Flynn’s Declass Planned Perfectly, [DS] Feeling Pain, Paid For Dossier Confirmed – Episode 2221
Trump and his team are using all the weapons against the [CB]/MSM. As the Fed continues to push stimulus everyone was ready for inflation, but just like in 2009 Great Recession there is no inflation. The [CB] are panicking they do not want governments to stop borrowing, because if they do the [CB] implodes. The [DS]/MSM are feeling the pain, they will not let the Flynn case go, so the patriots are declassifying more and more information that has to do with the Flynn case making it difficult for Sullivan to explain his position. The events are falling apart rapidly, the people are awake, they understand that the virus is harmful to the people. Patriots are in control.
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Current News – 07.10.2020
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- The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced on Friday that wholesale prices dropped by 0.2 percent in June. Economists were expecting an increase of 0.4 percent.
- wholesale prices have dropped by nearly one full percentage point over the last year. Common sense says that when the supply of money and currency increases, price increases are sure to follow.
- What’s happening to all that stimulus money? Weren’t those $1,200 checks supposed to be spent? Turns out, no. Many, if not most, families used those checks to pay down debt or add to emergency-fund savings accounts. The savings rate for April hit an all-time high at 33 percent of wages. In May, the savings rate declined, slightly, to around 20 percent. The historical average is barely five percent.
- As governments rushed out funding to prevent an economic collapse amid the coronavirus pandemic, global public debt swelled to the highest in history, but the IMF warned Friday that cutting back too soon could undermine the recovery.
- Government spending “will need to remain supportive and flexible until a safe and durable exit from the crisis is secured,” IMF fiscal policy chief Vitor Gaspar and chief economist Gita Gopinath said in a blog post.
- Even with record low interest rates worldwide, the debt figures are staggering — surpassing the size of the global economy, and deficits in advanced economies five times higher than pre-pandemic estimates for 2020.
#NEW: Ranking Member @Jim_Jordan Releases Key Takeaways from the Committee’s Transcribed Interview of Geoffrey Berman.
1. Berman stubbornly resisted the Attorney General’s attempts at an amicable transition for Berman out of his position
— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) July 10, 2020
2. Berman did not testify that any specific wrongdoing, misconduct, or other impropriety occurred during his dismissal by the Attorney General
3. Believed himself to be independent of supervision from superiors in the Executive Branch and immune from removal from his position
— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) July 10, 2020
4. Berman’s purported concerns about the Attorney General’s actions are unfounded, vague, and lacking specific evidence
Read the full memo here:
— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) July 10, 2020
Draft internal GOV memo 1/30/2017 unsealed by court. Timing: Written 6 days after Flynn interview Kislyak calls, “FBI recognizes the discrepancy between the statements + the actual calls, but determined that Flynn was not acting as an agent of Russia
🚨New Flynn Documents – Thread.
1/30/17 DOJ(?) Memo:
“FBI advised that they believed Flynn believed what he was saying was true.”
FBI determined “Flynn was not acting as an agent of Russia.”
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) July 10, 2020
3/30/17 – Dana Boente notes from meeting with Comey.
Michael Flynn: “Do not view as source of collusion.”
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) July 10, 2020
Tashina Gauhar notes from 1/25/17 meeting with the FBI – the day after the Flynn interview.
FBI assessed Flynn believed he was telling the truth.
FBI: Flynn knows we have tech cuts, was affirmative in his answers.
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) July 10, 2020
Appears that part of the Boente notes were previously leaked to Maddow. HT @TheLastRefuge2
It’s remarkable how self-serving these (Special Counsel/DOJ resistance?) leaks were.
Anyway, here’s today’s full filing:
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) July 10, 2020
Court of Appeals gives parties 10 days to argue for/or against full panel hearing. Then, Court of Appeals will decide whether to hear “en banc” or reject Judge Sullivan request. Pending outcome, June 24 Court of Appeals order to dismiss Flynn suspended
Richard Grenell: Biden was ‘manipulating intelligence’
- Former Vice President Joe Biden was “manipulating intelligence” during the final days of the Obama administration, according to President Trump’s ex-spy chief.
