People Have Been Brought To The Precipice,For The First Time People Can See Clearly – Episode 2261

The economy is now firing on all cylinders, we are seeing V recovery in many of the economic sectors. The Altanta Fed is now predicting a rebound in the GDP numbers. US 8 class truck sales are recovering. Grenell speaks out against the globalists and tells the world what their plan was. The [DS]/MSM have now lost their narrative the country is not buying what they are selling. The walls are closing in on them and they are starting to realize it and that is why they are trying to blame the chaos on Trump, this will fail because for months he told the Gov and Mayors just let me know when you need my help, they never did. The people have been brought to the precipice and they can see clearly now.
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Current News – 08.27.2020

- After new- and existing-home-sales soared in July, analysts expected the rebound in pending-home-sales to slow dramatically, well it beat expectations – rising 5.9% MoM (vs +2.0% expectations).
- This leaves pending home sales up a stunning 15.4% YoY…the biggest annual jump since Oct 2012
Source: Bloomberg
This is the highest level for the pending home sales index since Oct 2005…
Source: Bloomberg
“We are witnessing a true V-shaped sales recovery
- Pending home sales rose 25.2% in the Northeast and 6.8% in the West. Gains were smaller in other regions, with a 3.3% increase in the Midwest and 0.9% in the South.
Used Class 8 Truck Sales Are Stabilizing As Prices Bounce Back
- “Pricing is solidifying, customers are buying more used trucks and new truck orders and deliveries are heading back in the right direction.”
- Same-dealer preliminary sales were up 16% month over month in July, according to ACT Research. Volumes are up 48% year over year and month-over-month average prices were up 4%.
- Recall, we noted less than a week ago that new research from Manheim showed used car prices had exploded to hit new all time highs. The Manheim Used Vehicle Value index climbed to 163.4 in the first 15 days of August from 158.0 in July.
- Yes, the Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow real-time GDP tracker has surged to 25.6% QoQ. This follows Citi’s Economic Surprise Index that has been rising since May.

- Richard Grenell, the former Acting Director of National Intelligence and former United States Ambassador to Germany, torched “unlimited globalization” and it’s devastating impact on America’s working and middle class during his speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC).
- Grenell added:
So for decades, while Washington politicians built a global system, American wages stagnated. Our great cities and industries were hollowed out. Entire communities were devasted, and our manufacturing plants were shipped off to China. That’s what happened when Washington stopped being the capital of the United States, and started being the capital of the world.
- decades-long free trade deals, NAFTA, and China’s entering the World Trade Organization (WTO) eliminated about five million American manufacturing jobs and 50,000 U.S. manufacturing plants since 1994. American manufacturing is vital to the U.S. economy, as every one manufacturing job supports an additional 7.4 American jobs in other industries.
TikTok CEO Kevin Mayer to leave the company
- TikTok CEO Kevin Mayer has quit the company just months after his appointment.
- Mayer joined TikTok on June 1 from Disney.
- More Good News for President Trump!
- 100 disgruntled Never-Trumpers former staffers for George W. Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney signed a letter endorsing senile Joe Biden today.
- The MSM plays this like it is bad news for President Trump.
- These are the same disgruntled uniparty officials who said nothing as US jobs were shipped off to China.
They just outed themselves as being part of the swamp, that was easy
Mueller testified under oath he did NOT interview with Trump for the job of FBI Director on May 16, 2017
Yet new FOIA’d emails show DAG Rosenstein sending an email the very next day, May 17, saying that “Mueller” has now “withdrew from consideration for FBI Director”🤔
— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) August 27, 2020
Mueller’s testimony to the House. Mueller is clear that he was never “applying” for the job of FBI Director, he was never under consideration, and his “interview” on May 16, 2017 was just to give his “input” on “what it would take to do the job”
— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) August 27, 2020
Rosenstein email, just released in FOIA. Mueller “withdrew from consideration for FBI Director”, sent on the morning of day after the “interview” with Trump, May 17, 2017.
(Note: Rosenstein appointed Mueller Special Counsel later that same day)
— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) August 27, 2020
Mueller can’t “withdraw” from “consideration” for the job of FBI Director unless he was previously under consideration for the role, which he testified he wasn’t
Rosenstein was in the “interview” on May 16, so his email makes no sense if Mueller was never under consideration
— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) August 27, 2020
So who is wrong? Mueller, or Rosenstein (Mueller’s boss)? Because they can’t both be right, and one of them was under oath.
— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) August 27, 2020
We need to remember that Grenell was the Acting DNI, he saw it all, he knows it all, and he said something very interesting during his speech at the RNC, he mentioned whistleblowers, that they were silenced when they tried to stop the spying operation on Trump
Durham is coming, he has the criminal documentation, Grenell saw it all, and if they know Trump knows, they got them, there is only one question, when does the major part of the storm hit.
