Proof To Begin 11.3, Iron Eagle, Long Term Solutions In Place, Knockout Punch Coming – Ep. 2656
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The people are now seeing inflation as a huge problem, and who is responsible, [JB]/[CB]. The people also believe that the BBP is not going to help but it is going to make it worse and inflation is going to skyrocket. Truckers are warning if they push the mandates it will effect the supply chain. There is gold and digital gold, will both together destroy the [CB]. The [DS] is panicking like never before. They are desperate and they are now making a final push, they are using fear, WHO, FDA, CDC and the fake news are pushing it hard. The [DS] will demand people get vaccinated. This never had anything to do with the virus, they are now panicking that in the end people are going to see the truth, the unvaccinated don’t test positive and the vaccinated do. Scavino sends more message and they all tell the same story. This is not about a 4 year election, it’s about long term solutions, proof to begin 11.3, Devolution, Iron Eagle, the knock out punch is coming.
- Two polls conducted in West Virginia and New Hampshire show that Americans believe President Joe Bident’s spending plans will drive up inflation.
- A Remington Research Group poll conducted in West Virginia found that 62% of respondents said they had seen, read or heard “a lot” about the Build Back Better Act (BBB). A 53% majority of all respondents said they strongly oppose the legislation, and 59% of independent respondents said they strongly oppose it.
- About 64%, of West Virginian respondents said that BBB will make inflation worse, and 66% said they believe that Congress should slow down and reconsider the bill as inflation soars. Only 14% of respondents said they strongly believe that BBB will improve the inflation crisis.
- “
- Ray Dalio, billionaire investor and founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, in a Dec. 15 interview with Marketwatch, praised Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency on the market.
- “It has been an amazing accomplishment for bitcoin to have achieved what it has done, from writing that program, not being hacked, having it work and having it adopted the way it has been,” said Dalio.
- “I believe in the blockchain technology. There’s going to be that revolution, so it has earned credibility.”
- The cryptocurrency has been seen by its supporters as a form of digital gold and as a hedge against inflation, which has been soaring under President Joe Biden.
- “Bitcoin is like gold, though gold is the well-established blue-chip alternative to fiat money,” and that “It’s almost a younger generation’s alternative to gold and it has no intrinsic value, but it has imputed value and it has therefore some merit,” he said.
Covington Catholic Teen Nick Sandmann Reaches Settlement with NBC
- Covington Catholic teen Nicholas Sandmann settled with NBC on Friday.
- Sandmann’s lawyers filed a $800 million lawsuit against CNN, WaPo and NBC Universal after the outlets used a selectively edited video to make Nick Sandmann and his fellow Covington friends look like they harassed Nathan Phillips, a Native American who attended the Indigenous Peoples March in DC in 2019.
- Sandmann filed a $275 million lawsuit against NBC-Universal and MSNBC and settled for an undisclosed amount of money.
- Texas has officially started building its own state-funded border wall, confirmed Gov. Greg Abbott on Friday.
- Texas’s wall construction, which would not obtain federal funding, has been favored by Abbott as a means of cracking down on illegal immigration and drug trafficking. In June, the governor started a private donation campaign that has raised about $54 million.
- Ghislaine Maxwell could start ‘naming names’ if she is found guilty of sex trafficking charges this week
- Closing arguments in Maxwell’s trial begin tomorrow, with the jury likely to retire that evening
- A legal source connected with the case told The Mail on Sunday that with the Manhattan court breaking for Christmas at the end of Wednesday, a verdict this week is ‘highly likely’
- Maxwell, 59, denies all six charges linked to grooming underage girls for abuse by the late paedophile Jeffrey Epstein
BREAKING: Project Veritas releases name of CNN producer involved in new pedophilia scandal
- Project Veritas has released the name of the latest CNN producer to be embroiled in a pedophilia scandal. Rick Saleeby, the staffer in question, is a producer on “The Lead with Jake Tapper.”
- Project Veritas has released the name of the latest CNN producer to be embroiled in a pedophilia scandal. Rick Saleeby, the staffer in question, is a producer on “The Lead with Jake Tapper.”
- Saleeby allegedly solicited sexually explicit photos of the source’s underage daughter.
- Thirty-nine American citizens and lawful permanent residents that were left behind in Afghanistan by the Biden administration were evacuated Friday and are headed to the Big Apple.
- The evacuees, which include more than a dozen kids, the youngest of whom is an 11-month-old American citizen, were rescued from the Taliban-controlled locale by Project Dynamo, a volunteer, civilian group led by former Military members and current Military Reserves members,
- “This is the first known major airlift rescue with American boots on the ground since the U.S. government abandoned the country of Afghanistan in August,” James Judge, a spokesman for the organization, said in a statement.
