It’s Time, Hunter’s Moon Rises, Dark Winter Countered, Patriots In Control – Episode 2315

The [CB]s around he world are trapped, they are now waiting it out to see what their next steps should be, by that time it will be too late. The economy is doing better than ever, the MSM are now pushing back to try to explain why and how the economy bounced back, they are now projecting the economy will crash. The economic October surprise was just let loose, GDP came in at 33.1%, boom, watch the fireworks.The MSM/[DS] cannot fight off everything that is being thrown at them. They know the elections cannot be won, they are preparing for their next move. The patriots are ready to counter, they know the playbook. The people must see their true intentions. The hunter’s moon is out, the hunt is on before winter.
Watch The X22 Report On Video
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European Central Bank: Just wait until December
- Lagarde said hat recent data show the economy “is losing momentum more rapidly than expected” and that there had been “a clear deterioration in the near term outlook.”
- “We have little doubt… that the circumstances will warrant the recalibration and the implementation of this recalibrated package,” Lagarde said.
- Economy output plunged 11.8% in the 19 countries that use the euro in the second quarter but is estimated to have rebounded in the July-September months by as much as 10% as businesses reopened. Figures for the quarter are to be released Friday.
Pending Home Sales Slump In September
- That is the biggest YoY gain since 2009 (and remains above the previous record high in 2005)…
- The U.S. economy grew at the fastest pace ever recorded in the third quarter, expanding at an annualized pace of 33.1 percent, the U.S. Commerce Department said Thursday.
- The economic rebound means the U.S. recovered significant ground
Who is Miles Taylor? Said he was “anonymous”, but I don’t know him – never even heard of him. Just another @nytimes SCAM – he worked in conjunction with them. Also worked for Big Tech’s @Google. Now works for Fake News @CNN. They should fire, shame, and punish everybody….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 28, 2020
….associated with this FRAUD on the American people!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 28, 2020
- A collection of confidential documents related to the Biden family mysteriously vanished from an envelope sent to host Tucker Carlson,
- “The Biden documents never arrived in Los Angeles. Tuesday morning we received word from our shipping company that our package had been opened and the contents were missing,” Carlson said. “The documents had disappeared.”
UPS says it has found Tucker Carlson’s mystery package of Biden papers: “After an extensive search, we have found the contents of the package and are arranging for its return.”
— TV News HQ (@TVNewsHQ) October 29, 2020
Remember when andy stone from facebook came out and said this about the HB story.
It’s been two weeks and a day since Facebook said it would suppress Hunter Biden laptop story while Facebook’s ‘third-party fact checking partners’ looked into it. So how is that going? And BTW, who are the third-party fact checking partners assigned to this?
— Byron York (@ByronYork) October 29, 2020
Then we have
I posted to @Facebook the video of @JoeBiden saying he would raise taxes. He said it. It’s a video.
And this is what Facebook does to the post of Biden’s actual words.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) October 29, 2020
Everything that we are hearing, seeing is to build the narrative, to show that the corruption is not just with the Bidens but this corruption extends to the SWAMP which includes the MSM, other politicians, Hollywood etc… The War Room had Rudy on and he said something very interesting about Pelosi
TAKE A LISTEN TO Rudy on the War Room
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EXCLUSIVE: Senate Committee Successfully Verifies All Bobulinski Materials Reviewed To Date
- The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has been successful in verifying all materials reviewed so far from Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski,
- Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson will not call Bobulinski to testify before the November 3 elections, optics are important
- Johnson had the chance to interview Bobulinski and released a statement shortly after saying: “I appreciate that the FBI has a job to do, and I am glad they are finally taking an interest in these concerning financial matters that our Committees have been investigating for months,” Sen. Johnson said. “I expect that Mr. Bobulinski will speak with our committee as soon as possible and fully share his insights into the Biden family’s business dealings.”
Make no mistake, the public sees the Hunter Biden and Joe Biden family corruption story.
The DC media lost control over the public awhile ago.
This story is now about WHO is trying to hide it.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) October 28, 2020
Judicial Watch Sues for Unmasking Records: Biden, Top Obama Officials ‘Unmasked’ General Flynn
- Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the National Security Agency (NSA) for records of requests by former Vice President Joe Biden and other top Obama administration officials, including President Obama’s chief of staff, to “unmask” Lieutenant General (Retired) Michael Flynn ). The term “unmasking” refers to the practice of disclosing to political appointees the identities of U.S. citizens referenced in intelligence surveillance of foreign nationals. U.S. citizens’ names are typically redacted from such reports unless a specific request is made to “unmask” them.
- Judicial Watch filed this lawsuit after the NSA failed to respond to two separate September 1, 2020 FOIA requests.
- The first request seeks “records about a January 12, 2017, request to ‘unmask’ Lieutenant General Flynn submitted to NSA by or on behalf of then-Vice President Joe Biden.”
