Durham & Barr Found Something Significant, [DS] Hires Lawyers – Episode 2001
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Current News – 10.22.2019
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The vote is in, BJ has an approved BREXIT deal, Laura Kuenssberg tweeted the following
Here’s the result of second reading vote…Ayes 329 Noes 299 – MP s have approved a Brexit deal for the first time, that doesn’t mean they will back it all the way, this only the first stage that allows it to go on to next stage, but that is quite a moment WHATEVER happens next
— Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) October 22, 2019
So what does this mean, the deal is approved but the timetable is not.
- Lawmakers in the U.K. Parliament have voted to reject a limited time frame for reviewing legislation related to Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union.
- MPs rejected the timetable, which would have seen the Withdrawal Agreement Bill (WAB) legislation whizz through Parliament in 3 days, by 322 to 308 votes.
- Prior to the vote, many lawmakers had expressed frustration that three days was not enough time to understand the bill which runs to more than 100 pages
- BJ had pushed for the timetable as they bid to hit their promise of delivering Brexit by October 31. It is also concerned that a longer period of review will result in the bill being heavily amended.
If they fail to get a deal through before oct 31st, BJ might go ahead with a no deal BREXIT. Zero EU intervention. Which is exactly what the EU does not want.
Here in the US Trump is letting the people know that the economy is on the right track, which economy the people’s economy, not the CB economy we are in now.
Trump retweeted the White House tweet
Results that speak for themselves: Wage gains under President @realDonaldTrump have eclipsed growth under the past two administrations, multiple times over. pic.twitter.com/OwZPiQnjGA
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) October 21, 2019
Take a listen
Trump says ‘phase 1’ China trade pact on track for November
- Trump said progress in developing the text of a partial trade pact with China means he will likely be able to sign it next month.
- Trump remains upbeat on the chances Beijing and Washington will seal the mini-deal he announced earlier this month — marking a cooling-off period in the two nations’ damaging trade war.
- US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said efforts to commit the agreement to paper before the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Chile next month are “on track” though some work remains to be done.
- “Our target is to have the phase one deal by the time you go to Chile,” Lighthizer told Trump.
Source: rawstory.com
Now there is a lot of talk from the MSM about a recession, the [CB]/[DS] they are hitting Trump from all sides, impeachment, recession push and they are not stopping, they know he control the economic narrative and they know they have no chance of beating him in the 2o20 election unless the economy fails or the [DS] impeaches him.
- Robert Schiller says that “Consumers are hanging in there,” he believes a recession may be years away due to a bullish Trump effect in the market.
Source: zerohedge.com
- Christine Lagarde was elected to take control of the European Central Bank. As a direct result, Ms. Lagarde is now taking an adverse position toward a strong U.S. economy and decrying the ‘America-First’ policies of President Trump that have removed the tentacles of global financial control.
- . Lagarde, has warned Trump that lowering U.S. interest rates defeats the agenda of the EU.
- Lagarde claims that lowering interest rates when the U.S. economy is strong, and the U.S. unemployment rate is at historic lows, could lead to rising prices inside the U.S. how very kind of the EU to be worried about U.S. consumers… they are not
- What she’s really worried about is the dynamic that President Trump has created that is crushing the globalists. expand.
- ♦ The EU economy writ large is contracting, shrinking, due to a lack of investment. The EU has dropped their interest rates in a futile effort to stimulate internal investment… but it ain’t happening. The consequence of the EU lowering rates into negative territory is a weakened EU currency. Two things are happening:
- #1) The EU currency dropping means any exports from the EU are less expensive. This is part of the reason for lowering the value of their currency, to keep an export dependent economy alive. However….
- #2) By dropping interest rates and driving down their own currency, the value of the dollar increases. This dynamic means EU banks actually purchase U.S. Treasuries for a return. [There is no return in the EU] And simultaneously this drives up the value of the dollar, making any U.S. imports of EU products cost less.
- The combination of a weaker EU and a stronger dollar means the prices of the products we would import from the EU are lower. In essence, much like China, the U.S. is importing deflation from Europe.
- Lagarde is not worried that lower U.S. interest rates will drive up U.S. prices, she is worried that lowered U.S. interest rates means greater internal investment in the U.S., while her EU is in direct competition for those investment dollars. Additionally, Lagarde knows that President Trump has boxed them into a trade spiral with no escape.
