Message Marker [1], Alabama, There Are No Coincidences – Episode 1964


Message Marker [1], Alabama, There Are No Coincidences
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The [CB] / establishment is putting pressure on BJ, they want him to break the law they created so he can be held in contempt. This again will be a big fail for them.  They took the control out of the hands of the people and put it in the hands of the EU, that tells the entire story. The [CB]/[DS] has pushed their agenda for a recession, they even had a poll, watch how it all comes down around them. The [DS] is continually pushing the sharpie marker narrative, is there a message there. There is now evidence that Felix Sater is an intelligence operative. Mitt Romney’s career was kicked off by Robert Maxwell. MIT conceals donation by JE. More politicians decide to not run or resign. Taliban secret meeting called off by Trump, the question is why. Iran says Europe needs to stepup in regard to the nuclear deal or else. Did Trump send a message and did we just see marker [1]?

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Current News – 09.08.2019

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Former Prosecutor Says BoJo Could Wind Up In Prison If He Refuses Brexit Delay

  • Lord MacDonald, who held the senior prosecutor post between 2003 and 2008, said in this case, legal action would mean a court ordering that the law should be followed.

“A refusal in the face of that would amount to contempt of court which could find that person in prison,” he said.


Johnson ‘Sticking to His Guns’ on Brexit Plans, Says Foreign Secretary

  • Dominic Raab has said that Boris Johnson is “sticking to his guns” on his Brexit plans, saying that despite the efforts of Jeremy Corbyn’s “surrender bill” to stop no deal Brexit, the UK will leave the EU on October 31st “come what may”.
  •    Mr Raab said his government “will adhere to the law” but suggested that the government could work around Corbyn’s “surrender bill”, saying they will “test to the limit what it does, actually, lawfully, require”.
  • He added: “That legislation is lousy. It envisaged multiple delays and effectively forces us to accept conditions from the EU however vindictive, punitive, or harsh they may be.”


We all know how the DS works, how the MSM works to convince the American people of something

  1. if you repeat it enough time with many news outlets saying the same thing it must be true
  2. then a survey magically appears to backup the MSM news story, this is to convince the people, if a large number of people are saying its going to happen then its going to happen, this is sheep mentality

What do we see happening right now, that exact formula which is being used for the economy.

The MSM has been pushing a recession is coming, its coming in 2020, all the news outlets got the talking points and they continued repeating them over and over. What comes next is a survey to prove that the talking points are correct and the people believe there is a recession coming and when it does they will blame Trump not the Fed.

We need to remember Trump has been contradicting the Fed, putting the blame on the Fed, that if the Fed does not do what Trump want the economy will fail. But the survey that was produced protects the Fed and blames it all on Trump,

why would they do this, because they are trying to push the recession because they do not have control over the fed anymore, the patriots do and they only way to cause a recession is to convince the people, if the people live in fear of a recession they will not spend, they will not make the big purchases

So this survey that was produced is right on schedule

Infographic: Americans Would Blame Trump for a Recession | Statista

  • More than 60 percent of participants said that they were concerned that a recession was going to hit the United States within six months. An about equal amount said they believed that the U.S.-China tariffs were hurting the U.S. more than they were hurting China.


All of this is to late, the MSM /DS/CB only had a small window to push this economy over the edge, the MSM even had economist reporting that lowering the rates causes recessions, this is going to fail, once the rates are cut and stimulus begins the economy will take off in the beginning, timing is everything,


The DS/MSM are continuing to push the Hurricane Dorian angle about how Trump or someone in the whitehouse changed the map using a marker and the storm was going to hit Alabama, hmm, marker and Alabama,   Q talked about Alabama and marker 1, we will be talking about this a little later in this report. But first the gatewaypundit uncovered that Felix Sater was mentioned in the Mueller report over 100 times and he is a deep state spy.

