Sometimes It Takes Transparency To Force A Nation, Stage Being Set, U1- Ep. 2895
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The people around the world are feeling the energy crisis, they are now waking up and they know who is responsible. The [CB]/[WEF] played their hand to test the waters and it failed. PayPal stock crashes as people close accounts. The people are waking up and they see the power and control of the banking system should not be centralized. The [DS] is ready to use everything they have. Trump and the patriots have set the stage, the world is watching. Trump is ready to bring the narrative full circle. It will end with Ukraine and it will expose Clinton, Biden, Obama and many more. The pieces of the storm are coming together and the people are seeing it play out in real time.
BREAKING: Nasdaq falls to 2-year low on Monday (-1.84%); S&P 500 lost 1.2%
🔴 NASDAQ is down 33% in 2022
🔴 S&P 500 is down 24.5% in 2022
Stock market losses have wiped out $11 TRILLION from Americans' wealth
— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) October 10, 2022
BIDEN ECONOMY: Americans Seeing Most Severe Paycut in 25 Years Under Biden
- Americans are seeing the worst paycut in 25 years under Biden.
- The New York Post reported on real wage destruction under Biden:
Americans battered by soaring inflation since President Biden took office have effectively suffered the steepest pay cut in a quarter-century, according to data released by the Federal Reserve.
Researchers for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas published new findings that calculated “real wages” — the effective income of workers when adjusted for inflation.
“We find that a majority of employed workers’ real (inflation-adjusted) wages have failed to keep up with inflation in the past year,” the researchers said. “For these workers, the median decline in real wages is a little more than 8.5%.”
“Taken together, these outcomes appear to be the most severe faced by employed workers over the past 25 years,” the researchers added.
This is consistent with what was reported in September where the average American needed an annual wage increase of $11,500 to keep up with Biden’s inflation.
Believe it or not, bitcoin is money.
- let’s go through five examples of what bitcoin can do that the dollar, other fiat currencies
- The theme of censorship has been in the spotlight over the last decade, and especially relevant in the last handful of years.
- Twitter deplatformed a sitting president of the United States.
- COVID-19 origination theories — once viewed as heresy — are now largely accepted as valid. Believing in this theory earlier led to the deplatforming of many prominent people, including legitimate, respected doctors.
- And this is just what’s happening on social media. What happens when your money is censored?
- Look no further than the Canadian trucker protest that took place in early 2022. The Canadian government sought to require vaccination of every trucker that entered its country. At the sight of this obvious intrusion of human rights, the truckers decided to protest the mandate by essentially closing the capital city of Ottawa by blockading the streets.
- One thing led to another, and before you knew it, the Canadian banking system began to “turn off” the money of every person involved in these protests. That’s right. Whether you were a trucker yourself, donated some money to the efforts or passed out food, you were on the hit list and you had your money turned off. Frozen. It was there, but you couldn’t do anything with it.
- Today, it’s a trucker protest. What if it’s a women’s rights protest next? A protest against abuses by a country you’re allied with? Who decides?
- Bitcoin sure as heck doesn’t. Bitcoin doesn’t care about the color of your skin, your political affiliation, the country you’re in, what videos you watch on YouTube, etc. If you play by the same rules that everyone else plays by, you can use bitcoin.
- This is one reason why thousands of people donated bitcoin to the Canadian truckers’ cause. It was money that no one, not even the government or banking system, could stop. More than 21 bitcoin was raised in the effort by 5,000 donors, at the time totaling nearly $1 million in support.
- Bitcoin is censorship-resistant money.
- Bitcoin mining requires a great deal of energy. Talking heads on the news have parroted this line plenty of times. It’s supposed to consume all the world’s energy by 2020 (how’d that work out?).
- Ever needed banking services after 5:00 p.m. or on a weekend? Pretty inconvenient, right? In a world of globally connected markets and on-demand everything else, why haven’t our financial services been held to the same availability standards?
- Bitcoin has an up-time of 99.99%. Spanning more than 12 years, the Bitcoin network has only experienced a cumulative 14 hours of downtime.
- 24/7, 365. No holiday closures. No circuit breakers during volatile times. Tick tock, next block.
Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples’ Day?