- Richard Grenell, who declassified documents related to the Russia investigation during his monthslong tenure as acting director of national intelligence, told Newsmax TV that the Obama administration “weaponized intelligence” between the 2016 election and Inauguration Day.
- He claimed Biden, , played a leading role in an effort to undermine President-elect Trump.
- “We now know that the vice president of the United States, Joe Biden at the time, was in January … looking for information, manipulating intelligence,” Grenell said
- Hillary Clinton accused President Trump of being a Russian puppet in their 3rd Presidential debate in October 2016. Now we know that she constructed this lie in May 2016.
- We now know from a UK court that the Clinton Campaign arranged for former MI6 Christopher Steele to create a dossier in May 2016 that the FBI knew was false in July 2016:
Mr. Steele’s evidence is that he now believes the Ultimate Client was the Democratic National Committee. Mr Millar submits that the Ultimate Client was the Clinton election campaign, “Hillary for America”. This is in line with the FBI Note of 5 July 2016, which records Mr Steele telling the FBI that Orbis had been instructed by Mr Simpson of Fusion and “Democratic Party Associates” but that “the ultimate client were (sic) the leadership of the Clinton presidential campaign”. The FBI Note also indicates that Mr Steele had been told by that stage that Mrs Clinton herself was aware of what Orbis had been commissioned to do.
- “Ultimate client was the Democratic National Committee” and “leadership of the Clinton presidential campaign.” Not only that, but that Hillary Clinton herself was aware of what was going on with the effort to undermine Trump.
- The report also details the folks in the Obama administration who met with Steele, including Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the State Department’s Kathy Kavalec. It also covers the other side of the effort: with Steele spreading this to the media to undermine Trump.
BREAKING REPORT: Recently Released Steele Evidence ‘Strengthens Durham Prosecution’
- “It also introduced new incontrovertible evidence that bolsters Attorney General William Barr’s and U.S. Attorney John Durham’s probe into whether the FBI engaged in misconduct and criminally deceived the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to win permission to spy on the Trump campaign,” adds the website.
- Source:
- Jon Solomon
- “But everything I’m seeing on the ground, real reporting, suggests that there’s an ongoing criminal investigation intent on bringing indictments and possibly some plea bargains. The first action, the first evidence of it in the public will probably be around Labor Day. That’s an awful long time to wait, but I do see activity that looks like they’re building a criminal case right now,” he said.
U.S. files superseding indictment against Ghislaine Maxwell
- U.S. prosecutors have filed a superseding indictment against Ghislaine Maxwell, the former girlfriend and longtime associate of the late financier Jeffrey Epstein.
- The indictment was made public on Friday in Manhattan federal court, and like the original indictment accused Maxwell of six criminal counts. Maxwell has been charged with luring underage girls so Epstein could sexually abuse them.
- Officers arrested Francois Abello Camille, 65, last month at a hotel in Jakarta
- Police say they discovered him with two underage teenage girls in his room
- He allegedly filmed himself performing illegal acts on hundreds of children
‘He would approach children and lure them by offering them work as models,’
- Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korea’s leader, said another summit with the United States would only be useful for Washington at this point, adding her country had no intention of “threatening the U.S.
- Kim said in her personal opinion, there is unlikely to be another summit between leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump this year but “a surprise thing may still happen,” news agency KCNA reported on Friday.
- U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Thursday he was “very hopeful” about resuming talks with North Korea about denuclearisation and appeared to leave open the possibility of another summit between the countries’ leaders.
- Source:
False Flags
White House reporter tests positive for COVID-19 after attending briefings
- A White House reporter has tested positive for the coronavirus after attending two press briefings this week.
- “The individual attended briefings on Monday 7/6 and Wednesday 7/8 afternoons and wore a mask the entire time they were on the White House complex,” Karl wrote.
- “The individual is asymptomatic. We are contacting those who the individual recalled being in closer contact. Other than the briefings, this person did not spend time working out of the White House and was only in briefing room itself, not elsewhere in our workspace.”