REVEALED: Damning Evidence Felix Sater, Noted Over 100 Times in Mueller Report, Is Deep State Spy

  • Felix Sater is a deep state Democrat with ties to the the Clintons and the Mueller gang. He’s mentioned over 100 times in the Mueller report but not one mention referred to his connections with Deep State Democrats.
  • Now Damning evidence has been uncovered proving Sater is nothing but a Deep State Spy!
  •   Adam Schiff announced that he had invited Felix Sater to provide a testimony before Congress. Sater eventually did not testify as Schiff and his party realized that Sater’s testimony would be detrimental to their Russia-Collusion sham.
  • A few weeks before Schiff’s announcement on Sater,   Buzzfeed released another bogus report stating President Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen was following President Trump’s orders to lie about an unsupported story on Russia.
  • Mueller’s team in an attempt to prevent a leak investigation into it’s operations came out 24 hours later and said the story was false.
  • Now we know that the entire junk report was provided to Buzzfeed by Clinton and Mueller lackey, Felix Sater.

Paul Sperry reported that the individual behind the Buzzfeed fake news story lying about President Trump was none other than Sater, a deep state dirt-bag close to the Clintons and Mueller and his gang of crooks:

Sperry was right. Sater was seen in pictures with Bill Clinton – (see above). Sater has also been pictured with far left media reporters pushing the Trump-Russia collusion fairy tale:

In the Mueller report Sater is mentioned in the text and footnotes more than 100 times!

The Mueller team introduces Sater in the report as a New York based real estate adviser:

In the late summer of 2015, the Trump Organization received a new inquiry about pursuing a Trump Tower project in Moscow. In approximately September 2015, Felix Sater, a New York based real estate advisor, contacted Michael Cohen, then-executive vice president of the Trump Organization and special counsel to Donald J. Trump.

Not once in the Mueller report does the Mueller gang refer to Sater’s connections with the Clintons, Loretta Lynch or with Andrew Weissmann, the suspected drafter of the Mueller report.


Lets talk about JE, connections between JE and the DS players are continuing to come out, this will not end well for the DS, first

US Election 2012: Mitt Romney fortune built with help from Robert Maxwell and Jack Lyons

  • Robert Maxwell and Jack Lyons, two of the most notorious figures in British corporate history, helped Mitt Romney build his $250 million (£160 million) fortune, it can be disclosed.
  • Maxwell, the late owner of Mirror Newspapers, invested $2 million in Mr Romney’s first private equity fund, which launched the controversial career in finance that the Republican presidential challenger now cites as proof of his ability to lead the US to prosperity.
  • He was recruited by Lyons, a late colleague of Mr Romney’s at Bain & Company and one of the “Guinness Four” who were convicted in 1990 over the infamous share-trading fraud at the drinks firm. Lyons and his family invested almost $3 million in Mr Romney’s fund.


We know that Schumer received thousands in donations from JE

Schumer got thousands in donations from Jeffrey Epstein

  • Sen. Chuck Schumer — who called on Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta to resign and said President Trump should “answer” for his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein — accepted thousands of dollars in donations from the alleged pedophile throughout the 1990s, 
  • Federal Election Commission records show that Schumer received seven $1,000 donations from Epstein between 1992 and 1997, first as a US congressman from New York and then when he was vying to be the state’s senator in 1998, an election he won.
  • Epstein — also gave $10,000 to Victory in New York, a joint fundraising committee established by Schumer and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
  • Epstein gave an additional $5,000 to Win New York, a Schumer-associated joint committee that benefited the Liberal Party of New York state.
  • That means Schumer and Schumer-linked entities received a combined $22,000.


