SCOTUS Decision Needed, Trap Set, It Will All Be Revealed, Tick Tock – Ep. 2684
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The [CB] is now pushing the Great Reset/Green Deal. They are completely exposed and this gives the people to fight back which they are doing, this will spread around the world. The supply chain problems are accelerating and they are now telling those in DC to start rationing their food. The push is to usher in the CBDC. The [DS] fell right into the trap the patriots set, all the pieces are coming together, the SCOTUS decision was needed. Soon it will all be revealed and people will see the truth just like they are seeing the truth about covid. The left is now waking up after a year plus of pushing the narrative. Trump has left some information in the J6 documentation, he left it there because he wanted the people to see it, this is all part of the plan, it’s time to take take the [DS] and take back the country.
The WEF/CB are now pushing their entire great reset/green deal, they are doing it while everyone can see very clearly.
Whatever the Regime says, do the opposite. I actually believed climate change might be a serious issue until they showed how willing they are to lie and manipulate us to gain control over us. Now, not at all.
— James Lindsay, watching narratives crumble (@ConceptualJames) January 22, 2022
- Farmers, cattle-breeders, hunters and opposition supporters descended Sunday on the Spanish capital of Madrid to protest environmental and economic policies by Spain’s left-of-center government that they say are hurting rural communities.
- Sunday’s protest was organized by Alma Rural 2021, a platform representing over 500 rural organizations from all corners of Spain. Members of opposition parties, ranging from centrists to far-right supporters, also attended.
- The demonstration came as Spanish politicians are campaigning before an early election in Castilla-Leon, a vast region northeast of Madrid where proposals against depopulation and agricultural policies are taking center stage.
- Canadian truckers against COVID tyranny blocked the highway entering the US from Canada both ways on Monday following new government rules that banned unvaccinated drivers from crossing the border into the US. One of the trucks had a sign reading, “Mandate Freedom!”
- Shelves are bare in the US, manufacturers cannot get parts, businesses are shutting down operations due to shortages. So what does the Biden regime do? They block at least 10% of the truckers from Canada and Mexiceo from entering the United States with their goods.
- If they were unvaccinated illegal aliens — no problem, come right in.
But since they are unvaccinated truckers bringing products into the US, they are being turned around. - Freight Waves reported:
The U.S. will close its borders to unvaccinated and partially vaccinated Canadian and Mexican truck drivers on Saturday, the Department of Homeland Security said on Thursday.
“These updated travel requirements reflect the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to protecting public health while safely facilitating the cross-border trade and travel that is critical to our economy,” Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement.
Rationing hits shithole DC.
— Raheem J. Kassam (@RaheemKassam) January 22, 2022
Britain to back suspension of Russia from SWIFT – reports
- British authorities are reportedly considering “an opportunity to support the suspension of Russia from the SWIFT international payment system, citing a hypothetical military conflict that could erupt between Russia and Ukraine.
- According to the British premier, the potential sanctions against Russia “cannot exclude” Nord Stream 2, the widely debated pipeline that is designed to increase gas supplies to crisis-hit European nations and is currently stuck in a protracted EU certification process.
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Biden DOJ Drops Charges Against MIT Scientist Allegedly Working For Chinese Communist Party.
- President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice dropped charges against Gang Chen, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor indicted under the Trump administration for concealing financial ties to the Chinese Communist Party while receiving federal research grants from the U.S.
- Kamala Harris this weekend told reporters that one of her “expectations” this year is mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.
BREAKING: Russia, Ukraine, France, and Germany to hold talks on eastern Ukraine, without US
- White House press secretary Jen Psaki couldn’t give an exact number when she was asked Friday how many Americans are currently in Ukraine. The Biden spokeswoman was grilled on US readiness to evacuate Americans from Ukraine.
- The State Department has ordered family members of U.S. embassy personnel in Kiev, Ukraine, to prepare for evacuation as the threat of a Russian invasion into that country appears to be growing by the day.
- The department “has ordered families of U.S. Embassy personnel in Ukraine to begin evacuating the country as soon as Monday,” Fox News reported on Saturday, citing “U.S. officials.”
False Flags
- Bill Maher sat down with Deadline Magazine this week before the start of his 20th season on HBO. The leftist icon told Deadline he is through with COVID, the vaccines don’t prevent you from transmitting or from catching the disease, and “What the f**k is the use of boosters?”
Every influencer on the Right who cheers Bari Weiss’ Captain Obvious moment after she helped promote this garbage for over a year should subsequently cheer those of us on the Right such as @JesseKellyDC @JordanSchachtel and others who were right about it from day one.
