Placeholders Ready, Declas, Indictments, Will Force WW Coverage – Episode 1957
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The patriots are pushing the economic narrative, the entire push is against the Fed. The entire purpose is to educate the public, what is the Fed, why do we have a Fed, is the Fed good for this country. Trump is letting the people know that if the economy fails the Fed is to blame. Trump’s assistant resigns after leaking information. Comey violated FBI policies 25 times. Comey believed he was above the FBI policies and was on a political agenda to trap the president. Joe D says that Obama needs to be interviewed when the FISA report comes out. Get ready for it all because it is coming. Place holders ready, this will change everything. Brennan lashes out at Trump, those who scream the loudest. Darpa needs an underground tunnel system ASAP,
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Current News – 08.30.2019
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Trump is now pushing the economic narrative, the entire push is against the Fed, he will not let up, he wants the people to understand that the Fed is responsible, think about.
- Trump is dictating rules for the fed to follow
- If the fed follows what he wants the economy does well, he is responsible
- If the fed doesn’t follow what he wants, and the Fed is responsible, if the economy goes into a recession/depression the fed is responsible because they didn’t follow what was needed to be done to the economy going
- Trump tweeted out the following
The Euro is dropping against the Dollar “like crazy,” giving them a big export and manufacturing advantage…and the Fed does NOTHING! Our Dollar is now the strongest in history. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Except to those (manufacturers) that make product for sale outside the U.S.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 30, 2019
….We don’t have a Tariff problem (we are reigning in bad and/or unfair players), we have a Fed problem. They don’t have a clue!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 30, 2019
Boom, he just said it, we have a fed problem, that is the problem, there never should have been a Fed, trump continued, he tweeted out the following
If the Fed would cut, we would have one of the biggest Stock Market increases in a long time. Badly run and weak companies are smartly blaming these small Tariffs instead of themselves for bad management…and who can really blame them for doing that? Excuses!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 30, 2019
Federal Reserve Bank’s ‘myth of political neutrality’ now is dead and gone
We need to remember what the fed is and what power it has
- the Fed is able to speed up or slow down the economy via its manipulation of interest rates and the money supply.
Former New York Fed President Bill Dudley is calling on the central bank not to help President Donald Trump fight his trade war with China.
- Keep in mind that the Federal Reserve lacks any direct accountability to the people of the United States. It is only by a president appointing and the Senate confirming members of its boards that any public accountability operates. Once in office, they are autonomous. To have this corporation, technically owned by its member banks, self-consciously acting as a political force strikes at the heart of its legitimacy.
Everyone is asking the question why did the IG separated the comey report from the FISA, why was it a separate report. This was a very important step in the plan, the patriots needed to establish that comey was above FBI policies pursuing a political agenda, took classified information, leaked it out to the MSM, they were showing that there are two sets of laws/rules, one for the people and the other was for the DS. If was able to do all this what else was he capable of, think about he violated FBI policies 25 times, not once, twice or three times it was 25 times, this was not an accident, this was premeditated, planned, so if was able to do this what is he capable of, we will be talking about this a little later in this report, but first it seems the patriots found another leaker.
- President Trump’s executive assistant Madeleine Westerhout resigned on Thursday after she was caught leaking details about Trump’s family and Oval Office operations to reporters.
- Westerhout joined Trump’s transition team from the RNC and was not considered a ‘Trump loyalist.’
In the past six months, Westerhout had tried to expand the boundaries of her job to encompass a broader set of tasks and to include foreign travel, said one adviser close to the White House, who suggested Westerhout had tried to act like a de facto chief of staff. This irked several White House officials and Cabinet secretaries who thought she should stick to her primary task of serving as the president’s personal secretary with a desk just outside the Oval Office.