How an Élite University Research Center Concealed Its Relationship with Jeffrey Epstein

  • New documents show that the M.I.T. Media Lab was aware of Epstein’s status as a convicted sex offender, and that Epstein directed contributions to the lab far exceeding the amounts M.I.T. has publicly admitted.
  • The M.I.T. Media Lab, which has been embroiled in a scandal over accepting donations from the financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, had a deeper fund-raising relationship with Epstein than it has previously acknowledged, and it attempted to conceal the extent of its contacts with him. Dozens of pages of e-mails and other documents obtained by The New Yorker reveal that, although Epstein was listed as “disqualified” in M.I.T.’s official donor database, the Media Lab continued to accept gifts from him, consulted him about the use of the funds, and, by marking his contributions as anonymous, avoided disclosing their full extent, both publicly and within the university Epstein was credited with securing at least $7.5 million in donations for the lab, including two million dollars from Gates and $5.5 million from Black, gifts the e-mails describe as “directed” by Epstein or made at his behest. The effort to conceal the lab’s contact with Epstein was so widely known that some staff in the office of the lab’s director, Joi Ito, referred to Epstein as Voldemort or “he who must not be named.”
  •  the Media Lab received a two-million-dollar donation from Bill Gates; Ito wrote in an internal e-mail, “This is a $2M gift from Bill Gates directed by Jeffrey Epstein.” Cohen replied, “For gift recording purposes, we will not be mentioning Jeffrey’s name as the impetus for this gift.” A mandatory record of the gift filed within the university stated only that “Gates is making this gift at the recommendation of a friend of his who wishes to remain anonymous.”   An agent for Gates wrote to the leadership of the Media Lab, stating that Gates also wished to keep his name out of any public discussion of the donation


 less than a day after the publication of this story, Joi Ito, the director of the M.I.T. Media Lab, resigned from his position.  

Déjà Vu? Why Have 15 House Republicans Announced Their Retirements?

  • Over the August recess, eight House Republicans announced their retirements bringing the total number of Republican incumbents choosing not to seek reelection to 15. This group includes GOP Reps. Bill Flores (TX),  Susan Brooks (IN), Jim Sensenbrenner (WI), Will Hurd (R-TX), Kenny Marchant (TX), Sean Duffy (WI) and John Shimkus (IL), Rob Bishop (UT), Martha Roby (AL), Paul Mitchell (MI), Pete Olson (TX), Bradley Byrne (AL), Greg Gianforte (MT), Rob Woodall (GA) and Mike Conaway (TX). (Two are seeking higher office.)
  •   four Democratic incumbents have announced they will not run in 2020.


Trump is continually changing the Federal court system, we need to remember why Trump needs to do this, because the DS placed their judges in these positions, the DS judges were not following the rule of law when it came to their cases.  Trump tweeted out the following

Geopolitical/Police State

Now we know the DS has been pushing the idea of gun control but we know their real mission is to remove weapons from the American people, their plan is the same plan they have used in the passed.

  1. create events scare the people
  2. demonize guns, not the people using them
  3. choose a specific gun to demonize, make seem like a scary weapon
  4. use the events to pass legislation
  5. have the legislation passed, remove the scary weapon, create a database and do universal background checks
  6. wait for some time, repeat with the next weapon

We saw this same approach when the Fed came into existance,

  1. we will only tax the wealthy, the people rallied behind this
  2. we will only tax the wealthy and upper middle class, the people rallied around this
  3. we will only tax the wealthy, upper middle class and the middle class the people started to realize what was going on, but it was to late
  4. then everyone was taxed.

Samething is happening with guns, its really not about the weapon it about controlling the people, and stripping the weapons from the people they are much easier to control, but they are running into a problem, in Maine the MSM and the D’s were reporting that Maines permitless carry law would cause chaos and there would be killings

Leftists Said Maine’s Permitless Carry Law Would Cause Chaos. Now It’s the Safest State in US

  • One of the most promising examples of this is the situation in Maine, which was recently named the safest state in the union by U.S. News and World Report.
  • This comes nearly a full four years after Maine enacted a “Constitutional Carry” law, which allowed residents to carry a concealed firearm without the need for a special permit. 
  • According to a blog post on the American Thinker, one opponent of the bill in the state legislature said it would give citizens a reason to be afraid every time they went out in public. It’s unclear how he came to this conclusion.
  • Another state representative misrepresented the law when he suggested that it would lead to violent criminals legally carrying guns. This is untrue, as the law only applies to those who can legally purchase a firearm in the first place.
  • Well, four years later, we can tell them they were wrong.


