[HT] Access Closed, [DS] Panic, The Final Stage Revealed From The Beginning – Episode 2210
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Current News – 06.28.2020
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- The head of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) said in a House panel that the Internal Revenue Service knew it was sending out stimulus payments to dead people.
- Gene Dodaro, comptroller general of GAO, said the IRS sent his own mother a $1,200 payment earlier this year even though she died in February 2018.
- “My sister got it; of course she returned it,” he said. “A lot of other people didn’t know” they’re supposed to return the money if they receive payments for a relative who’s died.
- Dodaro recommended that the IRS contact people who received payments and try and recoup the money. On Thursday, a GAO report found that the IRS sent nearly $1.4 billion of payments to some 1.1 million deceased people.
- “What happened was: IRS initially determined that deceased people, or anybody who filed a return in 2018 or 2019 should be paid, so they knew they were paying people who were deceased,” he said. “Then it became known publicly, Treasury then reevaluated that position and stopped it.”
Source: theepochtimes.com
Woodrow Wilson’s name is being removed from institutions because of his racist views.
He also wrote the Federal Reserve & Federal Income Tax into law.
I propose removing those as well to FULLY heal from the pain of racism.
Lefties, do ya thang.
😎😎😎#MakeRacistsAfraidAgain— Maj Toure (@MAJTOURE) June 28, 2020
Second. #EndtheFed #canceltheIRS https://t.co/ph4kP3LSY4
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) June 28, 2020
- Almost five short months ago, ‘journalist’ Ryan Broderick was the envy of his fake news peers. The BuzzFeed ‘senior reporter’ had just written a hit-piece against Zero Hedge slamming us over the ‘conspiracy theory’ that COVID-19 may have emerged from a lab in Wuhan, China, and claiming that we doxed one of their scientists. Hours later, we were summarily kicked off of Twitter – a ban which has since been reversed after the social media giant admitted they were in error. Meanwhile, the lab origin ‘conspiracy theory’ has gained widespread support and is now the focus of several international investigations into the CCP lab.

- Less than 48 hours after our February Twitter ban, internet sleuths discovered that Broderick had previously blogged about pedophilic fantasies involving young boys. Why he wasn’t fired on the spot is anyone’s guess. Perhaps former BuzzFeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith (now with the ‘Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not A Crime‘-promoting New York Times) has a soft spot for Ryan.
- Broderick was fired for plagiarism after BuzzFeed‘s new editor-in-chief, Mark Schoofs, published “A Note To Our Readers” detailing eleven instances where Broderick lifted content from other publications without attribution going back to 2013, including his hit-piece against Zero Hedge.
- A reporter for McClatchy newspapers who covers Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) filed a misleading report this week suggesting that the California congressman can no longer sue Twitter for aiding and abetting defamation against him.
- The report was then picked up by several other media outlets, inadvertently echoing the false reporting.
- The McClatchy reporter, Kate Irby, wrote on Wednesday in a story with the headline, “Devin Nunes can’t sue Twitter over statements by fake cow, judge rules”:
BREAKING: Devin Nunes can’t sue Twitter over statements by fake cow, judge rules https://www.fresnobee.com/news/nation-world/national/article243664982.html …
Devin Nunes can’t sue Twitter over statements by fake cow, judge rules
A judge has ruled that Rep. Devin Nunes has no right to sue Twitter over statements made by a fake Internet cow, someone parodying his mother and a Republican strategist.
- Irby’s reporting was referring to a decision by the judge to throw out one negligence charge against Twitter — not to remove Twitter from the lawsuit entirely.
- In fact, Nunes is still suing Twitter for “injunctive relief,” meaning that Twitter would be forced to remove the defamatory material against Nunes. That charge against Twitter remains. Nunes is also seeking to add a claim against Twitter for allowing defamation against him.
- McClatchy itself is being sued by Nunes for its constant attacks against him as a way to drive traffic as the newspaper chain is trying to rebound after filing for bankruptcy.
- Irby’s report remains uncorrected. However, it has been cited by multiple news outlets, including Fox News, where Nunes had to correct the record during an interview on Thursday with Fox News’s Martha MacCallum.
- T
Source: breitbart.com
- Judicial Watch obtained Secret Service records for the first five years of the Obama Admin showing Hunter Biden took 411 flights and visited 29 countries.
- The Secret Service did not disclose, as requested by Judicial Watch, if Hunter Biden flew on Air Force One, Air Force Two or other government planes or whether other family members were in attendance.The records reveal Hunter Biden visited China 5 times.
- The new documents also show that Hunter Biden never visited Ukraine prior to being hired by Burisma Holdings, a corrupt Ukrainian natural gas company.
