Patriots Leading [DS] Down The Path, IG FISA Is The Primer, It’s Time – Episode 2031
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Current News – 11.26.2019
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- expectations were for a continued slowdown in national home prices, but, for the first time since Feb 2018, US Case-Shiller 20-City Composite home price growth accelerated in September.
- The index of property values increased 2.1% from September 2018, higher than the median estimate of 2%.
Source: Bloomberg
- The 0.36% MoM jump is the biggest since March 2018.
- Prices rose from the prior month in 17 cities, led by a 0.8% increase in Seattle and a 0.7% gain in Los Angeles. Home prices fell in San Francisco, Chicago and Boston.
- All 20 cities in the index, with the exception of San Francisco, showed annual gains, led by a 6% surge in Phoenix.
Feds Paid $1 Billion in Social Security Benefits to Individuals Without a SSN
- The Social Security Administration paid $1 billion in benefits to individuals who did not have a Social Security Number (SSN), according to a new audit.
- The agency’s inspector general found errors in the government’s documentation for representative payees, otherwise known as individuals who receive retirement or disability payments on behalf of another person who is incapable of managing the benefits themselves.
- The audit released Friday found thousands of cases where there was no SSN on file.
- Over the last decade, the agency paid $1 billion to 22,426 representative payees who “did not have an SSN, and SSA had not followed its policy to retain the paper application.”
- Government benefits are also going to illegal aliens through the representative payee system. 17 percent of representative payees in the sample did not have an SSN recorded because they were undocumented noncitizens, the inspector general said.
- Illegal aliens without SSNs are allowed to receive benefits from the government when acting as representatives for their minor children.
- “Specific to this audit, the Act permits us to appoint, in certain circumstances, an undocumented alien, or applicant who resides outside the United States without a Social Security number (SSN) to serve as payee,” the agency said. “Specifically, the Act states we should verify a person’s SSN (or employer identification number) in our investigation of the payee applicant. However, the Act does not state that the applicant must have an SSN to serve as a payee.”
- The “absence of an SSN is not a criterion preventing an individual from serving as payee,” the agency added.
- The United States and China are “getting really close” to striking a preliminary trade deal,
- Trump said the two sides were in the “final throes” of negotiating an agreement.
- “It’s going very well but at the same time we want to see it go well in Hong Kong and I think it will,” he told reporters at the White House on Tuesday. “I think that President Xi [Jinping] can make that happen and I know him. I know he’d like to make it happen.”
- Chinese officials briefing foreign visitors in Beijing last Friday were also positive about the trajectory of the talks,
The [DS] is marching down the patriot path, the pushing the fake impeachment forward, Schiff passes the baton to Nadler, this is exactly what the patriots want, the [DS] cannot stop now, they need to continue the lie. Now I do believe they think that this fake impeachment is going to hurt Trump, but its having an opposite effect, they were going to use this fake impeachment to introduce their candidate, MO, we will talk about that in a bit, now we know the IG report is coming out soon, this is much more damaging than the MSM is letting on, Remember Hororwitz was instructed to look at the FISA abuse, this has to do with Comey, McCabe and others, this is the primer, we will be talking about this a little bit later, but we have another CEO that submitted is resignation,
Westpac CEO Hartzer Resigns Amid Money-Laundering Scandal
- Brian Hartzer has resigned as Westpac Banking Corp. chief executive officer, succumbing to investor pressure after the lender was engulfed by allegations it committed the biggest violation of money-laundering laws in Australian history.
Obama Reportedly Said Trump ‘Knows Absolutely Nothing’ After 2016 White House Meeting
- Obama reportedly told a visitor that President Donald Trump “knows absolutely nothing” after the two met at the White House in 2016.
- Obama “held out hope” for a traditional relationship as past and current president, Obama’s first post-presidential press secretary Kevin Lewis said, .However, Trump’s policies and apparent attacks of the former president forced Obama’s hand.
- “He [Obama] wanted to be a resource,” according to Lewis. “What we didn’t expect at the level that it was done were the attacks.”
- “What do you do?” Lewis continued, recalling a moment where the president tweeted out that Obama had wiretapped him in Trump Tower. “He [Obama] desperately wanted to adhere to the precedent but it was an unprecedented moment. So we focused more on addressing the lie than talking about Trump’s character.”