DEVELOPING: Investigators have reverse-engineered the chain of custody of the highly classified Flynn intercepts from Dec. 29, 2016:
Obama <– Clapper <– Comey <– McCabe <– FBI analyst Brian Auten
Auten was one who dug them out. But the request to FBI came from Rice at NSC
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) August 27, 2020
Yesterday we talked about how Trump wanted Biden to take a drug test before they debate
- If biden refuses, people are going to question this
- If he goes ahead and takes it will find that he has been taken HCQ, or other medication that has to do with dementia
The [DS] cannot allow this, so what did NP just do, she is making the case of why JB should not debate Trump, we also need to remember that JB and KH are both being tested for Covid
It seems they are planning to have in bow out, or he will say yes to the debates and something will happen that will not allow to debate, wait for it because its coming
U.S. Marshals Find 39 Missing Children in Georgia During ‘Operation Not Forgotten’ Investigators charge individuals for sex offender violations, other related charges |
“Operation Not Forgotten” resulted in the rescue of 26 children, the safe location of 13 children and the arrest of nine criminal associates. Additionally, investigators cleared 26 arrest warrants and filed additional charges for alleged crimes related to sex trafficking, parental kidnapping, registered sex offender violations, drugs and weapons possession, and custodial interference. The 26 warrants cleared included 19 arrest warrants for a total of nine individuals arrested, some of whom had multiple warrants. These missing children were considered to be some of the most at-risk and challenging recovery cases in the area, based on indications of high-risk factors such as victimization of child sex trafficking, child exploitation, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and medical or mental health conditions. In 2019, the USMS helped recover 295 missing children based on requests for assistance from law enforcement and has contributed to the recovery of a missing child in 75 percent of cases received. Additionally, of the missing children recovered, 66 percent were recovered within seven days of the USMS assisting with the case. Since its partnership with NCMEC began in 2005, the agency has recovered more than 1,800 missing children. |
- This Saturday in London, protesters gathered outside of Buckingham Palace as part of a demonstration against child exploitation. Protesters shouted accusations of “pedophile” outside the gates of the palace, in reference to Prince Andrew’s involvement in Jeffrey Epstein’s child trafficking ring.
- In footage later released of the protest, protesters can be seen waving banners with Prince Andrew’s face along with messages condemning his crimes.
False Flags
More seasonal flu data over the C19 cuckoo nest: ~12% of US adults hospitalized for seasonal influenza have a major acute cardiovascular event, i.e., acute heart failure or acute ischemic heart disease. ~5% of these events occur in those 18-49 yo
— Andrew Bostom (@andrewbostom) August 27, 2020
BREAKING: Wisconsin Department of Justice confirms that Jacob Blake was armed with a knife and when a Kenosha Police officer shot .Knife found on floorboard.
- Lemon later asked Jackson if she had anything to say to elected officials. Her response shocked the CNN host.
- “For our President Trump, first I want to say a family member — and I don’t know if it was heard or not — said something that was not kind. She is hurting, and I do apologize for that. Our outburst does not reflect our behavior. And also, for President Trump, I’m sorry I missed your call because had I not missed your call, maybe the comments that you made would have been different. And I’m not mad at you at all. I have the utmost respect for you as the leader of our country. Like I said before, and I’m not saying this to him directly, we should always get the details from the right source before we start throwing bricks.”
You cannot make this up… A CNN reporter is standing in front of a building engulfed in flames and CNN’s chyron reads:
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) August 27, 2020
I interviewed the alleged shooter before the violence started.
Full video coming soon:
— Richie🎥McG🍿 (@RichieMcGinniss) August 26, 2020
- On Wednesday 17-year-old Illinois native Kyle Rittenhouse was arrested after shooting three Black Lives Matter protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin killing two. The third victim was shot in the arm.
- Kyle was arrested and charged with murder.
- Noted attorney Lin Wood posted several tweets on the incident.
Lin Wood announced he will help defend Kyle Rittenhouse and asked for his attorneys to contact him. - Lin Wood helped the Covington Catholic school children after they were smeared by the mainstream media in January 2019.
Covington Catholic graduate Nick Sandmann settled two cases with the Washington Post and CNN.
- Lin Wood says he will defend Rittenhouse for free and that “the video clearly shows justified acts of self defense.”
WOW: ALL 3 violent attackers of Kyle Rittenhouse (self-defense shooter) were convicted felons.
-1 pedophile sex offender
-1 convicted felon (burglary)
-1 domestic abuse/strangulation/dangerous weaponAll 3 chased Kyle, violently assaulted him and were shot in self-defense.