- Via Judicial Watch:
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
JUST IN: White House economist who just announced resignation tests positive for COVID-19 https://t.co/YS1VQ4B1jb pic.twitter.com/qyj4ILkvs2
— The Hill (@thehill) June 27, 2020
Sounds like a mole was flushed out and faking Covid is his only remaining utility to [them].
- “Sheriff Troy Nehls is a republican candidate running for Texas’ 22nd Congressional District. He said the postal worker was caught on video throwing a stack of his campaign mailers in the trash,” according to WFLA.
- A business owner called Nehls and showed him surveillance footage of the alleged incident that happened behind a building near FM 359.
- “The owner said when he went to go retrieve what was thrown away, he found Nehls’ reelection campaign fliers,” Click2Houston reported.
A US Postal worker was just caught on video throwing a stack of my campaign mailers in a dumpster. Some patriots nearby heard a noise when she tossed them in & went to investigate. They found a stack of them and called me. No wonder people are skeptical of mail in voting.
Source: breitbart.com
- The New Jersey Attorney General’s office announced voter fraud charges against four individuals, including a city councilman and an elected city councilman, according to a press release.
- Paterson City Councilman Michael Jackson, Councilman-elect Alex Mendez, and two other men are alleged to have exploited the mail-in voting process in the May 12th Special election in Paterson, New Jersey.
- The investigation was opened when U.S. Postal Inspection Service found hundreds of mail-in ballots stuffed in a single mailbox in Paterson and a number of additional ballots in a mailbox in Haledon.
- “Today’s charges send a clear message: if you try to tamper with an election in New Jersey, we will find you and we will hold you accountable,” said Attorney General Grewal. “We will not allow a small number of criminals to undermine the public’s confidence in our democratic process.”
Donald J. Trump
Source: saracarter.com
Now that the very expensive, unpopular and unfair Individual Mandate provision has been terminated by us, many States & the U.S. are asking the Supreme Court that Obamacare itself be terminated so that it can be replaced with a FAR BETTER AND MUCH LESS EXPENSIVE ALTERNATIVE…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 27, 2020
Corrupt Joe Biden has confirmed that he “would give UNLIMITED Healthcare to Illegal Immigrants”. This would break our system and bring millions of people to the USA. @foxandfriends
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2020
I was devastated to learn of the death of Natasha Khalil, who was killed in a terrorist attack en route to her job at the Afghan IHRC. Natasha was a graduate of the American University of Central Asia, which I helped found along with the U.S. government. https://t.co/CF8OeTnaPr
— George Soros (@georgesoros) June 27, 2020
They can no longer hide in the dark.
Last night @AmbassadorRice posted the suicide hotline phone number. This morning @Scaramucci posted the #. This is the same number Q posted 9/30/18 after Q defined subversion and treason in the context of enemy combatants. pic.twitter.com/n9Dol1gW81
— Sun_Q_Tzu ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@Sun_Q_Tzu) June 27, 2020
The crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
Define ‘Subversion’.
The act of subverting : the state of being subverted; especially : a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within?
Think line of questions re: Sen. Graham > Justice K re: ‘Enemy Combatants’.
Operators standing by.
US removes Saudi Arabia from list of worst human traffickers
- The United States has removed key ally Saudi Arabia from its list of the worst offenders on human trafficking after just a year.
- The State Department’s 2020 Trafficking in Persons Report said the country had made “key achievements” in the last 12 months. It implemented its first ever national referral mechanism to provide care to victims of trafficking and the government transparently reported data sets, including increased prosecutions and convictions under its anti-trafficking law, according to the report.
- As a result, the country was moved from Tier 3 to Tier 2 — but the report said the Saudis still need to make additional reforms to combat trafficking.
SA was a priority.
We wish this was a dream.
- The Trump administration has been deliberating for months about what to do about a stunning intelligence assessment.
- American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there, according to officials briefed on the matter.
- The United States concluded months ago that the Russian unit, which has been linked to assassination attempts and other covert operations in Europe intended to destabilize the West or take revenge on turncoats, had covertly offered rewards for successful attacks last year.