Then we have Tucker Carlson mentioning MO
- Tucker Carlson told voters not to rule out the possibility of the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination going to former first lady Michelle Obama, despite her insistence that she isn’t planning a run.
- Carlson then pointed to several examples that have made him suspicious about a potential Obama bid, including David Axlerod’s attacks on 2020 front-runner and former Vice President Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama’s refusal to endorse Biden in the race so far, and reports that the former president tried to convince his No. 2 not to enter.
- Remember a poll found that Michelle Obama would be a front-runner in New Hampshire, a key early voting state, if she runs.
The American people are not buying the fake impeachment, the polls show the people do not believe Trump should be impeached after the public hearing, even some Ds are backing off
- Democrats are having second thoughts.
An impeachment vote for Trump means losing the House on top of the White House in 2020.
An impeachment vote means weeks of Senate hearings in January with Hunter Biden, Eric Ciaramella, Adam Schiff, Joe Biden, Lt. Col. Vindman, James Comey, John Brennan, Hillary Clinton(?)… - The Washignton Examiner reported:
Democratic Rep. Brenda Lawrence of Michigan now favors censuring President Trump after backing impeachment proceedings over allegations that he withheld military aid from Ukraine for his personal benefit. Which is untrue, and all the disgrunteled employees testified that they had no evidence of quid pro quo or bribery or anything else, plus we can all read the phone transcript.
Now we know the [DS] need the following to continue with their impeachment,
- They need McGahn to testify
- They Trump taxes
- They need the Grand Jury information
If the Supreme Court rules against any of these their entire case starts to fall apart., So
- -> U.S. District Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson ruled Monday that Don McGahn must testify to Congress about his time as Trump’s White House counsel.
- Justice Department lawyers argued Don McGahn had “absolute immunity” from testifying because he was a member of President Trump’s inner circle and Trump should have the ability to seek candid advice from his closest advisors and legal counsel.
- DOJ lawyers also argued that federal courts (unelected judges) have no business getting involved in a dispute between the executive branch and the legislative branch.
- The Trump admin has sought to block senior aides from testifying such as former national security adviser John Bolton, Bolton’s deputy, Charles Kupperman, and acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, claiming they have “absolute immunity.”
- Bolton has already agreed to testify to Congress.
- the McGahn ruling that will most certainly go to the appeals court next:
- Remember Any loss in three currently pending cases will undermine the validity of the prior impeachment inquiry…. that’s obviously an issue. There are three cases, each of them appears heading to the Supreme Court; one is already there.
- ♦The first case is the House Oversight Committee effort to gain President Trumps’ tax returns as part of their impeachment ‘inquiry’ and oversight. That case is currently on-hold (10-day stay) in the Supreme Court. Written briefs soon, arguments perhaps in early December? Outcome pending. There is a very strong probability Pelosi will lose this case because Oversight doesn’t have jurisdiction and the case began back in February.
Supreme Court Maintains Stay Blocking House Democrats From Trump Taxes- Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. granted the administration’s request to stay the federal appeals court ruling against Mr. Trump until “further order” — for now — as the high court decides whether or not to hear the president’s challenge.
[…] Douglas Letter, general counsel for the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, had sent a letter to the court, agreeing to a brief 10-day stay while the parties filed their court papers debating the need for an injunction while the case is being considered. (link)
- Probability of loss to Pelosi 90%.
- ♦The second case is the House Judiciary Committee (HJC) effort to gain the grand jury information from the Mueller investigation. The decision by DC Judge Beryl Howell was stayed by a three member DC Appellate court. Oral arguments were November 12th, the decision is pending. [Depending on outcome, the case
couldwill also go to SCOTUS]
[…] the appeals court in a brief order said it would not immediately release the documents “pending further order of the court.” The court also asked the House and the Justice Department for more briefings and set a Jan. 3 date for another hearing. (link)
- Probability of SCOTUS 100%
- ♦The third case is the HJC effort to force the testimony of former White House legal counsel Don McGahn.
Federal District Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson said McGahn must appear before Congress but retains the ability to “invoke executive privilege where appropriate” during his appearance. The judge did not put her own ruling on hold, but the Trump administration will likely seek one to put the effect of her ruling on hold while it pursues an appeal. (link)
- Probability Appeal 100% – Probability SCOTUS 90%
- Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and Lawfare are hoping a full House vote to authorize impeachment will help them retroactively in any judicial decision (court, appeals or SCOTUS). The only case where that seems possible is the last one; and that has a long way to reach SCOTUS.