Lets review what is in the report
DOJ REPORT: 25 Times Comey Broke FBI Policies
- Here are 25 times Comey was cited in the 61-page IG report for violating bureau rules:
- 1) “Comey did not seek authorization from the FBI before providing Memos 2, 4, 6, and 7 to his attorneys.” (page 2)
- 2) “Comey did not seek FBI authorization before providing the contents of Memo 4, through Richman, to a reporter.” (page 2)
- 3) “As described in this report, we conclude that Comey’s retention, handling, and dissemination of certain Memos violated Department and FBI policies, and his FBI Employment Agreement.” (page 3)
- 4) “Comey told the OIG that he did not notify anyone at the FBI that he was going to share these Memos with anyone, and did not seek authorization from the FBI prior to emailing these four Memos to Fitzgerald.” (page 38)
- 5) “Accordingly, Comey stated that he did not notify anyone at the FBI that he was going to share the contents of the Memo 4 with Richman or the media, and that he did not seek authorization from FBI to provide Memo 4 to Richman.” (page 40)
- 6) “Accordingly, after his removal as FBI Director, Comey violated applicable policies and his Employment Agreement by failing to either surrender his copies of Memos 2, 4, 6, and 7 to the FBI or seek authorization to retain them; by releasing official FBI information and records to third parties without authorization; and by failing to immediately alert the FBI about his disclosures to his personal attorneys once he became aware in June 2017 that Memo 2 contained six words (four of which were names of foreign countries mentioned by the President) that the FBI had determined were classified at the ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ level.” (page 52)
- 7) “Despite knowledge that Memo 3 contained classified information, Comey did not appropriately mark Memo 3 with classification banners, portion markings, or a classification authority block. By failing to do so, Comey violated Executive Order 13526 and Intelligence Community, Department, and FBI policies governing marking of classified information.” (page 53)
- 8) “Comey’s actions with respect to the Memos violated Department and FBI policies concerning the retention, handling, and dissemination of FBI records and information, and violated the requirements of Comey’s FBI Employment Agreement.” (page 54)
- 9) “Comey violated Department and FBI policies, and the terms of his FBI Employment Agreement, by retaining copies of Memos 2, 4, 6, and 7 after he was removed as Director, regardless of each Memo’s classification level.” (page 55)
- 10) “As a departing FBI employee, Comey was required to relinquish any official documents in his possession and to seek specific authorization from the FBI in order to personally retain any FBI documents. Comey failed to comply with these requirements.” (page 55)
- The report concluded: James Comey Violated Department and FBI Policies Pertaining to the Retention, Handling, and Dissemination of FBI Records and Information
- The Comey report concluded that fired FBI Director James Comey stole memos and kept them at his home. But FBI officials cleared Comey saying the stolen documents did not contain “classified” material only confidential material.
So who are the people that made the determination that they were not classified material? Mr. (Bill) Priestap, ,James Baker , Lisa Page , Peter Strzok, . Those four people got together and said let’s categorize these. Oh, the ones that Comey took home we determined are confidential and not felonious. And the ones he left behind, we will say are classified but he’s not subject to criminal exposure because he didn’t take those three home.
FBI Witnesses Said Comey’s Trump Briefing Was Meant To Collect Info For Russia Probe, Report Says
- The report cites witnesses who said that the FBI and Comey wanted to use the briefing to collect information that could be used in the Russia probe.
- Comey has said that he had the meeting with Trump merely to give him a heads up that the dossier might be published.
- Rep. Jim Jordan says that the findings suggest that Comey “was out to get the president.
- Now we know that Comey drafted 7 memos stemming from 9 conversations he had with President Trump beginning January 7th 2017 through April 2017. According to FOIA docs obtained by Judicial Watch, Comey drafted another memo in June of 2017 a full month after he was fired.
- An individual who claimed whistleblower status ended up providing the Office of Inspector General with all 7 of Comey’s memos.
- Via page 37 of the IG report:
Shortly after Comey’s removal, a set of the seven Memos was provided to the OIG by a Department employee, who claimed whistleblower status. This individual viewed the Memos as extremely sensitive documents and was concerned that there should be a separate set deposited somewhere for safekeeping. The OIG handled and stored all seven Memos consistent with the requirements for classified information, even though only Memo 1 had any classification markings at that time.
