People Are Approaching The Precipice, Once Completed, Nothing Can Stop This – Ep. 2453

[JB] economy is out of control, prices are rising, the poor are hit first, then the middle class. They will remember this at the polls. [NP] husband used call options to buy Microsoft ahead of the government signing the contract, insider trading? The [CB] of Egypt warns the people not to buy Bitcoin. The government/[CB] are trying to sanction Bitcoin, big fail, panic everywhere. The [DS] is losing the narrative. The people are approaching the precipice. People in the swing states are blaming [JB] for the border crisis, laws were changed in these states. Rasmussen reports that 51% of the people believe that [JB] cheated in the election, 75% want the 2nd Amendment. The people are starting to flex their muscle, once the people reach the precipice, laws changed, then you expose the fraud.
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- The Bureau of Labor Statistics released data Tuesday showing a sharp increase in consumer prices, especially gasoline, as many Americans struggle to make ends meet.
- March saw a 0.6% increase in consumer prices, the largest spike in nearly a decade. That increase can be attributed in large part to a rise in inflation.
- However, increased inflation, a rise in demand for crude oil, and the Biden administration’s proposed new taxes and regulatory measures could send gas and energy prices soaring even higher in the months to come, critics contend.
- “When energy prices rise, the poor and middle class suffer the most,” said Daniel Turner, founder of Power the Future, an advocacy group for energy workers. “Families still have to drive their kids to school, they still have to go to work and to get their COVID vaccines, but they have to pay more to do so. Those unaffected are the rich and the connected, those politicians who get their bills paid by PACs and taxpayers. The very people the left claims to help, the poor, the middle class, rural Americans, they are the ones hurt the most by their policies.“
Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Uses Call Options To Buy Microsoft Ahead Of Big Govt Contract
- Nancy Pelosi’s husband made an excellent options trade.
- Legalized Insider Trading
- It is OK for members of Congress to trade on inside information including government contracts before deals are announced.
- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did just that, rather, her husband did.
- Purchase of Stock Via Call Options
- Barron’s reports Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Bought Roblox, Microsoft Stock
- Pelosi’s Husband Bought $10M in Microsoft Shares Through Options.
Paul Pelosi exercised call options and paid $1.95 million to buy 15,000 shares of Microsoft at a strike price of $130 on March 19, according to an April 9th filing with the House clerk. That same day, Pelosi, who owns and operates a California venture capital investment and consulting firm, paid $1.4 million for 10,000 shares valued at $140 apiece.
Since Pelosi made the purchase, Microsoft share prices have climbed from about $230 to roughly $255 – an increase of close to 11% – after the company secured a lucrative government contract worth nearly $22 billion to supply U.S. Army combat troops with augmented reality headsets. The deal was announced on March 31.
Archive Bread/Post Links: 6961828 / 6961951
Direct Link: 6961951 Image Name: DpARa2LU8AEQt_g.jpg
- In a March 28 statement, the Central Bank of Egypt warned Egyptians against dealing in cryptocurrencies, stressing that Egypt works only with official currencies approved by the bank. The statement explained that cryptocurrencies are subject to extreme fluctuation in value since they are not issued by central issuing authorities in any country and not backed by tangible assets such as gold reserves.
UPDATE: The Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Asset Control published a list of crypto addresses tied to the alleged election interference, including bitcoin, bitcoin cash, litecoin, zcash, dash, verge and ether addresses.
— CoinDesk (@CoinDesk) April 15, 2021
JUST IN: The U.S. government is sanctioning digital currency addresses it claims were used by a Russian entity as part of its effort to meddle in its elections.@nikhileshde reports
— CoinDesk (@CoinDesk) April 15, 2021
It wasn’t true? Shocking. Who saw that coming — other than honest people who noted it was nonsense at the time?
— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) April 15, 2021
Classic fake news playbook:
1. The anti-Trump Deep State manufactures a lie to the press to damage him
2. The corrupt media treats the lie as a “fact” & gives it non-stop coverage, like the willful Dem partisans they are
3. After the damage is done, they admit it was all a lie
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) April 15, 2021
The NYT v. Sullivan decision needs to be revoked.
Journalists should have to pay (financially) when they tell big lies which work defame any person.
CNN/DailyBeast/etc would collapse overnight.Citizens who believe their lies would return to sanity.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) April 15, 2021
- House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler unveiled the Democrats’ plan to pack the Supreme Court
- The majority of Americans do not support court packing,
- “13 justices for 13 circuits is a logical progression,” Nadler said.
- Nadler then threw out this Orwellian line: “We’re not packing it, we’re unpacking it.”
- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday morning said she does not support Jerrold Nadler’s bill to expand the Supreme Court by four seats.
- Pelosi said she has “no plans” to bring Nadler’s court packing bill to the House floor.
Our Supreme Court Justices uphold the rule of law, not the emotion of law. Packing the Supreme Court to tilt favorable outcomes brings partisan politics into the courtroom. SCOTUS is the last place we need political games.
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) April 15, 2021
Anonymous ID: 2e8c4f No.1057442
Interesting how he don’t bother with a (?) at the end of the SC question. It was a statement.
Has POTUS made a statement found not to be true?
Nothing stated should be discounted.
Moving fast.
- South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem signaled that her state will not accept illegal immigrants that the Biden administration are looking to relocate into the interior.
- “South Dakota won’t be taking any illegal immigrants that the Biden Administration wants to relocate. My message to illegal immigrants… call me when you’re an American,” Noem wrote in a statement on Twitter.
- Her comment comes as media reports that the Biden administration is reaching out to numerous states for assistance on housing illegal immigrants amid the burgeoning crisis at the southern border.
Cyber Attacks
False Flags
- Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) attempted to downplay revelations that two of her top aides traveled out of the state for spring break last week.
- When asked about the apparent hypocrisy after she urged Michiganders not to travel to Florida or other warm environs before state Chief Operations Officer Tricia Foster and Department of Health and Human Services Director Elizabeth Hertel did so, she said, “There have never been travel restrictions in Michigan. There just haven’t been.”
- That claim ran counter to a government emergency broadcast bulletin from March 2020, as well as Whitmer’s own words from last April, as documented by Michigan Rising Action:
- “Non-essential travel is prohibited,” one “civil emergency message” said that was ordered by Whitmer herself. The executive order — later deemed unconstitutional by the Michigan Supreme Court — was titled, “Stay Home Stay Safe.”
- On April 15, 2020, she acknowledged in a cable news interview she was “cracking down on people traveling between homes,” referring to second homes in the northern part of the state.
- That statement came days after she had extended the “Stay Home Stay Safe” order.
- On April 9, 2020, Mlive reported:
Those who have multiple homes in Michigan will no longer be allowed to travel freely between those properties as part of the latest stay-at-home order.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Thursday extended the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order through April 30, which in part restricts travel for non-essential reasons throughout the state.
- The conservative-leaning Wisconsin Supreme court ruled Democrat Governor Tony Evers cannot limit business capacity without approval from the state legislature.
- This is the second time in recent weeks that the Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled that Evers violated the law by circumventing the state legislature.
- There is no statewide capacity restriction currently in place because a state appeals court blocked Evers’ latest Covid order limiting indoor gatherings to 25% of a building’s occupancy in October of last year.
- The Wisconsin high court on Wednesday ruled 4-3 on party line that Evers’ order meets the definition of a rule and according to the law it must go through the legislature.
- Mounting evidence pointing to laboratory origins of the Covid-19 virus in Wuhan, China implicates Dr. Anthony Fauci, said economist Peter Navarro,
- In an April 13 op-ed for the Washington Times, Navarro wrote: “The former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Robert Redfield, believes the SARS-CoV-2 virus originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
- “If Dr. Redfield is correct — and he almost certainly is — then Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health must assume significant responsibility for a global pandemic that has killed over half-a-million Americans, kicked tens of millions of Americans to the unemployment curb and drained trillions of dollars of wealth from the American economy.”
