Locked, Task Force Eagle, “We Have Great Generals”, Tick Tock – Ep. 2562
Watch The X22 Report On Video

The [CB] economic is breaking down, inflation is here and it is now building. The [CB] cannot do anything to stop it, they know this and they are panicking. More mining crypto facilities are being setup in the US. Nothing can stop this. The [DS] has lost control of the narrative, people can see their actions now and they are turning on them. This is happening in Canada, soon these people will not be able to walk down the street.The patriots plan is to wake the people up by accelerating their plan so everyone can see their true intentions. This plan is working, the next phase is to produce the forensic audits to show the [DS] cheated in the election and colluded with foreign governments. Once this is established the government will be incapacitated and there will not be a functioning government. Since the military is behind the operation the military has been preparing for devolution, there are many pieces that are now coming together, locked, task force eagle.
Inflation Hits Record High in Kansas City Fed Manufacturing Index
- Inflationary pressures on goods manufactured in central U.S. rose to a record level in August, according to a survey from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City released Thursday.
- The Kansas City Fed’s index for prices received jumped to a seasonally adjusted 61 from July’s 52, the previous record high. Fifty-nine percent of manufacturers surveyed said they were increasing prices, 42 percent said they had not changed their prices in the month, and none reported lower prices.
- The prices paid index jumped to 80, up from 78 in July. This was the second-highest reading recorded after May’s 86. Eighty-two percent of manufacturers reported paying higher prices for materials,
Source: breitbart.com
Cryptocurrency company expands in Illinois
- One of the fastest growing Bitcoin ATM operators is expanding in Illinois.
- CoinFlip, which operates 2,700 ATMs around the country, is moving into the old Post Office in Chicago. The company was founded in 2015 and has nearly 200 employees with plans to add more by the end of next year.
- Illinois is home to 58 blockchain and cryptocurrency companies, with an anticipated 25% increase in jobs around the state by 2025.
- Legislators passed House Bill 3968 earlier this year, which would establish digital asset rules for banking services as well as effectively allow financial companies in Illinois to apply for a charter to operate and deal in crypto-assets. The bill is awaiting Senate approval.
U.S. President Biden plans to campaign for California Governor Gavin Newsom, who faces a recall election, the White House says https://t.co/rF8rkOSEsb pic.twitter.com/Bhw8laim5W
— Reuters (@Reuters) August 25, 2021
Why is Joe Biden planning campaign trips to help Gavin Newsom in California when thousands of stranded Americans are begging for help in Afghanistan?
- The Department of Defense released photos of Afghan citizens boarding a “US Air Force C-17 Globemaster” at the Kabul Airport this week.
- The US Department of Defense posted the photos online.
But it wasn’t real.
The planes were from the UAE.
The woke Department of Defense put up photos of the wrong plane.
There was an explosion reported outside the Kabul Airport on Thursday.
- Images of the crowds from above the airport in Kabul.
- The situation in Kabul continues to deteriorate.
- This was the scene behind the Baron Hotel before the bombing this morning.
- UPDATE– There were two explosions outside the airport.
JUST IN: Statement From Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin After 12 U.S. Service Members Killed, 15 Wounded In Kabul Attack
Kabul Evacuee With Potential ISIS Ties Detained at Qatar Base
- Up to 100 evacuees have been flagged for further scrutiny during the more comprehensive screening they received at their first stop after Afghanistan.
- Security screeners at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar have detected that at least one of the Afghans who was evacuated from Kabul Airport has potential ties to ISIS, a U.S. official confirmed to Defense One.
- Moreover, the Defense Department’s Automated Biometric Identification System has flagged up to 100 of the 7,000 Afghans evacuated as prospective recipients of Special Immigration Visas as potential matches to intelligence agency watch lists, a second official said.
Source: defenseone.com
DEVELOPING: Hundreds of ISIS Militants Surround Kabul Airport, More Attacks Imminent
- “
- “We can confirm that the explosion at the Abbey Gate was the result of a complex attack that resulted in a number of US & civilian casualties. We can also confirm at least one other explosion at or near the Baron Hotel, a short distance from Abbey Gate. We will continue to update,” John Kirby said.