- The lower price of EU products means President Trump can apply greater tariff pressure on the EU and still not create inflation within the U.S. on the imported categories. This is the same outcome Trump’s ‘America-First’ policy is doing to China.
- Trump is reseting the U.S. trade imbalance with China, he simultaneously diminishes the EU economy. THIS dynamic is what Christine Lagarde is really upset about.
- This what the [CB] are really worried about, Trump policies are no longer spreading American wealth to the rest of the world.
- President Trump has reversed this dynamic. We are repatriating our national wealth through new trade policies and will pay for any incurred foreign debt by expanding our own economy and controlling our own destiny.
- Trump is now engaged in a massive and multidimensional effort to re-balance the entire global wealth dynamic. By putting tariffs on foreign imports he has counterbalanced the never-ending Marshal Plan trade program and demanded renegotiation(s).
- Trump’s goal is reciprocity; however, the EU and Asia, specifically China, don’t want to give up a decades-long multi-generational advantage. This is part of the fight.
Source: theconservativetreehouse.com
The [DS] is now going all out, this is their last stand, they are hitting Trump with a recession warning, impeachment and anything else they can throw at him, why, because the IG report is coming, the declass is coming and they know the clock it ticking down, they know Durham has Mifsud phones, has the sim chips, that leads directly to Brennan, Barr is closing in, tick tock, we will be talking about this a little later in this report.
The [DS] also knows they do not have a chance to run against him, Biden is finished, Warren will not do it, the other candidates don’t stand a chance, so who do they have, Clinton, she has been hinting that she will run, she is testing the waters, then we have the Michelle Obama, they tested her with a poll, and now the NYTimes is asking is there anyone else, out there, is the setup to introduce another candidate.
- The New York Times weighed-in on the Democratic Party’s growing frustration with the current list of 2020 candidates; reporting that political insiders are asking themselves “is there anybody else.”
Source: hannity.com
Now the Jussie Smollett case has not gone away, it is just getting worse for Jussie,
BREAKING: Judge Allows Chicago Suit Against Jussie Smollett To Proceed
- A federal judge in Chicago refused to dismiss the city’s lawsuit against actor Jussie Smollett,
- U.S. District Virginia Kendall’s ruling will allow the city’s lawsuit to try to recoup $130,000 the police department spent trying to get to the bottom of Smollett’s claims.
- Smollett’s lawyers argued that their client should not be forced to reimburse the city because he could not have known how much time and money police would spend investigating.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Now we know this entire hate crime was a hoax, it was staged to pass a bill about lynching, to make it illegal, Trump just mentioned Lynching, of course the MSM, Politicians are going crazy over this, Trump tweeted out the following
So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights. All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here – a lynching. But we will WIN!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 22, 2019
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ec21e No.5308748
HATE HOAX by [SMOLLETT] [FF designed to pass anti-lynching law] gets wall-to-wall FAKE NEWS coverage?
REAL HATE [REAL VIOLENCE] [& FASCISM] carried out by members of ANTIFA gets ZERO coverage?
When will the FBI conclude their investigation into ANTIFA?
What happens if the phone records of SMOLLETT leak?
Who did he talk to multiple times prior to turning himself in?
Political forces @ work?
- the dinner comes after Barack and Michelle Obama’s production company, Higher Ground, signed a whopping $90 million deal to produce a Netflix series regarding calls to impeachment President Donald Trump. De Niro has long urged House Democrats to begin proceedings to remove the president, contending he “should not be president, period.”
Source: breitbart.com
The [DS] are pushing everything they have at Trump, they want him gone, it doesn’t matter if they have evidence, doesn’t matter if they facts, it doesn’t matter that they didn’t vote to have an impeachment inquiry, they just want him gone, they know that the next wave and the wave after that, the [DS] is going to be picked off one by one. [AS] [NP] are pushing the fake impeachment and the republicans in the house tried to remove AS with a vote, but the Republicans do not control the house so the resolution was rejected, News Breaking Live tweeted out
BREAKING: The House has voted 218-185 to reject a resolution seeking to condemn and censure House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff – The Hill
— News Breaking LIVE (@NewsBreaking) October 21, 2019
Not really surprised, the [DS] was not going to vote out one of their own, we also know that many of these people are blackmailed and threatened
The MSM is now projecting out to the public that the DS players they are partiots, they were doing all of this for you, why are they doing this, because they preparing for what is coming, they are trying to show that these are good people, the NYT tweeted the following
The deep state is alive and well, composed of patriotic public servants. Their aim is not to bring down President Trump out of personal or political animus but to rescue the Republic from his excesses, says @mcottle. https://t.co/nk6Gwr0tXU
— New York Times Opinion (@nytopinion) October 21, 2019
No, The Deep State Isn’t A Bunch Of Unbiased Patriots Who Deserve Our Gratitude
- The idea that unelected anti-Trump bureaucrats are just selflessly looking out for the interests of the American people is laughable.