- The second request asks for “records about requests to ‘unmask’ Lieutenant General Flynn submitted to NSA by or on behalf of the following officials on the dates or date ranges indicated:
Samantha Powers – Nov. 30, 2016 to Jan. 11, 2017
James Clapper – Dec. 2, 2016 to Jan. 7, 2017
Kelly Degnan – Dec. 6, 2016
John R. Phillips – Dec. 6, 2016
John Brennan – Dec. 14 & 15, 2016
Patrick Conlon – Dec. 14, 2016
Jacob Lew – Dec. 14 & 15, 2016
Arthur McGlynn – Dec. 14, 2016
Mike Neufeld – Dec. 14, 2016
Sarah Raskin – Dec. 14, 2016
Nathan Sheets – Dec. 14, 2016
Adam Szubin – Dec. 14, 2016
Robert Bell – Dec. 15, 2016
John Christenson – Dec. 15, 2016
Sarah Raskin – Dec. 15, 2016
Nathan Sheets – Dec. 15, 2016
Adam Szubin – Dec. 15, 2016
Robert Bell – Dec. 15, 2016
John Christenson – Dec. 15, 2016
James Comey – Dec. 15, 2016
Paul Geehreng – Dec. 15, 2016
Douglas Lute – Dec. 15, 2016
James Hursh – Dec. 15, 2016
Lee Litzenberger – Dec. 15, 2016
Scott Parrish – Dec. 15, 2016
Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall – Dec. 15, 2016
Tamir Waser – Dec. 15, 2016
John Tefft – Dec. 16, 2016
John Bass – Dec. 28, 2016
Denis McDonough – Jan. 5, 2017
Michael Dempsy – Jan. 7, 2017
Stephanie O’Sullivan – Jan. 7, 2017
Check out the list of names. These people corrupted our peaceful transition of power. Coup much?!
You could’ve just asked me.
Judicial Watch Sues for Unmasking Records: Biden, Top Obama Officials ‘Unmasked’
— General Flynn (@GenFlynn) October 29, 2020
They said it couldn’t be done…
They tried to block it
They tried to spin it
They tried to hide the truthThey were wrong. 400 times and counting.
— Acting Secretary Chad Wolf (@DHS_Wolf) October 29, 2020
The same day Jack Dorsey lied to the Senate about censorship on Twitter, Twitter locked the account of
for posting about the benefits of a border wall, which Twitter says is a violation of its rules about “hateful conduct.” Seriously.
- Twitter suspended U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan for praising the border wall with Mexico, telling the border chief it amounted to “hateful conduct.”
- “CBP & [the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers] continue to build new wall every day,” Morgan wrote in his message, “Every mile helps us stop gang members, murderers, sexual predators, and drugs from entering our country. It’s a fact, walls work.”
What @jack told the Senate, under oath, is false. I just tried to tweet the @nypost story alleging Biden’s CCP corruption.
Still blocked.
18 USC 1621 makes it a felony to lie under oath to the Senate.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 28, 2020
Wisconsin GOP says hackers stole $2.3M
- The Republican Party of Wisconsin on said hackers had stolen $2.3 million as part of a recent cyberattack.
- “Cybercriminals, using a sophisticated phishing attack, stole funds intended for the re-election of President Trump,
A 3 day extension for Pennsylvania is a disaster for our Nation, and for Pennsylvania itself. The Democrats are trying to steal this Election. We have to get out and VOTE in even larger numbers. The Great Red Wave is coming!!!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2020
- AVirginia judge on Wednesday issued an order that the state may not count absentee ballots that arrive subsequent to Election Day and are missing a postmark.
- “These absentee ballots will not be counted if it cannot be confirmed from the Intelligent Mail barcode that the ballot was mailed on or before the date of the relevant election,” Judge William W. Eldridge IV wrote.
Geopolitical/Police State
Cyber Attacks
False Flags
New York Gov. Cuomo says he holds President Trump “responsible for every death in this country” from COVID-19 & says “the virus did not come here from China.”
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) October 29, 2020
DOJ seeks more NY nursing home data after finding COVID death undercount
- The Justice Department is requesting more data on COVID-19 deaths linked to New York nursing homes after receiving figures that indicate a significant under-count of deaths at publicly run nursing homes in the state.
- The Justice Department’s civil division requested from state officials data on deaths linked to New York’s more than 1,000 private nursing homes.
- New York records provided in response to an August Justice Department inquiry indicated that a quarter of deaths in the state’s roughly two dozen public nursing homes weren’t disclosed to federal health officials,
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 05/28/2020 13:03:57 ID: 6b4788
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The second wave has arrived
— Bloomberg (@business) October 29, 2020
They are pushing the dark winter operation
- The second wave has arrived.