Hundreds of ISIS militants have surrounded Kabul airport and more attacks are expected, according to Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
1. Biden says ISIS was released from prison in Afghanistan, they are the sworn enemy of the Taliban
2. CIA director flies into Afghanistan and out, meanwhile US citizens are trapped held hostage
3. Suicide bombing at Kabul Airport, blamed on ISIS
It’s like it was planned
Two agendas, ISIS is preventing the [DS] from evacuating US citizens, Terror is back (forensic audits)
False Flags
- Masks are mandatory everywhere outside the home except for when exercising. Authorized workers must carry a New South Wales essential workers permit and present their papers at each checkpoint during travel or transit.
- ♦ Moving slightly north to the Queensland Directorate, they are proud to announce a new COVID Quarantine Camp being built to the West of Brisbane in a place near Toowoomba.
- The nearest hospital is two hours away, but that didn’t stop Queensland’s Comrade Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk from signing a lease on the remote area to build a 1,000 bed involuntary quarantine camp for persons who test positive for COVID-19.
- South Australia is trialing a smartphone app that will use facial recognition and geolocation to help authorities monitor people during home quarantine.
- Around 50 South Australian residents have installed the new Home Quarantine SA app as part of the trial which will assist the government in monitoring compliance with the state’s mandatory isolation requirements.
- Individuals will be sent random location checks which they will be required to respond to within a 15-minute time frame to prove they are at their registered quarantine address by showing their face alongside current geolocation data.
Source: caldronpool.com

Did FDA Really Approve the Pfizer COVID Vaccine? Wait. What?
- Let’s analyze the claim that the FDA didn’t truly approve (license) the Pfizer vaccine.
- The first FDA document I’ll reference is “Comirnaty and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine,” dated August 23, 2021. The document opens with this statement:
- “On August 23, 2021, the FDA approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty, for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.”
- “The FDA approved” means full approval. The FDA has fully approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine.
- And this vaccine “will now be marketed” as the Comirnaty vaccine.
- The FDA document ALSO says the vaccine will continue to be available under the prior Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), for uses that are not yet fully approved. For example, injecting children 12-15, and as a third dose for certain immunocompromised people.
- The full approval and the EUA status are riding together, side by side. The EUA status covers uses of the vaccine not covered under full approval.
- The FDA, in this news release, is again asserting that the Pfizer vaccine is now approved, and makes a clear distinction between the prior EUA and this new approval.
- Next, we move to a letter, also dated August 23, sent from the FDA to BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH, and Pfizer Inc. The letter is marked, “BLA Approval.” BLA stands for “Biologics License Application.”
- “We are issuing Department of Health and Human Services U.S. License No. 2229 to BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH, Mainz, Germany…Under this license, you are authorized to manufacture the product, COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA…You may label your product with the proprietary name, COMIRNATY…”
- The FDA officially licensed this vaccine. This is approval. It is not merely a continuation of Emergency Use Authorization (EAU).
- And now we come to another key FDA document, a letter sent to Pfizer Inc. on August 23, 2021 (addressed to Ms. Elisa Harkins). It also mentions the full licensure (approval) of the vaccine:
- “On August 23, 2021, FDA approved the biologics license application (BLA) submitted by BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH for COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) for active immunization to prevent COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 in individuals 16 years of age and older.”
- This letter is further acknowledgement that the vaccine has been fully approved.
- Now we enter the thick weeds of the letter, during a discussion of how Emergency Use Authorization will continue to be used. The language is very dense. It’s taken me a while to separate out the strands.
- To help you with what I’m going to untangle, understand that the FDA is making a distinction between what we could call the “old Pfizer vaccine” and the “new Pfizer vaccine.” They are identical in their ingredients. They are the same vaccine. But the “old vaccine” vials were granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) before the August 23rd FDA full licensure of the vaccine; and the “new vaccine” vials will certainly be used under full licensure (approval).
- Splitting hairs? Yes. But in order to understand what the FDA is saying in this letter, you have to grasp the distinction between “the old” and “the new.”
- The “old” vaccine is labeled “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine,” and the “new” vaccine is labeled “COMIRNATY.” Again, they are exactly the same vaccine.
- The “old vaccine” will continue to have EUA status: it can be injected in people 12 and older, and it can be used as a third dose for certain immunocompromised individuals.