- the New York Times’ Michelle Cottle, you manage a neat trick: to believe the deep state is both real and great. It’s actually made up of courageous heroes, you see, who deserve our gratitude. Cottle calls the deep state “a collection of patriotic public servants — career diplomats, scientists, intelligence officers and others — who, from within the bowels of this corrupt and corrupting administration, have somehow remembered that their duty is to protect the interests, not of a particular leader, but of the American people.”
- the American people never asked these public servants to protect their interests. In fact, a great many Americans who elected Trump did so specifically because they were fed up with unelected bureaucrats acting like unaccountable rulers—rather like a deep state, actually.
- More to the point, “protecting the interests of the American people” isn’t the job of these public servants. They have other, rather specific jobs. The job of career officials in the intelligence agencies, for example, is to provide the White House with intelligence relevant to national security. That’s it. They have no other role to play in public life, and for good reason. Appointed and unelected officials are supposed to serve those who were put in office by the people, from whom elected officials derive their authority. That’s how a republic is supposed to work.
- The idea that these people are pure-hearted patriots is laughable.
Source: thefederalist.com
The MSM putting the idea out there that these people are not traitors, the crimes they committed were for the people to keep you safe, they know what is coming, this will not work, they committed crimes, they are treasonous, Justice is coming and they know it.
Trump continues to remind the people that the impeachment is a scam, Trump tweeted out the following
…A majority do not want him Impeached and removed from office. 94% of the people in these battleground states who voted for President Trump want him to continue as President. That’s squarely in his corner.” @SteveDoocy “That’s a revealing poll, don’t you think that matters?”…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 22, 2019
….@kilmeade “I want to know about Hillary Clinton with the Dossier? I want to know if there was FISA abuse? We’re still waiting for that report!” @ainsleyearhardt @foxandfriends
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 22, 2019
“The Democrats are trying to draw out this inquiry because they don’t have the support. Donald Trump is guilty only of winning the 2016 Election.” @MZHemingway @foxandfriends
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 22, 2019
Now the other day we reported that there were 38 individuals identified in the Report on Hillary’s emails, was Obama one of them
the State Department determined that 38 people were “culpable” in a whopping 91 cases of sending classified material in emails that ended up on Hillary Clinton’s private server.
- The department determined that those 38 people were “culpable” in 91 cases of sending classified information in messages that ended up in Clinton’s personal email. The 38 are current and former State Department officials but were not identified in the report that was sent to Congress this week.
- The big question is whether Obama was one of the individuals noted for violating the law in communicating with Hillary using her offsite email server.
- We know from WikiLeaks that Obama communicated with Hillary using a secret email address –
- We also know that James Comey and his FBI removed Barack Obama’s mention from his announcement on Hillary’s emails abuses and that Obama clearly knew about Hillary’s non governmental email account.
- We also know that Obama later lied about his knowledge of Hillary’s email account –
- In the letter to the Senate, the State Department provided the following description of the review it performed –
- The State Department says they looked at all emails first and individuals who sent them and then identified whether they were State Department employees, present or past.
- If the State Department performed an accurate review, they would have identified a Barack Obama government account and also a [email protected] account, that was also Obama’s in their list of emails. Clearly, since these involved the President they were classified.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Welcome to the next wave, the DS players are in panic
The C_A is now in a panic, they are now liked to the origin of the Russia Hoax, they better start lawyering up
Report: CIA Deep State Actors Linked to Origin of Russia Hoax Lawyer Up
- Durham has requested to talk to CIA analysts involved in the intelligence assessment of Russia’s activities, prompting some of them to hire lawyers,
- Durham is now probing the Obama administration’s conduct before President Trump’s inauguration in January 2017,
Source: breitbart.com
Report: AG Barr Expands Probe into Russia Investigation Origin After Finding ‘Something Significant’
- U.S. Attorney General William Barr has significantly expanded a review into the origins of the Russian collusion hoax investigation,
- Justice Department officials have said [U.S. Attorney John] Durham has found something significant and critics should be careful.”