- After some success in tamping back the Covid-19 pandemic, Europe’s governments are again buckling under its pressure, while in the U.S. contagion is spreading at record-setting levels just as Americans choose their next president.
- France and Germany announced month-long restrictions yesterday as European leaders strive to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed, while also buffering economies against the devastation wreaked by spring lockdowns.
- The mood is grim. President Emmanuel Macron warned of 400,000 French fatalities from the disease within months if nothing is done. German Chancellor Angela Merkel acknowledged the hardship, saying “we know what we’re demanding of the people.”
Trump just countered them
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We’re never going to lock down again.”
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) October 29, 2020
Gerald mentioned it was the hunters moon
- the Hunter’s Moon also known as the blood moon is used traditionally to refer to a full moon that appears during the month of October. It is preceded by the appearance of a “Harvest Moon”, which is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox (which falls on the 22nd or 23rd of September).
- The Hunter’s Moon typically appears in October, except once every four years when it doesn’t appear until November.

- Source:
Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/18/2018 02:43:38 ID: 0537d5
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Hi Dave:
Excellent website and excellent work. Keep up the excellent work.
I am not receiving email notifications when you put out your daily report.
Excellent analysis in this video today. This is the only resource I am aware of that does such a great job at connecting the dots on all these moving pieces — the predictive material presented actually comes to pass and provides perpetual validation for the next presentation! Thank you for equipping the Patriots with this information.
Thank you for all you do!
Dave, Check out Tucker’s episode tonight updating the missing package. It’s a little bit bizarre. He even goes so far as to feel sorry for Hunter?
I’ve just become aware of your site. It is a great source for truth!
Thank you for holding forth the real news and I plan to share with as many folks as possible.
Hi Dave ,
Can you please expose the ” Terror Preparation ” by the DEMS
that will be activated 03 Nov 2020 ? I’m sure funds is being
distributed to the ” foot soldiers ” to spring into action on that day.
Also please expose what AG Barr & Durham is planning to do
after 04 Nov 2020 …. Thank you . kg1947 .
My opinion is President Trump will win BIG TIME… every state? …We wish he was in canada…trade anyone? Love from Canada…can’t wait!
“I see a bad moon rising. I see trouble on the way ” (Crosby, Stills, Nash and young).
I keep getting a mental picture of all of the DS players running through a SWAMP while being chased by bloodhounds LOL!!! I can’t wait until there are full investigations, hearings and charges made against these vermin. I hope that the prosecutions and the sentencings are all open for all to see and that all Americans and everyone in the world will see that Lady Justice is back in the United States of America.
When the election is behind us and we have cleaned up the mess that the DS has made I think that we should continue to have massive rallies with music and fanfare to remind everyone that we’ve won the war against our republic’s greatest ever threat. “In America” by the late Charlie Daniels comes to mind as a perfect opening song for the rallies.
BTW who needs YouTube? I like this way of getting the report better!
Hi Dave, When the majority of Americans show their desire for change, a return to a Republic, are the White Hats going to go forward with the “plan”? If so, doesn’t this include the protection of POTUS, the WH and other buildings? This includes the subpoenas/arrests/trials. Wouldn’t it all be futile if this developed into a war? If the Patriots are at the ready, wouldn’t they be a part of this plan? There are so many fear mongering stories. circulating the Internet, tv news and political sources. Very strange! “IF” this does occur, then all of the work by all the Americans who worked diligently to re-elect our POTUS will have been for naught. What part of this will the DOJ, AG, FBI hold responsibility for their actions? For my 80+ years on earth we’ve been lied to by politicians. Truly felt this was different and still do. Except for no arrests of so many who have hurt children and General Flynn who is unlawfully being detained by a very corrupt Judge Sullivan. The whole judicial system is tainted.😤
Your VIDEOs Political/GEOPOLITICAL er difficult or impossible to watch on Bitchute!
I look forward to your reports every day. If I don’t watch and listen in the evening, I get up and enjoy them with my coffee in the morning. I have also spread the word about the reports to a couple of friends of mine, which is how I learned of them, from a friend.
Strange thing happened at my local Chase bank
I sent the teller a $50 bill thru the tube asking her to please break it up to (5) $10 Bill’s and to please give me newer bill as they are going into Christmas cards
She told me that all the tellers were instructed that they could not order any “new” bill’s for the rest of the year due to the coin shortage??
Does this seem odd to you like it does to me??
In order to help you with the information that you provide (thank you) I want to send money but I do not do anything online. If things get worse I need to be on the private platform (whatever that is)! Old and unsavy with tech! Is there another way?
as long as we don´t declare our selfs as human beings they will handle us as goods – so there is no crime against humanity. so it´s still commercial law. have a look at the new russian costitution – it declares his population as human beings and citizans. when will it be done in other countries? greetings of a man from germany