Game Theory, Events Unlock, [Evil] Has Been Allowed To Flourish, Pain – Episode 2145
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Current News – 04.10.2020
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- Negotiations for a free trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States have been postponed
- The British and Americans are said to eager to begin negotiations, but no date for restarting them has reportedly been set. Instead, options such as video conferencing are being explored.
US economy unlikely to recover as rapidly as it collapsed
- There are emerging signs any U.S. economic recovery will fail to match the speed and severity of the collapse that occurred in just a few weeks, despite President Donald Trump’s promises of a strong rebound
- President Donald Trump has been telling voters that the U.S. economy will leap back to life “like a rocket,” stronger than ever
BREAKING NEWS: Saudi state TV says a deal before OPEC and other oil-producing countries involves a 10 million barrel per day cut to July 1, then an 8 million barrel per day cut through end of year – AP
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) April 10, 2020
Democrats are blocking a 251 Billion Dollar funding boost for Small Businesses which will help them keep their employees. It should be for only that reason, with no additions. We should have a big Infrastructure Phase Four with Payroll Tax Cuts & more. Big Economic Bounceback!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 10, 2020
Congress must go back to DEDUCTIBILITY by businesses if Restaurants, Clubs & Entertaiment is expected to flourish (like never before)!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 10, 2020
I have directed @SecretarySonny to expedite help to our farmers, especially to the smaller farmers who are hurting right now. I expect Secretary Purdue to use all of the funds and authorities at his disposal to make sure that our food supply is stable, strong, and safe….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 10, 2020
This week, in only 4 days, we had the biggest Stock Market increase since 1974. We have a great chance for the really big bounce when the Invisible Enemy is gone!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 10, 2020
- The Federal Reserve unveiled $2.3 trillion in additional aid to American households and businesses besieged by the coronavirus outbreak.
- The Fed said that it is activating a Main Street Business Lending Program authorized by the CARES Act, the largest economic relief package ever passed by Congress.
- Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the Fed’s role was to “provide as much relief and stability as we can during this period of constrained economic activity.”
- Among the actions taken Thursday, the Fed activated a loan program for municipal governments, as well as additional support for the Paycheck Protection Program, which the Small Business Administration rolled out last week. The program provides loans to businesses with fewer than 500 employees.
- The Main Street lending program “will make a significant difference for the 40,000 medium-sized business that employ 35 million Americans,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Thursday.
Trump during his presser says this is not the peoples fault, its the invisible enemy
We had a great economy, people were employed, businesses were thriving and then the invisible enemy came along and destroyed people’s businesses, people lost jobs
- The funding in the bill ‘should be tailored to benefit aid recipients who make a long-term commitment to high quality local news,’ the senators said
- group of Democratic senators want local news outlets to receive coronavirus stimulus money in “any future coronavirus relief package” that the Senate passes.
- “Local news is in a state of crisis that has only been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic,” the senators wrote in a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and the Senate Appropriations Committee.
- “For over a decade, there has been a steady succession of local outlets closing down, reporters being laid off, production schedules cut, and resources tightened as the growth of social media and technology platforms has concentrated critical advertising revenue in the hands of a few. But the current public health crisis has made this problem worse,” read the letter.
Adam Schiff Submits Bill to Create Commission Reviewing Trump’s Coronavirus Response
- House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) unveiled a bill on Friday to create a commission to review the Trump administration’s response to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.
- In a statement, Schiff compared the commission’s aim to the one established to study the September 11, 2001, terror attacks and the United States’ subsequent military response.
- After more than three years of watching Deep State criminals walk free after their numerous attempts to destroy and remove this president,
- Attorney General Bill Barr gave us reason to believe justice will prevail after all.
AG Bill Barr: Well I think a report, may be and probably will be a by-product of his activity. But his primary focus isn’t to prepare a report. He is looking to bring to justice people who were engaged in abuses if he can show that they were criminal violations. So that’s what the focus is on. And as you know being a lawyer, you, yourself, buidling these cases especially the sprawling case we have between us that went on for two or three years, it takes some time. It takes some time to build a case. So he’s diligently pursuing it. My own view is that the evidence shows that we’re not dealing with just mistakes and sloppiness. There’s something far more troubling here. And we’re going to get to the bottom of it.
- .