- Pelosi and Schiff are racing the SCOTUS for their legal foundation; and simultaneously facing the IG FISA report release which will likely challenge the foundation of their narrative.
The D.C. Wolves and Fake News Media are reading far too much into people being forced by Courts to testify before Congress. I am fighting for future Presidents and the Office of the President. Other than that, I would actually like people to testify. Don McGahn’s respected….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 26, 2019
…lawyer has already stated that I did nothing wrong. John Bolton is a patriot and may know that I held back the money from Ukraine because it is considered a corrupt country, & I wanted to know why nearby European countries weren’t putting up money also. Likewise, I would….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 26, 2019
…love to have Mike Pompeo, Rick Perry, Mick Mulvaney and many others testify about the phony Impeachment Hoax. It is a Democrat Scam that is going nowhere but, future Presidents should in no way be compromised. What has happened to me should never happen to another President!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 26, 2019
So the [DS] has decided to move forward, they need to continue the lie, they can’t stop now, this is what the patriots want, they took the bait, they are doing exactly what Trump and the patriots want, push for impeachment
- The House Judiciary Committee will hold its first hearing next week on the impeachment of President Donald Trump,
- The hearing, scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 4, will feature a panel of constitutional experts and focus on the definition of an impeachable offense and the “procedural application of the impeachment process,”
- the hearing will give Trump and his legal team the option to participate
- Nadler sent a letter to Trump on Tuesday notifying him of his lawyers’ opportunity to attend and giving the president a deadline of Dec. 1 to inform him of whether his attorneys plan to participate.
Now we know the IG FISA report is coming out, the MSM is trying to downplay this, like its nothing important, its low level FBI staff, this is very important this is the primer, there are individuals that signed the Fake FISA documents, one of them being Comey
Here are some KEY POINTS:
- FBI officials concerned that FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith’s tampered and altered documents to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Warrant will put into question all the evidence gathered to obtain the warrant.
- Horowitz referred Clinesmith to DOJ Prosecutor John Durham appointed by Attorney General William Barr for further investigation.
- Other FBI officials will be wrapped up into Clinesmith’s warrant tampering. Who approved the warrants?
- Criminal Defense Attorney David Schoen says FBI failed to make immediate correction of any materially false statement or any material omission. “Clearly no such correcting submission was made here.”
- FBI Lawyer Kevin Clinesmith led the interview on George Papadopolous in February, 2017.
- Clinesmith was anti-Trump and removed from the Russia investigation.
- Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s anticipated report will reveal that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Application warrant was tampered with but the significance of that cannot be understated. It means that Horowitz’s discovery will discredit the bureau’s handling of its investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election
- “Based on what we know, Clinesmith’s tampering of documents appears to have been significant enough to have played a role in the FISA courts decision to grant a warrant to spy on an American and we know it is probably more than one American, how do we know this,
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 1bfec6 No.4630322
When will the public discover that Ted Cruz was also illegally SURV (pre_POTUS_R nomination)?
C_A ‘illegal’ SURV > members of Congress?
C_A ‘illegal’ SURV > members of the Press?
- What we now know is that FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, allegedly altered an email that FBI officials used to prepare to seek court approval to renew the wiretaps on former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page, The extent of the alterations in the FISA application is still unknown but it was significant enough for Horowitz to refer Clinesmith to Connecticut Federal Prosecutor John Durham, who was appointed by Attorney General William Barr to investigate the origins of the FBI’s handling of the probe. Durham’s probe has also expanded to the CIA, of which he has interviewed numerous officers and the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment, which paid FBI confidential informant Stephan Halper to collect information on several Trump campaign advisors,
- The DOJ obtained three FISA renewal orders on Page.
- That’s a serious problem, stated the U.S. official. Why? Because Clinesmith’s alterations in the documents played a role in the ability for the FBI to continue to wiretap Page throughout the renewal process.