- Two members of Project Dynamo, Bryan Stern and Abdul Wasit, flew into Afghanistan from an undisclosed country in the region earlier this week and with help from a small team of volunteers, brought the evacuees to a safe house near Kabul.
False Flags
Conspiracy no more.
- People in Sweden have started getting implanted with microchips that contain their COVID-19 passports, according to Newsweek.
- The chip, developed by Epicenter, can store a covid passport under the skin.
- “Implants are very versatile technology that can be used for many different things, and right now it is very convenient to have Covid passport always accessible on your implant,” Epicenter’s chief disruption officer Hannes Sjöblad told Ruptly.
- Source:
New York Legislation Provides for Indefinite Detention of Unvaccinated at Governor’s Whim.
- n January 5th, 2022, the New York Senate and Assembly will vote on a bill that would, if passed into law, grant permissions to remove and detain cases, contacts, carriers, or anyone suspected of presenting a “significant threat to public health” and remove them from public life on an indefinite basis.
- Bill A416 presents a serious risk to the basic liberties of all Americans in the state of New York, including their right to choose whether or not to receive medical treatment and vaccinations related to thus far undetermined contagious diseases.
- The bill gives the Governor of New York, his or her delegates – including but not limited to the commissioner and heads of local health departments – the right to remove and detain any individuals or groups of people through issuing a single order. The orders only have to include the individual’s name(s) or “reasonably specific descriptions of the individuals or groups.”
- The language of Bill A416 can guarantee that Americans, whether they test positive for COVID or any other diseases, are held indefinitely at such facilities.
Omicron variant detected in 89 countries, cases doubling: WHO
- The omicron variant of the coronavirus has been detected in 89 countries and is spreading rapidly even in places with high levels of population immunity, the World Health Organization said Saturday.
- The number of COVID-19 cases involving omicron is doubling every 1.5 to 3 days in countries where there is community transmission of the variant and not just people who were infected abroad, WHO said.
- Pfizer on Friday said the Covid pandemic will continue through the 2022 midterms and could extend to 2024.
- Just in time for the general election.
- This is likely not surprising to many Americans; however, Bloomberg {LINK} and now Axios {LINK} are reporting that official U.S. CDC vaccination rates are considerably overstated.
- The issue stems from exceptionally high previous vaccination rates reported by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that remained static despite the same CDC reporting that vaccines continued.
- Common sense would ask: if vaccination rates were long-ago in the 99% range for age-groups the CDC reported, then how could the CDC continue assigning hundreds of thousands of new vaccinations into the group? Thus, downward revisions are now being made to reconcile the issue.
- Anecdotally, this would align with several tangential datapoints which have always seemed to be in conflict with the preferred government narrative. Additionally, there’s also an obvious motive on behalf of the government to overinflate vaccination in order to generate peer pressure and the self-fulfilling prophecy needed to garner vaccine acceptance.
- As now noted by Bloomberg:
- […] “CDC data show 240 million people with at least one shot, or about 72.5% of the population. But the agency says only 203 million are fully vaccinated, or 61.3%, an 11-percentage-point difference that is far larger than in other developed countries.
- State and local officials say it’s improbable that 37 million Americans got one shot without completing their inoculations. Instead, they say, the government has regularly and incorrectly counted booster shots and second doses as first doses.” (more)
- The unvaccinated population are essentially a real world control group,
The league announced Friday that Saturday’s game between the Las Vegas Raiders and the Cleveland Browns has been moved to Monday, while Sunday’s meetings between the Washington Football Team and the Philadelphia Eagles, and the Seattle Seahawks and the Los Angeles Rams have been moved to Tuesday.
Elsewhere, in college basketball games are being canceled outright.
6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Reinstates Biden Employer Vaccine Mandate
- The White House fearmongering over the Omicron variant appears to have influenced a judicial review of the federal vaccine mandate.
- More than two dozen legal challenges to the federal vaccine mandate for employers over 100 employees were consolidated into the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati, Ohio. That federal appeals court has reinstated Biden vaccine mandate for U.S. workers.
- OHIO – A federal appeals court has reinstated the Biden administration’s vaccine and testing requirement for private businesses that covers about 80 million American workers.
- The ruling by the 6th U.S. Court of Appeals in Cincinnati lifted a November injunction that had blocked the rule from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which applies to businesses with at least 100 workers.
- In the decision Friday, the 6th Circuit noted that OSHA has historical precedent for using wide discretion to ensure worker safety and “demonstrated the pervasive danger that COVID-19 poses to workers—unvaccinated workers in particular—in their workplaces.”
- Three companies and one red-state attorney general asking the highest U.S. court to stay Biden’s sweeping mandate
- A new release of emails shows the outgoing NIH Director asking Dr. Anthony Fauci to carry out a “quick and devastating published takedown” of the Great Barrington Declaration. “This proposal from three fringe epidemiologists who met with the Secretary seems to be getting a lot of attention – and even a co-signature from Nobel Prize winner Mike Leavitt at Stanford,” Francis Collins wrote in an Oct. 8, 2020, email posted on Twitter by researcher Phillip W. Magness.