AG William Barr says Russia probe was started ‘without basis’
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) April 10, 2020
Former Flynn Defense Counsel “Just Now Found Additional Docs” In File
New Flynn filing:
Flynn’s former lawyers have “found emails and two pages of handwritten notes that were not previously transferred” to Flynn’s new counsel
[They should have been produced last summer]
Full doc:
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) April 9, 2020
So what just happened Covington lawyers needed to protect themselves, so they searched hard for relevant documents to defend themselves , than when it came to providing @SidneyPowell1 the documents she needed to defend @GenFlynn.
False Flags
Michigan’s Crazed Governor Gretchen Whitmer Bans “Travel Between Residences”
- Governor Gretchen Whitmer limited access of doctors from prescribing the lifesaving drugs hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks to save senior citizens in the state from coronavirus.
- Hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks have are widely used by doctors the world over to treat the coronavirus.
- Democrat lawmaker Karen Whitsett said she had to beg for hydroxychloroquine that saved her life because her tyrannical governor limiting access to the drug with an executive order!
- Now the governor is banning travel between homes for Michigan residents!
So kids can no longer play at their friends’ house. - Families cannot travel for Easter.
- Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said President Donald Trump could not wipe away the history of his administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.
- Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House’s coronavirus response team, acknowledged the Trump administration is considering the idea of distributing certificates of immunity to the virus.
- “It’s one of those things that we talk about when we want to make sure that we know who the vulnerable people are and not,” he explained. “This is something that’s being discussed. I think it might actually have some merit, under certain circumstances.”
Trump Administration Opposes Bill Gates’ Vaccine Tracking System on ‘Personal Liberty’ Grounds
- “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it,” Gates said during an “Ask Me Anything” appearance on Reddit about the coronavirus.
- The Trump administration has come out against a proposed digital tracking system that could tell authorities about an individual’s vaccination history.
- Attorney General Bill Barr is skeptical of Gates’ idea to tag people with these mark-of-the-beast implants. He said he is concerned about “the tracking of people and so forth, generally, especially going forward over a long period of time.” Barr also said that he is “very concerned about the slippery slope in terms of continuing encroachments on personal liberty.”
CNN decided to put out a fake story even when they were told it is fake.
US intelligence agencies started tracking coronavirus outbreak in China as early as November
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) April 9, 2020
The Pentagon told CNN this was wrong.
National Center for Medical Intelligence told CNN this was wrong.
A DIA official told CNN this was wrong.
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff John Hyten did same.
The Office of DNI did same.
CNN ran story anyway based on “sources”
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) April 10, 2020
As we told CNN earlier today, this story contains inaccurate information.
— Office of the DNI (@ODNIgov) April 9, 2020
…………… #quarantine #covid19 #stayhome #staysafe #ncrfilms
— Madonna (@Madonna) April 9, 2020
Praying medic tweets out that something else happened on Jan 15
— Praying Medic (@prayingmedic) April 10, 2020
Remember Comfort and Mercy are physically blocking the escape routes out of the tunnels to the ports. Military and security protect the boats…and will see anyone emerge.
Hope so!
— Twitmo Inmate (@K155MYA55) April 10, 2020
Noticed that the picture in Q#1123 contains ‘D5‘ in the file name and has a 2-year delta TODAY.
— Cowboyw2b (@ToddWal47945939) April 10, 2020
Today during the presser he said the following , I can listen to 35 people .
17 Retweets by @realDonaldTrump to begin 4/10/20
Followed by a ‘normal’ tweet at 45 minutes into 4/10/20
17=Q 4/10/20=DJT DJT=45th POTUS of the USA
DO YOU BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCE?— ENoCH (@elenochle) April 10, 2020
Yesterday Q posted 3925
Do people really believe the biggest scandal in modern US history will go unpunished [Scot-Free]?
Backchannels are important.
Patriots stand at the ready [shills whine].
Scott Free = White Squall Production company.
Remember shills whine
Patriots: be cautious in your interpretations of info posted. False expectations [& push] based on ‘speculation’ will only weaponize those who attack us [MSM].
Why does [MSM] expend resources [daily] attempting to discredit?
Do you provide the playbook to the enemy w: specific dates?
Logical thinking.
FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)📁Definition of start
(Entry 1 of 3)
1a: to move suddenly and violentlyb: to react with a sudden brief involuntary movement: to come into being, activity, or operationDeclassification of 4 mystery footnotes from IG’s FISA report is “imminent,”
Future proves past [events unlock].
Think CEO departures.
Think FBI departures.
Think DOJ departures.
Think State departures.
Think WH departures.
Think DIA departures.
Think Pentagon departures.