- Who is this FBI/DOJ whistleblower?
- Former US Attorney for the District of Columbia Joe DiGenova told the panel tonight that Former President Barack Obama must be interviewed
Joe DiGenova: I want to know when is Barack Obama going to be interviewed by John Durham and the FBI. in fact there is no way you can finish this investigation without interviewing the former president of the United States because his National Security Adviser said *bingo* he was at the head of it.
Trump tweeted out the following
The disastrous IG Report on James Comey shows, in the strongest of terms, how unfairly I, and tens of millions of great people who support me, were treated. Our rights and liberties were illegally stripped away by this dishonest fool. We should be given our stolen time back?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 30, 2019
Bryan Dean Wright, former CIA Officer(Dem): “In 2016 we had a Coup. We have to take Comey and others to task. Makes no sense not to prosecute him. Comey got a book deal. I fear for my Country. He tried to kneecap our duly elected president, and there are no consequences.” @fox&Fs
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 30, 2019
The fact that James Comey was not prosecuted for the absolutely horrible things he did just shows how fair and reasonable Attorney General Bill Barr is. So many people and experts that I have watched and read would have taken an entirely different course. Comey got Lucky!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 30, 2019
Jim Jordan lays it all out for the people, this is what its all about, Comey thought he was above the rules
Jim Jordan on IG Report: ‘Comey Believed He Was Above the Rules of the DOJ’
- Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, released a statement following the Department of Justice’s Inspector General report on James Comey’s handling of the Russia probe and said it is clear that Comey “believed he was above the rules of the DOJ.”
#BREAKING: Read @Jim_Jordan’s statement on DOJ IG Report Regarding James Comey
The worst is still to come for Jim Comey
- Creating a separate record system in the FBI is a mortal sin, and with good reason. Every newly minted agent at Quantico learns this as part of FBI 101. Anytime an FBI agent, to include the director, collects information in an official capacity, that information must be documented, associated with a case file number and entered into the FBI’s case management system. Comey never did that. In fact, his now infamous memos weren’t entered into the official FBI system until after he was fired.
- Having one system of record ensures that all information collected by the FBI is searchable, discoverable and transparently linked to the authorities that allow that collection. A separate, hidden record system gives rise to suspicions and disrupts the economy of trust that the FBI has worked hard to maintain with the American people.
- Comey is quoted extensively in the IG’s report and appears nonchalant in his disregard for such rules. He asserts a theory of personal property over the memos he wrote that the IG easily swats aside in its shallow absurdity.
- The next wave will be the IG’s findings regarding Comey’s truthfulness before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court and whether he attested to false or misleading statements in order to electronically monitor a presidential campaign.
- With everything we know it will allow the people to have insight into the thought process of Comey, since he was above the FBI policies rules, this will following through to the FISA signing, he believed he could sign off multiple times on a FISA application based largely on information that he, himself, described as “salacious and unverified.” His exposure here is potentially much more devastating than breaking FBI record retention and handling rules.
Then, Close behind the IG’s second report will be findings by U.S. Attorney John Durham whether Comey and his rogue team of investigators violated FBI and departmental guidelines to initiate a counterintelligence investigation into a presidential campaign. They will determine if Comey had adequate justification for launching such an unprecedented investigation.
- Mr. Durham and his team will show that Comey colluded with other intelligence community leaders to actually “manufacture” the justification needed for an investigation by targeting covert informants against campaign representatives in violation of established policies and procedures.
- This entire process was pre-planned, each move will inflict pain, comey will feel pain, those who he colluded with will feel pain, the plan was designed this
Then RG tweeted out the following
IG report on Comey shows that the Mueller investigation was an attempt to remove the President of the US based on a contrived, false charge? With what I know about Ukraine and elsewhere, I am sure that this happened and went higher and lower than Comey. Prosecutions will happen.