- The “new vaccine”—which has full FDA approval—CONTINUES TO ALSO HAVE EUA STATUS—and therefore it too can be injected in people 12 and older, and used as a third dose for certain immunocompromised individuals.
- Strange? Yes. The “new” and fully approved vaccine retains its former EUA status. It’s BOTH fully approved and certified as an emergency experimental product.
Source: lewrockwell.com
Welcome to 1938: First, they came for the unvaccinated
- In 1938 was not the Holocaust. It was the pre-Holocaust. It was the time before the nightmare, when the foundation was being laid to destroy the freedom, free speech, businesses and lives of millions of Jews.
- Everything happening today to the American people … to the U.S. Constitution … to freedom … and particularly to unvaccinated Americans reminds me of 1938. This is only the beginning. It gets much worse from here.
- First, “the papers.” Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are just like 1938, when the Gestapo demanded papers from every German.
- Republicans asked for “papers” from migrants who had broken into our country. Criminals. Democrats said, “No, that’s racism.” Republicans asked for “papers” once every two years for federal elections, to prove you have a right to vote. Democrats said, “No, that’s racism.”
- Now Democrats want American citizens, not illegal aliens, not criminals, but patriots born in this country, to produce papers 24/7. We’ll need papers to enter restaurants, bars, nightclubs, concerts, casinos, conventions and hotels and to board a train, plane or bus. We’ll need papers to enter a supermarket, or we’ll starve to death. All for the crime of being unvaccinated against … wait for it …
- The flu.
- By the way, this isn’t about vaccines. This is about vaccine mandates – forcibly injecting Americans who don’t want it. That’s 1938.
- Mandates are about forcing individuals to lose their freedom, choice, individuality and human rights. That’s 1938.
- Lockdowns are a match with the Warsaw Ghetto. Jews were locked down. Jews couldn’t work. Jews couldn’t travel. Jewish businesses were labeled “nonessential.”
- If government can force us to close our businesses, to kill our jobs, to decide who is nonessential, then this is 1938.
- Stars on clothing. It’s coming. The vaccinated get into restaurants, bars, concerts, supermarkets, planes and trains. They keep their jobs. The rest of us are marked as “subhuman” for life. That’s the star. That’s 1938.
- Media and social media as the public-relations wing of the government. That’s called propaganda. Remind you of 1938? Back then, the Jews’ books were burned. Today, it’s those of conservatives, patriots and specifically the unvaccinated. We are silenced. Our facts are labeled “misleading.” Only the facts that agree with big government’s agenda count. That’s 1938.
- Door-to-door intimidation and making lists of those who disagree
- Only days ago, a former Department of Homeland Security official said the unvaccinated should be on the federal no-fly list. That’s exactly how Nazis attacked the Jews and others who disagreed with their agenda. It was always lists. Lists of people to be disappeared in the middle of the night; lists of those to be sent to reeducation camps or now in australia quarintine camps
Source: wnd.com
They will put more and more pressure on those who do not obey, think about Delta airlines, they say those who are unvaccinated will be charged 200 dollars more for health insurance
Next up:
HIV status surcharge
Pregnancy surcharge
Obesity surcharge
Cancer surcharge https://t.co/midn4Juq2b— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) August 25, 2021
Mo. AG Sues School District For Imposing Mask Mandate On Children
- Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt is fighting back against mask mandates for students in public schools. On Tuesday, Schmitt filed a class action lawsuit against Columbia public schools and several members of the district school board who are forcing mask mandates on staff and students. Schmitt claimed mask mandates are more harmful to students than they are helpful.
- In the lawsuit, he argued “the cure should not be worse than the disease.” He pointed out students lose the ability to see facial expressions and other visual cues from their peers and teachers when forced to mask up. He expressed concern it could set them behind other children.
Source: oan.com
- The president of Chicago’s Fraternal Order of Police, John Catanzara, has strongly come out against the idea of a vaccine mandate for law enforcement, setting the stage for a possible showdown between officers and Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D).
- “We are 100% against mandated vaccines for our members,” Catanzara said
Source: breitbart.com
NYPD’s largest police union vows to sue over possible COVID vaccine mandate
- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) dismissed the need for mask mandates in the Sunshine State on , emphasizing the importance of personal liberty while reminding reporters of scientific research showing cloth and surgical masks are relatively ineffective in blocking the transmission of exhaled aerosols.