— Mike Coudrey (@MichaelCoudrey) August 27, 2020
(1) Thanks to ALL Freedom Loving Americans who responded to requests for contact information on Kyle Rittenhouse. We have connected with Kyle’s family & help is on the way. Kyle will have excellent legal representation. We owe him a legal defense.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) August 27, 2020
The #FightBack Foundation legal team is heading out to meet with Kyle & his family. Several great local & national lawyers have joined team led by John Pierce @CaliKidJMP. Michelle Malkin @michellemalkin is also hard at work. True Patriots. Thanks you for outpouring of support.
DOJ has deployed 200+ agents and marshals from the FBI, ATF, and USMS to assist state and local law enforcement in the response to rioting and unrest and will continue to surge Kenosha with federal resources as needed and necessary.
— Kerri Kupec DOJ (@KerriKupecDOJ) August 26, 2020
Federal Jury Indicts Four on Arson Charges for Burning Minneapolis Police Station
- A federal grand jury has returned indictments on four men for their role in the burning of the Minneapolis Police Station on May 28th
- The indictments file one count of conspiracy to commit arson against Dylan Shakespeare Robinson, 22, of Brainerd; Davon De-Andre Turner, 24, of St. Paul; Bryce Michael Williams, 26, of Staples; and Branden Michael Wolfe, 23, of St. Paul.
- Robinson and Wolfe had already been arrested and charged with abetting and aiding arson for their role in the attack on the police station. Williams had been previously charged before grand jury indictment process, which establishes the four men as codefendants.
- ANTIFA thug Marquise Love has been apprehended after being caught on video leading a beatdown in Portland of a man who unsuspectingly drove near the mob.
- Love has been apprehended and hit with assault, riot, and coercion charges for his alleged role in extremist violence. His bail has been set at $260,000, and he is expected to be in court on Sept. 2.
Remember when Kavanaugh ruled orgs affiliated w Soros’ Open Society lose the protection of 1A & can be treated as international threats as this impacts supporters in the US & abroad.
- Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf offered a harsh evaluation of the anarchist group Antifa Wednesday, declaring that in certain capacities, the left-wing group “absolutely” meets the standards worthy of condemnation as a “domestic terrorist group.”
- “I think what we see with them individually targeting law enforcement, individually targeting certain officials for certain reasons, that is the definition of domestic terrorism,” however, that the group’s decentralized nature makes it difficult for law enforcement to offer effective surveillance and widespread prosecution.
- Wolf pointed to the FBI conducting several ongoing investigations into the group to greater understand its underpinnings. That could benefit law enforcement agencies nationwide grappling with intensifying violence as major U.S. cities suffer under a historic moment of civil unrest.
- Trump administration is offering support to state and local law enforcement agencies being overrun by the inner-city mobs, it’s ultimately up to those state and local governments to restore public safety and keep the peace. In the meantime, Wolf said, “individuals have a right to protect themselves and their businesses and what they’ve worked all their life to build.”
- “Fault lies with those local leaders and those local law enforcement of not doing their job,” said the acting secretary. “This country is about rule of law, and we need the police to step up any time we have criminal riots and looting occur.
Wisconsin Support For Black Lives Matter Has Gone From +25 to Net Approval of Zero in Two Months
- This is bad news for the Democrat party.
- In June of this year, 61% approved vs 36% disapproved of Black Lives Matter protests, a net approval of +25.
- By early August, 48% approved vs 48% disapproved, a net approval of 0.
The people must see it to believe it, look at the cities, look at what the governors and mayors of those cities allowed, Trump continually said if you need help we can send help in, but they didn’t take it him up on the help, the MSM ignored the riots, the burning, the killing, they didn’t care what was really happening to everyday people that work hard, they knowingly knew what was going on and now because of polls they are acknowledging it all. Only at the precipice of destruction will people demand change.
EXCLUSIVE: Despite Reports, FBI Does Not Label QAnon Group a ‘Terrorist Threat’
FBI statement re: QAnon being labeled a domestic terrorist threat: “The FBI does not and cannot designate domestic terrorist groups. The FBI can never initiate an investigation based solely on an individual’s race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, or the exercise of First Amendment rights. When it comes to domestic terrorism, our investigations focus solely on the criminal activity of individuals—regardless of group membership—that appears to be intended to intimidate or coerce the civilian population or influence the policy of the government by intimidation or coercion. It’s important to note that membership in groups which espouse domestic extremist ideology is not illegal in and of itself—no matter how offensive their views might be to the majority of society. Membership in a group is not a sufficient basis for an investigation.”
17 flags on the left.
17 on the right.Message received.
— Praying Medic (@prayingmedic) August 27, 2020
Hi Dave
Congrats and thanks for your AWESOME work.
I am part of a youtube channel that provide some information about the great awakening, Q, patriots, to a french speaker audience. You are on of my main source of information.
Would it be possible for me to contact you on some specific topics sometimes? I wish to do a brief article presenting the fight of POTUS agaisnt BCE.
thanks again!