- It was Fauci who “provided the Wuhan lab with both the funding and the green light for gain-of-function experiments,” Navarro noted, adding those are facts that “are not in dispute.”

Chlorinated swimming pool water can kill COVID virus in just 30 SECONDS, study finds
- London-based experts studied how chlorinated pool water affects SARS-CoV-2
- They concluded the risk of transmission during swimming is ‘incredibly’ low
- Swim England, Water Babies and the Royal Life Saving Society aided the study
“A Bunch Of Black Men Have Been Attacking Asians” Says CNN Director During Undercover Tinder Sting
- A CNN Director who went on five Tinder dates with an undercover operative for Project Veritas was caught on hidden camera expressing frustration over a spate of black-on-Asian hate crimes, while the network was ‘trying to help BLM.‘
- “I was trying to do some research on the Asian hate, like the people [who] are getting attacked and whatnot. A bunch of black men have been attacking Asians. I’m like ‘What are you doing? Like, we [CNN] are trying to help BLM,” said Technical Director, Charlie Chester. “I haven’t seen anything about focusing on the color of people’s skin that aren’t white. They [CNN] just aren’t saying anything. You know what I mean?”
- “The optics of that are not good,” Charlie continues. “These [are] little things that are enough to set back movements, because the far left will start to latch on and create stories like ‘criminalizing an entire people,’ you know, just easier headlines that way, I guess.”
- Chester said he attempted to learn about Asian hate crimes and found that Black-on-Asian crime was high, but decided to refrain from delving deeper into the topic because it does not help Black Lives Matters’ narrative.
BLM Threatens Legal Action Against One Of Their Own Activists After Call For Probe Into Finances
- The National Black Lives Matter organisation is threatening legal action against one of its own activists after he called for an independent investigation into how finances are being spent, following revelations concerning co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors’ property spending binge, and further money raking activities.
- “She is fearful of white people,” Owens said. “Well, why doesn’t she want to live amongst Black people? Why is she choosing to move herself into an all-white neighborhood? Those are important questions.”
Because it would violate the first amendment.
How do corrupt politicians censor us?
They have private companies to do it for them.
The goverment avoids the appearance of tyranny by having the private sector do their dirty work.
Next subject…
Why doesn’t Biden institute mandatory vaccinations?
Because it’s unconstitutional.
And there’s no need to when you can get the private sector to do it for you.
See how that works?
- President Donald Trump said he would make an endorsement in the Republican primary against Rep. Liz Cheney, warning too many Republican challengers would allow her to win reelection.
- “So many people are looking to run against Crazy Liz Cheney — but we only want one,” Trump outlined in a statement to reporters.
- The residents in key swing districts are coming down hard on the President and his lax border policies, as evidenced by a recent poll.
- The poll shows that in 16 battleground districts in 15 states, the majority of voters lay the blame at Biden’s feet.
- And they’re not going to forget the impact any time soon.
- Via Washington Examiner:
- Residents in key swing districts are angry about the historic border crisis, blame President Joe Biden for it, and stand ready to make the Democrats pay for it in the 2022 midterm elections, according to a broad new survey…
- 48 percent strongly agree that Biden’s at fault for the crisis, according this Heritage Action for America survey.
- Furthermore, the effect could have long-lasting effects for Democrats in the future.
- And 50% in those districts said that they are ‘less likely to support Democrat candidates in the 2022 election for Congress’ as a result of the surge over the border greenlighted by Biden…
Arizona Governor Signs Bill Banning Private Donations for Election Processes
- Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signed legislation that prohibits donations for election operations in the state.
- “With public confidence in our elections in peril, it’s clear our elections must be pristine and above reproach—and the sole purview of government,” Ducey wrote in a signing letter.