The [DS] is trying to shutdown RG, they are pushing numerous stories about him, they have subpoenaed his record, they are investigating the possiblity of money laundering, campaign finance violations and anything thing else. RG and the patriots knew the DS would push this, they were prepared for it, these investigation will turn up nothing, yes they will push headlines, make it seem like they have evidence, but it will be all propaganda. . Remember when RG tweeted out the following
The statement I’ve made several times of having an insurance policy, if thrown under bus, is sarcastic & relates to the files in my safe about the Biden Family’s 4 decade monetizing of his office.
If I disappear, it will appear immediately along with my RICO chart.
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) November 23, 2019
Biden’s family enriched themselves every place he was “point man.”
A $1.5B housing deal in Iraq, a massive partnership with the Bank of China, and much more!
This has been in front of the swamp press for years! Where has the coverage been?
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) November 26, 2019
JEFFREY EPSTEIN: Ghislaine Maxwell ready to talk to FBI?
- Ghislaine Maxwell may be ready to finally talk to the FBI
- A former masseuse for Jeffrey Epstein who says he raped her on his private island, has provided photos of his secretive Caribbean compound to The Sun.
- Chaunte Davies says she was raped by Epstein over the course of several years before finally parting ways with him in 2005.

Epstein receives a massage from assistant Sarah Kellen
- Davies also revealed how Epstein bragged about his friendship with Prince Andrew and his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson, and how Epstein used his relationship with the Duke of York to lure young girls into his orbit – at one point, allegedly having an orgy with Andrew and several young girls.
Lets head on down to the border, NP, the MSM are saying the wall is not being built, Trump tweets out the following
When the Military rips down an old & badly broken Border Wall in an important location, & replaces it with a brand new 30 ft. high Steel & Concrete Wall, Nancy Pelosi says we are not building a Wall. Wrong, and it is going up fast. Brandon Judd just gave us great marks! @FoxNews
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 26, 2019
The Trump administration is also going to put cameras to show the building of the wall live, if you go to the x22 report, click on resource and then border wall you can see the wall being built
Sealed indictment are being unsealed.
Oyster company founder arrested; accused of sex crimes against child on company yacht
- The operator of a Virginia oyster company is awaiting extradition back to Virginia following his arrest. William “Billy” Hooper Jr. is accused of committing sex crimes with a child under 16 on his yacht,
- The crime, according to investigators, took place between April and June .
- “[The girl] was alone on a yacht owned by Hooper registered to the Williams Wharf Oyster Company, LLC. Hooper propositioned the juvenile to take pornographic photographs of her in exchange for money,” a spokesperson for the Mathews County Sheriff’s Office said. “The investigation has uncovered evidence of graphic material involving Hooper and the victim.”
- Hooper co-founded William’s Wharf Oyster Company in 2016, according to the company’s website. He listed as the company’s operator.
Several Arrested in Idaho Child Sex Abuse Investigation
- Several people have been arrested as part of an investigation into child sex abuse in Idaho, .
- Officials say that nine people were arrested in the investigation,
- Of the nine arrested, five face prosecution for state charges and four have been referred for federal charges.
OPCW Accused of Manipulating Syrian Chemical Attack Report
- WikiLeaks release is second leak related to Douma investigation
- The author accuses the OPCW of selectively omitting certain facts. The email, dated June 22nd 2018, reads, “Many of the facts and observations outlined in the full version are inextricably interconnected and, by selectively omitting certain ones, an unintended bias has been introduced into the report, undermining its credibility.”
- The OPCW team analyzed cylinders at two different locations in Douma. The OPCW report said they had “sufficient evidence” to determine chlorine was “likely released from cylinders.” The author of the email called this claim “highly misleading and not supported by facts.”
- Videos of victims of the alleged attack appeared online and circulated news networks in the aftermath. According to the email, the original report had a section that discussed inconsistencies with the victim’s symptoms between what witnesses reported seeing, and what was seen in the video. The email’s author says this section was omitted from the redacted report.
- “
- This email is the second leak from an OPCW member related to the alleged Douma attack.
- The leaked engineering report concluded, “At this stage the FFM (fact-finding mission) engineering sub-team cannot be certain that the cylinders at either location arrived there as a result of being dropped from an aircraft.”
- The engineering team suspects the cylinders were manually placed at the scene, “In summary, observations at the scene of the two locations, together with subsequent analysis, suggest that there is a higher probability that both cylinders were manually placed at those two locations rather than being delivered from aircraft.”