- When they started doing the masks last year, the thought was it was respiratory droplets, and so the respiratory droplets, maybe you could intercept some. When you’re starting to talk about aerosol transmission — something that’s very highly contagious — just understand. An N95, a medical mask, you know, that will intercept some of the aerosols. But just a piece of cloth is not going to do that. Osterholm, one of Biden’s advisers, has acknowledged that. You got other people who are acknowledging that.
Source: breitbart.com
Desantis is also introducing regeneron as an alternative to a vaccine, is this the first phase of introducing alternative cures, because if there are other cures do you need a vaccine.
Who used regeneron, Trump, he showed everyone that it worked.
He also mention HCQ? Tick tock
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POTUS daily ingest HCQ prevent COVID-19?
Pre announcement: tools [source(s), data, COV-1 v COV-2 analysis, etc.] provided to factually ‘challenge’ narrative?
Full attack v HCQ by media [D]s?
Why wouldn’t the media [D]s want to work [on all fronts] to find a possible solution [immediate dismissal]?
Why doesn’t the media [D]s want the pandemic [rearrange: dem panic] to slow-stop?
Why doesn’t the media [D]s want society to heal [recover]?
Why doesn’t the media [D]s want people to no longer fear going outside?
Why doesn’t the media [D]s want people to point the finger at China as the source?
Why does’t the media [D]s want people to return to work [normal daily lives]?
Who benefits the most?
Why does corp media [D] attempt to control us?
Why does corp media [D] challenge [attack] anyone who defies pushed_coordinated narrative?
Why does corp media [D] attempt to prevent [individual] critical thinking [public]?
Is this about the virus or something else?
Everything is at stake this election.
I issued an Executive Order maintaining the prohibition of vaccine mandates.
Additionally, I’ve added the issue of vaccine mandates to the Special Session agenda.#txlege involvement is important to avoid a patchwork of vaccine mandates across Texas.https://t.co/mZQJEkUJqJ pic.twitter.com/C7BtyN7bRx
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) August 25, 2021
Afghanistan has vaccinated approximately 2.4% of their population. (Source: Reuters)
They are a nation of about 40 million people.
Why aren’t they all dead? Why have they only recorded 7,083 deaths?Bigger question: Why is the Taliban banning the vaccines?
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) August 25, 2021
- PHOENIX – Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced that his office (AGO) determined the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) is in violation of state law for failing to comply with the Arizona Senate’s legislative subpoena related to the 2020 election audit. If MCBOS does not change course, the AGO will notify the Arizona Treasurer to withhold Maricopa County’s state-shared funds as required under the law.
“We are notifying the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors that it must fully comply with the Senate’s subpoena as required by the law,” said Attorney General Mark Brnovich. “Our courts have spoken. The rule of law must be followed.”
- Today’s decision stems from a “SB 1487” complaint filed by Senator Sonny Borrelli under A.R.S. § 41-194.01, which authorizes any legislator to request the Attorney General investigate a county or city alleged to be in violation of state law. On July 26, 2021, Arizona Senate President Karen Fann and Senator Warren Petersen (Senators) issued a subpoena to MCBOS related to the Senate’s audit of the 2020 election. The Senators requested six categories of items for production by August 2, 2021, including routers and network logs.MCBOS objected to the requested information, and to date, has not provided all of the subpoenaed materials. Moreover, in its response to the AGO, MCBOS failed to explain why it is not required to comply with the legislative subpoena. Its only response was that the Arizona Senate is not currently in session, so MCBOS could not be held in contempt.If MCBOS fails to resolve the violation within 30 days, the AGO, in accordance with state law, will notify the Arizona Treasurer to withhold state revenue from Maricopa County until MCBOS complies.
Source: azag.gov
- The following is a legal opinion submitted to Sen. Wendy Rogers by attorney Matt DePerno, in response to her question “Can a State Legislature recall the state electors to decertify a national election upon proof of fraud in the election?”
- DePerno concludes that “The Answer is ‘Yes.’ […] A legislature’s determination to decertify the votes cast by the electors on demonstration of fraud in the election itself is nothing more than the Legislature’s use of its reserved sovereign powers under the Tenth Amendment to protect those fundamental rights and privileges reserved to the People by the Ninth Amendment.”