Source: nytimes.com
I never heard this. And it’s disgusting how you continue to politicize intelligence. You clearly don’t understand how raw intel gets verified. Leaks of partial information to reporters from anonymous sources is dangerous because people like you manipulate it for political gain. https://t.co/403X9AVGAC
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) June 27, 2020
Trump responded to Grenell
The Fake News @ nytimes must reveal its “anonymous” source. Bet they can’t do it, this “person” probably does not even exist! https://t.co/pdg4AjybOG
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2020
Nobody briefed or told me, @VP Pence, or Chief of Staff @MarkMeadows about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians, as reported through an “anonymous source” by the Fake News @nytimes. Everybody is denying it & there have not been many attacks on us…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2020
…Nobody’s been tougher on Russia than the Trump Administration. With Corrupt Joe Biden & Obama, Russia had a field day, taking over important parts of Ukraine – Where’s Hunter? Probably just another phony Times hit job, just like their failed Russia Hoax. Who is their “source”?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2020
Statement by DNI Ratcliffe: “I have confirmed that neither the President nor the Vice President were ever briefed on any intelligence alleged by the New York Times in its reporting yesterday.” (1/2)
— Office of the DNI (@ODNIgov) June 28, 2020
“The White House statement addressing this issue earlier today, which denied such a briefing occurred, was accurate. The New York Times reporting, and all other subsequent news reports about such an alleged briefing are inaccurate.” (2/2)
— Office of the DNI (@ODNIgov) June 28, 2020
Trump Plans to Cut Another 4,000 US Troops From Afghanistan
- Under the US peace deal with the Taliban, the US was to get troop levels in Afghanistan down to 8,600 by mid-July. Drawdowns have been ahead of schedule, and by last week, officials announced they’d already reached 8,600.That’s not the end of it, and reports are that President Trump has finalized a plan to withdraw another 4,000 or so US troops from the country, with the goal of getting things down to 4,500 remaining by autumn.
Source: news.antiwar.com
False Flags
To push the fear, Pelosi is now pushing for mandatory masks, this is not about the virus this is about the election, the amount is dropping and with more people reportedly having it, it means that the virus is less of a threat, soon it will be equal to the common cold.
- Earlier this month, two Catholic priests and three Orthodox Jews came together in a lawsuit against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, New York Attorney General Letitia James, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, alleging that Democrats were violating their religious liberty under the First Amendment (and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment) by discouraging religious gatherings while joining large crowds of protesters in the streets.
- On Friday, a federal judge agreed. While praising the officials for their leadership in fighting the coronavirus, he ruled that they had violated the rights of the plaintiffs in their restrictions on religious services:
- U.S. District Judge Gary L. Sharpe handed down a preliminary injunction against New York officials for violating the First Amendment by shutting down religious services while encouraging Black Lives Matter protests.
Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio could have just as easily discouraged protests, short of condemning their message, in the name of public health and exercised discretion to suspend enforcement for public safety reasons instead of encouraging what they knew was a flagrant disregard of the outdoor limits and social distancing rules. They could have also been silent. But by acting as they did, Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio sent a clear message that mass protests are deserving of preferential treatment.
Source: breitbart.com
- Seattle Department of Transportation trucks cleared several CHOP Zone on Friday morning.
- The SDOT crews then halted their work and left after speaking with the CHOP Zone squatters.
The protesters blocked the crews from removing their street barriers.
Just SMH!
Protesters block city crews from removing barricades in CHOP zone | KOMO http://komonews.com/news/local/protester-lies-in-street-to-prevent-crews-from-removing-barricades-in-chop …
Protester lies in street to prevent crews from removing barricades in CHOP
SEATTLE – Seattle city transportation crews arrived Friday morning to remove barricades in the CHOP zone, but were quickly stymied by a protester who lay down in the street to block their heavy…
Officials hoped to clear out tents and vehicles later today.
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Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan is currently meeting with the squatters in a nearby church.
2:53PM – There is a meeting with @MayorJenny and unidentified group of people representing the CHOP ZONE at a nearby church. They are not allowing livestreaming from inside the meeting, so we’re waiting for people to come out.
- Several Black Lives Matter protesters were arrested and charged with terrorism, rioting and assault following the violent protests in Oklahoma City following the death of George Floyd.
- Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater told the rioters, “This is not Seattle. We’re not putting up with this lawlessness here.”
- This video from KOCO shows the rioters attacking a police station and hurling objects at police officers.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- A suspected Antifa anarchist accused of inciting riots in Pittsburgh was turned in to police by his own parents . Brian Bartels, 20, is accused of inciting violent protests in the city on Saturday in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.
Source: saracarter.com
DOJ Charges Four Men in Vandalism Attempt on Andrew Jackson Statue, One Arrested
- The Department of Justice announced Saturday that charges of destruction of federal property have been filed against four men who attempted to destroy a historic statue of President Andrew Jackson in Washington DC’s Lafayette Park
Source: bigleaguepolitics.com
Trump tweeted out the additional individuals they are looking for
Since imposing a very powerful 10 year prison sentence on those that Vandalize Monuments, Statues etc., with many people being arrested all over our Country, the Vandalism has completely stopped. Thank you!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2020
- President Donald Trump signed an executive order that seeks to protect federal monuments and properties by conditioning federal funding for state and local governments on compliance.