Think Senate departures.
Think House departures.
Think Amb departures.
Think IG departures.
Think Judge install.
Think SC install.
Think WH install.
Think FBI install.
Think C_A install.
Think DOJ install.
Think US ATT install.
Game theory.
If you look you can see.
Q16 dots
#Trump#Coronavirus Campaign Ad Features Joe Biden Cheerleading for China “During America’s#crisis,Biden protected#China’s feelings”#Biden:“It is in our self-interest that China continue to prosper”…#QAnon#QAnon2018#QAnon2020#DemocratsHateAmericaCongrats, DJT just retweeted you.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ba29f9 No.8748891
NEW“Be cautious in your interpretations of info posted”#QAnon So glad he finally said this. I’ve been seeing the wacky conspiracies, number counting, etc get WAY out of control. The movement is being discredited by the irrational speculation. Let’s work with what we have.
The credibility of our institutions [Constitutional Law that governs our Great Land [Our Republic]], and our ability to regain the trust and faith of the American people, all depends on our ability to restore [EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW] by prosecuting those responsible [Blind-Justice].
Treasonous acts [sedition] against the Republic [the ‘People’] of the United States [START – LEAD-IN].
Infiltration [rogue] at the highest levels of our gov, media, corps, etc.
Planned & coordinated [D/ F].
This is not about politics.
Something far more sinister [evil] has been allowed to flourish through all parts of our society.
It has been protected and safeguarded.
It has been camouflaged to appear as trusted.
It has been projected [normalized] by stars.
[CLAS 1-99]
One must only look to see.
[Symbolism will be their downfall]
This is not another [4] year election.
“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”
You are not alone.
We stand together.
QQ !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ba29f9 No.8749177
NEWAnonymous ID: a5306f No.8748876
The public will learn the truth.
The media will attempt to spin as a partisan attack.
The House will push for Barr removal.
The House will open investigations into Barr-Durham [lack of confidence].
What happens when corp media ‘knowingly’ pushes false [propaganda] information?
What happens when corp media can no longer be trusted?
The Silent War continues..
QThey knew info in Steele dossier was likely Russian disinformation. They hid that from FISA court, investigation full speed ahead.Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 069818 No.8749496
NEWEven though we all expected it, John Solomon just confirmed, seconds ago on Sean Hannity’s radio show, that multiple DC Grand Jury subpoenas have been issued on behalf of US Atty John Durham.
One woman from the UK captured magnificent images of the ‘eye of the storm’
- The photos were taken in Bolton, UK, where Storm Ciara swept through
Image credits: Jam Press
The Invisible Enemy will soon be in full retreat!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 10, 2020
Pressers are very dangerous to the [DS]/MSM, he is educating the people, about China, economy, border, human trafficking, but first trump mentioned something about a hammer
All of us have been antsy for the hammer to drop… but we will remember this time… the time before we knew the next BIG scene… this is historic.>>5853322
The calm before the storm?
What happens when a blockade (threat) is dismantled & removed?
“You’ll find out.”
Children used as shields (manufactured crimes of perjury)?
Then Trump was talking about human trafficking, Take a listen to what trump said during a presser,
Those [good] who know cannot sleep.
Those [good] who know cannot find peace.
Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.
Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.
Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.
Who are we taught to trust?
If you are religious, PRAY.
60% must remain private [at least] – for humanity.
These people should be hanging.
Anonymous6Understand one simple fact – the US is connected to the rest of the world.
Knowing that, understand, by default, if certain intel is released it would cause a WW/mass suffering.
We share the idea of open source but value life and must make decisions base decisions on outcomes and containability.
Wow Dave I love the new layout. I even figured out how to download the report’s. DUH lol.
Ps blessed Good Friday and Passover to you.
Think very carefully about the things that you have taken it upon yourself to determine deserve “containability”. Because if it is not contained, not Properly handled, explained and dispatched, then you become the enabler and God forbid, The target of the backlash. The continuity of any civilized Society requires prosecution of crimes, Justice, and significant deterrents When warranted by our system of laws.
You bear an immense burden, We on the “outside” cannot even imagine, but although you are serving him, you are not God. Take each decision on its merits, do what is right and correct and Ethical and moral, as He Will guide you. Although your intentions are righteous, you are not responsible for the outcomes in the entire universe. Let God play his role. You do what you can do – as He will guide you.
X22,Thank you for your dedication helping us understand the epic changes we are experiencing. Thank you for being a blessing in my reality.