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) January 22, 2022
- The NFL and NFL Players Association have agreed to halt daily COVID-19 testing for unvaccinated players,
- The NFL’s most recent COVID-19 data release reported that 95% of players and nearly 100% of staff members are vaccinated. The change will apply to a small group of people.
- With only eight teams left in the playoffs, there are roughly 12 unvaccinated players remaining, a source told ESPN. Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, whose 90-day testing exemption following a positive case was set to expire soon, is one of them.
- The NFL began experiencing an omicron-fueled spike in mid-December. From Dec. 12 to Jan. 8, 756 players and 478 staff members tested positive. The majority were asymptomatic, according to the league, prompting a shift away from daily testing.
- “When the president of the United States says, ‘This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,’ it’s because him and his constituents, which, I don’t know how there are any if you watch any of his attempts at public speaking, but I guess he got 81 million votes,” Rodgers said in an interview with ESPN.
- That was just one part of a wide-ranging interview with ESPN’s Kevin Van Valkenburg this week. Rodgers also made it clear he doesn’t want to apologize for being himself.
- “I don’t want to apologize for being myself,” he said in the interview. “I just want to be myself.”
- .
Watch the CDC Director Admit ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Was a Big Lie, Here is the New Term They’re Using
- CDC Director Rochelle Walensky is having a rough week. After her own agency confessed that prior infection provided superior protection to the Delta variant than vaccination alone, she is now regretfully informing the American people that “fully vaccinated” was all a lie.
- “What we really are working to do is pivot the language to make sure that everybody is as up-to-date with their Covid-19 vaccines as they personally could be, should be, based on when they got their last vaccine,” she said.
- You “up-to-date” yet? This is all about “pivoting our language” and not about scientific reality. That reality came out this week when the CDC showed that prior infection provided a superior level of protection to vaccinated immunity after the Delta variant wave.
Another Bombshell Report: U.K. Study Shows Maskless Kids *Less Likely* to Test Positive for Covid
The U.K.’s Office of National Statistics also released a report that contained some blockbuster findings of its own, particularly on Covid testing and the masking of schoolchildren.
It’s no wonder the U.K. is dropping all mask mandates and don’t mask children in school. There is still no strong statistical evidence the oppressive measures work.
- The latest official health data from the British government revealed that triple vaccinated individuals once again accounted for the majority of all Covid-19 hospitalizations between December 20th and January 16th, with the double vaccinated – formerly known as the fully vaxxed – not far behind.
- the double/triple jabbed make up the majority of cases overall, but the boosted are actually spreading the virus at a significantly higher RATE per 100,000 than the unvaccinated – and that’s across almost every age demographic.
- Orange = not vaxxed rate of Covid infection per 100,000 – Blue = triple vaxxed/boosted rate o1f Covid infection per 100,000
- Starting at age 30, the cases among the boosted begin to skyrocket past the unvaxxed, with a rate as high as 3,996/100,000 in the 50-59 age bracket, which is an astounding 89% higher compared to the unvaxxed in this age group, who have a rate of 2,133/100,000.
- In other words, the boosted and the fully vaxxed have been the ones predominantly spreading this virus, which essentially proves that vaccine passports and similar mandates surrounding the vaccine are effectively pointless.
- In fact, the data also showed that, just like the last round of public health data, the fully vaccinated continue to make up 3 out of every 4 Omicron hospitalizations, which is in line with the UK’s overall vaccination rates.
- But, the triple vaxxed amount for the largest chunk and they are also spreading the virus at an increasing pace.
Feds actively dropping cases for Portland rioters
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) January 23, 2022
- Psaki claimed Florida, where schools have been 100% open since the Fall of 2020 has “done little” to distribute money to keep schools open.
- Democrat-run cities and counties have received Covid funds to keep schools open, yet many have gone back to virtual learning.
- Typical projection from a Democrat.
Governor DeSantis’ spokeswoman Christina Pushaw blasted Psaki and corrected the record.
“Florida public schools have been open to 100% of K-12 students since the Fall 2020 semester. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of many Democrat-run areas that received billions of dollars to “safely reopen schools” but are still forcing kids to do ineffective Zoom classes.” Pushaw said.
Tucker Obliterates Sham Jan 6th Committee: “They Are Lying About Ray Epps”
- Ray Epps finally testified in front of the sham Jan 6th committee on Friday,
- “pretty strange” the transcript of the interview is not public.
- The DOJ is refusing to answer whether or not Ray Epps was a federal agent.
