work, my longtime online friend! We SHALL Overcome – and the Keys to the Kingdom of Christ’s Heaven on Earth do reliably follow that action. Because Heaven=HARMONY. And WE are the ones to leading-edge implement it, solely for Christ’s genuine actualization in This World. (“Christ in you the hope of glory”, post-Pentecost Phenomenon, remember?)
Studied opinion: Within such a social+economic environment as that, one can live very well indeed. And that is all. 0{;-)o[