- Little-known Origins of Columbus Day
- most Americans may not know the origin of Columbus Day. In 1891, after 11 Italians were lynched in New Orleans, President Benjamin Harrison declared “Columbus Day” as a one-time celebration the following year to honor the contributions of Italians and Italian Americans in the United States.
- President Harrison’s intention was for “Columbus Day” to be a one-time holiday. There was popular acclamation for an annual observance, however. That’s why it became a national holiday: Columbus Day as a bold affirmation of the dignity of Italian identity in the United States. Over the almost thirteen decades that it has been observed, it has evolved into an expression of Italian American pride and has, really, very little to do with the man who sailed the ocean blue.
“Fuck that guy… He’s with the Blacks.”
LA City Councilmembers Nury Martinez, Gil Cedillo, Kevin de León and LA Labor Federation President Ron Herrera making racist comments and discuss redistricting.
Listen to the audio:
— Knock LA (@KnockDotLA) October 9, 2022
— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) October 10, 2022
Now a majority of DEMOCRATS say Biden’s mental health in doubt
Joining Republicans, independents with concerns
- A new poll reveals that now a majority of Democrats think Joe “Biden possibly has mental health issues.”
- “Let that sink in,” said the analysis of the results from the new I&I/TIPP poll, after it revealed that 64% of all voters, nearly two-thirds, up from 59% in a similar poll just two months ago, believe Biden has mental issues.
- “Virtually all of October’s gain came from Democrats, who went from just 39% expressing ‘concern’ over Biden’s mental health in August, a high number in itself, to 52% in the latest poll.”
WND reported only days ago on Biden’s latest:
Biden: "Let me start off with two words: Made in America"
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 7, 2022

FBI possession since late 2019?
No FBI interview(s) _J/H Biden due to optics re: attack political opponent?
Lesson of the Day: If you run for POTUS all your past crimes magically disappear?
Sometimes it takes transparency to force action.
“Let’s see what happens.”
In this case, does having early stage dementia help you re: previous deniability? [harmful politically]

Igor Danchenko trial starts tomorrow
Durham is building the narrative, the trial itself is really not about Danchenko, its about exposing the FBI/Clinton etc, he needs to show they knew about this and they orchestrated it .
Geopolitical/Police State
- “There should be no room for the Chinese government to exercise extraterritorial law enforcement unilaterally on U.S. soil,” the lawmakers wrote in the letter.
- Republican lawmakers want answers from Attorney General Merrick Garland and Secretary of State Antony Blinken regarding a reported Chinese police station operating in New York City.
- Indiana Rep. Jim Banks, Republican Study Committee chairman, Florida Rep. Michael Waltz of Florida, Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher and other lawmakers sent a letter to Garland and Blinken expressing “grave concern” about the Chinese police presence in the city.
- According to the letter, the “Public Security (Police) Bureau of Fuzhou, China, announced in January 2022 that it has opened the ‘first batch’ of 30 overseas police service stations in 25 cities in 21 countries.”
- The lawmakers pointed out that the U.S. branch is “hosted at the American ChangLe Association” which is an “overseas Chinese hometown organization” in New York City.
- The group “shoulders the mission of uniting the villagers, fighting for their legitimate rights and interests, promoting the prosperity and stability of the overseas Chinese settlements, and acting as a bridge for the villagers to get rich through hard work.”
- “There should be no room for the Chinese government to exercise extraterritorial law enforcement unilaterally on U.S. soil,” the lawmakers wrote in the letter.
- Questions the lawmakers asked Garland and Blinken include whether the Biden administration invited or approved the Chinese police presence and if the State Department has approved visas for Chinese nationals to “perform law enforcement or other related government duties.”
North Korea says missile tests simulate striking South Korea with nuclear weapons
- North Korea’s recent flurry of missile tests were designed to simulate showering the South with tactical nuclear weapons as a warning after large-scale navy drills by South Korean and U.S. forces, state news agency KCNA said on Monday.
- North Korea fired two ballistic missiles early on Sunday, officials in Seoul and Tokyo said, making it the seventh such launch since September 25.
- Leader Kim Jong Un guided exercises by nuclear tactical operation units over the past two weeks, involving ballistic missiles with mock nuclear warheads, KCNA reported, saying it was to deliver a strong message of war deterrence.
- The various tests simulated targeting military command facilities, striking main ports, and neutralising airports in the South, KCNA added.

Stage being set?