Hong Kong Protesters March to US Consulate, Call on Trump to ‘Liberate’ City

  • Thousands of Hong Kong protesters  chanted the Star Spangled Banner and called on U.S. President Donald Trump to “liberate” the city, the latest in a series of demonstrations that have gripped the territory since June.
  • “Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong,” they shouted before handing over petitions at the U.S. Consulate. “Resist Beijing, liberate Hong Kong.”



As we know Trump administration has been working on a peace deal with the Taliban in Afghanistan, there was a secret meeting scheduled with the Taliban leadership at Camp David, Trump tweeted out the following

Lets break this down, the taliban was working on a peace deal, they were going to meet with trump to talk about the peace deal, but they had an attack and killed people. Why would they do this?

Thinkabout what the DS does, they create an enemy, this is their paid mercenary army, think about Syria, they use al-qaeda and IS to go after Asssad. Think about Iraq, Libya, They had regime change and put in a puppet ruler and anyone opposed they called them terrorist, al-qaeda so they can use force to stop these people, we saw this in Ukraine, as soon as the regime change was complete anyone that opposed the new government was a terrorist. 

So lets go back to the meeting with Trump who was really coming to meet him, the legitimate leaders from the Taliban or the paid mercenaries controlled by the DS/CIA intelligence organizations. 

Trump and the patriots know whos who,

Now out in IRan we are watching Iran slowly manuever its way out of the deal that was made with OBama and other countries.

Iran accuses Europe of failing to honor nuclear deal, says accord is ‘not a one-way street’

  • Tehran has accused European signatories of failing to abide by their obligations under the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, warning that the Islamic republic would not be taken advantage-of.
  • The deal is not a one-way street and Iran will act accordingly, as we have done so far, by gradually downgrading our commitments,” said Ali Akbar Salehi, director of Iran’s nuclear energy agency.


Optics are very important, 


Now lets talk about what is happening with Trump and the MSM over this sharpie marker that was used and how the hurricane was headed towards Alabama, both are very interesting, first Albama, lets go back to 



Jan 21, 2018 9:41:20 PM EST
!UW.yye1fxo ID: 7f44ec No. 120361 
Jan 21, 2018 9:38:51 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 281cab No. 120326 


shills working overtime… this email was confirmed between Q posting time and 4,10,20 posting time at 51 minutes and it being the 51st post
>>120326 Original leak renewed.
ALABAMA investigation?


Dec 20, 2018 1:33:09 PM EST
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 47ea0a No. 4393450 
The [D] party will cease to exist once it’s all exposed.
FAKE NEWS can no longer control [dampen] public awareness of the


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a17382 No.5930471
Anonymous ID: b07c5a No.5930421
Ready sir!


Marker [1]

2 thoughts on “Message Marker [1], Alabama, There Are No Coincidences – Episode 1964

  • September 8, 2019 at 8:14 pm

    🤦🏼‍♀️ The Sharpie! I never would have guessed, LOL!!
    Excellent reporting, X22. Your videos truly complete my day. Each evening after work I make a cup o’ jo, nestle into my recliner and launch the X22 report.
    Life is goooood.

  • September 8, 2019 at 11:55 pm

    Dave, I find it interesting that among all the talk of protection of our constitution and the amendments that we as Americans take pride in which protect us and give us the freedoms that we love, protect and defend; we never hear any talk of the World Constitution that is seeking to be ratified by the WCPA. When this World Constitution is ratified it will supersede the United States Constitution and every other Constitution. These people that our supporting this movement who are U.S. Citizens should be arrested and charged with treason. Philip Isely should have been arrested in 1960 for his part in organizing any movement that would threaten the sovereignty of the United States of America. Even when Trump and the Patriots clean the swamp and expose the “Deep State” this threat will still loom over us like a ticking time bomb. Please bring this to the attention of the people that if not addressed we could all wake up one day with no rights or freedoms. You can start your informational journey by contacting Gary H Kah….he has written two books on the subject of a world take over and extensively about the WCPA

    Thank you

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