Source: breitbart.com
BREAKING: US officials say US attorney John Durham has requested an interview from John Brennan, and plans to request James Clapper also sit down with him as part of his review of the 2016 Russia collusion investigation – OANN
— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) October 22, 2019
This patriot are prepping the American people, this is not a conspiracy like the MSM is trying convince us of, this is an investigation, people are not use to real investigation because for years we have been subjected to the [DS] style investigations where everything is setup, the Raid on Cohen’s office, the Raid on Roger stone, 911 finding the passports of who committed the act, Sony hack, where they announce it was NK in a matter of days, these were all setup, a real investigation takes time to look through the documents and to piece it all together to have it all make sense, the next piece of the puzzle is Asssange, the news says that he is sick, being tortured, but pics have emerged showing the opposite. Who would put out these stories, the DS, remember there mission is to remove him, the patriots mission is protect him and keep him safe.
*EXCLUSIVE* footage of #Assange in prison van after extradition hearing pic.twitter.com/sm3MnK7ud3
— Ruptly (@Ruptly) October 21, 2019
Lets move onto Flynn, Sidney Powell tweeted out the following
#BREAKING: Just filed #Flynn Reply in Support of our Motion to Compel the Government to Produce exculpatory evidence. Working on a redacted copy we can file publicly. More coming. @BarbaraRedgate @flynn_neill @GoJackFlynn @GoJackFlynn @MolMcCann@LouDobbs @seanhannity
— Sidney Powell 🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ (@SidneyPowell1) October 22, 2019
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c66a91 No.7246642
A description of evidence in a criminal trial that serves to justify, excuse, or introduce a reasonable doubt about the defendant’s alleged actions or intentions. Exculpatory evidence may ultimately show that the defendant is not guilty. No wonder police and prosecutors must, to uphold the defendant’s constitutional right to due process, tell the defense about any exculpatory evidence they’ve discovered.
Geopolitical/Police State
- O’Keefe strikes again!
- Project Veritas released part 4 of its #ExposeCNN series on Tuesday showing alleged misconduct by a CNN executive, and possible cover-up by senior CNN management.
- A CNN producer told Project Veritas that Steve Brusk, a CNN executive, regularly makes ‘advances’ on female employees during social gatherings and is ‘protected by certain people’ high up within CNN.
- Via Project Veritas:
- • Rick Saleeby, Senior Producer of The Lead with Jake Tapper, States Steve Brusk, CNN Politics Supervising Producer, Made ‘Advances’ on Female Employees During ‘Social Gatherings’ and Would “Put His Arm Around Them, Try and Touch Their Leg.”• Saleeby Believes That Steve Brusk is “Protected by Certain People…Like Other Higher Ups” Within CNN.• WATCH:
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Facebook probe by U.S. states expands to 47 attorneys general
- A New York-led probe of Facebook Inc expanded to include attorneys general from 47 U.S. states and territories,
- The investigation of Facebook announced in September had included Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee and the District of Columbia. It now includes most U.S. states as well as the U.S. territory of Guam.
- Facebook also faces probes by the U.S. Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission, as well as the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee.
- The Facebook investigations are part of a larger landscape of probes of big tech firms.
- the Justice Department and FTC had divided responsibility for the companies being investigated, with the Justice Department taking on Alphabet Inc’s Google and Apple Inc while the FTC looked into Facebook and Amazon.com Inc.
Source: reuters.com
- Justin Trudeau has won a second term as Canada’s prime minister.
Source: zerohedge.com
Taliban say new Afghan peace talks to be held in China next week
- A fresh round of intra-Afghan peace talks is to be held in China next week, according to the Taliban.
Source: rt.com
“No Approval To Stay”: Iraq Rejects Pentagon Plan To Relocate US Troops From Syria
- American forces withdrawing from Syria into western Iraq have not been issued permission to stay in the country, an official Iraqi government statement has warned, saying further only brief “transit” approval has been given.
Source: zerohedge.com
Erdogan says Syrian Kurdish militia ‘withdrawing from Turkish border area’
- the withdrawal of the Kurdish YPG militia from areas in Syria near the Turkish border is continuing.
Source: rt.com
Syrian President vows to support Kurds against Turkish aggression
- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said
- “We are prepared to support any group carrying out popular resistance against the Turkish aggression,”
Source: almasdarnews.com
Breaking: Putin, Erdogan agree to safe zone in northern Syria, YPG withdrawal