The war was not started by Putin, the war was started by biden,obama,clinton, nuland, the [DS] players in 2014-2105, the war never ended, Putin will end it.
Poland advises its citizens to leave Belarus
- Polish citizens in Belarus should leave the country, as relations between the two countries become increasingly tense in part due to the war in Ukraine.
- Russian leader Vladimir Putin declared the bombing of the Kerch Strait bridge, which connects Russia to occupied Crimea, “an act of terrorism aimed at destroying Russia’s civilian and critical infrastructure” at a Russian Security Council meeting on Monday, promising a “massive strike” on Ukraine in response.
Putin clarifies the ongoing air strikes in Ukraine are a response to the myriad of terrorist attacks directed at Russian infrastructure.
Russia are striking “military, energy, and communication installations”.
Putin declares any further escalations will result in a “harsh and commensurate” response.
Crimean Bridge Investigation Indicates Ukrainian Special Forces Behind Attack
This morning, President Putin spoke via teleconference with the permanent members of the Russian Security Council, pertaining to initial results of the investigation into the Crimean Bridge sabotage. See…
Why is Randi Weingarten, president of the largest teacher’s union in America, headed to the Ukrainian border to “assess the situation”??
Maybe she’s there to ensure the Ukrainian children are vaxxed?
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) October 10, 2022
На нашій землі триває боротьба, масштабів якої світ не бачив із часів Другої світової. Ми не маємо права перекласти цю війну на наших дітей. Ворога потрібно знищити тут і зараз. І ми це можемо зробити.#valeriizaluzhnyi
— Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (@CinC_AFU) October 6, 2022
A struggle continues on our land, the scale of which the world has not seen since the Second World War. We have no right to transfer this war to our children. The enemy must be destroyed here and now. And we can do it.
A Ukrainian tank decorated with a swastika was caught on camera in Kharkov by a German news crew on September 20, 2022
Russiagate started off as a Clinton dirty trick to smear Trump. When he won anyway, it became an establishment scam to criminalize diplomacy with Russia.
It's the crime of the century, a crime that has led us to the precipice of World War III. Yet they all walk away scot free.
— Hans Mahncke (@HansMahncke) October 9, 2022
8kun/qresearch: 11004505
What hint does that explicitly refer to?
DOE? Department of Energy
Who would have the goods on U1?
Does stating ‘Q’ refer that person works in DOE?
Does it refer that someone dropping such information has the highest level of security within all departments?
Why is this relevant?(May 2010) BO “Russia should be viewed as a friendly partner under Section 123 the Atomic Energy Act of 1954” after agreeing to a new nuclear weapons reduction deal and helping US w/ Iran.
Who is the enemy?
What is being continually stated by all D’s?
Russia is what?
What did the Russia reset really provide?
Clearance/pathway to complete the U1 deal?
Why is the Canadian PM so important?
They never thought they were going to lose.
The calm before the storm.
False Flags
- The Covid mRNA vaccines have caused a massive increase in cardiac-related deaths among men aged 18 to 39, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo said on Friday.
- The evaluation found that “there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination.”
Lol after moving its original pub date from September to October, Jan 6 select committee now won't release its report until after the election
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) October 10, 2022
- Democratic nominee for Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that she won’t debate her opponent, Republican nominee Kari Lake.
Um… seriously, Katie?
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) October 9, 2022
- Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs is running for governor this year
- uncovered yearbook photos that show Hobbs was a student leader while her high school held a ‘Slave Day’ tradition
- The student council page with her face on it says the student leaders coordinated Spirit Week events – when Slave Day appears to have taken place
- It went on for longer than Hobbs’ tenure so it’s highly likely she was aware
- The tradition involves freshman ‘slaves’ following orders from senior ‘masters’
- Seton Catholic Preparatory School yearbook photos also show freshmen were able to buy seniors as ‘slaves’ in an ‘auction’ at another point
- One photo shows a student restraining another with a leash
- Now we are finding out that the high school spirit week that she organized had a ‘slave day’ where students bid for younger students to perform degrading tasks.
Even black face was involved.
Someone get this info to Kari Lake.