- “After graduating from law school in in 1975, [Ray Epps’ lawyer] embarked on a rewarding nine-year career as an FBI Agent with the U.S. Department of Justice commencing in Cleveland and thereafter transferring to Phoenix,” Darren J. Beattie of Revolver News reported. “[Ray Epps’ lawyer] has seen it all, his biggest asset is his relation with prosecutors and law enforcement in ways other lawyers cannot because of his background…
- This is quite the fascinating nugget. Why would an FBI-connected lawyer be representing Ray Epps, who is one of the pivotal provocateurs of the January 6 riots?
Hillary Comeback Disaster – Polling Shows President Trump Would Crush Hillary in 2016 Rematch
- Newsmax reported on a poll by the McLaughlin Group that shows Hillary would get crushed by President Trump in a head-to-head repeat of 2020.
the documents that Trump was supposedly attempting to have blocked has been released. I say “supposedly” because I think there is something bigger going on here
So let’s look at the actual body of the draft Executive Order and see what it tells us.
Note the date of December 13, 2020 referenced above for Antrim County, Michigan and note where it falls in the timeline from Devolution – Part 16.
The draft order also states there is “evidence of international and foreign interference in the November 3, 2020, election.” The fact that this order was on standby and ready to be issued (and we don’t know for sure it wasn’t), tells me they had evidence of foreign interference. They then go on to list multiple entities with issues:
The key takeaway is that the above companies were all “subject to foreign interference in the 2020 election of the United States.”
The draft order goes on to cite testimony from a federal case:
The Operation
Here is where we get to the specifics of what Trump was going to do with this draft order.
There are two things that stick out to me from this first section.
- This draft order would give the Secretary of Defense (Christopher C. Miller) the discretion to determine the interdiction of election infrastructure.
- “…Identified in the operation order.” – Not only is there a draft Executive Order to address foreign interference but somewhere, there is an accompanying operation order as well.
Let’s continue.
I really want to make sure you understand the significance of this draft Executive Order so let’s do a quick recap.
- This order would draw upon authorities from:
- EO 12333: United States Intelligence Activities
- 4299
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 05/20/2020 21:12:50 ID: 9ae635
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Image Name: DhOEL47VAAA2WyL.jpgFilename: 23277fd0d67a1d8633d470e3420ea75dbad24df4a30b7d3d55e6f4cf5a17a5dd.jpg- EO 13848: Foreign Interference in a US Election
Acting DNI Grenell announces changes to election security briefings
— Office of the DNI (@ODNIgov) May 15, 2020
- NSPM 13 (21): US Cyber Operations Policy
- The order itself tells us that there was foreign interference in our elections and even the machines it came from.
- The order alludes to involvement from China.
- The order allows for the military to step in and “interdict” in our federal elections.
- The order tells us there is a separate operation order.
The draft Executive Order is telling us that President Trump received intelligence (EO 12333) that there was foreign interference in our election (13848) and based on the inclusion of NSPM 13. Remember what we know about NSPM 13.
This means that the intelligence that there was foreign interference in our elections would have been gathered in a military operation. It would have been CYBERCOM or the NSA, both of which are headed up by General Nakasone. This again leads me to believe there is something bigger as to why General Nakasone declassified the DoD Manual S-5240.01-A on January 7th, 2021:
- Everything the Democrats have done since Trump left office has boomeranged on them in spectacular fashion. I assumed this SCOTUS decision would be much of the same. I can’t imagine Trump would have left anything in those records that he didn’t want to be made public anyway. So why was this left in there?
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Enjoy you daily My husband and i both We look forward to hearing you.We have been listening to you for almost 2 years never miss a show.You keep us informed..We are unvaxed..and glad of it.Its a great thing your doing by keeping us informed we would have never made it threw all this without your Beam of Light and Hope Trump is a Great man and hope he returns.Evil people who did this to Our Country..We need public hangings again! Treason..Keep up the wonderful work your doing..and Thank you How can we donate a little something send an link..Thank You so much again for all you do.
How is creating a war with Russia and Ukraine, going to come back and bite them in the butt!!!! It will only hurt the people again, like they have been doing all along!!!!! Still waiting for all these things to be exposed!!!!! First Truth Social was coming out President’s Day – Now it Looks like end of March – are we going to be strung along again and again!!!!! When will things really start to change like you have been saying in all these reports???? I thought the new test rollout was scheduled April/May – now you are saying June/July – will it be August/September next month???? Like I mentioned above – when will things really start changing or are we all just being strung along!!!! While killing all those innocent people who believed what the deep state and big pharma were pushing – what about those lives lost – it seems a bit much to have gone that route!!! Let’s hope this omicron is the cure all to include all those who were vaccinated and boosted!!!!