- After NBC News extensively followed the COVID-19 case of its own on-air contributor Dr. Joseph Fair, the virologist and epidemiologist revealed he tested negative for coronavirus as well as negative for the WuFlu antibodies, meaning he never had the virus.
- “Joining me now [is] virologist Joseph Fair, who recently recovered from COVID-19 himself,” the network’s Chuck Todd said introducitng the doctors on a June episode of “Meet the Press.”
- “Dr. Fair, let me start with you because I would like you to share a little bit about your recovery from COVID-19. What should Americans take away from your experience?” Todd asked.
- After telling viewers he was a healthy 42-year-old absent of any underlying conditions, Fair characterized the illness as “the worst I’ve ever felt.”
- “I probably spent 23 our of 24 hours in bed,” said Fair. “Those people that are young and think they’re invincible or people that just don’t think it’s going to affect them that greatly even if they do get it, I can say that my own experience was the complete opposite.”
- Fair however, had already tested negative for the virus at least five times according to Steve Krakauer of the Fourth Watch Newsletter and said this week his illness from two months ago “remains an undiagnosed mystery” following the results of a negative antibody test.
Two more non-hysterical takes from Texas, from a physician and a hospital executive in two different cities. Reason to watch closely, not alarm.
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) July 10, 2020
I don’t need his advice anymore’, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick says of top COVID-19 expert Dr. Fauci
- Texas Lt Gov Patrick accused Fauci of being wrong “every time, on every issue,” and a day later pointed to some of Fauci’s comments from the beginning of the pandemic as examples.
Now that we have witnessed it on a large scale basis, and firsthand, Virtual Learning has proven to be TERRIBLE compared to In School, or On Campus, Learning. Not even close! Schools must be open in the Fall. If not open, why would the Federal Government give Funding? It won’t!!!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 10, 2020
Havard and other universities are no closing up shop and going to online learning, but demanding full tuiition
Too many Universities and School Systems are about Radical Left Indoctrination, not Education. Therefore, I am telling the Treasury Department to re-examine their Tax-Exempt Status…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 10, 2020
… and/or Funding, which will be taken away if this Propaganda or Act Against Public Policy continues. Our children must be Educated, not Indoctrinated!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 10, 2020
- New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio made some stunning remarks on CNN, declaring protests in the streets were perfectly acceptable while canceling other large events through September.
- “This is a historic moment of change. We have to respect that but also say to people the kinds of gatherings we’re used to, the parades, the fairs — we just can’t have that while we’re focusing on health right now,” de Blasio told Blitzer.
- Blitzer then asks: What about protests?
- De Blasio responds: “This is a historic moment. We have to respect that.”
- So far, virus cases and deaths have not surged since weeks of demonstrations.
- It’s only a matter of time before residents become angry that restrictions are being politicized.
BREAKING: @America1stWomen has sent @BilldeBlasio a formal request asking to paint its own mural in NYC.
We have retained counsel should de Blasio continue infringing upon our Constitutional rights.
Tyranny MUST be stopped.
cc: @RonColeman@Yoder_Esqq @KylieJaneKremer
— Amy Kremer (@AmyKremer) July 10, 2020
- A veto-proof majority of the Seattle City Council backed a proposal Thursday to defund the Seattle Police Department by 50% — including a proposal to remove 911 dispatchers from police control and to “imagine life beyond policing.”
- The activists’ four-point plan, according to the Times, is as follows:
- Remove Seattle’s 911 dispatchers from police control
- Scale up community-based solutions to public safety
- Fund a community-led process to “imagine life beyond policing.”
BREAKING: California To Release 8,000 More Inmates Early Due To COVID-19, In Addition To The State’s Reduction Of 10,000 Inmates Since The Start Of The Pandemic
And the “dark to light week” according to tíos graph has a Friday on the 17th !!
— l E T 17 (@Inevitable_ET) July 10, 2020
Don’t ya wish more people had common
sense intelligence like this young girl?
I am DONE with your Bullshit! [57 seconds]