Kari Lake released the following statement on Katie Hobbs’ racist yearbook bombshell as reported by the Daily Mail:“Katie Hobbs’ record of racism, which already cost Arizona taxpayers $2.75 million after she was twice convicted of racist behavior, goes back to high school. The same Katie Hobbs who paid a woman-of-color $30,000 less than her white male counterparts also thought it appropriate to get involved in a cringe-inducing, racist ‘Slave Day’ and disgustingly celebrated it in her yearbook. And just last week, when Hobbs was asked in a forum to name one positive thing about the Latino community, she could not come up with an answer. This is a clear disappointing and alarming pattern, but this latest bombshell is beyond the pale. Silence and hiding won’t cut it on this one. Katie Hobbs owes it to every Arizonan to come out of hiding and finally take accountability for her troubling record of racism – and if Katie Hobbs won’t come out of hiding to explain herself, then the media owes it to the people of Arizona to find her.”
- Following the CEO’s arrest Fairfax County in Virginia announced they have stopped using Konnech’s PollChief election officer management software.
- And now Detroit has terminated its contract with Konnech following its founder’s arrest.
- reported:
The Washington Post has polls out today that show 93% of Democrats want to see Trump indicted
But other recent polls also found:
64% of Democrats support reparations
30% of Democrats think it's fine to kill a baby at its due date
25% of Democrats think men can get pregnant
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) October 10, 2022
How does one agency attach itself to another?
“the CIA is restricted in the collection of intelligence information directed against US citizens. Collection is allowed only for an authorized intelligence purpose; for example, if there is a reason to believe that an individual is involved in espionage or international terrorist activities. The CIA’s procedures require senior approval for any such collection that is allowed, and, depending on the collection technique employed, the sanction of the Director of National Intelligence and Attorney General may be required.”
Look here: FBI
Look here: DOJ
Trump Retruthed
#TrumpRally #SaveAmericaRally #Election2022
Watch our full coverage on Rumble here:
So, with the help of everyone here today, and citizens all across our land:
God Bless You and God Bless America!
10/9 | Mesa, Arizona

Interesting time we live in is an understatement.
Thanks for your report Dave as you report on items not heard through any other media sources. Example Nazis in the Ukraine.
US major media reports nothing and paints Ukraine as complete victims.
Yeah. It’s been “game over for them”, and “the stage has been set”, for over 20 months now. Most of us no longer believe that it has taken this long for “the people had to be shown…”.
If the military was REALLY behind Trump, there is no way they would’ve let the Deep-State decimate our country for this long. And why don’t you address the fact that both Jovan and Byrne don’t believe you either? We can see why you don’t ever interview THEM.
Dave. I don’t know if you have heard this before but it really made sense. I think the reason they shot Ashlee Babbit and beat that other woman nearly to death at the capitol was because they believed if they killed 2 unarmed women that the crowd would become enraged and turn violent and seek retribution against the capitol police and turn the incident into a giant blood bath that nobody would ever forget and Trump could never recover from. I think they fully intended to kill that 2nd woman but thank God she survived. This is why they kept picking her up after she had already collapsed and continued beating her. I believe they kept beating her when she was unconscious. They had every intention of ending her life so the crowd would retaliate at them. The more violent the whole ordeal would get, the better for them and worse for Trump. They had this all planned out, including targeting women, not men, but women. The crowd would not get set off if it had been men, but unarmed helpless women… they thought this was sure to ignite the crowd. These people are downright evil. They have no business being in positions of power. They need to face justice Dave.
I find it strange that Newsome and these governors in the liberal states can’t figure out why people are leaving their states in droves. I’m more inclined to believe that they know why people are leaving and are actually deliberately trying to run the people out. Everything about these Democrats is fake. Deception is their specialty and it is the only thing they are any good at. I think they are putting on an act when they say they don’t know why people are leaving. The question is, why are they doing it? Why are they running people off to the red states? Are they trying to clean out their cities and states of conservatives because they only want liberals there? Do they have something already planned like seceding? Are they trying to run most of the conservatives to certain locations to make it easier to target them because they are in specific locations for them or a foreign enemy they are working with to attack? Just carpet bomb those locations and ¾ of the resistance is out of the way? Drive them to border states and then open up the borders and let millions of foreigners into those states and when there are enough of them in those states then give the signal and all the foreigners and the cartels can come in and take over those states? It sure does seem like people of our like minds are being herded into the southern region and we know their loyalty is no longer for this country but foreign powers. They are evil enough to do something like that and I can tell they are doing this for a reason. I got a bad feeling about this.
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