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Why does the devol paragraph labeled number (7) talk about a Special Counsel and refer to “her duties”?
“they want the people to feel it, They want the people to beg for change” And what the “PATRIOTS, ” who by the way you conveniently stopped calling ” White hats” just sit back and watch as people starve and start killing each other for food? I cannot believe you still have so many followers. You obviously are still pushing the hopium because this site is a business for you . YOUR advertising has doubled. Wonder how much money you are raking in deceiving people. Every time Globalist take another step forward you claimed “Patriots wanted this” “they are backing them into a corner” The last big win for the Satanic pigs was getting Trumps Jan 6 info. You claimed it was driving them crazy because they don’t know what Trump is planning. They used their corrupt judges and got their hands on it and what do you say ” They wanted this to happen” If I had a dime every time you said ” They are panicking like never before” I would be rich. THEY are not panicking THEY are not in trouble THEY have taken full control of this country and will have full control of the world because of it AND DONALD TRUMP IS RESPONSIBLE HE STOOD DOWN AND LET THEM STEAL THE ELECTION. HE COULD HAVE SIGNED THE INSURRECTION ACT BUT HE THREW US UNDER THE BUS AND WALKED AWAY PERIOD!!! “HE CAUGHT THEM ALL” and let them get away with it
So explain to me why the gay pride loving treasonous AOTHBREAKING military is leaving a KNOWN foreign operative in place, and did so for a YEAR? Trump “caught them all” then let them loose for a YEAR to destroy America. 100% UNFORGIVEABLE
Dear Dave,
I really like you, Dave. But sometimes, you exaggerate to the point it appears intentional.
I listen to you all the time, catching up again when I miss a podcast or so. I acknowledge your exertion to put all of this together for me and others six times per week. I could never do this. I AQPPRECIATE you for this effort. (that was a typo I liked and left in)
Even so, you have lost credibility with me. Although you still bring to my attention many new things, I must now verify what you say in every case.
Larry Elder was hit with an egg, so softly that it didn’t break. Your article clearly went into this and your video clearly showed it. However, in your podcast, you said Larry Elder was hit with a rock. This is NOT a small thing. That is when you lost credibility with me. EVERYONE who watched the video you provided will feel this way, even if I am the only vocal one among us. I fact check you all the time now. I definitely do NOT cite you as a reliable source anymore, as I previously did. I wonder if you are doing this to intentionally make people doubt you for some reason.
Within the last few days, your article said there was a 700 page court filing, but your podcast stated that as a 7,000 page court filing. That could just be a slip of the tongue, but you need to be careful.
Water DROPLETS, not water Vapor, is what Covid rides on. Everything you say about the masks and the size of the holes in relation to water Droplets appears accurate, but you say water “Vapor.” Water Vapor is an invisible gas, just like Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Carbon Dioxide. As a gas, it can go through anything Air can, and then condense as water droplets when the air carrying it becomes supersaturated as it cools. This is how clouds form from clear skies. This is why airplanes leave contrails.
I fully understand that if a droplet can make it through one mask, it can make it through several layers of masks with the same size openings. However, you lose credibility with me and every other scientist out there when you state something that is not scientifically accurate. It is Fake Science to show invisible water Vapor condensing into visible water Droplets outside several masks and claim that water droplets have made it through those masks. It is Equally Fake Science to claim that water Vapor is the size of water Droplets, and that Covid rides on such Droplet-sized Vapor.
Again, I appreciate what you do, but PLEASE stop exaggerating and giving fake science.
Please address Fauci, Gates, and the corruption with Remdesivir and the vaccines. Read the book The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy jr.. Address the issue with Trump, HCL, Ivermectin, and vaccines.
Thank you Dave for all you do. You are a true PATRIOT. I am 64 years old in very good health. I am not vaccinated. I had Covid in the beginning. I had mild symptoms. I recently had the latest variant with mild symptoms. My Dr. does not recommend the experimental drug He and I believe in natural immunity I HAD two friends who were double vaccinated and boosted die 4 days after the booster from blood clots. Nobody will ever convince me this experimental drug is safe
How do we know the new tests will not be flawed as well? Since the covid virus is not isolated, there can not be a test for it. It’s all smoke and mirrors. I have lost all faith in our government, at this point in time. I am praying for deliverance from our enemies.