- It comes after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife in September 2020 announced they made a $300 million donation to two nonprofits “to promote safe and reliable voting in states and localities during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
- Those looking for more proof of just how little influence the corporate media have need only look at the fact that a majority, 51 percent, believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 election.
- Rasmussen has consistently gotten it right, and here’s what it found:
A majority (51%) of voters believe it is likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 35% who say it’s Very Likely cheating affected the election.
Seventy-four percent (74%) of Republicans believe it is likely last year’s presidential election was affected by cheating, a view shared by 30% of Democrats and 51% of voters not affiliated with either major party.
- And this is why a whopping 75 percent back voter ID, why 75 percent consider voter ID necessary for a “fair and secure election process.” This includes black voters, who back voter ID by a wide margin of 64 to 22 percent. Hispanics back voter ID by an even wider margin of 78 to 16 percent.
- As we are seeing again and again and again, no matter how hard the media coordinate their propaganda campaigns — and when I say “media,” I mean ALL the corporate media in an across-the-board pile-on — they just can’t seem to move the needle.
- A McLaughlin & Associates poll conducted April 8-13, 2021, shows 72 percent of general election voters support the Second Amendment and its protections on the right to keep and bear arms.
- Moreover, the poll found 73.4 percent of general election voters agreed that “the Founders understood the importance of law-abiding citizens right to legally own firearms for things like hunting, sport and personal protection.”
- The 73.4 percent also agreed that “the 2nd Amendment is one of our most important and cherished civil rights in the U.S. Constitution.”
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Dave: From yesterday, I was reading Q-post #44 with you, and I was looking at the brackets. The following letters were in brackets:
[th] [i] [s] [w] [e] [e] [k]. “This week”.
What the heck does that mean? Week of Nov 12, 2017?
The week of Nov 12, 2021?
Or THIS WEEK, week of April 12, 2021?
Any thoughts? Is anyone still interpreting this stuff besides MelQ?
The Dems are traitors and deserve to be treated as such. I like the audit all politicians and their families.Pelosi and family have a special place of punishment for their insider trading, non stop lies, ideasand actions to pack SCOTUS and eliminate the filibuster and the electoral college. Designer, unitary government, open borders and clear violations of immigration laws that give the power to the Mexican JB clearly does not believe in Law and Order of fulfilling his oath of office or admitting he is not the rightfully elected President and is destroying our Constitution and the very freedoms and prosperity we and the rest of those on earth need, not to mention his crimes and his families crime against our country. JB and family, to include Jill are traitors and had major roles in the voter fraud and true collusion with CCP and many other DEMS in almost all 50 States.
Antifa, Soros and BLM,all Marxist/Leninist post modernists and anyone else , like the corporate media,
sports, entertainment, food ,auto and retailers that are anti Sovereign citizens and pro monopoly with a definite anti American slant meaning Anti-Sovereign Citizen bias need to be reminded of how what we believe and how strongly we believe in our Constitutional Republic and it’s sacred Constitution.
We are not a Democracy like the Dems like to call us. They, from a patriotic view, are not patriots
and have all violated their sacred oaths of office as have a number of so called Republicans.
We need honesty, transparancy, true patriotism, non manipulated money and markets and an end
to fiat money insanity which allows the fed to run roughshod on us through charging interest on
every FRN. Really! The biggest scam of all and we need peaceful relations and closed borders,
fenced on the South all the way across and a restoration of law and order, police and border patrol
with teeth to enforce, including ice and an elimination of Antifa and BLM activists/rioters. Really, you call what they do to our system demonstration. Violence in our streets is absolutely intolerable and punishable, in a world not communist/fascist, by arrest, charging of sedition, rioting, assault and battery to police and civilians. We need to clean up our schools and make them bastions of freedom and liberty and constitutionally approved behaviour. We must restore a proper framing of our history
and the freedom to question and have peaceful and respectful discourse without bias or rioting, assault or threats. The post modernists, anti Americans , and communists/activists have taken over
our country with the help of DEMS, Corporate interests in banking, monopoly media corps, and
the news, entertainment and most of the corporations we call American but are anything but
and think nothing of selling us out to the CCP, Iran, North Korea, the UN and the banking and Federal
reserve interests. They caused the 1929 crash and they caused the 2008 crash and will cause the 2021/22 crash if we do not act to prevent it.