- Read the full memo:
- U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Leroy Byrd opened fire on Babbitt as she climbed through a broken windowpane inside the Capitol.
Source: zenger.news
Trump claims executive privilege on records sought by House Jan. 6 probers
The Afghanistan withdrawal and Taliban takeover mean the terror threat is back
- Given how wrong the Biden administration’s assumptions about Afghanistan have been, it’s difficult to buy its assurances that Al Qaeda can’t strike the U.S.
- On the eve of the 2004 presidential election, Osama bin Laden issued a landmark videotaped statement. In it, bin Laden explained how he and his followers were engaged in a “war of attrition to fight tyrannical superpowers.” He bragged that, just as Al Qaeda and the Taliban’s predecessors had “bled Russia for 10 years, until it went bankrupt and was forced to withdraw in defeat” from Afghanistan in 1989, the U.S. would suffer the same fate.
Source: nbcnews.com
(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live.
(34) commands LIVE.
[1] OWL [1]
[1] SIG
- Task Force Eagle, one of the most powerful formations ever fielded, enforced the cease fire, supervised the marking of boundaries and the zone of separation between the former warring factions, enforced the withdrawal of the combatants to their barracks and the movement of heavy weapons to designated storage sites. Task Force Eagle also supported the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s efforts to administer the country’s first ever, democratic national elections.
U.S. Army Satellite Operations Brigade
- On May 1, 2019, the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command reorganized its elements to form Task Force Eagle. In October 2019 the Task Force was re-designated as the U.S. Army Satellite Operations Brigade. The brigade consolidates all assigned SATCOM missions under a new major subordinate element to align for efficient command and control up to the joint force commander level to include U.S. Space Command through the Combined Forces Space Component Command, the operational supported commander for space.
- This reorganization improves effectiveness, efficiency and oversight while reducing redundancy and bureaucracy within the SATCOM enterprise. It ensures seamless military SATCOM support globally through continuous 24/7/ 365 operations at five Wideband SATCOM Operations Centers and four Regional SATCOM Support Centers to all elements of the Department of Defense, U.S. government agencies and U.S. allies and partners, providing unity of command and establishing a single unit responding to the needs of the warfighter.
- As the Army’s only Satellite Operations Brigade, it is composed of active and reserve component Soldiers, Department of the Army civilians, and Australian military and civilian employees. The brigade has globally stationed forces within the U.S. Northern Command, U.S. European Command and U.S. Indo-Pacific Command areas of responsibility, but support every combatant command and nine Wideband Global Satellite partners (Australia, Canada, Denmark, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, New Zealand, Czechia and Norway).
- Subordinate organizations include the 53rd Signal Battalion (Satellite Control), formerly assigned to 1st Space Brigade, and the SATCOM Directorate, formerly a part of the USASMDC G-6 staff.
The Air Force Strategic Integration Group is responsible for the integration of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force’s initiatives of Revitalizing Squadrons, Strengthening Joint Leaders and Teams and Multi-Domain Command and Control. Together, this team ensures Airmen are supported by organizations, systems and processes that enhance the Air Force’s lethality and readiness for the joint fight by ensuring healthy squadrons exist across the enterprise through purposeful leadership and mission focus; that Airmen are enabled to perform their mission as part of a joint team through the skills and experience needed to operate in the joint fight, and ensuring the Air Force is ready to generate offensive and defensive effects from all domains to create multiple dilemmas for an adversary by creating effects from air, space and cyberspace platforms at an operations tempo the adversary cannot match.
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Tick tock my a–..so sick of labor pains & no baby!
Dave you wrote: “The [CB] economic is breaking down, inflation is here and it is now building. The [CB] cannot do anything to stop it, they know this and they are panicking. … The [DS] has lost control of the narrative, people can see their actions now and they are turning on them “.
I don’t know about that. It’s been my conclusion that the Central Banks are intentionally breaking down the world economy to bring in their Great Re-set. Their plan is on track. They want to destroy the middle class which is the strongest segment of the population that stands in their way.
That’s what I see.
When does all this garb come to fruition? I love the content you produce, but it seems like hokum at this point. It is very obvious that you have no more knowledge of what’s going on than the rest of us. I hope I’m wrong.
Hello Dave.
Regaurding the Pfizer vaxx. How do we know the old vaxx and the new vaxx are identical?? Seems like the ingredient sheet on the “old vaxx “ was intentionally left blank.