- “There needs to be a quick and devastating published takedown of its premises,” the NIH chief continued. “I don’t see anything like that on line yet – is it underway?” The three “fringe” epidemiologists are Dr. Martin Kulldorf, a biostatistician, infectious disease expert, and professor of medicine of Harvard University, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a public health policy expert, physician, health economist, and a professor of medicine at Stanford University, and Dr. Sunetra Gupta, an expert in immunology, mathematical modeling of infectious diseases, and a professor at Oxford University.
- Former Army Major Gen Paul Eaton, former Brigadier Gen Steven Anderson and former Army Major Gen Antonio Taguba warned of another coup attempt
- They claimed in a column for The Washington Post that there may be an attack similar to the January 6 Capitol riot after the 2024 election
- ‘Military and lawmakers have been gifted hindsight to prevent another insurrection,’ they wrote, saying leaders must take action now
- Meanwhile billionaire Ray Dalio predicts there is a 30 percent chance of US Civil War in the next ten years because of ’emotional’ political polarization’
Operation Dark Winter was the code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation conducted on June 22–23, 2001.[1][2][3] It was designed to carry out a mock version of a covert and widespread smallpox attack on the United States. Tara O’Toole and Tom Inglesby of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies (CCBS) / Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and Randy Larsen and Mark DeMier of Analytic Services were the principal designers, authors, and controllers of the Dark Winter project.
Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?
Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?
Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?
What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?
Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.
— Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) December 18, 2021
Eye of the Tiger
Those who are the loudest…..
The Great Awakening.
Iron Eagle.
Chris miller
He participated in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. In Afghanistan, he was a company commander in the 5th Special Forces Group, which fought al-Qaeda and the Taliban. In Iraq, he commanded Special Forces units in 2006 and 2007.[22] His promotion to colonel was approved in December 2009.[24]
Return to comments re: Pelosi and John M (some of us refuse to say his last name for a reason).
This all has meaning – everything stated. Big picture stuff – few positions allow for this direct knowledge.
We all sincerely appreciate the work you do. Keep up the good fight. The flow of information is vital.
God bless.
Pingback: Proof To Begin 11.3, Iron Eagle, Long Term Solutions In Place, Knockout Punch Coming – Ep. 2656 |
But Dave NONE of what you say will happen if the ELECTION FRAUD is not fixed – before 2022 Midterms
COVID vaccine passport chips? Or the mark of the Beast? Time for an all out war of good vs evil. Rules are out the window.
By letting them continue, they are already hurting the people. If Trump and the Patriots continue to let them do what they do – we will be in that worse place-we will be in their reset America or Communist America!!!! They have no control – they are panicking – but they still have control over the people, because it’s the people they impose their panic on and it is the people who suffer the consequences of these so-called “panicked” people!!!! If they even roll out the new tests – did anyone think about that – Has Trump and the Patriots thought about that!!!!! Just In – The Dems are trying to reshape the court with Judicial picks and nominees without courtesy – Did Trump and the Patriots See This Coming??? How can the people push back, take our concerns to court, if the court is now going to consist of left wing judges – WE DON’T HAVE A CHANCE IN HELL!!!!!!! It Is Time to Stop This Now – If Trump and the Patriots Can’t Get Everything He Wants – He Sure As Hell Has Enough To END THIS NOW – and Get America Back to being America!!!!! Who Are The Truth Tellers – Not Even Trump is Being Completely Truthful – look at the vaccines!!!!!! He is not saying anything about the side effects and other possible deadly effects – but he is pushing the fact he created warp speed and proud of that accomplishment – but in that accomplishment, bad side effects come with them!!!!! And Guess What They Are Still Doing It – Doesn’t Matter If The People Reject It – THEY WILL FORCE IT TO THE POINT OF IMPRISONMENT – WHERE IS TRUMP AND THE PATRIOTS!!!!!!! Stop Saying What They Want To Do – THEY ARE DOING IT DAMN IT – IT IS NOT ENDING AND THE FIGHTING BACK OF THE PEOPLE AND PROTESTS ISN’T DOING ANYTHING – DOESN’T MATTER IF MAJORITY DOES ANYTHING – DOESN’T ANYONE SEE A DAMN THING – THEY WILL NOT STOP DOING IT – THEY WILL