Then their is the Covid 19 scam front run very cleverly by Dr. Fauci who new that HCQ could cure it and that we did not need this so called vaccine. The laws created in Nurinberg making it a crime against humanity to experiment on citizens with out them knowing they are being used in an experiment are a hanging offence. He is not alone in this and many have been fooled into believing in this fraud of a crisis. In many ways this has been a false flag and we can’t afford anymore false testing
as PCR’s inventor has stated the test is false if one takes a deeper dive into this so called virus one finds that the virus has not been purified or shown to exist via electron microscopy and the vaccine is nothing more than an MRNA genetic modification experiment whose side effects are far worse than
the effect of the so called and hitherto unpurified wuhan virus. The stats on who died of what and how many were actually positive are not accurate to a disturbingly large degree and like the voter fraud have not been set up and investigated for accuracy and honesty. If they were we should have a mandatory , not voluntary system for reporting side effects of all types to include serious
ones and deaths. In the area of the voter fraud only. now are we starting to investigate what were
wide spread and seriously large violations of voter and voting integrity and to see the corporations
nonsensically insisting that mail in ballots are ok and we don’t need voter ID and the DEMS
going for the clearly unconstitutional HR1 and messing with the 2nd amendment for reasons that are
nonsense to a very high degree. Thsy must be stopped and we must slow the roll on these criminally
toxic citizens who I hope will have their citizenship taken from them forever. Ending endless wars, restoring peaceful relations to the world and preparing for the coming ice age should be priorities
for our nation and the world. Vaccine genocide is not acceptable. Enough for now, more to come.
Go President Trump! God Bless America!
ps-We did not have or need an IRS or a federal income tax until the Fed came alone in 1913.
What we need is small Federal Government, honest elections, vetted politicians and adherence to
our Constitution along with ending the Patriot Act as it is Unconstitutional to suspend the Constitution
and reinstating the Glass-Steal act and insuring free markets and an end to manipulation by the CB’s,
Private banks and brokerage houses and honest regulators not bought and paid for or revolving door types and much capitol reform to control our electoral process and insure a more participatory
system (term limits reconsidered along with financing and electoral reform and no insider trading like
Pelosi has been doing along with Fienstien’s CCP connections and others in our government in general. Shut down the Confuscious Institutes and harden our grid and clean up our Intelligence community of it’s clear and unpatriotic biases. We are a large country but we have the power to
run it with flair and success. Also we must check the growth of robotics and AI before it takes us all out and get our energy independence back and secure our fresh water supplies with the Sovereign
Citizens best interest always held in the higher regard. We must assure that all those within our borders are Sovereign Citizens and not illegaly residing here. That is Bidens crime and Obama’s crime
and we must stop it before they ruin us all. I still hold ho[e in my heart that this will be made right ASAP.
I don’t care one bit about 2022 and 2024 until 2020 is rectified. Which movie is playing right now, Dave?
Dr Shiva from Massachusetts. Someone from government there emailed Twitter fb etc to tell them to censor him which they did. He found these emails on discovery from his lawsuit that is ongoing. He’s representing himself because he could find a lawyer that wasn’t woke or had enough spine. He’s been winning so far. That’s a perfect example of your comment.
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Deep State Dave who is never right……Pushing the same old lines and same old Q droppings….something big is coming, it can’t be stopped……..tick tock……….build up……..fizzle fizzle……change the narrative……….
Sunday Night, start all over begin the build up, while patriots keep popping the pop corn and the deep state further dismantles the country……and the patriots are led into a false sense of security … don’t worry it is all part of the plan…..