Are we to just take their word for it or should they be required to show the ingredients of both the old and new. They will probably be unwilling to show the public what they have been doing. Thanks for all you do Dave
Okay – but how is that good – if they are pushing and their entire plan is unfolding and taking hold – when they complete it and we are worse than we are now – HOW WILL WE BE TAKEN OUT OF SOMETHING THAT WILL BE A COMPLETELY FIRM FOOTHOLD on this Country!!!!! I hope Trump and the Patriots know how to get us back to a free country!! Everyone won’t see everything!!! Some people will NEVER NEVER WAKE UP!!!! So are we all supposed to see a 3rd World Country made out of America and America collapses and gets destroyed in the process of waking up the people!!! These people still don’t care about the people and if they keep this path – how many people will even be left!!!! It happened in Nazi Germany and look what happened there – how many people were killed in the process and how many will be killed during this process??? I’d rather see them all in JAIL!!!! To Hell with Walking down the street!! Exactly – so they will KILL ALL OF US – To Complete Their PLAN – WHO WILL COME IN AND SAVE THE PEOPLE WHILE THEY ARE IMPLEMENTING THE PLAN SO WE CAN SEE THE WHOLE PICTURE!!! So My Point Exactly – We are Being Prepped for Murder – Who Will Save Us – We The People!!! So Do We Let Everyone Die???? Yeah let’s think about quarantine camp – Yeah we were told – BUT NO ONE IS LOOKING OUT FOR WHAT IS ABOUT TO COME – WHO WILL SAVE US WHEN THEY COMPLETE EVERYTHING – WHICH LOOKS LIKE THEY ARE ABOUT TO – SO AGAIN WHEN – WHEN!!!! Enough of us being TOLD- How About Being SAVED!! So we let them murder us – inject us and take our property – they have the entire Al Qaida – ISIS – Armies in the pocket – I DON’T SEE THAT TURNING OUT GOOD FOR ANYONE- HOW CAN YOU REJECT SOMETHING – WHEN THEY OVER TAKE YOU – BY FORCE AND MURDER!!!! WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES THAT MAKE – WHETHER THEY SPRING IT ON EVERYONE SLOWLY – OR ALL AT ONCE – AGAIN – If it gets worse from here – how do we survive before they feel (Trump and the Patriots) are ready to spring the full trap!!!!! Do they expect everyone (unvaccinated) like myself – be put into a concentration camp, tortured, left to die and not be able to eat or do anything because Trump and the Patriots want to wake everyone up and show everyone the whole picture – It’s like acknowledging we will all be killed – just for the sake of Trump and the Patriots (while they are all safe and insulated)????? How does this turn out – not good for US!!!! PEOPLE WON’T MAKE THE CONNECTION – PEOPLE WILL FEAR FOR THEIR LIVES AND CAVE – Again, Not Good For Us!!! Yeah – only they didn’t build concentration camps then – they are building them now – if there is so much fear – how do you expect people to fight!!! I’m Sorry – I Don’t Need To Feel What It’s Like to Be held Prisoner in a Concentration Camp with possible Extermination!!!!! It’s a lot to trust Trump and the Patriots with – I want to believe this will be fixed and we won’t have to deal with the worse case scenario – SO I HOPE YOUR REPORTS ARE CORRECT AND THEY ARE IN CONTROL – Because if they aren’t WE ARE IN DEEP DEEP SHIT!!!! SO WHY WON’T ANYONE BRING IT TO EVERYONE’S ATTENTION ?????
Dear Patriots,
Yesterday I was included on a list released by Congressional Democrats who are demanding 9 months worth of documents and communications between me and the White House.
Then today it was announced that I’m being sued by 7 Capitol police officers who are attempting to sue me for words spoken at a 1st Amendment event.
Tomorrow morning I am sending out an email regarding these things. You can sign up for my email list at BrandonStraka.com
Patriots, please open tomorrow morning’s email.
You’ll hear from me again soon, I promise .
Much love,
Brandon Straka
This fantasy Q stuff is fun to listen to, but the U.S. is rapidly collapsing under Biden’s blunder filled, inept leadership. This collapse in Afghanistan is going to have dire consequences. The CCP may take Taiwan. It looks like the DS may soon have their war to stage a worldwide economic collapse and set up their NWO. These mythical Patriots are going to have to act soon, as the hour is getting late.