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) August 30, 2019
As the patriots continue to drip out the information more and more people will be caught up in the treasounous scandal, this will effect politicians, intelligence community, media etc… they will start to turn on each other, this is the PAIN
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 809f7f No.525707
Look for ‘Placeholder’ updates @ /PatriotsFight
Indictments, arrests, and DECLAS will force WW coverage.
Leaks, bribery, collusion re: media will force resignations w/ follow up criminal prosecution.
[Placeholder – OIG Report & Findings]
[Placeholder – OIG report > FBI, DOJ, & Media Coll]
[Placeholder – OIG report > Exe B_ABCs & Media Coll]
[Placeholder – OIG report > Foreign ASST_D1]
[Placeholder – OIG report > Foreign_Insert(s)_ORec & Info Diss]
[Placeholder – OIG report > FISA Abuse DIR_INDIR_Source_DIS]
[Placeholder – OIG report > Umbrella SPY & Targeting]
[Placeholder – OIG report > OTR_C_]
The US continues to deny Flynn counsel’s request for security clearance.
Without clearance, they can’t know the details of how Flynn “debriefed the DIA about his foreign contacts and travel.”
Could this be the “other information” @SidneyPowell1 referenced in the last hearing..
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) August 30, 2019
Flynn update: Joint Status Report has been filed.
Alleged that the US, in violation of Judge Sullivan’s order, has “failed to produce … the original or first draft of the FBI 302 of the interview of Mr. Flynn”
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) August 30, 2019
Lets move onto JE, we are now hearing the first case about fake photos,

- The Duke of York’s closest supporters have insisted that a photograph showing him with a Jeffrey Epstein victim must have been faked because his fingers are “much chubbier” in real life.
- Sources close to Prince Andrew launched an extraordinary fightback against claims that he had sex with Virginia Roberts by suggesting he had been the victim of digital trickery.
NBC Issues Major Correction On Story About Citizenship For Military Children Abroad
the new USCIS policy say it applies if a service member adopts a child overseas, but children born to service members on deployment would still automatically get citizenship.
False Flags
19-year-old arrested as part of FBI national security investigation in Queens: source
- A 19-year-old is expected in court Friday after he was arrested in Queens on as part of an FBI national security investigation, officials and law enforcement sources said.
- The teen was texting with a man he thought was an ISIS sympathizer, saying he wanted to carry out an ISIS-style attack, sources said. Law enforcement carried out a search warrant at the teen’s East Elmhurst residence on Thursday night. About a dozen FBI agents could be seen going in and out.
- The teen had only moved in to the area a short time ago, neighbors said.
- Authorities allege he was inspired by ISIS and planned to conduct a stabbing or bombing attack in Queens.
- John Brennan defended James Comey
- he tweeted out the following
Jim Comey is far more decent, ethical, honest, competent, & patriotic than you could ever hope to be. It is only because the AG & Republican Senators refuse to put country above party that you are not in a world of trouble & hurt. But their protective cocoon is only temporary…
— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) August 29, 2019
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4e1594 No.5181944
- But Darpa sent out a tweet today that’s making people a little nervous. The agency wants a large underground facility for “testing” of some sort. And they need it by Friday at 5pm ET.
Attention, city dwellers! We’re interested in identifying university-owned or commercially managed underground urban tunnels & facilities able to host research & experimentation.
It’s short notice… We’re asking for responses by Aug. 30 at 5:00 PM ET.
— DARPA (@DARPA) August 28, 2019
Darpa explained in a follow-up tweet that the ideal location would be “several city blocks with complex layouts and multiple stories.”
Greetings Dave. Have you given it a thought to a presentation of Benedict Arnold? Was taught this in the early 60’s when we were still educating the next generation. Today, nobody knows who this is! Went very bad for his family and offspring. Most people would understand what a chicken livered, yellow belly TRAITOR is if you just brought them up to date on there history. Perhaps you can have a video with 2 or 3 historians cover this topic for 30 to 40 minutes. Eyes would certainly open! Many think TREASON is not possible in this day and age. What say YOU?
Godspeed sir always. To Life!