[D]‘s (internal) infiltration issue(s) w/ protecting NAT SEC?
Do you believe in coincidences?
>DF Chinese spy_insert 20+ years📁Trump mocks Senator Feinstein following reports an alleged Chinese spy worked for her – Aug 4 2018
President Donald Trump took aim at the investigation into Russian election meddling Saturday evening at an Ohio rally then seemed to compare the two-year probe to a report about an alleged Chinese spy that worked for Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
“Speaking of China, it just came out that the Democratic leader and the leader of the Russian investigation, Dianne Feinstein, had a Chinese spy as her driver for 20 years!” Trump told the crowd. “And she’s leading the Russian investigation if that’s what you call it. How about she’s leading the Russia witch hunt!”It seems unlikely that Dianne Feinstein was unaware that one of her staffers was a Chinese spy.>Awan IT scandal📁Democrats’ IT scandal set to explode with possible plea deal
The curious case of Imran Awan, which sounds like an international spy thriller, is entering its third act. Awan was a congressional IT aide to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., and he was finally fired just after he was arrested trying to fly to Pakistan last summer.
Awan and his wife, Hina Alvi, were charged last summer with bank fraud. They now appear poised to strike a plea deal with the Department of Justice. A plea agreement hearing is set for July 3 before U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan in Washington, Fox News reported Wednesday.
It seems equally unlikely that House Democrats were unaware that the Awan brothers were working on behalf of bad actors in Pakistan.
>Omar paid [F] agent📁Ilhan Omar Accused of Being a Paid Agent of Qatar and Accessing Sensitive Info for Iran: Court Testimony
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has been accused of being a paid agent of the government of Qatar and using her position in Congress to access sensitive information for the benefit of Iran, according to testimony in a civil suit in Florida.
Alan Bender, a Kuwaiti-born Canadian businessman, made the accusations in video-conference testimony on October 23 from Toronto for a civil case filed in Florida against the brother of the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Khalid bin Hamad al-Thani, over allegations the Sheikh ordered his American bodyguard to murder two people and that he held his American paramedic hostage.
>Clinton server > China relay📁Chinese company reportedly hacked Clinton’s server, got copy of every email in real-time
A Chinese state-owned company reportedly hacked former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email server, then inserted code that forwarded them a copy of virtually every email she sent or received after that — a revelation President Trump is demanding be investigated.
The Daily Caller reported that the firm operating in the D.C. area wrote code that was then embedded in the server and generated a “courtesy copy” for almost all her emails — which was then forwarded to the Chinese company.
The code reportedly was discovered in 2015 by the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG), which then warned FBI officials of the intrusion.
A source briefed on the matter confirmed to Fox News the details of the Caller’s reporting, and said that the ICIG was so concerned by the revelation that officials drove over to the FBI to inform agents — including anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok — of the development after it was discovered via the emails’ metadata.
The source told Fox News the hack was from a Chinese company, describing it as a front for Chinese intelligence.
A second source briefed on the matter told Fox News that officials outside of the FBI indicated code on the Clinton server suggested a foreign source was receiving copies of emails in real time.
>[VJ] direct relay > Iran pre/post Iran deal [future marker]
>[Kerry] direct relay > Iran pre/post Iran deal [future marker]In the future the truth will come out and it will show Both VJ and JK are relaying information to Iran
IF KNOWN – WILL THERE BE JUSTICE?18 U.S. Code § 2381.Treason
prev | nextWhoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)It’s only a matter of time.
Sometimes a good ‘movie’ can provide a lot of truth and/or background.
‘Official Secrets.’
Relevant today?
Enjoy the show!

KunDog reporting…
Anything worth digging into on this theory?
Have Anons seen this yet?
Post #3635 “Official Secrets”, in context could be a movie.
Post #3632 document on media and C_A.
“Official Secrets Act”
— 🍺𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞🍺 (@beer_parade) November 26, 2019
Russian bots?
Why are the biggest media co’s in the world continually attacking if we are simply a conspiracy/LARP?
Who controls the media? [6]
Who controls [6]?
Logical thinking.
The White House and ALL FEDERAL BUILDINGS are on lockdown in Washington DC on Tuesday morning.
According to Blake Burman on FOX Business Network an aircraft violate the DC airspace.UPDATE: The lockdown was lifted after 20 minutes.