Good morning,
A thought occurred to me. What if the DS intentionally screwed up the Afghanistan withdrawal SO bad to try and flush out Trump? Doing this and hoping that the patriots would then rush devolution earlier than planned and end up costing them the overall victory…
If 80 million plus voter for Trump, I’d say the people know what’s going on. Your asking us to blindly follow what your saying, while telling us not to believe the democrats/deepstate. I believe if The Patriots can a little proof it will wake up more people faster. Just one indictment, one arrest an conviction. If they really can’t stop what’s coming, a small amount of proof won’t hurt the plan.
Once again, Dave. Simple way to get rid of half the National Debt:
I call it “How to get rid of the National Debt…without Breaking a sweat!”
(Catchy Title, isn’t it?)
Boiled Down, you Have Gov’t Turn the Tables on the Private Western Central Bank.
Since the Bank is a Private Entity wanting to be a Government Entity….let it earn its keep.
Burden THE BANK with a $3.2 Quadrillion Tax, and CORNER IT, into issuing a NOTE, back…
… to the Government, “Borrowing the Money to Pay the Tax”, with certain terms that insure that notes that go TOXIC (or wind up in the Fed’s Hands that have an 80% probability of going Toxic) they will use to pay down the Debt owed to the Government…. but in the meantime…all the US DEBT that they hold they use as DOWNPAYMENT upon the “Borrowing’…OK?
Treasury receives this and the Downpayment, takes a ZIPPO to the DOWNPAYMENT and burns it up gone. (that part of the Debt has been satisfied-by-tendering-back, more on that later), the Note they REDEPOSIT BACK TO THE FED, under the Treasury’s name. so that the Fed has basis to LEND OUT, whenever Banks issue notes up the chain to deposit it…. Each Commerical Note issued down the chain, has TAX RIDERS(6% Fed, 3%State, 1% Local) , right alongside INSURANCE RIDERS, that make it so that Money is Taxed, as it’s BEING LENT INTO THE ECONOMY, NOT…as it’s being circulated around, or EARNED.
Yes while there may appear to be LESS REVENUE coming from THIS measure to Uncle Sam….SO WHAT? If they have to Borrow….they Borrow from the Accounts receivable OWED by the FED….. so it’s a WASH….
And if Levels go TOO LOW? TAX THE FED AGAIN….
This way, the DEBT goes down…. as well as the Prices…. and income goes UP….and we can finally LIVE AGAIN!
Because WE don’t have to pay INCOME or PAYROLL TAXES ANYMORE…..
Want More?
No masks all summer. People working and enjoying each other and gathering in public and private settings. No body sick. Now. … today … here on Kodiak island AK the mask mandate is reinstated for all businesses that cater to the public. All government agencies. A stupid road sign down town displays the number of cases … cases of what? Masked morons in our supposed government are dictating who can do what. Fascism … the Nazis are back. You Dave @ X22 Report are the only media source that I watch. I know that the Q is operational. However … when you allude to the possibility of the insurgency and the defacto government remaining intact until the spring … it casts despursions on your reporting of devolution. This can’t continue. These are monsters.
Once again, thanks for all your dedication and hard work in exposing the truth! It’s amazing to see millions of people protesting the vaccine/mask mandates. Hats off to the Chicago Police Union and New York City Police unions for opposing vaccine mandates! I live in Canada and for all the Canadian supporters of your channel, I would just like to add that Prime Minister Trudeau had to cancel his rally in Ontario because of the growing discontent, citizens have with him. In British Columbia, two constitutional legal challenges have been filed. The 2nd one was filed Aug 16 and is huge!! Rocco Galati (constitutional lawyer) and Tanya Gaw have named PM Trudeau, Premier Horgan, Medical Officer Bonnie Henry and others in the lawsuit. I believe they are all starting to feel the heat. The Toronto Police Union are opposed to the vaccine mandate, Alberta will not impose vaccinations for non-essential services (restaurants, gyms etc). Awesome to see that millions of Americans and Canadians are staying strong in their convictions. Despite the fact that the FDA approved the vaccine, Love that Trump has filed a class action lawsuit against the Big Tech companies. I believe we will win in the end!