- The order frames the recent moves by protesters across the country to topple various statues and monuments as “criminal acts,” organized by “agitators who have traveled across State lines to promote their own violent agenda.”
- Finally, the order indicates that all “state and local governments that have failed to protect public monuments, memorials, and statues from destruction or vandalism” will not receive funding from federal grants and orders executive branch agency heads to make sure all federally-funded programs are compliant with the order.
Source: dailycaller.com
“These governors are withholding information from the public and House Dems are letting them get away with it with their partisan refusal to join our investigation.” –
Republicans are demanding answers from Dem Governors about their disastrous nursing home orders:
Did order(s) violate government mandated policies?
Would a jury of peers agree their actions were reckless?
Would a jury of peers agree their actions were negligent?
Suits Against State Officials
Courts may open their doors for relief against government wrongs under the doctrine that sovereign immunity does not prevent a suit to restrain individual officials, thereby restraining the government as well.113 The doctrine is built upon a double fiction: that for purposes of the sovereign’s immunity, a suit against an official is not a suit against the government, but for the purpose of finding state action to which the Constitution applies, the official’s conduct is that of the state.114 The doctrine preceded but is most noteworthily associated with the decision in Ex parte Young,115 a case that deserves the overworked adjective, seminal.
“The immunity of a state from suit has long been held not to extend to actions against state officials for damages arising out of willful and negligent disregard of state laws.165 The reach of the rule is evident in Scheuer v. Rhodes,166 in which the Court held that plaintiffs were not barred by the Eleventh Amendment or other immunity doctrines from suing the governor and other officials of a state alleging that they deprived plaintiffs of federal rights under color of state law and seeking damages, when it was clear that plaintiffs were seeking to impose individual and personal liability on the officials. There was no “executive immunity” from suit, the Court held; rather, the immunity of state officials is qualified and varies according to the scope of discretion and responsibilities of the particular office and the circumstances existing at the time the challenged action was taken.”
Rising to the occasion.
Understanding what’s at stake.
God bless each and every one of you.
We will not fail.
Grammar kitty?
Or on purpose?
Mistakes to you are roadmaps to others.
Understand why the entire
account – and not a single tweet – was tagged in the #Qanon drop. Watch’
Stand at the ready.
This isn’t about left or Right, Democrat vs. Republican anymore. This is “People that want to watch America burn” vs. People that do not.
That’s the only issue on the ballot this November:
More riots, looting, lockdowns & statue purges—or Donald Trump.That’s your choice.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) June 26, 2020
THE VAST SILENT MAJORITY IS ALIVE AND WELL!!! We will win this Election big. Nobody wants a Low IQ person in charge of our Country, and Sleepy Joe is definitely a Low IQ person!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2020
Down below it says take the oath
Feeling down from all the craziness? I have good news. I think we’re in the final stage of The Plan. We win.
Q told us everything in the first few posts from Oct 28 – Nov 2, 2017.
Plz like & retweet to spread good cheer!#Qanon #WWG1WGA #MAGA #KAG pic.twitter.com/B1WJZnBGuv
— Brian J. (@BeeJaySee) June 5, 2020
Deceased people??? My father passed away in 08, ( I closed his bank acct, cause I knew THEY would keep sending payments ) and wanted to ( “Head them off at the pass” ) ! Some,,, did not wake up yesterday, have been watching and putting pieces together long ago. Took care of his wishes and the WORLD goes on.
Stuck in a Centralized System??? Hmmm? Was educated at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. in early 70″s. If anyone took a course in Banking and/or Inter.., banking,,, you were taught this BACK then. It was in the open. Hmmm?
I must confess sir that I was raised to never dishonor the family name but,,, was not taught HONOR until I was trained by the finest MEN who ever walked the earth in Ft. Jackson. Wish you could have met these men. Then Benning. They never left there prints at the scene of,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!! I used to wonder if Q is half as pre,,, and knowledgeable? Guess we learn more every day. Even old dogs. We may not like the same music or listen to the same poets but,,, we love the same country and OUR way of life. WOW!!! Just think about that for a moment! The late great Jimmy Durante used to say ” I’m surrounded by incompetence “. ” . Hmmm? Another great Casey Stengel used to say ” you can look it up “. Godspeed. Selah.
P.S. Afraid they are looking for them? I was trembling always if I did not answer the call of our nation back in 72. Many more also… DUTY x=3. Life is good in the USA sir. Not PERFECT but good. Ms. Owen’s is proof! If what we have left can produce a Ms. Owen’s. Hmmm??? Many are done with games sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t have a camera or instagram on my computer, but I take the oath to stand by the Patriots! I love my country and am a proud American. We MUST stand up to the corruption and take back our country. I am with you. Thank the Lord for Donald Trump!