IMPRISON EVERYONE – THEY DON’T CARE – UNLESS SOMEONE HIGHER STEPS IN – LIKE THE MILITARY – SO AGAIN – I SAY WHEN!!!!! You Say The Narrative is falling apart – you say what they are doing is falling apart – Well, that is a downright lie – THEY ARE STILL DOING IT AND PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING AND BEING SEGREGATED AND SEPARATED AND PUT IN JAIL!!!!!! They Aren’t Trying – They Are Actually Doing It!!!!! You Always Say They Can’t Just Have The Military Come In – But They Can – They Have All the Evidence, They Caught Them All – They Have the Information – Then The Military HAS EVERY RIGHT – TO COME IN AND DESTROY THESE PEOPLE OR AT THE VERY LEAST – GET THEM OUT OF OFFICE!!!!!!! They Will Make It A Very Difficult Winter for All The Unvaccinated – They Will Hurt Us Some More – To The Point of NO RETURN!!!!! We All Know They Don’t Work – But The People Are Still Wearing Them and Forcing People To Wear Them for Fear of Prosecution and Heavy fines – Just look at New York – I’ve seen people who weren’t wearing a mask – now wearing masks again – courtesy of HOCHUL!!!!!! Sure They Are Inflating the Numbers – The people who listen to you know this – but there is still a large amount of people who listen to MSM – They Don’t Know Any Better – They Are Still Afraid!!!! If They Are Found Out – Before Irreparable Damage is done and portrayed upon WE THE PEOPLE!!!!! IF – IF THEY EVEN ROLL OUT THE NEW TESTS!!!!! They Can Do Much More Damage if the New Tests Don’t Come Out Until March/April like you say!!!!! Here’s Another Scenario I bet No One Thought Of – What About This: If they keep testing the unvaccinated and the only people who test are unvaccinated – what is to stop them – from putting something on the new tests – that makes it look like the unvaccinated has covid – Then What??? Their narrative continues and they get proven right – saying You See – It Was the Unvaccinated That Was Spreading the Virus – so Everyone Should be Vaccinated – What About That – If You Have to Think like these people – that would be where they go – It is very sneaky and very nefarious – Just Like The Deep State – THINK ABOUT THAT!!!!! – Why Don’t You Mention That to Trump and The Patriots!!!!! It is Very Possible – If They Can Lie about the Virus Numbers, If They Can Lie and Doctor Emails and Videos, if they can make it look like the innocent are the guilty – They Can Do Anything – Which Is Why We Don’t Have Anymore Time To Wait – They NEED TO BE TAKEN DOWN – THEY NEED TO BE TAKEN OUT OF OFFICE – THEY NEED TO BE ARRESTED!!!! Their Narrative Has Been Falling Apart For The Last 3 Months!!!!! But Everyone Seems To Forget One Very Important Thing – People Will Get So Fed Up – People Will Become So Panicked – People Will Be Made To Suffer and Lose All Their Freedoms – That They will just go out and get the Damn Vaccine!!!!!! Did anyone Think About This????? So Great – Then They Make Everyone Sick with Smallpox – and More People Die – Then What – Then What Happens to the People that are unvaccinated!!!!!! Exactly they Don’t Care Who They Kill – Well Apparently Trump and The Patriots Don’t Care Either – If They Let This Smallpox Take Place!!!!! IT WOULD SEEM TO ME – THIS NEEDS TO WRAP UP BEFORE THEY DECIDE TO RELEASE SMALLPOX AND KILL MORE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE!!!!!! Especially The Unvaccinated!!!!! There You Go Moving The Goalpost Again – Will This Ever End – Or is This JUST A REALLY GOOD STORY THAT YOU CONTINUE TO PUT ON – ALONG WITH TRUMP AND THE PATRIOTS – REVENGE FOR THEMSELVES!!!!! And People Are Getting Hurt!!!!! Well Rule Of Law Is Not Working and It Takes Too Long and too Much More Damage Can Be Done – That Bullhorn Better Be Taken Away Come February – People Better Be Arrested come Next year – It better not continue for another 3 years of Biden – WE WILL ALL BE DESTROYED – INCLUDING THIS COUNTRY!!!!!! Which Is Why It Needs To Stop NOW – Or They Unlease Another Horrible Virus!!!!!
How can people not see what this guy is doing. He just completely slide into Trump running in 2021 What happened to the “MILITARY IS IN CONTROL” Now we are waiting to 2024 You don’t even acknowledge how many times you have been wrong. First Biden was Never gonna win next he was never getting into the White house then He will never be sworn in. And on and on. You also left out that Trumps current rally in Texas was HALF EMPTY That never ever happens with him. PEOPLE ARE GETTING TIRED OF BEING JERKED AROUND BY TRUMP AND PEOPLE LIKE YOU Please stop with the clickbait titles. NOT A WORD ABOUT 11.3
Have a real concern about President Trump’s support of the covid shots and boosters especially in light of all of the adverse reports on Vaers, and multiple reputable doctors and scientists from various countries warning of spike proteins, and the entire plandemic being a bio weapons attack on the world. How can Trump root out child sex slavery and support covid shots for children?